There is no doubt about the power of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, the land of China reached a height that other feudal dynasties had never reached. At that time, the Tang Dynasty became the center of the world. Various countries came to pay tribute to the Tang Dynas

Hundreds of years ago, whether in Asia or Europe, generally did not have a correct understanding of sex. In ancient China, sex was also very conservative, and the ethical and moral shackles on sex were relatively strong, but there were One dynasty exception is - Tang Dynasty .

There is no doubt about the power of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, the land of China reached a height that other feudal dynasties had never reached. At that time, the Tang Dynasty became the center of the world. Various countries came to support the Tang Dynasty. , sent Tang envoys to the Tang Dynasty for exchanges and studies. Because of this, the Tang Dynasty had many different ideas. Under the collision of such diverse ideas, the social thinking of the Tang Dynasty also became more open. Women also began to go to school, and there were also The first and last female emperor of was .

However, behind such open-mindedness the royal family of the Tang Dynasty is still criticized by people even though a hundred years have passed. The founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty Li Yuan , Li Yuan had more than 20 sons in his life, of which only 4 The second one was born before he became emperor, which shows that Li Yuan indulged in female sex excessively after he became emperor.

After talking about the Tang Dynasty in Asia, let’s talk about Europe. When it comes to Europe, people usually think of Rome . Rome is also a very powerful country. . Our current impression of Europeans is that they are more open-minded. , but in fact, hundreds of years ago, people in Europe had similar views on sexual behavior to those in Asia European Christianity believed that sexual intercourse was dirty and evil , and people had to wear clothes even during sexual intercourse, and strictly prohibited people from not having children. Sex for purpose, just like the Tang Dynasty mentioned above, Rome was once so powerful that it shocked the world .

Rome at that time was just like it was in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. The arrival of envoys from different countries also diversified Rome's thoughts. Under the collision of this diversified thoughts, Rome began to slow down from its initial aversion to sexual behavior Slow receptive behavior . And this slow acceptance gradually turned into sexual behavior with the passage of time, the relationship between men and women was extremely chaotic .

How confusing were the sexual behaviors and relationships between men and women in Rome? Historian Acasla Dauphin commented: The sexual chaos of the Roman Empire is no longer limited to the relationship between men and women, it can be a male-male relationship, a male-animal relationship, a female-animal relationship, a female-animal relationship, or a female-animal relationship. When it comes to female relationships, people are like animals in heat and have no sense at all. If you go to a grand party in Rome, the people you see most are not poets who write poems or artists who carve, but people who are sculpting. Promiscuous people.

Time came to the middle of the 19th century. There was an Englishman named Robert Graves. . He described an absurd and extravagant story in his Ancient Roman Empire trilogy. The story is The protagonist is an emperor Claudius who did not have many achievements or negative reviews in Roman history. He had a queen named Messalina.

The marriage between Messalina and Claudius was not a simple marriage , but a political marriage. The reason why Claudius chose to marry Messalina was only because of Messalina’s The family is a very powerful family in Rome, so Claudius himself does not love Messalina, just because needs the political power of her family .

Claudius has a niece named Agrippina . We said before that the marriage between Messalina and Claudius was a political marriage. Claudius did not love Messalia. Na, although Messalina is a queen, she likes promiscuity. Claudius has always known about this matter. It is just because of the family power behind Messalina that he dare not say anything. However, Agrippi The appearance of Na broke this situation. She was younger and more beautiful than Messalina.

Moreover, Agrippina’s family power was no less than that of Messalina , so Claudius executed Messalina on the grounds of promiscuity, and Agrippina became A new queen was born, but Agrippina did not really love her uncle Claudius , she just wanted Claudius's throne .

When Agrippina's son was six years old, she asked her son to feed his father Claudius a highly poisonous soup. Claudius died , and Agrippina successfully held it in his hand. After becoming emperor, her son Nero fell in love with a maid. Agrippina directly ordered her to beheaded. Agrippina's move also paved the way for her own death. Downloaded the seed .

The son of Agrippina and ClaudiusNero was the most cruel monarch in the history of the Roman Empire. When Agrippina beheaded her maid, she happened to be caught by Nero, so Nero held a grudge. Then Nero wanted to kill Agrippina because of his extreme hatred for his mother, so Nero sent his cronies to raid Agrippina's room at night and kill her on the spot .

Conclusion: After Nero killed his mother, the people of the Roman Empire could no longer endure Nero's absurd and cruel rule . Nero's tyrant's rule came to an end due to the uprising of the Roman people. , he was once so powerful. The world-famous Roman Empire also fell. The absurd and extravagant history of the Roman Empire got its due end..