Liu Bingyan, commander of the 10th District in central Hebei, political commissar Kuang Fuzhao and chief of staff Ren Zimu led the troops to perform a larger combat mission. Unfortunately, Ren Zimu was injured during the retreat.

Jizhong Anti-Japanese War Stories


In 1943, the anti-Japanese situation in Jizhong was the most difficult moment. Liu Bingyan, commander of the 10th District in central Hebei, political commissar Kuang Fuzhao and chief of staff Ren Zimu led the troops to perform a larger combat mission. Unfortunately, Ren Zimu was injured during the retreat. Liu Bingyan and Kuang Fuzhaodou helped him walk more than ten miles and settled down in a fellow villager's home. His wounds were simply treated, and he was ready to be sent to the military area rear hospital for treatment the next day.

Liu Bingyan asked Ren Zimu how his wound was?

Ren Zimu smiled and said it didn't hurt very much, it wasn't a big problem. We'll be able to fight together in a few days.

In order to take care of Ren Zimu, Liu Bingyan and Kuang Fuzhao slept on a auxiliary kang. Without saying a few words, fatigue and hunger made them fall asleep quickly.

The next morning, Liu Bingyan woke up and pushed Ren Zimu, but there was no movement. Touch his hand, it's cold. When I probed his nose again, I found that he was no longer breathing.

Liu Bingyan woke up Kuang Fuzhao, and the two looked at the stiff body of Ren Zimu, filled with grief and emotion - Ren Zimu, a very talented commander, was only 29 years old. He was fighting together yesterday, and he died overnight. Gone.

war is cruel. But people in war have emotions.

Because he couldn't buy a coffin, he bought a door panel from a fellow villager, placed Ren Zimu's body on it, covered the body with a sheet , chose a wasteland with obvious landmarks, and buried Ren Zimu according to military etiquette.

On the way back, Liu Bingyan and Kuang Fuzhao walked side by side. After a long silence, Liu Bingyan said to Kuang Fuzhao, have you ever thought about it? What will happen to us tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

Kuang Fuzhao did not understand Liu Bingyan’s intention, saying that no matter tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or forever, our cause will definitely win.

Liu Bingyan said, I have no doubt about this. I mean, can you and I make it to that day? Will he suddenly collapse like Zimu?

That's very possible. Kuang Fu Zhaohao said without hesitation. From the day we join the revolutionary ranks, life does not belong to us, and we may fall like Zimu at any time.

Liu Bingyan said emotionally that we have fought together for several years and are comrades in life and death. Although we cannot live together or die together, after death we will be buried together and continue to be comrades.

Kuang Fuzhao said excitedly, we want to go together. No matter who dies first and who dies later, they will all be buried together in the end and continue to fight as comrades.

Liu Bingyan pointed to the place where Ren Zimu was buried and said, whoever dies first will be buried here, and those who die later will also be buried here, together with his comrades, and a few trees will be planted on it to protect the villagers from wind and rain. .

Yes, continue to stand guard for the fellow villagers.

It’s a deal!

The two hands held each other tightly.

Liu Bingyan (May 1915 - July 1998) was born in Panying Village, Li County, Hebei Province. He was smart and studious since he was a child. In 1935, the "December 9th Movement" that shocked the country broke out. Thousands of university and middle school students in Beijing held anti-Japanese and national salvation demonstrations. Liu Bingyan, who was still one year away from graduating from college, resolutely devoted himself to this revolutionary torrent. As a student activist, he naturally became the target of the Kuomintang warlords. Under such circumstances, studying could no longer realize Liu Bingyan's dream of strengthening the country. Filled with grief and indignation, he decided to join the army and began his revolutionary career. In 1937, Liu Bingyan joined the Communist Party of China and participated in the Agrarian Revolution, the Anti-Japanese War, the Liberation War, and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of major general and was received by Chairman Mao.

Liu Bingyan

Kuang Fuzhao (January 27, 1914 - June 4, 1996) was a native of Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province. A proletarian revolutionary, an outstanding military commander and political leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and a senior general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. In 1955, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general. He was awarded the second-level August 1st Medal, the first-level Independent Medal of Freedom, and the first-level Liberation Medal. In 1988, he won the first-class Red Star Medal of Merit.

Kuang Fuzhao

On June 4, 1996, 82-year-old Kuang Fuzhao passed away. According to his last wish, he did not enter Babaoshan and buried his ashes in Mijiajiao as promised.

Two years later, on July 21, 1998, Liu Bingyan passed away, and his family buried his ashes a few meters away from Kuang Fuzhao as promised.

Since then, the two comrades-in-arms and the founding generals have fulfilled their life-and-death agreement and always sleep in the place where they fought, always sleeping next to their comrades-in-arms, watching over the land and the people for whom they once shed blood and sacrifice.

The cemetery of two generals

Biography of General Liu Bingyan



Editor/Mr. Kangua
