Last year, Lao Qin wrote the article "New China's Foreign Exchange Affairs: Premier Zhou arranged for generals to attend the United Nations meeting, and Chairman Mao repeatedly applauded". It was about June 1950, after the Korean War broke out, the United States intervened unchec

Lao Qin wrote an article "New China's Foreign Exchange Affairs: Premier Zhou arranged for generals to attend the United Nations conference, and Chairman Mao repeatedly applauded" last year. It talked about June 1950, after the Korean War broke out, and the United States intervened. Not only did They sent troops to join the war, sent the Seventh Fleet to blockade the Taiwan Strait, and sent fighter planes to bomb our northeastern region. To this end, Premier Zhou Enlai submitted a proposal to the United Nations Security Council to accuse the United States of armed aggression against the Chinese territory of Taiwan. The United Nations Security Council formally reviewed the "U.S. armed aggression against Taiwan" in November of that year. As a special representative, Wu Xiuquan led a delegation to attend the United Nations Security Council meeting. He sternly refuted the sophistry of the United States representative Austin that "the United States has not invaded Chinese territory" and won praise and praise from representatives of various countries.

Regarding the United Nations, it is a product of after World War II and is an intergovernmental international organization composed of sovereign states. Its main purpose is to maintain international peace and security.

In the anti-fascist war of World War II, our country fought together with the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and other countries, and was an important part of the world's anti-fascist war. On June 26, 1945, when representatives of various countries signed the Charter of the United Nations, our country not only received the honor of being the first to sign it, but also became a founding member of the United Nations and the United Nations Security Council together with France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. One of the 45 permanent members of html.

On October 1, 1949, New China was founded. As the only legitimate government representing the entire Chinese people, the government of the People's Republic of China should irrefutably enjoy China's seat in the United Nations. However, the United Nations at that time was controlled by the United States, and New China's legal seat in the United Nations was occupied by the Chiang Kai-shek gang who fled to Taiwan.

The new Chinese government has waged an unyielding struggle to restore its lawful seat in the United Nations.

In the 1960s, many African countries that had got rid of colonialism became independent. These countries had friendly exchanges with New China and accepted assistance from New China. After entering the United Nations, they all demanded the restoration of New China's lawful seat in the United Nations.

Among them, Algeria , Albania and other countries have proposed at the United Nations every year that not only should the People's Republic of China be restored to its legal seat in the United Nations, but also the Chiang Gang should be expelled from the United Nations immediately.

Due to the obstruction of the United States, this proposal has been discussed for 10 years and is still pending.

In the 1970s, the United States felt that the call for "restoring New China's lawful seat in the United Nations" was getting louder and louder. That is, it had become an irresistible trend in history for New China to regain its lawful seat in the United Nations, so it retreated. And seek the second best. At the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly held on October 18, 1971, he and the Sato government of Japan concocted a so-called "dual representation" case, proposing to admit representatives of the People's Republic of China into the United Nations without depriving them of such rights. Representation of the "Republic of China". This is clearly an attempt to create "two Chinas" in the United Nations.

In fact, three months before that, Kissinger had made his first secret visit to Beijing as Nixon's special envoy. During this period, he quietly revealed to Zhou Enlai that Nixon had decided to support New China in obtaining seats in the United Nations and the Security Council this year, but would not agree to expel the Taiwan Kuomintang authorities from the United Nations. He hoped that New China could understand, otherwise Nixon would be in a very difficult situation.

After hearing what Zhou Enlai conveyed, Chairman Mao said with consternation: We will never get on the pirate ship of the "two Chinas". No matter it is a magpie or a crow, we will not enter the United Nations this year!

Unexpectedly, on October 25, 1971, the resolution 2758 was successfully passed with 76 votes in favor, 35 votes against, and 17 abstentions to restore New China’s legal seat in the United Nations General Assembly and expel representatives of the Taiwan Kuomintang Group.

UN Secretary-General U Thant was extremely happy.

U Thant believes that the United Nations without the People's Republic of China, the world's most populous country, is nothing more than a grassroots team.Only when the seat of the People's Republic of China is restored can the United Nations truly begin its work.

He personally called the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implored China to send a delegation to attend the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly that was being held immediately.

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Ji Pengfei, Vice Minister Qiao Guanhua, as well as Han Nianlong, Xiong Xianghui, Zhang Wenjin and others went to Zhou Enlai to discuss.

Everyone has a question: Chairman Mao once said, "Whether it is a magpie or a crow, we will not enter the United Nations this year." So, should we go to the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly?

Zhou Enlai believed that it was really difficult to select permanent representatives, deputy representatives and staff to the Security Council in a hurry. Moreover, it would take a lot of effort to understand the United Nations rules of procedure , but it was delayed. It doesn't make sense to continue participating for too long. what to do? The big ideas still have to come from Chairman Mao.

At around 9 o'clock that night, everyone gathered at ZhongnanhaiChairman Mao's residence.

Chairman Mao was sitting on the sofa, his face full of spring breeze and beaming with joy. He took the initiative to "examine" himself and said humorously: Nixon said that we can't enter the United Nations this year. Well, I am still too superstitious about the American baton. What I said about "not entering the United Nations this year" was because of the old emperor's calendar, not counting. This time, it was the black African brothers who carried us into the United Nations. If we did not go, we would be separated from the masses.

After hearing Chairman Mao’s clear views, everyone was gearing up and extremely excited.

Zhou Enlai nodded and said: We do not fight unprepared battles. We are unprepared now and it will be difficult to participate immediately, especially the Security Council. I think we can ask Xiong Xianghui to take a few people over to inquire about the situation, and then we can speed up preparations here.

Chairman Mao waved his hand and said: We do not fight unprepared wars, but we must also be good at learning war in war. Now when we go to the United Nations, we don't send a few people to explore the way, but send a group of people to hold meetings and send delegations.

Having said this, he pointed at Qiao Guanhua and said: As the group leader, let Mr. Qiao be the leader and Xiong Xianghui be the representative. Let’s go to the meeting first. You should hurry up and study who to send to the Security Council.

Chairman Mao was in high spirits that night. He recalled the past when Wu Xiuquan led a delegation to attend the United Nations Security Council meeting as a special representative in 1950. He said meaningfully: In 1950, we were still in the "Huaguoshan Era", and Mr. Qiao followed Wu Xiuquan. I went to the United Nations to accuse the United States of armed aggression against the Chinese territory of Taiwan. An accusation is a complaint, a complaint against the "Jade Emperor". At that time, the "Jade Emperor" was arrogant and arrogant. Now, times have changed. In a few days, the "Jade Emperor" will visit our Huaguo Mountain. This time we go to uphold justice, grow our ambition, and establish our prestige.

Later, Chairman Mao also told the story of Jin’s destruction of Soochow.

He said that Jin army commander Du Yu took advantage of the rising water in the Yangtze River to raise his troops "like breaking bamboo" and succeeded in one fell swoop. Through this story, he inspired everyone not to hesitate, not to stay, not to hold back, but to boldly explore and move forward victoriously.

In this way, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs established a preparatory group to participate in the United Nations work on October 27, consisting of Qiao Guanhua, Xiong Xianghui, Tang Mingzhao, Zhang Wenjin, Ling Qing.

On the afternoon of November 9, the delegation of the People's Republic of China attending the United Nations General Assembly flew to New York.