On July 8, 1994, North Korea's first-generation supreme leader Kim Il-sung died suddenly during a tantrum at the age of 82. Myocardial infarction was the direct cause of his death, delay in rescue was the key reason, and internal and external troubles were the root cause.

On July 8, 1994, North Korea's first-generation supreme leader Kim Il-sung died suddenly during a tantrum at the age of 82.

Myocardial infarction was the direct cause of his death, delay in rescue was the key reason, and internal and external troubles were the root cause.

The story must start one month before his death.

In June 1994, the situation on the Korean Peninsula was tense. The United States accused North Korea of ​​conducting a nuclear test and called on the international community to jointly impose sanctions on North Korea.

html On June 9, the United States sent Asia expert Harrison to North Korea in advance to have preliminary communication with Kim Il Sung on the nuclear test. After reaching basic opinions, former President Carter came for further consultations to ease tensions.

At that time, the United States and North Korea had not established diplomatic relations, so Carter first arrived in South Korea, met with the South Korean President, and then entered North Korea from the 38th line. The North Korean diplomatic department waiting here escorted him to Pyongyang..

html On June 16, the two met in Pyongyang, and Kim Il Sung warmly embraced Carter.

Carter visited for three days. Kim Il Sung met with him every day, and each meeting lasted a long time.

(Carter, Kim Il Sung)

The last meeting, including visits and banquets, lasted a total of 6 hours. The break in between is only 20 minutes.

meets during the day and processes files at night. Kim Il-sung's wife, Kim Sung-ae, felt very distressed and reminded him several times whether he wanted to take a rest. However, Kim Il-sung was very excited about this historical meeting and was always in high spirits, so he didn't pay much attention to his health.

82 years old, this kind of dedicated and selfless spirit is very admirable.

The talks with Carter were successful and there is a lot of room for a peaceful situation.

Kim was very excited about the news brought by Carter: South Korea proposed inviting Kim Il Sung to visit Seoul .

If he could set foot on his homeland of South Korea during his lifetime, take a look at Seoul after a long absence, hold the first talks between North and South Korea in history, and further promote the process of peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, this would be a major event that will go down in history for Kim Il Sung. , is destined to be a major event that shakes the world.

Therefore, Carter's visit made the 80-year-old Kim Jong-il restless, high-spirited and tireless.

After sending Carter away, he immediately convened a meeting with North Korean Prime Minister Kang Seong-san and others to discuss the plan for the North-South summit talks, contact South Korea, and agree on a preparatory meeting for the talks.

At the same time, the negotiation plan with US President Clinton was revised.

After the foreign affairs arrangement came to an end, he went to the countryside to inspect without stopping.

At this time, it was the summer harvest in North Korea.

Grain harvests have been poor in recent years, which is also a worrying problem. Leaders from various places often falsely reported their harvests, which made him uneasy and wanted to find out the truth.

The results of the inspection did not satisfy him. The old farmer's sallow face and skinny appearance made him sad, heartbroken, and even shed tears on the spot.

After the inspection, he worriedly took a special train back to Xichuan, where he took a bus back to Pyongyang.

had a bumpy journey, and finally returned to his summer office, Miaoxiangshan Villa, late at night on July 7.

At this time, if he had a good sleep and relieved the pain of running around for days, there might not be an unexpected sudden death.

But he thought that many official duties were still waiting for him. If he lay down, many things would have to wait until tomorrow.

Therefore, he still called his secretary to listen to the work report.

The first news reported by the secretary was that Kim Il Sung's most trusted general, Zhao Mingxuan, had died of illness.

This news made Lao Jin extremely sad.

Zhao joined the revolution, fought guerrillas, and resisted Japan with him when he was 14 years old. It can be said that he shared life and death with his brothers, and he was one of the old comrades he cared about the most in his later years.

In the month before, two old generals had left him one after another. Now, the 76-year-old Zhao, whom he cared about the most, was also gone. This made Lao Jin extremely sad.

He asked Lao Zhao the reason for his death and learned that it was cerebral hemorrhage.

Lao Jin asked again if there was any treatment. The answer is, it is conservative treatment.Lao Jin was furious:

"Why not craniotomy rescue? These doctors are just afraid of being responsible, so they called the director to me and explained it to me face to face!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became, and the louder his voice became. His face was red, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

Suddenly, he couldn't breathe and fell heavily to the ground. The scene became busy at

. The doctor came to check and said it was an acute heart attack. However, Kim Il Sung had never had a heart attack before, so there was no spare heart disease medicine in the villa.

As we all know, after an acute heart attack, the golden period of rescue is within three to five minutes. If Suxiao Jiuxin Pills are not taken, the heart will basically stop beating.

Myrrh, Miaoxiangshan Villa was in chaos, and the doctor urgently called for a helicopter to be sent to the hospital for rescue.

However, did not go as planned. It was raining heavily at that time, and the visibility in Miaoxiang Mountain was very low. The helicopter that rushed to the villa in a panic unexpectedly crashed halfway to the villa.

The second helicopter arrived and finally stopped 50 meters away from the villa.

A group of people held umbrellas and carried Lao Jin to the plane with all their hands and feet, and rushed him to Pyongyang Fenghuo Hospital.

At this time, it was past 0:00 and it was July 8th.

As the most advanced hospital in North Korea, the best doctors are all present to provide emergency rescue.

However, because it was too late, there was no way to save the day.

At about 2 o'clock in the morning, Kim Il Sung's heart stopped beating and he died at the age of 82.

Taken together, Kim Il Sung’s sudden death was directly related to his work rhythm, physical condition, and the timing of rescue.

But in fact, there are three backgrounds of that lead to the superposition of these dangerous situations and ultimately fatalities. must be considered.

1, The disintegration of the Soviet Union , North Korea lost foreign aid, the economy collapsed, and food was greatly reduced;

2, international isolation , the Soviet Union and China both established diplomatic relations with South Korea, and North Korea's nuclear test incident made it criticized, and diplomacy was tense and tense;

3 , getting old, overworked, old comrades keep passing away, emotions are constantly hit .

In short, due to internal and external troubles, a small body and a weak body, he was old and everything failed, which eventually led to Lao Jin’s exhaustion. (End)


● "The Last Years of the Red Leaders", Fan Xiaofang, Hubei Changjiang Publishing Group, Chongwen Publishing House, 2009

● "The Secret of Kim Il Sung's Sudden Death", Mingling, "Hubei Archives", 2004.10