The late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty were the most prosperous period in the history of Chinese novels. A large number of excellent works emerged. "Water Margin" written by Shi Naian is undoubtedly a shining pearl in the long history.

At the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the most prosperous period in the history of Chinese novels, a large number of excellent works emerged. "Water Margin" written by Shi Naian is undoubtedly a shining pearl in the long history.

Bo Yuntian's Song Jiang, Wu Yong who is strategizing, Lu Junyi who is highly skilled in martial arts... Behind the 108 generals' loyalty and righteousness, there are too many details that everyone ignores...

The chessboard unfolds, and the generals enter the game.

After the Liangshan heroes accepted the recruitment, they marched eastward and westward, resulting in numerous casualties. In the end, Song Jiang was also framed by a traitor and drank poisonous wine.

Knowing that he was being used, Song Jiang was despairing. Before he died, looking back on his life, Song Jiang discovered that he had never been the real boss of Liangshan. The glory and loneliness of Liangshan are all in the hands of one man, Wu Yong, a wise man.

Someone once said that among the 108 generals of Liangshan Heroes, Wu was used as a military advisor and did not need to charge into battle. Wu Yong's talents should have been used in commanding the army.

However, looking at the many victorious battles in Liangshan, they all relied on Lin Chong, Li Kui and other generals to open the way. Wu Yong himself played a minimal role in them.

Can such a "useless" person really become the boss behind Liangshan?

The answer is indeed yes. Everyone looks back on the entire development process of Liangshan, from the replacement of leaders, to the glory of Liangshan, to the last moment when the heroes of Liangshan accepted recruitment and fell apart, it was all inseparable from Wu Yong's plan.

Speaking of Wu Yong and Song Jiang, we have to talk about another person: Chao Gai . He was also the real "person in power" in Liangshan before Song Jiang.

Chao Gai, who first appeared in "Water Margin", was the village's guarantor, with a well-off family and a high social status. Like most heroes in the world, Chao Gai liked to make friends, and Song Jiang and Wu Yong were among them.

Wu Yong's father was a well-known local talent who had the dream of studying and gaining fame. As his father's only hope, Wu Yong was determined on his future path since he was a child, which was to take the imperial examination and become an official.

Facts have proved that Wu Yong is indeed a material for studying. When he participated in the first scientific examination, he was selected by the examiner and almost became the number one scholar.

Unfortunately, because Wu Yongwei showed favor to the powerful minister Cai Jing, he was jealous of him. A few slanderous words from Cai Jing caused Wu Yong to miss out on becoming an official.

Later, Wu Yong gave up the idea of ​​scientific examination and began to study the art of war. His father became furious and kicked him out of the house.

Wu Yong had no choice but to come to Chao Gaizhuang, which was recruiting heroes from all over the world, and became a teacher. It was also from that time that Wu Yong established a close relationship with Chao Gai.

Although Wu Yong temporarily gave up the idea of ​​taking scientific examinations and becoming an official, in his heart, his dream of entering the imperial court has never been extinguished.

Later, at Wu Yong's suggestion, Chao Gai led his men to steal Cai Jing's birthday card.

Chao Gai, who was captured by the government, was desperate, so he went to Liangshan again on Wu Yong's suggestion and became a bandit. From then on, the story of the Liangshan hero officially began.

In a sense, Wu Yong single-handedly promoted the final outcome of Liangshan 108 generals.

Initially, Wu Yong "forced" Chao Gai to Liangshan, who originally had great ambitions.

As a scholar, Wu Yong has always been aloof. He always hoped that he could make some achievements and let the court see his value. Letting Chao Gai take the lead in Liangshan was the first step in Wu Yong's plan.

However, gradually, Wu Yong discovered that his original move to recommend Chao Gai as leader was a "wrong move."

Chao Gai, who fell into the Liangshan Mountains, did not have any lofty ambitions. He carefully guarded the relationship between brothers, enjoyed good food and had no fighting spirit, which ran counter to Wu Yong's ideas.

Even though Chao Gai was kind to Wu Yong, for the sake of his own future, Wu Yong decided to give up following him and secretly find a new person in power to achieve his lofty goals.

Wu Yong suddenly thought that Song Jiang, whom he had met before, seemed to have a common "career plan" with him. Song Jiang and Wu Yong hit it off immediately because they met Wang Ying.

They were both betrayed by their wives, they were ashamed to talk about their family affairs, and they had the same political concepts: did not want to completely break away from the court and become real robbers. " When you meet a close friend, a thousand cups are too little. " After having a drink with Song Jiang, Wu Yong had a plan in mind.

After that, Wu Yong often advised Chao Gai, hoping to add some talents to Liangshan. Song Jiang, who could be utilized by him, became the number one recommendation.

However, before Song Jiang was forced to go to Liangshan, was once a famous "good old man" from all over the country, with the title of " timely rain ". He spends a lot of money, makes friends, and enjoys the popularity of thousands of people.

At the same time, Song Jiang has always had a lofty ideal, which is to get rid of his ordinary life and become an official in the imperial court. Therefore, before being forced to go to Liangshan, Song Jiang was full of resistance to the fact that Luocao in Liangshan became a bandit and did not want to be associated with him.

Unfortunately, God did not follow people's wishes. After Song Jiang killed Yan Poxi in anger, it gradually led to a catastrophe, and his life hung on a thread.

Song Jiang and Chao Gai have formed a close friendship since they were teenagers. Under Chao Gai's repeated invitations, Song Jiang decided to come to Liangshan. Song Jiang’s “ambition” seemed to give Wu Yong hope.

From the first moment he saw Song Jiang, Wu Yong realized that they were the same type of person. Although Song Jiang appears peaceful, he actually has his own plans.

In Wu Yong's view, if Song Jiang can return to the court in the future, he, who is his brother, can naturally get a share of the pie.

At the same time, Song Jiang has certain abilities, which are far from being a thing in the pool. If he becomes prosperous in the future, Wu Yong can also "go to heaven".

More importantly, Song Jiang almost had all the power in the arena, and his ability far exceeded that of Chao Gai. Compared with Chao Gai, Song Jiang could provide greater help to Wu Yong.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Wu Yong gave up his good brother Chao Gai and quietly supported Song Jiang.

Although Chao Gai did not have lofty ideals, he was not an incompetent person.

After Song Jiang came to Liangshan, he began to cooperate closely with Wu Yong, planning large and small military wars, and won unanimous praise from everyone. In this way, Chao Gai's prestige in Liangshan was greatly reduced.

At this time, Chao Gai was obviously aware of the crisis. If no action was taken, his power would be completely eclipsed.

In order to re-establish his prestige, Chao Gai led his men to attack Zengtou City , but he did not expect that he would be shot by the enemy's arrow and died.

Chao Gai had obviously seen Song Jiang's ambitions, and had no plan to pass the throne to him who had already accumulated power in Liangshan. Before his death, he still tried every means to prevent Song Jiang from ascending the throne.

He said: "Brother, don't blame me for saying: If he catches the one who shot me to death, teach him to be the master of Liangshan." The implication is that if Song Jiang wants to become the next master of Liangshan, he must catch the person who killed him - — Shi Wengong .

However, Shi Wengong was powerful in combat and Song Jiang’s force was limited, so how could he avenge Chao Gai? Chao Gai's words left the ambitious Song Jiang with almost no way out in Liangshan.

In order for Song Jiang to successfully ascend the throne and help him accomplish his great cause, Wu Yong took great pains. Wu Yong began to secretly improve Song Jiang's status among the heroes in Liangshan, creating a situation where the stars overshadowed the moon.

At the same time, Song Jiang also gradually put down his Buddhist roots amid his growing power. He began to buy people's hearts to prepare for emergencies.

After Chao Gai's death, although Song Jiang did not ascend the throne in name immediately, he had already taken control of the entire Liangshan power.

However, Chao Cuo's last words before his death are like a sharp blade, always hanging on Song Jiang's neck, and also on Wu Yong's neck. Looking at all the heroes in Liangshan, the only one who can capture Shi Wengong is "Leopard Head " Lin Chong.

However, Wu Yong knew that Lin Chong hated the imperial court deeply. If he succeeded, Liangshan would only drift away from the imperial court in the future. How could Wu Yong's dream of "becoming an official" be realized at that time?

Careful planning and step by step

Therefore, Wu Yong's top priority is to help Song Jiang to power as soon as possible.

At this time, Song Jiang was also in dire straits. Even though he has received the support of everyone, if Shi Wengong does not die and Song Jiang takes the throne, he will not be right.

When Song Jiang was at a loss, Wu Yong advised him and planned a perfect way for the two of them.

Song Jiang did not allow his men to capture Shi Wengong on the grounds of "danger". In this way, no one would take advantage of Shi Wengong's life to ascend the throne.

Soon after, Wu Yong and Song Jiang jointly planned to get rid of Shi Wengong through Lu Junyi's hands. Lu Junyi is also Wu Yong's "chess piece".

Shi Wengong and Lu Junyi are brothers in the same discipline, and Lu Junyi's martial arts is far superior to Shi Wengong.

Compared with Song Jiang, Lu Junyi has no weight in the hearts of Liangshan heroes, which means that even if he kills Shi Wengong, he cannot shake his status with Wu Yong and Song Jiang.

However, Lu Junyi’s family conditions are well-off, so why did he go to Liangshan and become a thorn in the side of the court? Song Jiang was puzzled and couldn't help but look sad.

At this time, Wu Yong said calmly: "Wu Yong has been thinking about it for a long time, and he doesn't want to forget it forever. The young man used a little trick to teach himself to go up the mountain."

From Wu Yong's understatement, everyone could tell, On the road to planning the future of Liangshan, Wu Yong never stopped planning for a moment.

Song Jiang and Wu Yong thought about it and could only trick Lu Junyi up the mountain. Wu Yong disguised himself as a fortune teller and went to Lu Junyi's mansion with Li Kui.

Wu Yong relied on his ability to deceive, which made Lu Junyi suspicious, thinking that he would have a bloody disaster in the future.

Lu Junyi asked how to resolve it, but Wu Yong only left a poem, "It is fate until the end of righteousness, and there will be no worries if you rebel and flee." The unexpected meaning is rebellion. From that moment on, a seed of doubt was planted in Lu Junyi's heart.

Later, Song Jiang and Wu Yong jointly planned that Lu Junyi discovered the secret of his wife's cheating. His wife was very frightened and framed Lu Junyi for rebellion.

The rulers of the current dynasty were suspicious and put Lu Junyi on death row. He, who was once glorious, became a prisoner.

Just when Lu Junyi was about to die heroically, "Timely Rain" Song Jiang arrived in time and rescued Lu Junyi.

Song Jiang was saved by Lu Junyi, so Lu Junyi was naturally grateful to him. In the end, Lu Junyi captured Shi Wengong alive.

Song Jiang ostensibly respected Chao Gai's wishes and expressed his willingness to give way to Lu Junyi. However, Lu Junyi had just arrived and naturally knew the stakes, so he rejected the suggestion of becoming the head of the family and only took the second position in Liangshan.

Once the dream was shattered, I regretted that

had so carefully set up a chess game, Lu Junyi fell into the trap, Song Jiang was justified, and Wu Yong finally realized his wish.The moment " Juyi Hall " was changed to " Zhongyi Hall ", it had already laid the groundwork for the tragic ending of the Liangshan heroes

In fact, in the process of inviting Lu Junyi to Liangshan, Wu Yong also had his own Selfishness.

Although Wu Yong hopes that Song Jiang will ascend the throne, he does not want his power to expand too much. Lu Junyi, who has a good family background and strong martial arts skills, can suppress Song Jiang in terms of momentum.

In this way, Wu Yong secretly promoted and established a power triangle on Liangshan with Song Jiang, Lu Junyi and himself as the center.

succeeded in taking the throne this time, and Song Jiang looked at Wu Yong with admiration.

Later, Song Jiang would ask Wu Yong for his opinion on every decision made in Liangshan.

Therefore, Wu Yong indirectly controlled Song Jiang's thoughts without anyone noticing. Although Song Jiang is deeply scheming, he is nothing compared to the wily Wu Yong.

Later, 108 people gathered in Liangshan, and their strength grew day by day. In order to maintain its dominance, the imperial court sent troops to conquer many times.

However, the people of Liangshan relied on natural barriers and relied on their strong martial arts to defeat the imperial army many times.

Seeing this situation, the imperial court could only change its strategy and no longer attack. Instead, it extended an olive branch to Song Jiang, hoping that everyone in Liangshan would surrender to the imperial court. At this time, everyone in Liangshan had to face a new choice again: whether to accept the imperial court's recruitment.

In fact, Song Jiang’s attitude has always been affirmative and clear on the issue of whether to accept the recruitment.

When Chao Gai was still alive, Song Jiang showed his good impression of the court. This is why Chao Gai was reluctant to give up his throne to Song Jiang.

At the same time, Wu Yong, who hopes to re-enter the official career, also agrees with accepting the recruitment.

Therefore, Wu Yong and Song Jiang hit it off, and the two accepted the imperial court's recruitment despite the objections of Wu Song and others.

However, the power of Liangshan was nothing more than a pawn to the imperial court. In order to squeeze out the remaining value of Liangshan, the emperor sent people to conquer Fang La. Fang La's power was so strong that even the people of Liangshan who were brave and good at fighting suffered numerous casualties.

Faced with this miserable scene, Wu Yong just said: "When we broke Daliao, it was only a matter of days before we returned to Beijing. Now that we have lost our brothers, this is the number of lifespans for each of them."

At this time, Wu Yong seemed to be completely different from the Zhiduoxing who was brothers with everyone on Liangshan Mountain. He became hard-hearted. He ignored everyone's death and only wanted to make achievements.

In fact, since he stole the birthday card, Wu Yong has been treating everyone as his chess pieces and tools for attacking.

Even Song Jiang and others were unable to fight back under Wu Yong's strategy.

Unfortunately, Wu spent his whole life planning, but still failed to realize his wish to be an official in the court.

Everyone in Liangshan was feared by the traitorous officials of the court, and Song Jiang was also designed to drink poisonous wine. The once glorious scene of Liangshan finally came to an end.

Song Jiang passed away, and Wu Yong realized at this time that he was totally wrong. Since going to Liangshan, he has tried his best to return to the court, even using his best brother.

Unfortunately, whether it is Song Jiang, Wu Yong or other heroes in Liangshan, they are always a threat to the court, and they want to kill them quickly.

Wu Yong, desperate, chose to end his life of calculating but accomplishing nothing in the most tragic way in front of Song Jiang's tomb.

Everyone couldn’t help but wonder why Wu Yong, who had always only regarded Song Jiang as a “partner”, chose to commit suicide in front of his grave?

On the one hand, Song Jiang's death made Wu Yong, who had always had hope and luck, suddenly realize.

As one of the few remaining "soul figures" among the heroes in Liangshan, Wu Yong knew that he would inevitably die.

In Wu Yong's view, it is better to die on his own initiative than to die tragically under other people's schemes. This is Wu Yong's final character as a scholar.

On the other hand, his former brothers died one after another. Wu Yong, who supported the recruitment, knew that he had an unshirkable responsibility.

Everyone speculates that Wu Yong, who has been taking advantage of Song Jiang, did face moral condemnation after Song Jiang's death.

Therefore, choosing to hang himself in front of Songjiang's grave may be Wu Yong's way of atonement.

There are 108 generals in Liangshan, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, some are highly skilled in martial arts, others are careful at every step, and all the directions are in the hands of Wu Yong.

Now that they think about it carefully, everyone can't help but sigh that Wu Yong's deep thoughts are above everyone else in Liangshan.