In the spring of 1946, the Anti-Japanese War had just ended. The Kuomintang government represented by Chiang Kai-shek tore up the armistice agreement and then began a large-scale attack on the liberated areas.

In the spring of 1946, the War of Resistance Against Japan had just ended. The Kuomintang government represented by Chiang Kai-shek tore up the armistice agreement and then began a large-scale attack on the liberated areas. Due to the disparity in military strength between the enemy and ourselves, the central government decided to temporarily evacuate Yan'an . In order to ensure the safety of the children, the Los Angeles nursery was decided to evacuate early.

On the eve of the evacuation of the nursery from Yan'an, Chairman Mao came to visit the children. During Chairman Mao's visit, a little boy ran up to the Chairman and said to him: "Uncle Mao, I want to tell you a secret!" Chairman Mao squatted down and asked curiously: "What do you want to tell me? Huh?"

The little boy said shyly: "Uncle Mao, we have the same name!" This sentence not only aroused Chairman Mao's curiosity, but also made the staff on the side very puzzled.

So what is going on? Is this little boy also called "Mao Zedong"? It all starts with a Los Angeles daycare.

Fu Lianzhang suggested setting up a nursery. Chairman Mao: My Jiaojiao was the first to sign up.

During the Red Army's Long March, many female comrades suffered from various women's diseases, and those newborn babies had to be given to the local people to raise. As a Red Army doctor, Fu Lianzhang felt very heartbroken. After arriving in northern Shaanxi, some children slowly gathered, many of whom were delivered by Fu Lianzhang himself.

As a transitional measure at that time, many children were fostered in ordinary people's homes. However, the life of the villagers themselves is very difficult. In addition, they do not know how to feed scientifically and the hygienic environment is extremely poor. This is not only very detrimental to the growth of the children, but many babies also die as a result.

How to raise children well is a crucial issue. Fu Lianzhang, as director of the Central General Health Department and director of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Hospital, has been thinking about this issue.

Fu Lianzhang’s family

On this day, Fu Lianzhang came to Chairman Mao’s residence and reported to him the situation of Yan’an’s health work. By the way, he also talked about the problems of children:

“Chairman, there are more and more children in Yan’an now, and some are The children of frontline soldiers were fighting against the Japanese army. The children had no one to control them at all, so they had to be sent to the homes of fellow villagers or relatives. But the effect was not very good. Some died of illness and some were lost. I don’t think this is a long-term solution. !"

Chairman Mao nodded and said, "Yes, we are fine in the rear, but how can the soldiers fighting the Japanese army on the front line feel at ease? No matter what, we must find the best way to solve everyone's problems. No worries."

Chairman Mao paused and continued: "Whose children are now being fostered in fellow villagers' homes?" Fu Lianzhang thought for a while and said, "There are Li Weihan's sons, Xie Juezai and Lao Xie's children, and yours. Daughter Jiaojiao and my daughter Wei Fang. By the way, there are also the children of Liu Bocheng and other frontline generals. "

Chairman Mao fell into deep thought when he heard the names of these people. Yes, how should these children be placed? After a while, Chairman Mao looked up at Fu Lianzhang and said with a smile: "Dr. Fu, since you raised this problem, you must have a good solution, right?"

Fu Lianzhang smiled and said: "Chairman, about I have indeed thought about this issue, but it may not be the most comprehensive solution, so I will tell you and let you consider it. I suggest whether you can set up a nursery to adopt these children together. This way, it will also be beneficial to take care of them. Educate them."

Chairman Mao said with great interest: "It's a good idea to set up a nursery. Please tell me more." Fu Lianzhang continued: "You can hire a few childcare workers to take care of them. Children, eating, sleeping, hygiene, etc. can all be unified. "

Chairman Mao nodded and said, "I think this method is feasible. You should discuss it with the relevant departments and get it done as soon as possible."

Fu Lianzhang found Mao again. Chairman, said: "Chairman, I have discussed it with the relevant departments and everyone agrees with this approach.We decided to set up a central nursery first to provide care for the children in Yan'an, and then gradually bring back the children who were fostered in the homes of fellow villagers.

Chairman Mao said happily: "Okay, this is really a great thing, but this matter must be done as soon as possible. When the time comes, my little Jiaojiao will be the first to sign up!" The chairman took a puff of his cigarette and continued: "We are looking for a capable and trustworthy head. Have you chosen the director of the nursery yet?" "

Chairman Mao

Fu Lianzhang introduced to Chairman Mao:

"It has been chosen. Her name is Chou Zigang , and she is an old comrade who has participated in the revolution for many years. Chou Zigang's husband died, and she came to Yan'an with her two children. She worked as a nurse in the Central Sanatorium and the Central Hospital, and as the director of a cooperative. She is more active in work and can endure hardships. The most important thing is that she is very caring for children..."

Chairman Mao nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "It seems to be a good candidate. In addition, we will send a few more young people. The lesbians assist Comrade Chouzi Gang in his work and also hire a cook with extensive cooking experience to cook for the children. "

Through self-reliance, everyone finally built the nursery, and the nursery also welcomed its first batch of little owners. They were Li Weihan's child Luo Xiaojin, Chairman Mao's daughter Li Min, Jia Tuofu's daughter Jia Lili, and Xie Juezai's The child Xie Dingding waited...

Soon after, the nursery expanded from 7 children to dozens, from 6 cave houses to more than 20. In addition, a large number of anti-Japanese soldiers were fighting on the front line. The generals also sent their children to Yan'an. Among them were Liu Bocheng's son Liu Taihang, Zuo Quan's daughter Zuo Taibei, Deng Xiaoping's daughter Deng Lin, Ren Bishi's daughter Ren Yuanzheng, etc.

Liu Bocheng's daughter was killed in the nursery.

During the difficult years of the Anti-Japanese War, there were many orphans of martyrs and children of anti-Japanese soldiers in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region who needed to be raised. However, due to the very lack of supplies at the time, coupled with the lack of medicine, everyone's life was extremely difficult, not to mention the lack of medicine. Taking care of the children. The children also encountered a greater threat - disease.

Due to the extremely poor living conditions, more than 20 children in the nursery that year suffered from dysentery and whooping cough At that time, Yan'an Central Hospital. Medicines were scarce, so we could only give the children a little aspirin, and then drink boiled water and rice soup, which suppressed the dysentery. However, as the dysentery subsided, the whooping cough became more and more serious.

This morning, the nursery nurse Wang Qianping said. While she was changing Liu Bocheng's son Liu Taihang's sheets stained by vomiting blood, Doctor Hou came to ask her: "Have any of you who come from the front line suffered from whooping cough? Wang Qianping nodded and said, "I've been hurt before." "Dr. Hou looked happy.

In the afternoon, Dr. Hou and the nurse came to Liu Taihang's bedside with a syringe. Wang Qianping thought that the child was dying, so she hugged Liu Taihang and cried bitterly.

At this moment, Dr. Hou gently He patted Wang Qianping on the shoulder and said to her: "Comrade Qianping, don't worry too much. We are here to test your blood type . If appropriate, we are going to draw some of your blood and give it to Taixing , which may save him. Are you willing? "

As soon as Wang Qianping heard that Liu Taihang was saved, he nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you can draw my blood quickly!" "After examination, Wang Qianping and Liu Taihang both had O blood type . Perhaps this was God's will, which also made Wang Qianping very excited.

After 200 ml of blood was injected into Liu Taihang's body, his condition improved. That night Liu Taihang Taihang only vomited once, and almost stopped vomiting the next day. Liu Taihang's whooping cough was finally cured. This miracle spread throughout Yan'an city.

The miracle of saving Liu Taihang inspired Dr. . A little blood was drawn from the children who had mild whooping cough and recovered, and then injected into several other sick children. One month later, the whooping cough that was ravaging the central kindergarten was finally eliminated.

Although the disease has disappeared, the scarcity of supplies has never been changed. Under such difficult circumstances, Soong Ching Ling raised a batch of supplies and funds through international friends and overseas Chinese in Los Angeles, and then found a way to transfer them to Yan'an and deliver them to the Central Nursery School. This is undoubtedly a timely help and solves an urgent need.

As a result, the people of Yan’an have Los Angeles in their hearts. Immediately afterwards, the relevant departments in Yan'an decided to rename the central nursery school "Los Angeles Nursery School" and held a grand renaming ceremony. When Chairman Mao visited the nursery, he personally wrote a few words of "take good care of children" and gave them to Director Chou Zigang.

At the end of this year, due to the development of the struggle situation, a group of comrades such as Wang Qian needed to go to work behind enemy lines. The day before leaving Yan'an, Wang Qianping bathed more than 10 children, including Liu Taihang and Xiao Jin, and combed Taihang's sister Liu Huabei's hair carefully.

When Liu Huabei first came to the nursery, she was covered with scabies. She also received special care from Wang Qianping. Little Huabei, who was born in the flames of war, did not remember her mother's appearance at all. She got warmth from Wang Qianping, so she regarded Wang Qianping as her mother. Now that he has to leave Xiaobei, Wang Qianping is very reluctant to leave.

Wang Qianping left Yan'an not long after, but she could not let go of her care and concern for the children. Two years later, when Wang Qianping learned that both Liu Taihang and Xiao Jin were attending Ansai Primary School in Yan'an, she danced with joy. However, almost at the same time, Wang Qianping received another bad news: Xiao Huabei was brutally murdered by Kuomintang agents.

One Saturday night, the enemy sneaked into the cave dwelling where Xiao Huabei lived and killed him extremely cruelly. The next day, the aunt from the nursery came to wake up Little Huabei, but what she saw was Little Huabei covered in blood. According to a child in the same cave dwelling: "When I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, I saw a man wearing a mask walking to Huabei's bed. I also heard Huabei say that he knew him."

According to analysis, this is obviously It was the Kuomintang agents' revenge against Liu Bocheng. As we all know, Liu Bocheng was a famous and victorious general on the front line. The Kuomintang hated him deeply, but they had no choice but to get rid of him, so they adopted this despicable method to deal with Liu Bocheng's daughter Xiao Huabei.

When Liu Bocheng and his wife learned the news that their daughter had been killed, they hurried back from the front line, but all they saw was their daughter's cold body. Children are very important to parents, but Liu Bocheng and his wife did not blame the staff of the nursery. They even took the initiative to comfort them not to blame themselves, and then hurried back to the front line.

Due to the covertness and cunningness of the enemy, the murder of Xiao Huabei has never been solved. Until Liu Bocheng died, he still said: "The death in North China is too tragic. If this case is not solved, I will not die in peace!"

A little boy said to Chairman Mao: Uncle, we have the same name.

The Spring Festival of 1942 is the happiest time for children. day. Although it was still in the war years and the conditions were very difficult, the people of Yan'an still had a prosperous New Year.

Chairman Mao took the children from a nursery in Los Angeles to his place for the festival. As soon as they entered the cave dwelling, everyone rushed to shout: "Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao!" Chairman Mao touched the children's heads and said: "I'm so good. , Hello!"

The children playfully imitated Chairman Mao's Hunan accent: "Okay, okay, Hello Chairman Mao!" Chairman Mao was amused by these children, and then said: "Come on, kids, come on. Eat candies and peanuts."

As soon as Chairman Mao finished speaking, the children rushed forward like happy little lambs , everyone filling their little pockets. Chairman Mao was even happier when he saw the children eating so deliciously than when he ate it in his own mouth.

After playing for a while, Chairman Mao led the children to Yan'an Square to watch a play.The first program is Yangge Opera "Brothers and Sisters Opening up Wasteland", which tells the story of brothers and sisters opening up wasteland for large-scale production and supporting the frontline in fighting the Japanese army. Gongs and drums were beaten on the stage, while the children in the audience burst into laughter.

The second program is " Literacy for Couples ". Chairman Mao listened attentively while making signs casually, and the children also hummed along. Seeing that the children were very serious, Chairman Mao patted their heads gently and said, "Baby children, you must look good. In the future, you will also go to act and do propaganda work."

Sure enough, the children did not let Mao down. The chairman's expectation is that in the future march, wherever they go, the children will act and sing for the local people, and will be warmly welcomed by the people.

In 1946, when the War of Resistance Against Japan had just ended, Chiang Kai-shek openly tore up the "Armistice Agreement" signed with our party and then launched a large-scale attack on the liberated areas. Due to the huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the central government decided to temporarily evacuate Yan'an. In order to ensure the safety of the children in the nursery, they were decided to evacuate early.

On the eve of the evacuation of the nursery, Chairman Mao came to visit the children. Director Chou Zigang was shocked when she saw Chairman Mao. She said: "Chairman, you are so busy and you still have time to visit the children. We are really sorry."

Chairman Mao said meaningfully: "No matter how busy you are, We must also come and see the children, they are our future and our hope. The future construction of New China still depends on them!"

At that time, a comrade was renovating a small bed, and Chairman Mao reached out and patted it and replaced it with a small wooden bed. The driver of the bed said: "It must be tied up firmly and the children's safety must be ensured."

Some comrades were packing their things for the road. They felt that it was a pity to throw away the bottles and cans, so they stood there hesitating. . Seeing this, Chairman Mao smiled and said: "Why, do you need to take these with you on the road? If you take them all, even a donkey can't carry them all! Comrades, don't be afraid to throw away these bottles and cans temporarily. One day we will fight back."

Chairman Mao's words made the comrades feel much more relaxed, and they were also deeply moved and inspired.

The children didn't understand why they had to move. They surrounded Chairman Mao and competed to get close to him. Chairman Mao stroked the head of this doll and kissed the face of that doll. Some children even acted coquettishly and hugged Chairman Mao's legs and refused to let go.

Facing these lovely children, Chairman Mao said affectionately: "Babys, I hope you little ones can grow up quickly, and it will be up to you to take over in the future." The children blinked and listened carefully to Mao Chairman's words.

After a while, Chairman Mao came to the playground to visit the children playing here. When the children saw Chairman Mao, they ran over one after another, shouting "Uncle Mao, Uncle Mao" as they ran. Chairman Mao squatted down with a smile and chatted with the children.

At this moment, a fat little boy ran up to Chairman Mao and said: "Uncle Mao, I want to tell you something very important." Chairman Mao smiled and said: "What is it? Tell me."

The little boy pretended to be mysterious and said: "Uncle Mao, my name is the same as yours!" Chairman Mao said curiously: "Oh? "Then what's your name?" The little boy answered seriously: "Your name is Chairman Mao, and my name is Xi Mao. Do you think our names are similar?"

Chairman Mao was stunned for a moment after hearing what the little boy said. , and then said with a smile: "This is indeed a very important thing!" The little boy continued: "Although our names are the same, our order is different. Your name is said to be 'Mao' first. My name is 'Xi' first."

Chairman Mao couldn't help but feel that the little boy was so cute, so he picked up the little boy and said, "This trip today is not in vain. I know you." Got a you with the same name as me.Then tell Uncle Mao, what do you want to do when you grow up? "

Xi Mao thought for a while and said: "I want to be an Eighth Route Army soldier and fight the enemy with my uncles! Chairman Mao laughed loudly after hearing this and said, "Okay, uncle, wait until you grow up and fight the bad guys with me!" "

Chairman Mao had a lot of things to do, and there was still a lot of work waiting for him. He was about to leave the nursery, and the children reluctantly sent him to the gate. Before leaving, Chairman Mao told the director Chou Zigang: "Comrade Chou Zigang, my child We leave it to you. We must protect and educate the children well. If you have any problems or difficulties, please consult Comrade Fu Lianzhang and follow the instructions of the central government. "

Chairman Mao wrote a banner: Study hard and make progress every day

Chairman Mao was very concerned about children's education. He wrote three inscriptions for "4.4" Children's Day. Before the founding of New China, the revolutionary base areas still followed the April 4th commemoration many years ago. Children's Day.

When Children's Day came on April 4, 1940, Chairman Mao specially wrote: "Every day, make progress. "

On April 4, 1941, Chairman Mao wrote an inscription for Yan'an to commemorate the 10th Children's Day: "Have a good life and take care of children." "

In April 1942, when the annual Children's Day was approaching, Chairman Mao once again wrote an inscription for "Liberation Daily": "Children unite and learn to be the new masters of New China." "

The three inscriptions are affectionate and reflect Chairman Mao's ardent expectations for children and express Chairman Mao's support and concern for the development of children's education. When

left Yan'an, there were nearly a hundred children in the Los Angeles nursery. After a year and a half, After migrating long distances, even the children in middle school have reached the age to go to school. As a result, the central government decided to establish its own boarding school . Yang Shangkun was responsible for the preparation of the school. The children enrolled included those directly under the central government and the People's Liberation Army. The school-age children of all working personnel in the units affiliated to the headquarters will be treated equally regardless of their parents' qualifications and positions. On November 21, 1948, the opening ceremony was held at the Yuying School of the Ministry of Supply, which is directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. However, in order to celebrate the victory of the October Revolution, the school anniversary is combined with it every year, so every year, November 7th becomes the anniversary day of Yuying School

After the school opened, Chairman Mao’s Daughters Li Min and Li Na, nephew Mao Yuanxin, Mao Anying's wife's sister Shao Hua and others also entered Yuying Primary School in December 1949, the Government Affairs Council decided to adopt June 1 as the International Children's Day for the children of New China. holiday. As the first International Children's Day after the founding of New China was approaching, Chairman Mao wrote an inscription for " People's Daily " on June 1, 1950: "Celebrate Children's Day. "

At the end of September 1951, Chairman Mao received a delegation from Anhui Province to participate in the National Day. Among them was a little hero who crossed the river named Ma Sanjie. She was only 15 years old that year. Ma Sanjie ranked third in the family and did not have a name yet. .

When Chairman Mao met Sister Ma, he said to her kindly: "Your surname is Ma, and my surname is Mao. Why don't you call me Sister Ma Mao ." "Immediately afterwards, Chairman Mao gave Sister Ma Mao an exquisite notebook, and wrote an inscription on the title page: "Study hard and make progress every day." "

In 1953, when the new school building of Yuying School was completed, the principal Yang Shangkun specially asked Commander-in-Chief Zhu De to write an inscription for Yuying Primary School, and it was inscribed on the wall of the school gate. Zhu De wrote the inscription like this: "Prepare: To realize communism and the motherland. strive for the great cause. "

In April and May of 1954, Chairman Mao wrote an inscription for Wang Ruizhen, a teacher at Yuying School: "Good health, good study, and good work. ”

Although the living conditions of Yuying Primary School were very good at that time, the school spirit of advocating frugality and opposing extravagance was passed down from generation to generation. The students had long been accustomed to wearing patched clothes and pants, and no one felt embarrassed. Everyone would mend their socks by themselves. Shoes, socks and sewing kits are also "heirlooms" that Yuying students carry with them.

It is worth mentioning that on the occasion of Children's Day of a certain year, Chairman Mao gave a precious gift to Yuying Primary School through his daughter Li Na, which was a banner that Chairman Mao personally wrote "Study hard and make progress every day". When the teachers and students of the school received this banner, they were ecstatic and made it into a glass frame and hung it high in the hall.

Since then, "study hard and make progress every day" has become a saying to encourage countless children...