One night in March 1946, Chiang Kai-shek urgently called Lu Han, Chairman of Yunnan Province, asking Chen Xiuhe to come to Nanjing as soon as possible. What is surprising is that Chiang Kai-shek's attitude towards Chen Xiuhe was very gentle, but the first sentence he asked made C

One night in March 1946, Chiang Kai-shek urgently called Lu Han, Chairman of Yunnan Province, asking Chen Xiuhe to rush to Nanjing. Chen Xiuhe, who was supervising military production in Shanghai, did not dare to neglect. He rushed to Nanjing overnight with uneasiness.

What is surprising is that Chiang Kai-shek's attitude towards Chen Xiuhe was very gentle, but the first sentence he asked made Chen Xiuhe frightened: "I heard that the Chen Yi who caused trouble in the Communist Party was you." Brother?"

Chen Xiuhe did not dare to lie, so he had to admit: "Yes, he is my cousin."

The three brothers Chen Yi, Chen Xiuhe and Chen Mengxi still asked with a smile: "I heard that you. "The relationship is very good?" Chen Xiuhe couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He said: "I reported to the principal that the students only had contact with him during the Anti-Japanese War , and then there was no contact because of different positions..."

Watch Chen Xiuhe With such a nervous look on his face, Chiang Kai-shek's expression became even gentler:

"You can correspond with him a lot and tell him that I, Mr. Jiang, admire him very much. You can write to him and tell him that I have long planned to let him be the leader of Shandong Province. Provincial Chairman, organize a new corps for him, and he will serve as the commander of the corps, and he can also serve as the deputy commander of the theater. "

So how did Chen Xiuhe reply to Chiang Kai-shek? As Chen Yi's brother, why did he join the Kuomintang camp? What will be his ending after Chiang Kai-shek retreats to Taiwan?

Three brothers took different paths

The Chen family in Lezhi, Sichuan is a big and prosperous family. When Chen Xiuhe was studying, he had nearly 10 brothers and sisters. Although there are many brothers and sisters, only the first five are close in age and relatively close to each other.

Chen Xiuhe is the eldest son and eldest grandson, and the eldest in the ranking; Chen Yi's father ranks third among his fathers, and Chen Yi is the youngest of the five brothers.

Chen Yi

In 1918, Chen Yi and his brother Chen Mengxi were admitted to the Sichuan Work-Study Preparatory School in France with a passion for saving the country and the people. A year later, with excellent results, they received government funding to study in France. Chen Xiuhe originally wanted to study in France with Chen Yi and others, but unfortunately, due to lack of funds, he temporarily extinguished his intention to study abroad.

During this period, Chen Xiuhe and his classmates from the engineering school founded Chuanjiang Shipping Company. They customized ships in Shanghai, and Chen Xiuhe was responsible for supervising the construction. However, when the ship was built and ready to be transported back to Sichuan, it was detained by the warlords in the melee.

Later, in order to avoid being harassed by warlords, Chen Xiuhe found a way to fly a foreign flag. Although he avoided being harassed by warlords, he was blackmailed by foreigners.

The ideal of saving the country through industry has encountered obstacles in practice. This also made Chen Xiuhe gradually realize that in China, amidst the coercion of imperialism and the melee of warlords, no matter how superb professional skills are, they cannot be put to use.

Soon after, the Great Revolution was in full swing in Guangzhou. At this time, Chen Yi returned from studying in France and joined the Communist Party in Beiping. After Chen Yi joined the Communist Party, he mobilized Chen Mengxi to accept communist beliefs. However, Chen Mengxi had doubts about whether the newly established Communist Party could shoulder the important task of defeating the powerful feudal warlords.

Chen Xiuhe, who was engaged in technical work in Shanghai and was very talented in the study of things and knowledge, clearly realized that only by joining the revolutionary army and first creating a society with no evils and clean morals could his professional skills be truly used in making the country rich and the army strong. role.

Chen Xiuhe

In 1925, Chen Xiuhe and his younger brother Chen Mengxi went to Guangzhou to apply for the Huangpu Military Academy, which trained the backbone of the Northern Expeditionary Army. After rigorous tests and examinations, Chen Xiuhe and Chen Mengxi were admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy and became the fifth batch of trainees.

Later Chen Xiuhe was promoted to the artillery team. The artillery team at that time was the first artillery team of Whampoa Military Academy. Not long ago, it accepted the 763 mountain artillery sent by the Soviet Union; while Chen Mengxi joined the political team.

With the advancement of the Northern Expedition, many students who had not graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy joined the fighting ranks.In 1926, Chen Xiuhe and other troops from Huangpu Military Academy went to Wuhan. At the same time, Chen Yi, who was ordered by the CCP to go to Sichuan to carry out military work, has been transferred to the Political Department of the Central Military Academy in Wuhan.

Chen Yi and Chen Xiuhe were separated for several years, and now they were very happy to meet again in Wuhan, but unfortunately, this joy did not last long.

After the "April 12 Counter-revolutionary Incident" broke out, Chiang Kai-shek established another political power in Nanjing. After the "Ma-Japanese Incident" happened, Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei were about to join forces. Chen Xiuhe was very confused about the current situation of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. He felt that the changes in the political situation were too elusive, and engineering technology was relatively simple, so he became disengaged. Army ideas.

Soon after, Chen Xiuhe met with Deng Yanda, the acting principal of the Wuhan branch, and said to him: "Principal, I want to drop out of school." Deng Yanda was very confused. You must know that since the Northern Expedition, Huangpu Military Academy has become famous far and wide, and more and more candidates have applied for it. There are countless. However, Chen Xiuhe, an authentic Huangpu student, proposed to drop out of school, which Deng Yanda couldn't figure out.

Upon seeing this, Chen Xiuhe quickly explained:

"My dysentery has turned into a chronic disease, and now I have been found to have gastric ulcer and gastroptosis . My physical condition is very bad, and I am not suitable to stay in the army anymore. But please rest assured, Principal Deng, that I joined Huangpu for the sake of revolution. My withdrawal from Huangpu does not mean that I will not be revolutionary in the future.”

Then Chen Xiuhe came to Chen Yi! Others, said: "You are all my brothers, and I will not lie to you. In fact, dropping out of school due to illness is just an excuse for me. In my heart, I have seen that the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China will soon collapse, and the situation will not be the same. It's as good as I imagined. I think it's too hard to get stuck in it. It's better to come out early and calm down..."

Chen Yi immediately said: "Brother, only the Communist Party can save China now. Why not join the Communist Party and let us work together for China? "Working hard for a better future?" But both Chen Xiuhe and Chen Mengxi believed that the power of the Communist Party was too weak and the ideal of communism was too far away.

When Chen Yi said goodbye to Chen Xiuhe, Chen Mengxi and others, he repeatedly emphasized: "There is no future in working for a warlord or Chiang Kai-shek. You must not collude with him. As long as I, Chen Yi, do not die, as long as you have not done anything I'm sorry for the people's affairs. If you want to come to me, I, Chen Yi, will never let down the brotherhood!"

In the end, Chen Xiuhe was persuaded by Huangpu classmates to work in the Shanghai Arsenal, and was later appointed as the deputy of the Political Department of the Arsenal! director.

Chiang Kai-shek

served as Chiang Kai-shek's aide-de-camp, covering Chen Yi's meeting with Zhou Enlai

At the end of 1927, after Chiang Kai-shek fell out of power for a short period of time, made a comeback. Chen Xiuhe was recommended by the students of the fifth phase of Huangpu as Chiang Kai-shek's aide-de-camp. If you have any friends, you will know that most of Chiang Kai-shek's aide-de-camps are students of the Whampoa Military Academy, and they can also be said to be people he trusts.

Attendant Chiang Kai-shek also used this to express his respect for Huangpu students. Through these attendants and adjutants, he maintained relationships with students from all walks of life and made it easier to understand the situation of students from all walks of life. Chen Xiuhe still remembers that the adjutants at the time were Qiu Qingquan, Zheng Jiemin and so on.

In the summer of 1929, Chen Mengxi served as colonel section chief of the Political Department of the Kuomintang's Shanghai Garrison Command; Chen Xiuhe worked at the Longhua Arsenal. When the two learned that Chen Yi was in Jiangxi and an important figure in the Communist Party, they were very worried about Chen Yi's situation.

One day, Chen Mengxi was wandering on the street and came to the Deyihou Store in Huile Lane, Sanma Road. The owner of the store invited Chen Mengxi to sit inside from a distance. As soon as Chen Mengxi entered the room, his boss handed him a letter. When he opened it and looked at it, he couldn't help but froze on the spot.

It turns out that this is a letter written by Chen Yi to Chen Mengxi. Chen Yi said in the letter: "Brother, I will take a British ship from Hong Kong to Shanghai in the near future. I hope to get help from my two brothers."

Chen Mengxi stuffed the letter into his sleeve after reading it, with a lot of cold sweat breaking out on his face. You must know that Chen Yi, as the senior commander of the Red Army , will definitely attract others' attention if he appears in Shanghai now. Finally, The important thing is that Shanghai is full of people arresting the Communist Party. It is really dangerous for Chen Yi to come to Shanghai at this time.

html On August 26, a British ship slowly docked. There was a chaotic flow of people on the shore. The patrolling police were everywhere looking and searching everyone. A suspicious person. Chen Xiuhe and Chen Mengxi were wearing crisp suits and a badge of the Shanghai Longhua Songhu Garrison Command on their chests. They looked majestic and looked like high-ranking officials of the Kuomintang.

Boarding the ship without any obstruction, the two of them looked for Chen Yi, but no matter how hard they looked, they couldn't find it. Did they miss the ship, or did they encounter an accident on the way? While the two were guessing, a man wearing a suit appeared. A young man in overalls stood in front of them. This man was Chen Yi, whom they had been waiting for for a long time.

Chen Mengxi asked in a low voice: "Are you alone? "Chen Yi nodded.

Chen Xiuhe asked: "Don't you have any luggage? Chen Yi whispered: "We have disembarked. Let's leave quickly. If we have anything to say, we can talk about it when we get back." "

As time goes by, the political opinions of the three brothers are also different: Chen Xiuhe believes in saving the country through science and technology; Chen Mengxi believes in the Three People's Principles ; Chen Yi is willing to fight endlessly for communism. Although the paths chosen by the three brothers are unreasonable, this is It did not affect the deep friendship between them.

Chen Yi came to Shanghai this time to report the situation of the Fourth Red Army to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and discuss major issues such as the development of the Red Army. After checking into the hotel arranged by his brothers, Chen Yi. Immediately sent a signal of safe arrival to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and then contacted them.

In late August 1929, the situation in Shanghai was very dangerous. Due to the betrayal of traitors, the leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission, including Peng Pai and Yang Yin, were arrested. , This added great difficulties to Chen Yi's work in Shanghai.

However, thanks to the protection of his two brothers, Chen Yi successfully escaped the Kuomintang's arrest. He was busy talking to people and going out day and night. Writing at his desk. Although Chen Xiuhe and Chen Mengxi did not know what Chen Yi was busy with, they were moved by his persistent pursuit of his lofty ideals and had no way to dissuade him or interfere with the path he chose.

One day, Chen Yi said to Chen Xiuhe: "Brother, I am going to make an appointment with Zhou Enlai to have a long talk in the hotel, and I also ask my brother to cover for me. Chen Xiuhe thought for a while and said, "I can play Go with Meng Xi outside, and you two can talk in the inside." "

When Chen Yi told Zhou Enlai this arrangement, Zhou Enlai said with some worry: "Is your brother reliable? " Chen Yi said confidently: "Absolutely reliable! "

Chen Yi and Zhou Enlai

html On a Sunday in September, Chen Mengxi's hotel was extremely busy. Many executives and celebrities gathered here and set up several card tables to play cards. Chen Xiuhe and Chen Mengxi entertained the guests while paying attention to them quietly. The situation outside the door; in the bedroom suite with the door closed, Chen Yi was meeting with Zhou Enlai.

Under the cover of his two brothers, Chen Yi successfully completed the task before leaving. Holding the hands of the two brothers tightly, he said:

"I first came to Shanghai in 1919, when I was still a poor student; now I came to Shanghai in 1929, and I was a ' Kuomintang wanted by the Kuomintang. If I come to Shanghai again in 1939 or 1949, I should be walking in the parade of Shanghai people welcoming the Red Army. "

Later facts proved that Chen Yi was not wrong. In 1949, he came to Shanghai again and indeed walked in the parade of Shanghai people welcoming our army.

In 1932, in order to improve the quality of weapons, the Kuomintang Ordnance Industry Department decided to select several Many young people went to France to study military industry, including Chen Xiuhe.Chen Xiuhe studied technology in France for five years. After returning to China, after several years of study and hard training, his ordnance technology became outstanding.

In 1945, Chen Xiuhe was sent by Chiang Kai-shek to garrison Vietnam . At the same time, he represented our country in the surrender ceremony of the invading Japanese troops and the signing ceremony of the Franco-Vietnam Agreement. Chen Yi, who was already the acting commander of the New Fourth Army at the time, learned that his brother was going to Vietnam to take on this important task, so he asked someone to bring a letter to Chen Xiuhe.

Chen Yi said this in the letter:

"Vietnam and China are closely interdependent. Please support the Vietnamese national independence movement led by Ho Chi Minh, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. We must take advantage of the opportunity of Japan's surrender and deprive it through negotiations. Japan has all the privileges in Vietnam, and at the same time, it will do its best to free Vietnam from being ruled by French imperialism before the Anti-Japanese War!"

Chen Xiuhe felt that what Chen Yi said was very reasonable, so he followed his brother's request and firmly stood with Ho Chi Minh! this side. In order to handle the two matters explained by Chen Yi, Chen Xiuhe searched for a large amount of information and was fully prepared and well-founded.

At the negotiation conference, Chen Xiuhe cited many historical facts and evidence, tried to convince people with his reasoning, and did his part to launch a tit-for-tat struggle with Japanese imperialism, especially French imperialism. Chen Xiuhe's actions fully reflected the resourcefulness, bravery and national integrity of our people, and successfully thwarted France's interest requirements for continued colonial rule in Vietnam.

It is worth mentioning that due to continuous wars in Vietnam, there is a lack of historical books about the country. After Chen Xiuhe learned about this, he used the information collected from the French during the negotiations. The parents checked and searched in many ways and finally compiled a book called "Research on Vietnamese Ancient History and National Culture".

Chen Xiuhe also presented this book to Ho Chi Minh and other Vietnamese leading comrades, which was highly praised by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. It was also from then on that Chen Xiuhe and Ho Chi Minh became friends for decades.

Chiang Kai-shek appointed Chen Yi as Chairman of Shandong Province

After the Anti-Japanese War, people across the country longed for peace. Chairman Mao personally went to Chongqing to negotiate with Chiang Kai-shek, which also showed the peace and sincerity of the CCP. However, Chiang Kai-shek wanted to maintain his dictatorship, and conflicts were about to break out.

In March 1946, Chiang Kai-shek learned that Chen Yi's brother was a member of the Kuomintang with a high official rank. He also knew that the two brothers had a good relationship. So Chiang Kai-shek hurriedly sent a telegram to Lu Han, Chairman of Yunnan Province, asking Chen Xiuhe to go to Nanjing immediately.

Chen Xiuhe, who had just arrived in Shanghai, was a little confused when he received Lu Han's telegram, but he was also very uneasy at the same time. He had served as Chiang Kai-shek's aide-de-camp, and was no stranger to Chiang Kai-shek's emergency summons, but this time he could not figure out what important matter Chiang Kai-shek had to urgently summon him.

After Chen Xiuhe arrived at Chiang Kai-shek's residence, he quickly asked his colleagues why he had been summoned, but his colleagues just shook their heads helplessly. Chiang Kai-shek has always had a good impression of Chen Xiuhe, and he smiled even more during this summons. However, his first sentence made Chen Xiuhe break into a cold sweat: "I heard that Chen Yi in the Communist Party is your brother?"

Chen Xiuhe did not dare to lie, so he nodded and said: "Yes, he is my cousin."

Chiang Kai-shek continued to ask: "I also heard that you have a good relationship? Do you often keep in touch?" Chen Xiuhe I thought Chiang Kai-shek had misunderstood me, so I quickly explained: "I reported to the principal that when the students were working in Vietnam in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, I exchanged several letters with him. He advocated cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to fight against Japan. But since the Wannan incident, we have not Accepted..."

Chiang Kai-shek saw Chen Xiuhe's nervousness. He patted the other party on the shoulder, and then said with a smile:

"Brothers are still brothers after all, and you get along very well. I know this. But you. You can correspond with him and tell him that I admire him very much. You can also tell him that I plan to make him the chairman of Shandong Province and then form a new corps, with him serving as the commander of the corps."

Only then did Chen Xiuhe understand Chiang Kai-shek's purpose of urgently summoning him, but Chen Xiuhe knew clearly that in such a harsh environment in Shanghai in 1929, Chen Yi still insisted on his beliefs. More than ten years later, he was allowed to betray his beliefs. , this is absolutely impossible, but the principal’s question cannot be ignored. Chen Xiuhe thought for a while and said:

“What the principal said is true, but I understand Chen Yi’s character, so I want to persuade him to come over by writing a letter. It won't do anything. I want to see if I can go to Linyi and tell him in person, that would be better. "

After hearing this, Chiang Kai-shek shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, no, it's very dangerous. Let's communicate. "Chen Xiuhe said: "It is difficult for communication to work. Principal, this matter is of great importance, so it is more appropriate to talk in person. What's more, we two brothers haven't seen each other for many years. "

Chiang Kai-shek thought for a while and said: "Well, you fly directly to Peiping, participate in the work of the Military Adjustment Department as a representative of the Military Adjustment Department, act according to the circumstances at the negotiation table, and then tell him everything I said. "

Immediately afterwards, Chiang Kai-shek asked the director of the Attendant Office to give Chen Xiuhe 300,000 yuan and notify the Air Force to send him to Peiping the next day.

At the Peking Military Adjustment Headquarters, Chen Xiuhe discussed with Zheng Jiemin and Cai Wenzhi. During the conversation, During the process, he discovered that Chiang Kai-shek had spent a lot of effort not only on him, but also on Cai Wenzhi. Chiang Kai-shek sent a special telegram to Cai Wenzhi, asking him to arrange a meeting between Chen Xiuhe and Chen Yi, and to give Chen Xiuhe this opportunity. Peiping Executive placed great hopes on it.

According to the arrangements between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Chen Xiuhe would meet with Chen Yi in Qingdao . Who would have thought that the meeting date would be postponed again and again, and when it was finally confirmed, Chen Xiuhe would take a plane to Qingdao. When he was in the sky, he was informed that the meeting was cancelled, so he had to return.

After Chen Xiuhe returned to Nanjing, he stayed behind closed doors. Chiang Kai-shek saw that although he had not completed the task, he was outstanding in military engineering technology, so he sent Chen Xiuhe.

After the war of liberation started, the Kuomintang was retreating steadily. On the eve of the Liaoshen Campaign, Chiang Kai-shek promoted Chen Xiuhe, who had served for more than 10 years to the rank of major general, to Shenyang. Lieutenant General Director of the Ordnance Factory.

In addition, Chiang Kai-shek also sent a telegram to Chen Xiuhe: "Move the Shenyang Arsenal to the pass as soon as possible. If there is no time to move, it must be before the People's Liberation Army invades Shenyang. Blow them all up. "

At this time, Chen Yi, who was the commander of the East China Field Army, also asked someone to send a letter to his brother. Chen Yi hoped that his brother could protect the factory's equipment and technical backbone, and then wait for the arrival of the People's Liberation Army. However, due to the tense war situation, Chen Yi's letter was not delivered in time.

He thought that Chen Xiuhe would blow up the arsenal according to Chiang Kai-shek's order, but he kept Chen Yi's advice in mind and dealt with it skillfully with the agents sent by Chiang Kai-shek. Chen Xiuhe returned the favor. During the liberation of Shenyang, he led an uprising and handed over the Shenyang Ordnance General Factory completely to the hands of the People's Liberation Army.

When Chiang Kai-shek learned of this, he was furious and sent planes to bomb the Shenyang Ordnance General Factory many times. Risking their lives, they successfully relocated the factory and quickly resumed production, providing strong support for the victory of the Pingjin Campaign and Huaihai Campaign . In May 1949, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yi led their troops to liberate Shanghai in June. One day, Chen Yi brought Chen Xiuhe and his sister-in-law home. Chen Yi invited his brother and sister-in-law to have dinner together. Firstly, it was rare for him to have time to talk about family ties in his busy schedule; secondly, Deng Xiaoping wanted to get to know Chen Xiuhe.

Chen Yi said. : "Chiang Kai-shek valued my eldest brother very highly, and he also served as Chiang Kai-shek's aide-de-camp. After the war of liberation began, Chiang Kai-shek sent him to instigate rebellion against me and made me chairman of Shandong Province..."

Chen Yi paused and continued: "Big brother made Lao Chiang angry this time. Lao Chiang sent people here three times. He destroyed the Shenyang Arsenal, but his elder brother stopped him.On the eve of the liberation of Shenyang, Chiang Kai-shek was preparing to send a plane to pick up his elder brother, but he still failed to do so..."

Chen Mengxi, Chen Xiuhe, Chen Yi (from left to right)

On October 21, 1949, Zhou Enlai signed the appointment of Chen Xiuhe As deputy director of the Central Technology Administration, Chen Xiuhe also received an invitation letter from the special representatives of the new CPPCC. After the liberation of the mainland, Chen Yi, Chen Xiuhe and other brothers were busy with their work and had more and more opportunities to get together. There are fewer and fewer people, but the emotional and ideological connections between them are getting closer. Chen Yi, Chen Xiuhe, Chen Mengxi and others are working hard for the prosperity and strength of the motherland in different positions.

In November 1998, Chen Xiuhe died of illness at the age of 101
