In the torrent of history, students, teachers and other intellectuals are often at the forefront of change. They are young and energetic, and can easily regain their confidence even if they encounter blows and setbacks.

In the torrent of history, students, teachers and other intellectuals are often at the forefront of change. They are young and energetic, and can easily regain their confidence even if they encounter blows and setbacks. From the May 4th Movement to the protests against the US bombing of the Yugoslav Embassy, ​​students’ guidance and passionate figures represent the most dynamic side of the Chinese nation.

The Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Rape Killing Group (also known as the Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Rape Killing Group) was established in Tianjin in the winter of 1937. Most of the members of the anti-rape gang are high school students from major middle schools in Tianjin. Most of them were sons and daughters of prominent political families at the time, such as the two grandsons of Zheng Xiaoxu, the prime minister of the Puppet Manchukuo at the time, and Le Qianwen, the eldest daughter of Tong Ren Tang, etc. They were from distinguished backgrounds, but they actively participated in anti-Japanese, anti-corruption and national salvation activities, which is admirable.

This anti-Japanese team, with an average age of about 20 years old, acted very thoughtfully. They often gathered at a member's home to do training work together in the name of tutoring courses. It ranges from understanding the domestic anti-Japanese war situation to the international war situation; it ranges from being proficient in firearms and weapons to remembering the appearance of traitors and their house and license plate numbers, etc. The battle plan was laid out in perfect order.

Wang Zhulin, who was the director of the Changlu Salt Bureau at the time, was a famous traitor. He was also the president of the Tianjin Chamber of Commerce. He often visited members of the association and colleagues in the industry, asking them to help him become an accomplice of the Japanese army and profit from it. After the Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Anti-traitor Group learned about this incident, they have been waiting for the opportunity to assassinate this big traitor.

On December 27, 1938, Wang Zhulin hosted a banquet for guests to discuss business in the famous hotel Fengze Garden. The members of the anti-resistance regiment immediately took action after learning about the incident. Five or six members of the anti-resistance regiment ambush at the gate of Fengze Garden in advance. When the banquet was over and Wang Zhulin came out to see off the guests, a member of the group fired the first shot at him. However, he made a mistake and was not killed immediately. The injured Wang Zhulin endured the pain and tried to run to Fengzeyuan Restaurant. At this time, the second member of the group immediately opened fire and killed Wang Zhulin at the gate of Fengze Garden. Tianjin was in an uproar. Since then, many remnants of the previous generation and old Beiyang bureaucrats rarely did anything blatantly for the Japanese.

However, not long after, another big traitor appeared in the sight of the anti-traitor group. Cheng Xilian, then the manager of the Tianjin Branch of the Puppet Reserve Bank and the supervisor of the Tianjin Customs, actively worked for the Japanese. Of course, Cheng Xilian had a guilty conscience and feared revenge, so he placed his home in the British concession. Since the British Concession was heavily guarded and the patrol house was not far away, it was not safe to sneak into a home and carry out an attack.

At this time, a member of the anti-rape group successfully lurked in the British Concession Security Center where Cheng Xilian was located. The member reported to the organization that Cheng Xilian liked watching movies, so it was better to do it in the cinema. After learning about this situation, the members often wandered around the entrances of major theaters in Tianjin, paying attention to see if Cheng Xilian's car was parked near the theater.

At five o'clock in the afternoon on April 9, 1939, a member of the group discovered Cheng Xilian's car parked at the entrance of the Daguangming Cinema . After getting the news, the anti-rape gang immediately sent people armed with weapons to enter the cinema. However, because the theater was dark and it was difficult to see his face, one of the team members came up with the idea and wrote a note saying "Manager Cheng is looking for me outside" and asked the projection staff to type it on the screen.

Cheng Xilian saw this and was about to move when his wife pressed him down. However, this tiny movement was still seen by the team members. The team members went around to the seats two or three rows behind Cheng Xilian and fired four shots at him. Cheng Xilian fell into a pool of blood at that time.

When the team members were about to take advantage of the chaos to evacuate, a Soviet guard next to Cheng Xilian grabbed the gunman. At this time, another team member shot and killed the Soviet guard, and several people evacuated safely.

They were not only personally involved in assassinations, but also often carried out anti-Japanese propaganda. They distributed leaflets and letters in the occupied areas, announcing the anti-war situation to the people and calling on the people to resist Japanese rule. When the Battle of Taierzhuang was victorious, they all went out to the downtown area. The district held a parade to celebrate.

Many members of the anti-rape gang were caught and tortured by the Japanese. However, they never revealed a word about the organization and eventually died calmly. Their bravery and fearlessness prove that China's future is bright.