Chinese people like to use "good" or "bad" to classify Japanese Prime Ministers. Standing at the forefront of the times, choosing an enlightened move that promotes historical progress and making decisions that are in line with the development of historical trends is a great thing

Chinese people like to use "good" or "bad" to evaluate the Japanese Prime Minister.

In fact, how can there be any "good" people in this world?

stands at the forefront of the times, chooses an enlightened move to promote historical progress, and makes decisions that are in line with the development of historical trends. It is already a great act of kindness.

On the other hand, if a person cannot follow the good deeds, no matter how ideal he is morally or how lofty he is in his personal circle, what good will he do to history and the public?

For example, 27 years ago today, 's Takeo Fukuda .

He was loyal to Wang Jingwei during the war of aggression against China. He was very close to Chiang Kai-shek when he fled to Taiwan. After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, he pushed for the conclusion of a friendship treaty, pushing Sino-Japanese relations to a new historical height.

Tell me, is he a good person or a bad person?

(Takeo Fukuda, 1905.1.14-1995.7.5)

1. The person in charge of the Japanese army’s finances

Takeo Fukuda, whose surname was Fukuda and whose first name was Takeo.

Its name comes from "The Book of Songs·Zhou Nan·Tuyi", "Jiujiu Wufu, Gonghou Gancheng" . Judging from the name,

comes from a learned family.

Yes, in January 1905, Fukuda was born into a wealthy and prominent family in Gunma Town, Gunma Prefecture.

He has been thin and short since he was a child, but he is smart and has always excelled in studies.

At the age of 20, he was admitted to the Tokyo Imperial University School of Law, the best university in Japan. After graduating from

, he passed the civil service examination (Higher Civil Service Examination) and entered the Ministry of Finance of Japan, that is, the Ministry of Finance. After

worked in the Ministry of Finance for a few months, he was selected as a national key talent and sent to study in the UK for three years. During

, he participated in the Lausanne Conference when Germany was unable to pay the indemnity for World War I. At that time, he was only 26 years old.

(The first one on the right is Futian, during the Ministry of Finance)

After returning to China, it coincided with the rise of Japanese militarism, and the military's tendency to interfere in politics became increasingly intense.

He served as the affairs officer of the Army Provincial Accounting Bureau in the Ministry of Finance, and was in charge of the Japanese Army's financial budget audit.

This job forced him to conduct in-depth research on the Japanese Army.

has gained a detailed insight into everything from organization to equipment, from internal situation to external preparations.

Because only by understanding this can we approve all the expenses reported by the Army.

"The imaginary enemy of the Army at that time was the Soviet Union. Because of this, I also studied the internal situation of the Soviet Union."

1 years later, the Nagata Tetsuyama Incident of the Emperor's Path faction PK's Token faction occurred within the Japanese Army. The radical Emperor's Path The faction controlled the army and then influenced the government.

Tibet Province is becoming increasingly weak in the face of the domineering army.

After that, there was the February 26th Mutiny. The Army assassinated the Minister of Finance Takahashi Korei Kiyo .

As a result, Japan entered an era of uncontrollable and crazy military expansion and skyrocketing military expenditures.

"The organizational structure of the Army Ministry is very strict, and the budget requirements proposed are also neat and clear..."

"At that time, the paper used in the budget book was as thin as a piece of facial tissue today. Even so, the budget requirements for the entire year were The instructions were stacked up together, and exceeded my height. "

" When I was a comptroller, I experienced many things, including being threatened by soldiers with sabers and being flattered by others. A cat-like voice pleading for accommodation with great emotion. "

2. The person who advised Wang Jingwei

In March 1940, the anti-communist and pro-Japanese puppet government of Wang was established in Nanjing.

Fukuda was transferred to Nanjing from the Army Provincial Accounting Officer of the Ministry of Finance, where he had served for 7 years, serving as the economic adviser of the puppet government.

At that time, Futian was 35 years old and served as the chief affairs officer of the advisory group, advising Wang and presiding over the issuance of "reserve coupons" and other work.

(The Futian family was in Nanjing at that time)

He lived in a luxurious mansion on Beijing Road in Nanjing City.

This mansion is so luxurious that you can play golf, which shocked these small and narrow Japanese people.

In Nanjing for more than two years, Wang Jingwei took great care of Futian.Before leaving, he even wrote a "Certificate of Appreciation" for him, which made Futian very proud.

(Wang Jingwei and Tojo Hideki are waiting together)

Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet.

In the late period of World War II, Japan was exhausted due to the attrition war. As an official of the Ministry of Finance in charge of the financial lifeline, Fukuda knew the current situation well.

has to cooperate with the government.

With the ouster of Hideki Tojo in the summer of 1944, "rumors" of defeat had spread privately in Japan.

The war destroyed a country, dealt with a number of war criminals, but protected a number of civilian officials. Futian is one of them.

After the war, he had a prosperous official career in the Ministry of Finance, and a few years later he became a member of the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament.

In 1971, he became the Foreign Minister of the Sato cabinet.

After Sato stepped down, a fierce battle for the president's throne began within the Liberal Democratic Party. Competitors of

include Takeo Miki , Kakuei Tanaka , Masayo Ohira , and Takeo Fukuda. It is known in history as the "Triangle Daifuku" battle of .

(Chiang and Song met with Nobusuke Kishi in Taiwan)

Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan was very concerned about this scene.

He summoned Chiang Ching-kuo and others to discuss countermeasures and fully supported Futian's administration.

This is because Fukuda was a disciple of the brothers Sato Eisaku and Kishi Nobusuke, and Sato and Kishi were close supporters of Chiang Kai-shek.

Fukuda has been a close friend of the Japanese pro-Taiwan faction after Chiang Kai-shek's defeat in Taiwan.

The result of the "Triangle Daifuku" battle was that Tanaka Kakuei won.

After Jiang learned about it, he was deeply regretful and sent someone to visit Futian's house to express his condolences.

4 years later, in January 1976, Fukuda made a comeback and finally became the Prime Minister of Japan.

However, by this time, Chiang Kai-shek had been dead for several months, and Chiang Ching-kuo took charge of the political situation.

But what Jingguo did not expect was that Futian, whom he and his father actively supported, decisively abandoned Taiwan at this time and instead embraced Beijing warmly.

The world trend is strong, New China's international status is rising day by day,, Nixon visits China, Tanaka Kakuei rushes to Beijing to start the normalization of diplomatic relations, under the cold "care" of Soviet envy, jealousy and hatred, China-Japan relations continue to grow day by day. As the sun heats up, has become unstoppable.

3. The person who opened the milestone of Sino-Japanese friendship

In August 1978, Prime Minister Fukuda urged the successful conclusion of the " Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship".

This makes the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations started by Tanaka Kakuei 6 years ago a big step forward. What

Tanaka started can be described as the "wooden bridge" "suspension bridge" for friendly exchanges between the two countries. In Futian, it finally became the "iron bridge" , which has had an impact to this day.

The friendship treaty was concluded in August of that year.

On October 23, Deng Xiaoping visited Japan and exchanged letters of ratification with Fukuda, and the treaty officially came into effect .

From this, Deng Gong and Futian became historical giants who opened a new page of friendship between the two countries.

It was during this visit that Duke Deng made Japan look at him with admiration, setting off a "Deng whirlwind" in Japan.

(Deng and Futian hugged)

His public speech made Futian sincerely emotional, moved and admired.

At the press conference, Deng frankly and sincerely told Japanese reporters:

"First of all, admit our backwardness. If we honestly admit our backwardness, there will be hope;

"Then we must be good at learning. I came to Japan this time to ask for advice from the Japanese people...

"With this attitude, policy, and guidelines, there is hope for China."

(Deng and Fukuda)

Deng also joked:

"It looks ugly. But it’s not possible to dress up like a beauty.” made everyone burst into laughter.

Japanese media commented that this attitude of is exactly where China’s hope for re-emergence lies. .

With the efforts of Deng Gong and Futian, Sino-Japanese friendship has reached a new height.

(Fukuda’s son, Yasuo Fukuda, was also elected Prime Minister of Japan in 2007)

Fukuda received reporters at his home and enthusiastically recommended Deng Gong to the reporters.

During Deng's visit to Japan, Mitsubishi , Toyota , Hitachi , Panasonic and other more than Japanese companies unanimously published large advertisements in major Japanese newspapers to show their goodwill to Deng Gong and celebrate the entry into force of the Treaty of Friendship. Welcome Duke Deng visited Japan.

Nippon Keidanren and other six major economic groups held a welcome banquet for Duke Deng, with more than ,320 people attending, exceeding the record of nearly ,300 people when they welcomed Queen Elizabeth of England.

html More than ten years later, in order to commemorate the historical moment when the friendship treaty came into effect, people made an eternal wax figure of the moment when Deng Gong and Futian shook hands. (End)


● "Reviewing Ninety Years - Memoirs of Takeo Fukuda", Takeo Fukuda, Xie Qin, Oriental Publishing House, 2008.04

● "The Light and Shadow of Sino-Japanese Relations", Wang Taiping, Anhui People's Publishing House Society, 2018.05

● "The Chinese Origins of Fukuda and His Sons", Yu Chunyu "Global People", 2007 Issue 19

● "Takeo Fukuda the Person", compiled by the Japanese History Group of the History Department of Fudan University, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1975.03