(The full text is 1,200 words, the estimated reading time is 5 minutes, so stay tuned) In 1398 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang, the first generation chairman, chairman and CEO of the Ming Empire died of illness at the age of 70. In ancient times, seventy years old was rare, so Lao Zhu could be

(The full text is 1,200 words, the estimated reading time is 5 minutes, so stay tuned)

In 1398 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang, the first generation chairman and CEO of the Ming Dynasty , died of illness at the age of 70. In ancient times, seventy years old was rare, so Lao Zhu could be regarded as a long-lived old man.

Zhu Yuanzhang stills

Before his death, Zhu Yuanzhang wrote a posthumous edict and passed it on to the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunwen, saying: " The emperor's grandson Yunwen is a benevolent and filial friend. The world is at home and he should ascend to the throne. The civil and military officials at home and abroad work together to assist the government in order to secure our people. ".

At the same time, because Zhu Yunwen's political and military experience was very immature, in order to prevent the imperial power from falling aside, Zhu Yuanzhang also ordered the world that " kings in the country should not go to the capital ."

Zhu Yuanzhang did not allow the vassal kings in charge of the military power to return to the capital to mourn him. He only asked them to stay in the feudal country and set up a mourning hall to worship him.

Among the 25 first-generation vassal kings, 24 were Zhu Yuanzhang's sons, and one was his grandnephew, all of whom were from Lao Zhu's own family.

Therefore, after learning about Zhu Yuanzhang's death, the vassal kings were extremely sad. Although they had the intention to go to the capital to keep vigil, there was an edict here, so they could not help themselves, so most of them chose to stay in their fiefdoms to keep vigil.

In addition to King YanZhu Di, he suddenly heard the news of his father's death. In grief, he immediately got up and took his wife and children to the capital.

Historical materials do not specify how many troops Zhu Di brought this time. Whether it was a small escort of several hundred people or a large escort of two to three thousand people.

However, what we can know is that King Zhu Di of Yan did not reach Nanjing. Because as early as when Zhu Di was driving on the road, the new emperor Zhu Yunwen, who heard the news, quickly sent someone with his own edict, ordering Zhu Di to return immediately without any mistakes.

Zhu Di stills

Zhu Di held his nephew's edict in his hand, and the boss was unhappy. I don’t know if he really had a deep affection for his father Zhu Yuanzhang, so he wanted to keep vigil at the funeral; or if he wanted to take advantage of Zhu Yuanzhang’s recent death and the new emperor Zhu Yunwen’s young age and unstable foundation, and then contact the courtiers to force him into the palace. In my opinion, maybe there are two possibilities.

In short, the relationship between Zhu Di and Zhu Yunwen, the uncle and nephew, has deepened.

Several years ago, when Zhu Di and other kings were still in the capital, some of Zhu Di's ways of doing things were not liked by Zhu Yunwen.

Zhu Yunwen has a very similar personality to his father Zhu Biao. They are more generous and kind, but they lack Zhu Biao's decisiveness and skill in doing things.

Zhu Yunwen stills

On the contrary, Zhu Di has loved riding horses and archery since he was a child. Zhu Yuanzhang has always trained Zhu Di to be a military general. Therefore, Zhu Di's behavior is to kill fiercely, but at the same time, Zhu Di is also good at winning people's hearts and winning over his subordinates.

Therefore, Zhu Yunwen did not have a good impression of Zhu Di on weekdays. Of course, because Zhu Di had not directly offended Zhu Yunwen, Zhu Yunwen could not be said to dislike Zhu Di. In short, it’s neither good nor bad.

After Zhu Yunwen succeeded to the throne, he also realized the power of the vassal king. At this time, he had two close ministers. One is called Qitai , and his position is Shangshu of the Ministry of War; the other is called Huang Zicheng, and his position is Minister of Taichang Temple.

Huang Zicheng stills

Both of them were Jinshi scholars, standard scholars, not proficient in military affairs, but their strategic vision was very similar, and they both believed that the vassal vassal must be reduced. However, there was a dispute between the two over the order of cutting down the feudal vassal.

First of all, both Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng believed that they should not cut too many vassals at one time, and first cut down the five vassal kings: King Zhou, King Qi, King Dai, King Xiang, and King Yan.

However, Qi Tai believed that among the kings, King Yan was the most powerful and powerful, so he should first deprive King Yan of his title, put him under house arrest, and then deal with him.

Qitai stills

Huang Zicheng disagreed. He believed that King Yan had made great achievements in defeating the Mongolian cavalry before, and he had not made any mistakes. If you attack King Yan first, you may not gain the support of public opinion. He suggested that the title of King Zhou Zhu Zhu should be abolished first, then the other three kings, and finally King Yan.

Huang Zicheng is Zhu Yunwen's teacher and has been with Zhu Yunwen since he was the emperor's grandson. Therefore, between Qi Tai and Huang Zicheng, Zhu Yunwen listened to Huang Zicheng's suggestion and started with Zhou Wang Zhu Xi.

At this time, neither Zhu Yun nor Huang Zicheng thought about it. The decision you make today will bring you irreversible consequences in the future!