Wang Yaqiao was an absolutely influential figure during the Republic of China. He dominated Shanghai for 20 years and became famous throughout the country. He is from Hefei, Anhui Province. His courtesy name is Jiuguang and he is known as "Jiuye". Today we share two or three thin

Luo Xiaohai is in his thirties. He has a wife in his family in Anhui, so he is very familiar with matters between men and women. In addition, living in the city for a long time, not having to worry about food and drink, and maintaining a strong body, you can't help but always feel eager to try it out. Boss Li is a smart man, and he cannot satisfy his wife at all, so he is very careful. Soon, he noticed it. One day, Luo Xiaohai and Liu Ruyi were caught on their bed.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaohai not only did not feel guilty at all, but pointed to his chest and said plausibly: "To tell you the truth, I am an 'axe party'. You can deduct your salary if you want, and you can talk about things if you want to. You can't cut off my ax to eat meat if you don't want my food and clothing!" He took out a sharp ax from the bedside, threw it on the ground, and then turned around and twisted it on Liu Ruyi's white thigh.

Of course Boss Li knows what kind of role the "Axe Party" is. He had his front teeth knocked out and could only carefully swallow it into his stomach. He was obviously wearing a cuckold, but he didn't dare to open his teeth.

Luo Xiaohai, on the other hand, not only often went to sleep with Liu Ruyi in front of Boss Li, but also often went to his companions to brag proudly about his abilities.

After Wang Yaqiao heard about it, he was very angry and cursed: "Shameless villain, he is really worse than a dog. If he wants to play with women, his sister-in-law's urine on the beach can drown him. Why don't you look for so many women? Why don't you fight with the owner? The woman had an affair and used the power of the "axe gang" to insult my family and ruin my reputation! Now I will forgive my fellow countrymen, but I will not be exempted from the crime of living."

After that, Wang Yaqiao They also convened a meeting of leaders, big and small, and announced the expulsion of Luo Xiaohai as a member of the trade union, the expulsion of the "Axe Party", and a fine of 100 yuan to compensate Boss Li. Wang Yaqiao even came to the door in person to apologize to Boss Li.

(2) The story of Wang Yaqiao reprimanding Dai Li for leading the troops.

In December 1923, Wang Yaqiao, who assassinated Xu Guoliang ( Songhu Police Director), came to Huzhou, Zhejiang. At Baqiao Temple, Wang Yaqiao hung up the sign of "Zhejiang Rangers Headquarters" and began to recruit and train troops. This is not only the reward given by Lu Yongxiang to Wang Tieqiao, but also to let Wang Tieqiao charge into the battle for himself. Because Huzhou is connected with the mountains and rivers of Jiangsu and is the outpost of Zhejiang.

As soon as Wang Yaqiao's recruitment banner was launched, there was an immediate response, and nearly 2,000 people were gathered in more than a month. Among them, General Fang Zhenwu, who later became a famous anti-Japanese general, and Mr. Yu Yanong, commander of the Fifth Route of the Anhui People's Anti-Japanese Self-Defense Army, all came to serve. Of course, there was also Dai Li (then named Dai Chunfeng), the later famous military spy chief. All three of them served as squad leaders.

After Dai Chunfeng became the squad leader, he was meticulous in training, extremely strict, and sometimes almost cruel and violent.

During the training, regardless of whether the soldiers of Dai's department were performing drills, shooting or tactical movements, if they moved slightly slowly or failed to do a prescribed action well, Dai Chunfeng would be yelled at in the lightest way, or punched and kicked in the worst case.

Once, Dai Chunfeng exposed a soldier to the scorching sun at noon because he spoke loudly while eating, causing him to faint from heat stroke.

When Wang Yaqiao heard this, he became furious and ordered Dai Chunfeng to be summoned and reprimanded: "The way to manage a military is to teach by words and deeds. The ancients said: Love soldiers as you love your children. Work together as one, undress and push food. When you arrive in front of the battle, Only then can you be willing to take risks, charge into the battle, and be used by me. You use the method of establishing power with the remaining soldiers to conduct training, which seems to be strict, but the soldiers are dissatisfied and even have hatred. If we do this again in the future, I will suffer. Please get out."

After being reprimanded, Dai Chunfeng knelt down and cried bitterly: "Commander, I know I was wrong. If this happens in the future, I will let the commander do whatever he wants."

, made Dai Chunfeng understand that the leader must not only establish a deterrent, but also a benevolent one. At the same time, he also understood the reason why Wang Yaqiao's organization was able to run rampant on the beach and remain invincible for a long time. From then on, Dai Chunfeng changed his past simple, harsh and cold methods of managing the army, and began to pay attention to the method of caring in life and commending politically, and he really won the hearts of the soldiers.

(3) The Story of Funding the Underground Party Seal "Red Flag"

The Communist Party expressed its organizational appreciation for Wang Yaqiao's anti-Chiang and anti-Japanese actions, and therefore regarded him as a daring friend.

In 1931, Shanghai underground party member Chen Xangzi approached Wang Yaqiao's general Hua Kezhi and said: "There is a problem at home (referring to the party organization), and I would like to ask for your help." Then he explained the content of the so-called problem. It turns out that the printing industry in the British and French concessions in Shanghai unanimously agreed to warn all employees. The two concession authorities cooperated with the Nanjing government to conduct surprise inspections of all printing plants at night to detect anyone who secretly printed the Communist Party's "Red Flag" and other pro-communist publications. , all shall be sealed up and their property confiscated. Employees involved will be punished by the two high courts in accordance with the law. As a result, "Red Flag" could not be printed.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China believes that the suspension of "Red Flag" and the loss of its mouthpiece are a great loss. The Shanghai party organization instructed Chen Xiangzi to first find a way to discuss the solution with Walker, and then ask Wang Yaqiao for help, and set up or hire a printing factory to print "Red Flag" by himself without being restrained by the enemy.

Chen Xiangzi was in his twenties at the time. He participated in student movements many times. He had quick thinking and sharp words. Wang Yaqiao admired him very much and often helped him financially. However, he and Hua Ke were from the same hometown of Baoying, so the relationship between them was more serious. close. He said to Walker: "After all, I am young. Although Mr. Wang loves me and always takes care of me, I suddenly ask him to pay this large sum of money, and under certain conditions, I have to bear political responsibility. I don't have enough relationship with him to reflect on myself. Once Rejection will inevitably affect other transactions. After much thought, I decided to ask my brother to do the hard work alone, as it would be more reliable and appropriate to advance and retreat."

Hua Kezhi felt that what Chen Xiangzi said made sense, so he agreed. That night, he invited Wang Yaqiao to have dinner at Zheng Baozhen's house.

Wang Yaqiao's group of capable generals have always been sympathetic to each other, and they never have to beat around the bush on matters related to the rebellion against Chiang Kai-shek.

So, at the dinner table, Walker spoke directly about the matter: "Wangzi's boss (referring to the organization) asked Wangzi to bring a letter to us. Now all the printing factory owners in Shanghai have received notices of house arrests. The printing of "Red Flag" is banned throughout Shanghai. If it is discovered in a raid, the property will be confiscated and the person will be convicted. "Red Flag" is the mouthpiece of the central government and the guiding light for revolutionaries. As for the senior leaders, I know that Mr. is generous and righteous. Good and courageous. This time, I asked my husband for help. I hope to give them a printing house, no matter how big or small, that can print "Red Flag"..."

Wang Yaqiao has a bold nature and is clear about love and hate. Anyone who opposes Chiang Kai-shek and fights against Japan will do so. He regarded them all as friends, not to mention the Communist Party, the organization that was the most resolute in opposing Chiang Kai-shek and resisting Japan. Before Hua Kezhi could finish his words, he immediately replied: "I don't have any money now." Hua Kezhi's heart suddenly dropped. He went on to say, "Although I am not a cultural person and I only have one copy of Shanghai Menghu Daily to print, propaganda is a big deal for the Communist Party. I can give him a specific reply within three days, and I will not disappoint him. It's a pity that my ability is limited. Three days later, I was still having dinner here."

Walker felt relieved.

Three days later, when Hua Kezhi walked into the Zheng family living room, Wang Yaqiao was already sitting there waiting. Before he could say a few words, he took out a check from Shanghai Commercial Bank, amounting to seventy-five hundred yuan, and signed in English.

Walker secretly thought that Wang Yaqiao did not understand English, so the check was obviously not his. I don’t know who he begged for this money.

The check was delivered to Chen Wangzi that night. The

organization used this money to build a two-story house at Nos. 1 and 2 Qingshun Lane, Notre Dame Road in the French Concession, and an old printing factory for 19 workers, which cost exactly 7,500 yuan.

Immediately afterwards, the house was decorated, painted, and equipment added. All this costs another two and a half hundred dollars. After Wang Yaqiao found out, he immediately tried to raise the money. "Let's just round up the round number of 10,000 yuan.

In less than a month, a new printing factory, Gongdao Printing Factory, reopened.

Chen Xiangzi and Walker once invited Wang Yaqiao to visit. Wang Yaqiao said: "No, I don't need to know which street it is located on. I just hope that the dogs (spies) wandering around don't know either. I wish it the best." Longevity!"

In the following years, Wang Yaqiao continued to support the party organization, opening a "Pingmi Store", a book editing department, a bookstore in Shanghai, and providing legal consultants to defend communists on a voluntary basis.

Okay, the story ends here. Thanks friends for watching. Friends are welcome to watch other legendary stories of Qiankun Yuqian; friends are welcome to follow and leave messages.

Notes: 1. The pictures come from the Internet and will be deleted immediately if there is any infringement. 2. The story material comes from "The Biography of Wang Yaqiao, the leader of the "Axe Gang", the number one killer in the Republic of China" written by Mr. Xier Xiao.