In the third section of "Le Yi", the relationship with the leader is difficult to deal with. Let's see how the famous general Le Yi handles the relationship with the former monarch, King Yan Hui. Yesterday we shared that Le Yi joined forces to attack Qi, defeated the Qi army in o

"Le Yi" Section 3

The relationship with the leadership is difficult to deal with. Let's see how the famous general Le Yi handles the relationship with the former monarch King Yan Hui ?

Yesterday we shared that Le Yi joined forces to attack Qi and defeated the Qi army in one fell swoop, avenging King Yan Zhao for destroying the country and killing his father. After the death of King Yan Zhao, King Yan Hui ascended the throne. King Yan Hui did not trust Le Yi, which caused Le Yi to leave Zhao Kingdom . The Yan army was defeated by the Qi army, and the Qi army regained the lost city. King Yan Hui knew that he was wrong and sent someone to Zhao to invite Le Yi. Today, we will talk about how Le Yi treated King Yan Hui. Did he return to Yan Kingdom ?

King Hui of Yan believed the rumors and suspected Le Yi, so he ordered to hijack instead of Le Yi to attack Qi State , and ordered Le Yi to return to Yan State immediately. Le Yi knew that his return to Yan State this time would probably be unlucky, so he secretly went to Zhao State. Zhao Huiwen Wang has always appreciated Le Yi's talent and wanted to include him as his subordinate, but he never had the chance. This time Le Yi took the initiative to join him. King Zhao Huiwen was very happy and appointed Le Yi as the prime minister of Zhao.

After the defeat of Yan State, King Yan Hui regretted his decision, but he felt that it was all caused by Le Yi going to Zhao State. He wanted to put the blame on Le Yi, but he was also afraid that Le Yi would take Zhao State with him. The army attacked the distressed Yan State. So, he wrote a letter to Le Yi that looked like an apology but was actually an accountability letter, and sent someone to deliver it to Le Yi. The gist of

's letter is this: I have believed the slander, but you can't just turn around and leave! If you come back and talk to me, I will definitely listen to you. Just because you patted your butt and left, the Yan army was defeated. The Yan country is now in a critical situation. Think about it, are you worthy of the trust that my father, King Yan Zhao, has placed in you?

King Yan Hui felt that such a letter from him would make Le Yi burst into tears of gratitude and obediently return to the Kingdom of Yan. Le Yi was not a fool. He had been reading poetry and books since he was a child. He saw through King Yan Hui's tricks at a glance. He was not moved and cried. Instead, he answered a letter to King Yan Hui with a clear head. This letter It is the famous " reported to King Yan Hui ".

The content of this letter: I am not smart and cannot follow the teachings of the late king to comply with the wishes of the officials you control. I am afraid that when I come back, I will be framed by the officials you control and suffer the punishment of being hacked with swords and axes. In this way, I will hurt the former king. Ying Ming, I have hurt your moral integrity again, so I fled to the State of Zhao. He had to bear the crime of being dishonest, so he did not dare to defend his actions. Now, your Majesty, you have sent an envoy to tell me about my crimes. I am afraid that the people around you do not understand the reason why the late king stayed here, and they do not express clearly my sincerity in serving the late king, so I dare to answer you with a letter.

I heard that a sage king does not need a salary to take care of his relatives privately. Only those who have done more meritorious service will reward him with a salary; he will not give officials and titles to those he likes casually, and let people with comparable abilities stay in that position. Therefore, those who understand the abilities of their subordinates and grant them official positions are successful kings; those who make friends based on their character are those who can establish a reputation. Based on what I have learned, I can see that the actions and actions of the late king had ambitions higher than worldly affairs, so I used the talisman of King Wei of to go to the State of Yan, so that I could be appreciated by the late king in the State of Yan. The late king praised me, promoted me among the guests, and made me stand above his ministers. The late king did not discuss with my father and brother, so he made me Yaqing. I personally felt that by obeying the late king's orders and accepting his teachings, I could get away with it without making any mistakes, so I accepted the late king's orders without refusing.

The late king said to me: "I have a grudge against the State of Qi and do not want to care about whether I am weak or not. I just want to make the State of Qi my military target." I replied: "The State of Qi has the legacy of the empire and has a record of repeated victories. , has skilled combat experience, and often practices offensive warfare. If the king wants to conquer it, he must use the method of leading the various vassal states in the world to plan. The most direct way is to make friends. Zhao State. Moreover, the Huaibei and Song territories of Qi State are both wanted by Chu State and Wei State .

If Zhao State agrees to the alliance, Chu State, Wei State and Song State will all try their best to attack Qi State. We can defeat Qi State." The late king said, "Okay."I then accepted the order from the late king and sent me as an envoy to the State of Zhao in the south. Returning to the country and returning my orders, we raised an army to attack the State of Qi together.

With God's favor, the fate of the late king, and the geographical advantage north of the Yellow River , we followed the late king to capture it in one fell swoop. Ji Shang's army accepted the order to attack Qi State and defeated Qi State. The lightly armed and sharp troops marched straight into the capital of Qi State.

The king of Qi State fled to Ju, and only saved Qi State from being destroyed. Jewelry, jade and other treasures, as well as chariots, armors and precious utensils, were all transported back to the Yan State. The Dalu Bell was placed in Yuanying Palace, the original tripod of Yan State was returned to Lishi Palace, and the precious utensils of Qi State were placed on Ningtai. Plants from Jiqiu, the capital of the Yan Kingdom, were planted in the bamboo fields of Wenhe River.

Since the Five Hegemons , no one has achieved anything comparable to the former king. The former king felt that his wish was fulfilled and he thought that I did not disobey his order, so he divided the land. Give me a reward so that I can compare with the small vassal states.

I heard that a wise king will not abandon his achievements, so he will leave his name in the annals of history; a far-sighted person will not abandon them after his achievements. He was praised among the people of later generations for his revenge, pacifying a powerful country with tens of thousands of chariots, and confiscating the precious treasures accumulated by Qi State for 800 years. He still left instructions until the day of his death. The king's legacy instructs the ministers in power to revise laws, treat the children of common people well, and seek benefits for the people. These can be used to educate future generations.

I heard that people who are good at working are not necessarily good at achieving careers. People who start are not necessarily good at finishing. In the past, Wu Zixu's principles were accepted by Helu, so King Helu of Wu traveled as far as Ying, the capital of Chu State. King Wu Fuchai, the son of Helu, did not agree with Wu Zixu's views. He was given a skin bag to hold his body and his body was floated in the river. King Wu Fu Cha did not realize that Wu Zixu's far-sighted views could lead to achievements, so he buried Wu Zixu's body in the river without regret. The monarch has different values ​​and ambitions, so he did not change his way of life even if he was drowned in the river.

Therefore, it is my best choice to show the wise leadership of the late king by sacrificing his life. Damaging the reputation of the late king is what worries me the most. Facing unexpected crimes and getting lucky by helping Zhao State attack Yan State, I dare not do it according to moral standards.

I heard that in ancient times. A gentleman will not say anything bad about the other party even after breaking off the relationship. Once a loyal minister leaves the country where he is loyal, he will not think about what kind of reputation he will leave behind. Although I am not smart, I often follow the advice of a gentleman. If you serve the people close to you, you cannot understand the character of someone who is alienated. So I dare to report it in a letter, please be careful.

From this letter, we can see that Le Yi is very smart and emotionally intelligent. Also very high. In the first sentence of the letter, he wisely answered King Yan Hui’s accusation: Since King Yan admitted that he had been deceived by his traitorous ministers, I cannot obediently obey the traitor’s wishes and return to Yan State to let Yan The king's wisdom and the late king's justice were compromised, so I had no choice but to flee.

then spoke euphemistically, using facts, truth and morality to reason with King Yan , and warned King Yan that the best way to govern the country is to trust loyal ministers and to evaluate a person's strength based on merit rather than relying on one's own preferences. There is not a single sentence in the whole article that directly accuses the King of Yan of his fault, but it is tactful and restrained, soft on the outside and strong on the inside. At the end, he also shows that even though he has left the Yan Kingdom, he will never do anything wrong to the Yan Kingdom and has always been good to the King of Yan. They all treated each other with courtesy, and expressed their unforgettable kindness to the old King Yan.

It can be seen from this that Le Yi knew King Yan Hui very well. He knew that King Yan Hui was not afraid that he would leave, but that he was afraid that after he went to Zhao State, he would take advantage of Yan State's crisis and attack Yan State. Why do you say that?

is actually very understandable. You have worked hard in a company for most of your life and developed the company from a small company to a famous large company. Just when you were proud of your life, your new leader found someone to replace you. I also want to ban you.Now that you have gone to his competitor, what will you do? Many people will think of ways to bring down their previous company to retaliate for their previous leader’s disrespect for them.

Le Yi did not do this. Even though he knew that King Yan Hui was hostile to him and wanted to kill him, when faced with King Yan Hui's accusations against him, Le Yi treated King Yan Hui with courtesy and spoke politely. There was no accusation, and when he went to other countries, he never thought about taking revenge on the Yan State for letting him down. He still remembered the kindness of the old King Yan.

King Yan Hui is still a sensible person. After reading this letter, he said with emotion: "I really wronged Le Yi before. He is the real gentleman, and I am the villain." King Yan Hui said He was also relieved. He knew that Le Yi would not return to Yan State, so he appointed Le Yi's son as the prime minister of Yan State.

Le Yi knew that King Yan Hui was no longer angry with him, and because his relatives all lived in Yan State, he later often traveled between Yan and Zhao , and his relationship with King Yan Hui also became harmonious. After the reconciliation, Le Yi served as the guest minister of Yan and Zhao, making suggestions for the development of the two countries. The relationship between the two countries has always been very good. As time passed, Le Yi grew older, and finally lived in peace in Zhao Guo.

Le Yi used his intelligence and wisdom to make the Yan country prosperous and powerful, and because of King Yan Hui's suspicion, he chose to defect to the Zhao country. When faced with the accusations from King Yan Hui, he rationally and wisely resolved the conflicts between the two parties and became the leader of the two countries. Ke Qing, you have reversed your destiny.

It can be seen how important it is for a person to be able to speak and have high emotional intelligence. In life, we often have disagreements, quarrels, and separations with others because of differences of opinion, resulting in uncontrollable anger, and sometimes we will try our best to fight back against others. At this time, we can learn from Le Yi, control our emotions, maintain rationality and etiquette, and treat those who treat us badly and make us wronged with humility and tolerance.

This concludes the story about the legendary Le Yi. Le Yi was able to start well and end well, mainly because he controlled his own destiny through his own efforts and wisdom. The harder we work, the luckier we will be. Each of us can also change our lives through our own efforts. The most important thing in learning is to practice it. Apply it to your life quickly. I hope everyone can become a better version of themselves.