For those who are very interested in Wu Zetian and Wu Sansi, the editor of Fun History has brought detailed articles for your reference. If Wu Zetian passes the throne to Wu Sansi, can Wu Sansi secure the throne? Wu Zetian was the queen of Li Zhi, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dyna

Friends who are very interested in Wu Zetian and Wu Sansi , the editor of Fun History has brought detailed articles for your reference. If Wu Zetian passes the throne to Wu Sansi, can Wu Sansi secure the throne?

Wu Zetian was the queen of Tang Dynasty Tang Gaozong Li Zhi, and through this identity, after years of political management, she became the only one in Chinese history who was officially recognized by history The recognized empress. Although Wu Zetian became the emperor as the empress of the Tang Dynasty, she created a new dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty after all. In a sense, she also changed the Tang Dynasty into the Zhou Dynasty.

But what gave Wu Zetian a headache was that she became the emperor through the status of empress of the Tang Dynasty. So even if she changed dynasties and established the Zhou Dynasty, Wu Zetian would still have a headache about who should be chosen as her successor. Because her own son is the prince of the Li Tang royal family, not the prince of the Wuzhou royal family. Therefore, passing the throne to his son is equivalent to returning Li Tang's artifact.

The Wuzhou created by Wu Zetian is equivalent to its destruction after her death, so Wu Zetian is equivalent to single-handedly destroying the Wuzhou created by herself. But if you don't pass the throne to your own son, who can you pass the throne to? Wu Zetian's nephew Wu Sansi seems to be a suitable candidate. No matter how capable this person is, at least he has the closest blood relationship with Wu Zetian.

If the throne is passed to him at the same time, the world of Wu Zhou will not be destroyed. But Wu Zetian did not make such a decision in the end. Of course, there was a lot of Wu Zetian's own considerations in this. However, Wu Zetian actually did not hesitate to decide on his successor until her death. That's why Zhang Jianzhi and other veterans of Li and Tang launched a coup to seize the throne before Wu Zetian died.

The reason for being so anxious is also because Wu Zetian has always been unclear and hesitant. Then the problem came. When Wu Zetian was in power and could still control the political situation, she did not make a decision on choosing Wu Sansi as his successor. When she was unable to control the political situation in her later years, she was already unable to choose Wu Sansi as her successor.

Then if Wu Zetian could make a decision early and make Wu Sansi his successor, what changes would have happened to the political situation in the Tang Dynasty? In fact, in my opinion, compared with the result of Wu Zetian choosing Li Xian as his successor, it would be Bring about earth-shaking changes. First of all, in order to ensure that Wu Sansi can ascend to power, Wu Zetian will definitely start cleaning up the old ministers of Li Tang.

Di Renjie Zhang Jianzhi, veterans who were loyal to Li Tang, even if Wu Zetian did not kill them all, he would not reuse them. And if these Li Tang veterans cannot enter the central system, the influence they can exert can be said to be minimal. I'm afraid it won't be able to play a big role after Wu Zetian's death, and it won't be able to threaten Wu Sansi's throne.

This shows that if Wu Zetian wants to pass the throne to Wu Sansi, she can still keep the Wu Zhou world. Of course, some people may think that after Wu Zetian's death, veteran Li Tang would definitely rebel against Wu Sansi. But in fact, if Wu Zetian endorsed for Wu Sansi and had done enough homework, in fact and Li Tang veterans would not have much room to play.

Unless Wu Sansi seeks his own death, then it is not Wu Zetian’s problem, but Wu Sansi’s self-destruction. However, judging from Wu Sansi's ability, this kind of thing is very likely to happen. Wu Zetian may have seen this, so he did not make the decision to make Wu Sansi his heir. What do netizens think of this? You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area and communicate with me.