First, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng was the first monarch in Chinese history to use the title of "Emperor". He called himself the First Emperor and at the same time implemented the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers in the central government. To manage national affairs, the local feudal sy

Among the 10 greatest emperors in Chinese history, which one do you think is the most powerful? First, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng was the first monarch in Chinese history to use the title of "Emperor" and called himself the First Emperor and at the same time implemented the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers in the central government. To manage national affairs, the local government abolished the enfeoffment system and replaced it with the county system. He attacked the Xiongnu from the north and conquered Baiyue in the south, built and managed the Great Wall and connected the water system, and was known as the "one emperor through the ages."

Qin Shihuang

second, Emperor Wu of Han Liu Che, the seventh emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, was made the crown prince at the age of seven. He inherited the throne at the age of 16. In 54 years, he made many achievements and strengthened the imperial power. The foreign conquest of the barbarians ushered in the most prosperous and prosperous period of the Western Han Dynasty. It was the first development peak of China's feudal dynasty, making the Han Dynasty the most powerful country in the world at that time. The third place is Tang TaizongLi Shimin, the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty. During his reign, he listened to the opinions of his ministers and made great achievements with an open mind. We must practice strict economy when it comes to domestic culture and quality. Realizing recuperation and recuperation, he created the "Government of Zhenguan", expanded his territory to the outside world, and lived in harmony with all ethnic groups in the northern region. He obtained the title of "HTKhan", which laid an important foundation for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty for more than a hundred years. No. 4, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian, the founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty . During this period, Yang Jian defeated the Chen State militarily and successfully unified the Chinese forced Turks that had been severely divided for hundreds of years. In terms of internal affairs, Yang Jian was revered as the "Saint Khan" and created an advanced official selection system. Developing cultural economy has made China a prosperous country. The Sui Dynasty had a vast territory and a population of more than 7 million households. It was a glorious period of Chinese agricultural civilization.

Zhu Yuanzhang

No. 5, Emperor Wen of Han Liu Heng, the third emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, was the founder of " Wenjing's rule " and a wise king who created the unprecedented prosperity of the Han Dynasty. During his reign, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty worked hard to improve governance, build water conservancy projects, dress plainly, and abolish corporal punishment. The Han Dynasty entered a period of prosperity and stability, when the people were wealthy and the world was well-off. No. 6, Genghis Khan Temujin. Mongol Empire Khan was an outstanding statesman and military strategist in world history, who established the Great Mongol Empire. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he went through many foreign wars and occupied large areas of the East Asian and Jin Dynasty . And destroyed Xixia Western Liao and Huacizimo in Central Asia. Its conquests reached as far as the Black Sea coast, which promoted the mutual influence between the European and Asian continents and had a profound impact on the subsequent course of world history.

Genghis Khan Temujin

ranked 7th, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. During the reign of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty , he carried out reforms in all aspects. Politically deposing the prime minister further strengthened the centralization of power. Severely punish corrupt officials and lawless nobles. In the military, the health system was implemented, and the Northern Expedition left the Yuan Dynasty. After the efforts of the "Hongwu Dynasty" period, social production gradually recovered and developed, which is known as the "Hongwu Dynasty" in history. The eighth place is Qing Shengzu Kangxi . The fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty was revered as the "Clerical Emperor". He ascended the throne at the age of eight and took charge at the age of 14. Reigning for 61 years, he was the longest reigning emperor in Chinese history. Emperor Kangxi was the defender of a unified multi-ethnic country. It laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty and created a situation of " the prosperous age of Kangxi and Qianlong". The 9th Empress Wu, Wu Zetian . Wu Zhou Founding emperor, politician from Tang Dynasty to Five Zhou Dynasty. She is the only orthodox female emperor in Chinese history. She is also one of the oldest emperors who ascended the throne and has the longest lifespan. Before and after his reign, he committed suicide in the Tang clan. A ruthless politics arose, but he was also discerning and judgmental, and attached great importance to the selection of talents. Created the palace examination, martial arts and official examination system. Rewarding farmers Sangran gradually became extravagant and arbitrary in his later years, and gradually developed bad governance. No. 10, Song Renzong . Zhao Zhen, the fourth emperor of the Song Dynasty . He succeeded to the throne at the age of 13. In the early days of his reign, Queen Liu of Zhang Xianmingsu listened to the government behind the curtain. Song Renzong was a wise king. He was generous, not luxurious, and able to restrain himself. He was praised by historians and politicians of all ages. During his reign, the economy of the Northern Song Dynasty was prosperous, science, technology and culture also developed greatly, and he created the "Renzong Shengzhi".