The porcelain bowl of Zhuangxing Wine fell into pieces, and the timid Kuomintang people were immediately alert. They quickly stepped forward and tried to subdue Xiao Minghua's legs and make her kneel down to the evil traitor.


The porcelain bowl of Zhuang Xingjiu was torn into pieces, and the timid Kuomintang people were immediately alert. They quickly stepped forward and tried to subdue Xiao Minghua's legs, making her kneel down to the evil traitor.

Xiao Minghua

But it’s just a fool’s dream.

An evil spirit can never suppress the spirit of justice, and a noble spirit will never give in.

Xiao Minghua broke away from a group of people and died generously shouting "Long live the Communist Party! Long live the People's Republic of China! Long live Chairman Mao!"

Chairman Mao

sacrificed Xiao Minghua’s young life, but before he was imprisoned in 1950, the cheongsam that Xiao Minghua took back saved the backbone of the Communist Party.

fell into the hands of thieves, why did Xiao Minghua insist on taking back the cheongsam? What important role does she play in the cause of revolutionary development?

The fate of revolution

On December 24, 1946 , another crime committed by US soldiers on Chinese territory was added.

This time, it was a female student from Peking University who suffered.

A beautiful girl was coveted by an arrogant man. On a dark and stormy night, the two unscrupulous men hit it off and insulted the girl at the Dongdan playground in Peking.

What is destroyed is the innocence of the girl, but what is expanded is the beastly heart of the thief.

No Chinese people will sit idly by when their compatriots are being violated.


" Beijing News " Several well-known newspapers broke through the authorities' blockade and publicly reported the incident.

Students from Peking University, Tsinghua also held vigorous demonstrations to demand justice for the humiliated female students, so that those who crossed the line should be punished as they should.

But what the US military does is really disgusting.

Deportation and expulsion are punishments in China. However, after the two arrived in the United States, the US military canceled all punishments for the two with the words "insufficient evidence" .

The picture comes from the Internet

The lives of the two have not been affected at all, but what about the female student?

Xiao Minghua was very angry, but at the same time he was completely sober.

Only when the country is strong can the people have real peace and real rights.

The Kuomintang is obviously unreliable.

If China wants to win the war, the only one it can rely on is the Communist Party of China.

Soon after, Xiao Minghua contacted Zhu Fangchun, the head of the underground party of the Chinese Communist Party.

Zhu Fangchun

On the surface, Zhu Fangchun is a teacher at Beijing Normal University, but his secret identity is a cadre of the Enemy Industry Department of the Communist Party of China's Hebei Central Military Region.

As for Xiao Minghua, Zhu Fangchun is still her old acquaintance in Chongqing.

Xiao Minghua was not from Chongqing, but was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province in August 1922. However, "thanks to the Japanese" , after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War , in order not to become a subjugated slave, Xiao Minghua's family moved to Chongqing. .

Xiao Minghua's brother Xiao Mingzhu and Zhu Fangchun became close friends, and Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun met during this time.

In 1941, Xiao Minghua graduated from Chongqing Normal School, , and in the autumn of 1943, he was admitted to the Chinese Language Department of

Baisha National Women's Normal College with excellent results.

Chongqing Normal College

In November 1946, Peking Normal College resumed school in Beijing, and Xiao Minghua, who was only 24 years old, also transferred here from the original school.

On the campus of Peking Normal University, Xiao Minghua reunited with his eldest brother Zhu Fangchun.

"Huamei, the school has just been restored, and the members are extremely complicated. You should listen more and watch more in everything. You should make friends carefully and consider your future development path."

This is the advice Zhu Fangchun gave Xiao Minghua, but it is not all he gave.

"On Social Development" by Deng Chumin , "Popular Philosophy " by Ai Siqi , and "Political Economics" translated by Shi Cuntong. These progressive books that are hard to find in bookstores are all written by Zhu Fangchun. A gift for Xiao Minghua.

Deng Chumin

Because he knows that only by accepting the influence of advanced ideas can we have the opportunity to create more diverse possibilities for life.

Under the influence of progressive books and the vigorous student movement, Xiao Minghua once again approached Zhu Fangchun.

"Brother Zhu, I want to do something meaningful. Please tell the organization, I am willing to dedicate everything I have to the party and the people's revolutionary cause" .

Zhu Fangchun agreed.

Xiao Minghua's inner enthusiasm and caution are valuable traits only found in revolutionaries. Zhu Fangchun feels that she is a malleable talent.

Xiao Minghua

The sharp blade is out of the sheath, and it is more necessary to find the right time , so Zhu Fangchun repeatedly told Xiao Minghua, "Don't show your face easily, because there are more important things for you to do."

On September 27, 1947, under the introduction of Zhu Fangchun, Xiao Minghua joined the Enemy Industry Department of the Central Hebei District of the Communist Party of China and was directly under the leadership of "Big Brother" Zhu Fangchun.

As a brother and sister, Zhu Fangchun would provide help for Xiao Minghua's life, but when Xiao Minghua becomes a true Communist Party member, Zhu Fangchun will only treat everyone equally.

Because nepotism is absolutely not allowed to occur within the Chinese Communist Party , and also because party members with the same goal will be brothers who have died.

Xiao Minghua was about to graduate from Peking Normal College in June 1948, but in the spring of 1948, her mentor Tai Jinnong suddenly invited her to teach in Taiwan.

Taijing Nong

On the one hand, there is the upcoming graduation ceremony and his parents and family in China, and on the other hand, there is Tai Jinnong’s invitation. What choice will Xiao Minghua make?

The guide became the "husband"

"I am willing to go to Taiwan."

Because this is an excellent opportunity to cross the strait and penetrate behind enemy lines.

Of course Xiao Minghua is not willing to let it go.

Although she does not want to abandon her parents, how can she have a family without a country? If the country is not at peace, how can the small family be safe?

For the victory of the revolution, someone must make personal sacrifices. Xiao Minghua doesn't mind, that person is himself.

The Chinese revolution was on the eve of dawn. Xiao Minghua was willing to "shine" for the country, so she rushed to the other side of the Taiwan Strait without hesitation in mid-June 1948 to engage in espionage work for the enemy's Ministry of Industry.

Xiao Minghua (lower right)

But after arriving in Taiwan, Xiao Minghua's identity has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In mainland China, she is a student and a revolutionary, but in Taiwan, Xiao Minghua is a teacher at Taiwan Normal University and the wife of Zhu Fangchun.

In September 1948, Zhu Fangchun, who had changed his name to Yu Fei, gave a lecture at the "Social Science Research Association" organized by the Taiwan Provincial Government, and used this as a base to "find good people" and inspect and cultivate revolutionary backbones.

In order to dispel the doubts of the heart, Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun formed the "revolutionary couple" .

Zhu Fangchun appeared in the name of "Yu Fei", while Xiao Minghua secretly promoted the revolution as a "virtuous wife".

Thanks to the efforts of Xiao Minghua and other comrades in Taiwan, the Taiwan Working Group was quickly established.

But even so, China in 1948 was not peaceful.

Chiang Kai-shek was still eyeing power even though defeat was a foregone conclusion. However, under the heavy attacks of the People's Liberation Army, his dreams were shattered one after another.

Chiang Kai-shek

On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army forcibly crossed the Yangtze River and occupied Nanjing . The Kuomintang's "old nest" was replaced, and the victory of the People's Liberation Army was about to sound.

The People's Liberation Army liberated Nanjing

In June 1949, Zhu Fangchun went to Beiping and sent important information "About Chiang Kai-shek's Military Strength in Taiwan" to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the same time, he also received the message from his superiors that "obtain military power at any cost" intelligence" mission.

Mainland China has been liberated one after another, but the Taiwan issue has not yet been resolved.

But Taiwan is a territory belonging to China, and Taiwan compatriots are also Chinese compatriots. The Chinese government has never forgotten Taiwan and will never give up on Taiwan.

The purpose of revolutionaries such as Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun going to Taiwan is also the people's wish to help the reunification of both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Peace is the general trend, but dangers must be guarded against. The clothes drying rod placed on the window sill is the "special secret code" of Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun.

The picture comes from the Internet

If there are clothes hanging to dry, it proves that the home is safe. If not, then run quickly and don't come in.

Because of this code, there are always clothes flying in the love nest of Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun, sometimes it is Zhu Fangchun's white shirt, sometimes it is Xiao Minghua's cheongsam.

All revolutionaries worked hard, but what they gained was national freedom.

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China was established.

Chairman Mao

Xiao Minghua, who was far away in Taiwan, adjusted the radio on the afternoon of October 1. When the familiar " The East is Red " melody came from the radio, she and three other comrades held each other's hands tightly. Hands, letting the tears of excitement flow wildly.

However, although the evil-minded Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan in December, he still followed his troubled nature.

And this also disrupted the revolutionary process of Xiao Minghua and Zhu Fangchun.

From December 1949 to January 1950, Xiao Minghua and his comrades risked their lives six times to deliver top-secret information, which provided an important reference for our army to liberate Hainan Island and Zhoushan Islands.

The successive actions of the Taiwanese working group triggered the enemy's vigilance. In order to stabilize Taiwan's precarious rule, Chiang Kai-shek declared "martial law" on the entire island and started the " Tu Di Emperor ".

Chiang Kai-shek

This was Chiang Kai-shek's yearning for power, but it was the compatriots in mainland China and Taiwan who suffered for it.

As the white terror swept across Taiwan, the Taiwanese workers' group's actions went underground.

Even with caution, Zheng Chenyan and Wang Longyu , members of the Taiwanese working group, fell into the hands of thieves on January 31, 1950.

However, Zhu Fangchun and Xiao Minghua did not know the news accurately because the enemy wanted to "catch them all".

On February 4, 1950, a deliberate enemy knocked on the door of Xiao Minghua's house.

Xiao Mingzhu, his wife and children, as well as Zhu Fangchun and Xiao Minghua in the house immediately fell into alert.

"Who is it? Please wait a moment?"

Xiao Minghua asked Zhu Fangchun to evacuate quickly from the back door, and opened the door calmly.

Don’t take my bones home

Standing outside the door were two strangers, one tall and one short.

They were neatly dressed in military uniforms. When the door opened, they immediately looked into the house.

"Mr. Lu from the Provincial Social Affairs Department would like to invite Professor Yu to resume practical social psychology lectures. Excuse me, is Mr. Yu Fei at home?"

Xiao Minghua opened the door openly, then crossed his arms and said casually, "Yu Fei The professor is not here, he went to visit the teacher at National Taiwan University."

The picture comes from the Internet

The two looked around the room, but they didn't see Yu Fei's shadow, so they left.

And when the two people disappeared completely, Xiao Minghua no longer felt in the mood to celebrate his brother Xiao Mingzhu's birthday.

because she knew that the storm was coming.

"Brother, if something unexpected happens, you will only insist that we are brother and sister, and you have no idea that I am a revolutionary."

After explaining this, Xiao Minghua hurriedly sent away her brother and sister-in-law's family, because she didn't want them to be implicated, because she knew that she was already in danger.

The picture comes from the Internet

But even so, she still couldn't leave.

Because Xiao Minghua didn't know what information the enemy had, she couldn't reveal it.

Late at night on February 6, 1950, the Taiwan Provincial Security Command sent people to arrest Xiao Minghua.

But even though he was on the verge of a near-death situation, Xiao Minghua was more worried about Zhu Fangchun's safety.

"Comrade, I can go with you, but can I take back the cheongsam that I hung out in the window? I'm afraid it will rain at night."

The picture comes from the Internet

The people at the headquarters agreed, and Xiao Minghua also successfully used his own sacrifice to send a signal to the members of the Taiwanese work group:

There is nothing in the bamboo pole, and there is no danger.

After doing all this, Xiao Minghua finally left with peace of mind, but what awaited her was all kinds of torture in "Yam Luo Temple" .

electric chair , tiger bench , tied and beaten, and not allowed to sleep for five days and five nights.

Xiao Minghua endured such repeated torture for two hundred and seventy-eight days.

The "little devils" hoped to find out information about the Communist Party when Xiao Minghua's consciousness was blurred, but Xiao Minghua did not.

No matter what kind of torture she suffered, Xiao Minghua always gritted her teeth and did not ask for mercy. If she had the slightest consciousness, she would sing about communism and just smile contemptuously at the enemy's ugly face.

Pictures from the Internet

Although his body was ravaged, Xiao Minghua's loyalty to the cause of communism never wavered.

On November 8, 1950, Xiao Minghua saw the sun that he had not seen for a long time. It was very warm and precious.

But Xiao Minghua will never have such an opportunity again.

Because Xiao Minghua will be executed on this day.

Xiao Minghua always held his head high above the verdict of the military court .

The picture comes from the Internet

After the end, she calmly picked up the pen and left the last instruction for her relatives "Don't take my remains home, let her stay in Taiwan" because she wanted to see Taiwan with her own eyes. return.

Xiao Minghua's handwriting

When he was about to be sent to the execution ground, Xiao Minghua arranged his clothes and hair, and said sincerely to the fellow prisoners, "Sisters, I hope you will be free soon."

The shackles bind the body, and the false accusations are the ambition of thieves , but the ideal of the Communists is eternal purity and freedom.

Xiao Minghua is not afraid of death, because she knows that if she sacrifices herself, more "Xiao Minghua" will stand up to promote the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and promote better development of China.

When you die, you must die with dignity, and when you die, you must sing for the cause of communism for the last time.

So on the execution ground on November 8, Xiao Minghua refused to kneel and expressed his loyalty with his last words on earth.

Xiao Minghua Tombstone

Xiao Minghua died in Taiwan, but Zhu Fangchun survived because of her reminder and reported the situation in Taiwan to the central government truthfully, avoiding more casualties and protecting more underground workers in Taiwan.

Xiao Minghua, who died heroically, was recognized as a revolutionary martyr in the 1980s, and the cross-strait reunification that she worried about and devoted her life to is just around the corner.

What is the backbone of China? Should you immerse yourself in hard work or plead for the people? Is it sacrificing one's life to seek the Dharma? Or fight for the cause of communism for life?

All of the above are true, and Xiao Minghua is also the backbone of China.

Cross-strait reunification is what the people want. This was true in 1951, and it will be true in 2022 as well.

pictures from the Internet

This is the general trend, the people's wish, and the inevitable result of historical development.