Before the story begins, we must first mention a person. This person's name is Guo Wuwei. Guo Wuwei, also known as Wubuwei, was a native of Qiancheng, Qingzhou during the Five Dynasties period. According to historical records, this dear friend has a very special appearance with a

(image of Guo Wuwei)

Before the story begins, we must first mention a person. This person’s name is Guo Wuwei.

Guo Wuwei, whose name is Wuwei, had Qingzhou thousands of people during the Five Dynasties period.

Historical records record that this dear man has a very special appearance with a square beak.

Square shape means that Guo Wuwei’s forehead is not round or full, but square.

Bird's beak means that his mouth is pointed and protruding, like a bird's beak.

looks like this, which basically has nothing to do with being handsome.

Due to his peculiar appearance, Comrade Guo Wuwei lived in seclusion in Wudang Mountain when he was young.

Dining in the wind, drinking dew, searching for immortals and discussing the Tao, it can be said that the days lived were mysterious and mysterious.

Moreover, Guo Wuwei is very resilient. He went up to Wudang Mountain and never came back down. He stayed there for ten years.

People who behave like this can be collectively called "extraordinary people."

The purpose of the extraterrestrial master Guo Wuwei going to Wudang Mountain was to avoid the secular world and reduce his influence. But strangely, the longer he stayed on Wudang Mountain, the more his reputation spread among the people.

People often say that Mr. Guo from Wudang Mountain is a strange man, with talent from all over the world, and if he can get it, he can conquer the world.

When Guo Wuwei was at his most famous, it coincided with Later Zhou Taizu Guo Wei proclaimed himself emperor.

(image of Guo Wei, Taizu of the Later Zhou Dynasty)

Compared with his son Chai Rong, Guo Wei was certainly not a peerless Mingjun or an unparalleled hero, but overall he was also a successful founding emperor. When he just founded the country and ascended the throne He was thirsty for talents. As soon as he heard that there was an expert on Wudang Mountain, he immediately sent a large sum of money to invite Guo Wuwei down the mountain and arranged for him to work in the court of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

However, although Guo Wuwei went ashore, entered the system, and became a civil servant, things in the yamen were not very good, and there were always many uncertain factors. Although Guo Wei was willing to spend money to recruit Guo Wuwei to work. , but Guo Wuwei was not immediately reused, but was placed in a grassroots department.

And because Guo Wuwei had always been poor and had no money to manage his colleagues or bribe his superiors, he was very marginalized in the officialdom and did not do well.

Once, the resolute and straightforward Guo Wuwei contradicted his boss. The boss went to Guo Wei without saying a word and made a small report, saying that Guo Wuwei relied on his talent and arrogance, was unorganized and undisciplined, was passive and slack at work, and could not cooperate with his colleagues at all.

Guo Wei didn't know people well, so he ignored Guo Wuwei after he got there, completely cutting off his path to promotion and wealth.

However, despite his official frustration, Guo Wuwei made a good friend in the court of the Later Zhou Dynasty. This friend's name was Zhao Kuangyin .

At that time, Zhao Kuangyin's position in the court of the Later Zhou Dynasty was that of the leader of the East and West Squadron and the deputy commander of Huazhou. He was mainly responsible for the honor guard and security of the palace, and his official position was not too big.

Guo Wuwei and Zhao Kuangyin fell in love with each other and fell in love at first sight. They regarded each other as close friends, but their fates were completely different.

Although Zhao Kuangyin's official position was not high, he was deeply trusted by the emperor. It was only a matter of time before he was promoted and his salary was increased.

Guo Wuwei is at the grassroots level, mired in office politics, and has lost the emperor's trust. There is a high probability that he will have no hope of promotion.

(Portrait of Zhao Kuangyin, Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty)

Therefore, although Guo Wuwei was unwilling to separate from the good friends and brothers he had just met, for the sake of his own future, he left Hou Zhou and went all the way north to Taiyuan Prefecture, Shanxi. Northern Han regime.

The Northern Han Dynasty's sphere of influence was probably in the central and northern parts of Shanxi today, between the Later Zhou Dynasty and Khitan.

The founding emperor of the Northern Han Dynasty, Liu Chong, was the younger brother of Liu Zhiyuan, the emperor of the Later Han Dynasty. The Later Han regime was overthrown by Guo Wei's rebellion and destruction.

Based on this past event, the emperors of the Northern Han Dynasty were always hostile to the Later Zhou Dynasty. The founding emperor Liu Chong devoted his life to overthrowing the rule of the Later Zhou Dynasty and restoring the Later Han Dynasty, even at the cost of using the power of the Khitans to fight against it. The following week.

But it is a pity that Liu Chong was very ambitious but lacked the ability. He fought all his life. Guo Wei, Taizu of the Later Zhou Dynasty, received a lunch and his son Zhou Shizong Chai Rong became the emperor, but he was unable to realize his long-cherished wish. .

When Guo Wuwei traveled to the Northern Han Dynasty, the founding emperor Liu Chong died of illness and his son RuizongLiu Jun took over.

Liu Jun is different from his father. His father Liu Chong likes fighting and militarism, while Liu Jun has a gentle temperament and only likes to maintain the status quo and does not like to mess around. The new emperor who is diligent in serving the people and appointing people on their merits heard this. It was said that Guo Wuwei, the great sage of the time, came to the Northern Han Dynasty. I also heard that Guo Wuwei claimed that Guan Zhong was reborn and Le Yi was reincarnated, and could be called Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Little Zhuge. He immediately invited Guo Wuwei as a distinguished guest and appointed him For the Prime Minister.

(Image of Liu Jun, Emperor Ruizong of the Northern Han Dynasty)

Guo Wei did not like Guo Wuwei, because the Zhou family had a great cause and had no shortage of talents. However, the Northern Han Dynasty was small and the people were small, and the new emperor ascended the throne. It was the right time to hire people, and it happened to fall from the sky. The next Guo Wuwei will not let Liu Jun like him.

As time goes by, Guo Wuwei became the number one minister in the court during Liu Jun's reign, a powerful figure with all the power in the court.

However, although Guo Wuwei was a powerful minister, he had no bad intentions. He worked hard and worked hard during his tenure as prime minister, and within a few years, the people's livelihood economy of the Northern Han Dynasty was flourishing.

There are many reasons why Guo Wuwei is so capable. One of the most important points is that Guo Wuwei was extremely resentful of the later Zhou regime.

I practiced in Wudang Mountain for ten years, dormant for ten years, and tempered for ten years. After all, I was a famous figure in the world. However, I was tricked and abducted by Guo Wei and sent to the later Zhou Dynasty. I suffered humiliation. It was difficult to display my great talents and express my ambitions. In the end, I could only Leave in despair.

Therefore, Guo Wuwei resented the exclusion and suppression of him by the ministers of the Later Zhou Dynasty, and resented his own sufferings in the Later Zhou Dynasty. He also resented Zhou Taizu Guo Wei listened to the villain's slander and refused to reuse him. With this strong feeling, In a mood of hatred, Guo Wuwei naturally became closely tied to the fate of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Because only by helping the Northern Han Dynasty and reviving the Northern Han Dynasty can the shame of the past be averted.

However, this situation has undergone some subtle changes after the death of Ruizhong Liu Jun.

Liu Jun had no sons, so before his death, he passed the throne to his nephew, Jingzong of the Northern Han DynastyLiu Jien.

(image of Liu Jien, Jingzong of the Northern Han Dynasty)

Liu Jien, a young comrade, has an average governance level, but he is very good at suppressing ministers.

In the eyes of Liu Jien, the prime minister Guo Wuwei left behind by the late emperor was too old, too arrogant and too powerful, posing an extremely serious threat to his rule, so Liu Jien had been looking for opportunities to get rid of Guo Wuwei.

Liu Jien once invited Guo Wuwei to a banquet, and planned to play a trick of "ambush three hundred swordsmen behind the account and use the sign of throwing cups" to get rid of Guo Wuwei when Guo Wuwei was unprepared.

The imagination was wonderful, but Liu Jien did not expect that before he could give the order to get rid of Guo Wuwei, the guard around him, Hou Barong, suddenly betrayed him and killed himself first.

The incident happened suddenly and blood was spilled on the spot. Guo Wuwei did not panic and reacted very quickly.

Before he came to dinner, he knew that Liu Jien would be harmful to him, but what he didn't expect was that Hou Ba Rong would appear halfway and kill Liu Jien first.

Hou Balong was just a small guard. Guo Wuwei didn't know whether he killed Liu Jien or because of some personal grudge, but Guo Wuwei thought of a problem very keenly.

Because Hou Bairong's status is too low and he is just a small person, the ministers may not think that the regicide was done by Hou Barong alone, but that someone instigated Hou Barong.

He and Liu Jien have always been at odds with each other, and now that he is at the scene of the crime, there is no guarantee that the ministers will not blame him, thinking that he is the mastermind behind the rebellion and regicide.

Therefore, in order to get rid of suspicion, Guo Wuwei immediately organized his troops and killed Hou Bairong on the spot.

However, Guo Wuwei did not expect that his act of killing Hou Bairong not only failed to clear up or remove his own suspicion, but also made him infamous for murder and silence.

(image of Hou Barong)

I regret it so much, I regret it so much, I really should have kept my mouth shut and not come to eat this meal.

After he cleaned up the current mess, he proclaimed Liu Jien's younger brother Liu Jiyuan as emperor, the Emperor Yingwu of the Northern Han Dynasty.

When Liu Jiyuan was the emperor, the Later Zhou Dynasty had been captured by Zhao Kuangyin, the security captain who launched a mutiny. On the basis of the Later Zhou Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty was established. At that time, of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, only the Southern Han Dynasty and the Northern Han Dynasty were left. , Southern Tang , Wuyue . The Southern Han Dynasty was too far away for the Northern Song Dynasty to reach, and the Southern Tang Dynasty and Wu Yue had surrendered to the Northern Song Dynasty under pressure. Only the Northern Han Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty had deep grudges and still refused to surrender. The two countries were at war with each other, and there were frictions from time to time. The situation became even more complicated. It's getting worse.

As the core figure of the Northern Han Dynasty, Guo Wuwei should have been on his own at this time, fully demonstrating his fearless spirit of devoting himself to the Northern Han Dynasty and dying.

After all, Ruizhong Liu Jun was very loyal to Guo Wuwei back then. Now that the country's life and death is at stake, it is the time for Guo Wuwei to be loyal to the country.

Besides, don’t you Lao Guo have a grudge against Hou Zhou, so you should be the first to come up now.

looks like this to others, but Guo Wuwei doesn't think so in his heart.

The Later Zhou Dynasty is the Later Zhou Dynasty, and the Northern Song Dynasty is the Northern Song Dynasty. There is still a big difference in nature.

Instead of practicing the way of a monarch and a minister, Guo Wuwei has more feelings for the good eldest brother who he worshiped in the past.

When he was down and out, it was Zhao Kuangyin who gave him care and encouragement. It was really difficult for Guo Wuwei to meet Zhao Kuangyin in battle and to confront his former friends, so he quickly decided not to get involved with the Northern Han Dynasty, but to surrender to Zhao Kuangyin. , returned to the Northern Song Dynasty.

(Image of Liu Jiyuan, Emperor Yingwu of the Northern Han Dynasty)

Emperor Yingwu Liu Jiyuan was just a puppet emperor supported by himself. Solving his problem was not a big deal, but the vast majority of the soldiers and civilians in the Northern Han Dynasty had deep-rooted hatred against the Northern Song Dynasty, and wanted to make this emperor A large group of people followed him and defected before the battle, but it was not an easy task.

After careful consideration, Guo Wuwei decided to ignore others and surrender first.

For his surrender plan, Guo Wuwei also made a special offer to Liu Jiyuan, asking Liu Jiyuan to let him lead an army to attack the Northern Song Dynasty.

It was said that it was a crusade against the Northern Song Dynasty, but in fact it was to lead troops to surrender. However, Liu Jiyuan was completely unaware of all this.

In the heart of the young emperor, Guo Wuwei was the savior prime minister of the Northern Han Dynasty, an important minister in the court, and a loyal minister who could worry about everything for the development of the dynasty.

In a word, Liu Jiyuan trusted Guo Wuwei very much, and immediately assigned a thousand soldiers to his command, and also sent two tiger generals, Liu Jiye and Guo Shoubin, as his deputies.

It is worth mentioning that this Liu Jiye later surrendered to the Northern Song Dynasty and changed his name to Yang Jiye. Yang Jiye fought against the Khitan and died on the battlefield. He had seven sons behind him. People at the time called him "the whole family is loyal and loyal, and the seven generals of the Yang family".

On the day of the expedition, Liu Jiyuan personally went out of the city to see him off, entertained him with wine, and wished Guo Wuwei a great victory and a triumphant return.

After drinking the glass of wine, Liu Jiyuan looked at Guo Wuwei's leaving figure and couldn't help but sigh:

Guo Wuwei is such a loyal minister! ! !

What he didn't know was that Guo Wuwei actually led his troops to surrender.

When they arrived at the battlefield, Guo Wuwei commanded the three armies to move forward, intending to surrender directly to the Song army. Unexpectedly, before he could give the order to surrender, his deputy Guo Shoubin had already started fighting with the Song army. As a result, a thousand soldiers were killed by the Song army. The army was beaten to pieces and disgraced, and the good-looking surrender plan was completely disrupted.

(image of Guo Shoubin)

Guo Wuwei was quite angry, but he was not angry about losing the battle, but scolding Guo Shoubin for causing chaos. After scolding, Guo Wuwei was unwilling to surrender to the Northern Song Dynasty in such an embarrassing manner, but led his army back to the Northern Song Dynasty. Taiyuan Mansion of Han Dynasty.

There is an essential difference between a dignified exit and an embarrassing exit.

The treatment will be different if you surrender at the beginning and if you surrender again after being defeated.

Guo Wuwei didn't want to surrender in such a disgraceful way, but wanted to be treated like a distinguished guest, so he simply returned the same way and made plans again.

However, such a futile return has aroused the suspicion of the Northern Han Dynasty. Liu Jiyuan asked someone to do a background check, and soon learned that Guo Wuwei had collaborated with the enemy and treason, and wanted to surrender to the Northern Song Dynasty. The emperor was furious, and after knowing the truth, he was actually alive. He fainted three times.

I've been hurting you and me, and you've been hurting me for the sake of glory and wealth.

is too much, really too much.

Barbie is Qing. It seems that the emperor's psychological defense has been completely defeated.

He never imagined that Guo Wuwei, the loyal minister and good general he believed in so deeply, was actually an Infernal Affairs practitioner.

In the end, Liu Jiyuan executed Guo Wuwei for collaborating with the enemy and treason. Lao Guo struggled all his life, and this was considered a box lunch.

Guo Wuwei is dead, but looking at it, who else can Liu Jiyuan use and who can he trust?

Liu Jiyuan was on the verge of a nervous breakdown after Guo Wuwei acted like this. He really couldn't believe anyone.

The emperor not only completely lost trust in the princes and ministers, but also began to gradually become sick. He began to wield a butcher knife and madly slaughter relatives and ministers.

(Northern Han Dynasty)

No one can be trusted, no one can be believed, no one can be relied on, and no one can be counted on.

If this is the case, then kill it.

kill it! Kill it!

The killings made people panic, the killings made rivers of blood flow, and the killings left corpses everywhere.

killed the Northern Han Dynasty to pieces, killed the emperor to the point of betraying his relatives, and completely became a lonely man - I, Liu Jiyuan, am nothing more than dead.

In the sixth year of Guangyun, 979 AD, Liu Jiyuan was unable to withstand the powerful offensive of the Northern Song Dynasty army, and the Northern Han Dynasty was destroyed.

Watching him build tall buildings, watching him entertain guests, and watching his buildings collapse. The Northern Han Dynasty Palace in Taiyuan City is still majestic and glorious, but it is no longer the scene of the desolate monarchs and ministers who governed the country and stabilized the country.