According to Japanese media reports, the Imperial Household Agency released for the first time on July 14 photos of Emperor Naruhito and his family of three raising silkworms at the Imperial Sericulture Center on Momijiyama in the Imperial Palace. Since the Meiji Era, "imperial s

According to Japanese media reports, the Imperial Household Agency released for the first time on July 14 photos of Emperor Naruhito and his family of three raising silkworms at the Imperial Sericulture Center on Momijiyama in the Imperial Palace. Since the Meiji Era, "imperial sericulture", which has shouldered the important task of inheriting Japanese culture, has been a traditional activity inherited by successive empresses. When Masako became empress, she took over from the empress Michiko. This year is the third year that Masako has inherited the work of sericulture, and it is the first time for Emperor Naruhito and his daughter Princess Aiko to join. According to reports, the three sets of five photos released this time were taken in May and June respectively.

(Photo taken on June 11)

58-year-old Masako still wears her hair in a bun , wearing a navy long-sleeved cardigan with a white top underneath, and a blue floral silk scarf hanging around her neck, embellished with flower shapes. The style of the pearl earrings and necklace is much more casual than when attending official events, but it can also be seen that she has been carefully dressed up, making her very gentle and elegant. The 62-year-old Deren 's silver hair is particularly eye-catching, which is in sharp contrast with the black and shiny hair of the lady beside him. Deren took off his crisp suit and put on an old shirt, looking like a Japanese uncle. The wrinkled and creased blue and white plaid shirt was simple and unpretentious. is worthy of being a low-key Japanese royal family.

(Photo taken on June 11)

Standing opposite Masako, Aiko was wearing a pink plaid chiffon top, without any jewelry, and her private clothes were very simple and plain. Under the five-point sleeves, Aiko's hands have skin as smooth as gel. The skin is delicate, pink and smooth, and is so white that it glows. The figure is slightly plump, but Aiko 's wrists are so thin, with a pair of slender fingers. On this day, Aiko tied up her hair in a high ponytail. The top of her head was fluffy and no longer stuck to her scalp. She gave up the Japanese greasy "barcode bangs" and replaced it with a few strands of broken hair randomly scattered in front of her forehead. The Korean ponytail instantly improved the fashion and also More youthful and energetic. The beloved son, who was often criticized for his poor appearance, suddenly transformed into an adult. corrected his teeth and got a new hairstyle, and his temperament improved rapidly. The ugly duckling turned into a white swan and became a counterattack princess, which dazzled the outside world.

(Photo taken on June 1st)

Let’s look at Aiko’s other look. She has a black half-sleeved top with a bow on the neck and gray-blue high-waisted trousers. She is a professional woman dressed dignified and capable, with a braided hairstyle to add a sense of style. A bit playful and cute. The 20-year-old Aiko has inherited her mother's tall figure, and is already taller than her father. She looks more and more like Masako when she was young. She seems to have inherited her mother's aesthetics and clothing, and is becoming more and more fashionable.

(Photo taken on June 1)

Now Masako no longer has the same variety of styles as she did during the period of the princess, and now she pursues elegance and comfort in her clothes. The suit skirt that never goes wrong when performing official duties has become a semi-permanent standard. When working, a plaid shirt and a windbreaker vest can be worn easily, and the sleeves can be rolled up to get to work. According to reports, Emperor ’s family of three were communicating while raising silkworms, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Aiko has been raising silkworms at home for more than ten years since childhood and is very familiar with it. He also asked many questions from his experienced mother on the spot and quickly became a good helper to his mother.

(Photo taken on May 19)

My beloved son, who is currently a third-year student at University, focuses on his studies. Except for the first press conference held in March this year, he has not yet performed official duties alone. According to the Imperial Household Agency, it was Aiko's initiative to help her mother raise silkworms, and it can be seen that Aiko is very motivated in official duties. Aiko's outstanding performance at the press conference left a good impression on the outside world as being smart, humorous and honest, and the princess's solo official debut has attracted increasing expectations.

Masako participated in the "Sericulture Acceptance Ceremony" on the 12th of this month, successfully ending this year's sericulture work. According to Japanese media reports, Masako, whose health has been unstable, still insisted on completing her work despite waist discomfort. She recently participated in two activities within a week in the sweltering heat. Her official attitude of performing her duties energetically was praised by the public.Masako's attendance rate is directly catching up with her sister-in-law Noriko's. Although the succession to the throne falls on the Akishino family, the willful eldest daughter Princess Mako and the negative news-ridden little prince Hisuhito make the public hate the Akishino family. It's a disappointment. Faced with Masako Aiko's mother and daughter who have an increasingly strong sense of existence, Noriko must be under a lot of pressure.