"If you want to serve the country with this life, why should you be born in Yumen Pass?" For heroes, some people define heroes as those who protect the country and guard the borders. Some people say that those who devote themselves to researching science and technology and making

"A pure heart shines on the sun and the moon, and a hero's liver and gallbladder reflect the mountains and rivers."

What is a pure child? A kind-hearted person who loves his country. What is a hero? A hero is a person who sacrifices his life to save others from danger, regardless of personal safety.

"If you want to serve the country with this life, why should you be born in Yumen Pass?" . For heroes, some people define them as protecting the homeland and defending the country. The Chinese soldiers who guard the borders are heroes: some people say that they are the ones who devote themselves to researching science and technology and making the motherland's science and technology take off. Hero: Some people say that they are called heroes when they are in danger and take the lead. There are ten definitions of heroes. In fact, they are all heroes, because heroes do not care about one core: Use your own light to light up the world.

In Wujiang of Jinhua, Zhejiang, there is a road named after a person - Xiangbin Road. At the end of the road there is a bronze statue of a young military officer.

On November 30th every year, bunches of chrysanthemums are always placed on the Chengnan Bridge in Wujiang River. Many citizens stand silently on the bridge, including soldiers, old people, and parents with their children. They all care about each other. They didn’t know each other, but at this moment they were all looking at the calm river, standing silently, without saying a word.

The citizens of Jinhua will always remember one person in different ways, an officer who died in this city. His name is Meng Xiangbin.

"It's too late!" Someone shouted, "Someone jumped off the bridge." Meng Xiangbin looked around and saw a young woman on both sides threw away her mobile phone and jumped into the river. The current was fast and the girl's figure was looming in the river. The situation was very critical. The wife beside her only heard Meng Xiangbin say, "It's too late!" The next second she saw her husband rushing out. His wife instinctively wanted to hold him. Meng Xiangbin comforted his wife without looking back, "I can swim." Meng Xiangbin quickly took off his heavy coat and shoes and jumped into the cold river water.

Career resume

In 1979, Meng Xiangbin was born in an ordinary rural family in Shandong Province. He was very obedient since he was a child. When he was a child, Meng Xiangbin liked to listen to adults telling stories, especially heroic stories, so he determined to join the army and become an honorable soldier when he was a child. Being a soldier is his dream.

In 1997, Meng Xiangbin joined the army in the Lanzhou Military Region after graduating from high school. Although Meng Xiangbin was born in a poor family, he loved studying, was willing to endure hardship, and was a good and motivated young man who loved learning. The organization recognized his work performance very much and recommended him to be admitted to the Lanzhou Branch of the Chinese People's Liberation Army University of Information Engineering. While in school, he studied hard and honorably joined the party in 2002. After graduating in the same year, he was assigned to work in the confidential section of a certain headquarters.

From the moment he put on the military uniform, Meng Xiangbin knew that life not only belonged to himself, but also belonged to the country and the people. He was full of enthusiasm and expectations every day in the army. He was always the most serious about daily training. On the contrary, he enjoys this kind of life. Every day he trains, he feels that he is one step closer to his dream.

In 2003, Meng Xiangbin met Ye Qinghua through someone's introduction. The two fell in love at first sight and soon got married and gave birth to a lovely daughter a year later.

Meng Xiangbin was very happy with the arrival of his daughter. He gave the child a nice name: Meng Shiyan. If it hadn't been for that accident, Meng Xiangbin would have had a very happy family.

In order to take care of his sickly parents-in-law, Ye Qinghua quit his job after getting married and worked in farming in Shandong to serve his parents-in-law. Raising children and taking on the burdens of life.

Meng Xiangbin divided the monthly officer allowance into two parts, leaving only 200 pocket money. The rest was transferred to his family. Every time his wife Ye Qinghua asked him to keep more money for himself, he would always say: " I don't lack anything in the army. "

Sacrificing oneself to save others

While in the army and unable to take care of his family, Meng Xiangbin He always felt a little guilty. After serving in the army for 10 years, he only took 8 family leaves. Even when his wife gave birth to a daughter, he was on duty and could not go home. It wasn't until his daughter was one month old that Meng Xiangbin rushed to his wife's side and stayed with them for two days.

In 2007, Meng Xiangbin, who had been busy with work, rarely got a chance to take a day off. His family was also very happy. He rushed home to reunite with his wife and daughter. On November 30, Meng Xiangbin took his wife, daughter and mother to the city for shopping. , I wanted to go home after eating outside, and the family walked happily on the street. But the happiness was soon broken. Before the family walked a few steps on the street, they heard someone shouting for help: "Someone jumped from the bridge."

There were many people on the bridge at that time, but no one wanted to rescue them. The woman who jumped off the bridge, as a member of the Communist Party, Meng Xiangbin could not be indifferent to such a scene like others. He quickly took off his coat, and his wife pulled him worriedly. Meng Xiangbin comforted his wife and said, "I can swim." Then he jumped into the cold river to save others.

It was winter at that time, and the temperature was around 5℃. Although the river was not frozen, the bitterly cold river water made Meng Xiangbin's legs cramp for a time, but it did not make Meng Xiangbin flinch. Meng Xiangbin swam towards the girl with all his strength, even though Meng Xiangbin took off his heavy clothes. Outerwear, but most winter underwear is thermal underwear, which brings great resistance to Meng Xiangbin.

The river water slapped Meng Xiangbin mercilessly, and the current and cold devoured his strength mercilessly. He swam to the girl who fell into the water, and after grabbing the girl, Meng Xiangbin lifted her up again and again. If the lifeboat had not arrived in time, both of them might have drowned due to lack of physical strength. With the help of another enthusiastic member of the public, the girl was successfully rescued.

At this time, Meng Xiangbin was exhausted and just said: "I can't do it anymore." He didn't even have the strength to grab the lifeguard's outstretched hand and sank to the bottom of the river.

From the moment Meng Xiangbin jumped from the bridge to save others, everyone on the shore was thinking about this brave young man. "It's such a cold day, how cold the water must be!" an aunt cried. Seeing him helplessly exhausted, someone found a rope, but the rope was too short! His wife Ye Qinghua was extremely heartbroken and wanted to jump into the river several times to look for her husband, but was stopped by several enthusiastic aunts.

Meng Xiangbin’s family on the bridge couldn’t believe that their son, husband and father would leave them forever, even though the family was still chatting and laughing just now. But in an instant, Yin and Yang are separated, how can we not be heartbroken?

Meng Xiangbin's wife Ye Qinghua said: "Xiangbin didn't leave me many words. When I first arrived in Jinhua, he said he felt guilty for me and didn't have much time to spend with me. But he vowed to take care of me and love me all his life. Unexpectedly The next day, he was completely separated from me. I also have a selfish side. Before he jumped into the water, I grabbed him and told him that it was too dangerous and he had to swim from the shore if he wanted to save me. He said that it was too late and didn't listen to me. I saw him holding the woman in the water for five or six minutes, and then he yelled, "I can't do it anymore."

Someone at the scene rushed to the police and jumped into the river when the police arrived. The woman has been sent to the hospital. With the efforts of the public security, fire, medical and other departments and rescue personnel, the drowned Meng Xiangbin was rescued and sent to the central hospital for rescue.

During the process of being sent to the hospital, many citizens spontaneously raised their eyebrows. When we arrived at the hospital, people knew there was little hope, but they still hoped that the life-saving hero would wake up. Unfortunately, when the bad news came, the 28-year-old life-saving hero left us. Many people cried. My eyes are red.

That night, by the Wujiang River where Meng Xiangbin rescued people, more than 1,000 nearby citizens spontaneously mourned the hero. They placed white candles on the riverside, and someone held a "Sorrow for the Hero Comrade Meng Xiangbin". banners, and people came from other places just to see the hero off.

Meng Xiangbin's deeds affected many people. In 2007, Meng Xiangbin was selected as one of the "Top Ten People Who Moved China"

Some people learned that Meng Xiangbin was a hero. When my daughter bought red leather shoes and passed by Tongji Bridge, many people quietly brought red leather shoes and placed them at the door of the hotel where Ye Qinghua lived. The shoes were large and small, and they were enough to last until the child grew up.

On December 1st, the diving woman came to the hotel early in the morning to find Ye Qinghua, cried and expressed her deep apology to her, and knelt down to hope that Ye Qinghua would forgive her. Ye Qinghua also cried and told her, "I won't blame her, Xiangbin is a soldier." It is the duty of a soldier to sacrifice oneself to save others. You must live strong in the future. Living well is the best reward for your husband. "

It turns out that the diving woman is from Wenzhou . She is only 23 years old. She came to Jinhua to meet her! She fell in love with her boyfriend online, but she didn't know that he was already married. He deceived her about her feelings. On November 30, she had a fierce quarrel with her male netizen, and she couldn't bear to think about committing suicide by jumping into the river.

After Meng Xiangbin died, the army leaders learned about the situation of the Meng family and arranged for Ye Qinghua to work in the army.

After Ye Qinghua entered the army, the organization sent cadres to provide her with special training in military training, theoretical study and other aspects.

also allowed Meng Xiangbin’s daughter to enter the military school as an exception.

A reporter once asked Ye Qinghua: "Do you regret marrying Meng Xiangbin?" "I have never done anything that I regret. Marrying Meng Xiangbin is the most correct thing I think I did. I am proud of him. I His family is also proud of him.”

Proud of her husband

Putting on the camouflage military uniform, Ye Qinghua bravely walked forward along the path that her husband had not yet completed as a soldier, and continued her husband’s kindness in helping others.

She donated all of Meng Xiangbin’s last month’s salary to the Liuqiao Township Nursing Home, and purchased refrigerators, water heaters, etc. out of her own pocket.

In 2008, Wenchuan earthquake , Ye Qinghua donated more than 2,000 yuan, and marked it as Meng Xiangbin's special party dues.

html For more than ten years, she has helped more than a dozen poor students complete their studies, and built a free "Xiangbin Tree House" in the middle school and elementary school where Meng Xiangbin attended during his lifetime.

As long as it is within her ability, she will always try her best to help.

14 years ago, Ye Qinghua has helped more than 100 martyrs find their homes.

In order to vigorously publicize the deeds of the martyrs, Ye Qinghua contacted a number of volunteers to prepare for the construction of the Martyrs' Deeds Hall. In 2021, the "Jinhua Martyrs Memorial Park" will be officially opened.

Prior to this, Ye Qinghua had spent more than 100,000 yuan to prepare a martyr memorial hall for the Chinese Volunteer Army martyr Cao Qigong in Yunnan.

Fourteen years have passed, and the little girl Meng Shiyan who only cried back then has grown up. She had a vague impression of her father when she was a child. Now she understands her father particularly well and understands his father's sense of responsibility as a soldier. She will I am proud of this father who sacrificed himself to save others.

’s daughter’s dream is to become a teacher who teaches and educates people. She wants more children to understand the feelings of the country, and she wants to use her little strength to make others feel warm.

is also a life, and also has relatives. He exchanged a glorious fall for another person's life.

"The sound of the river is endless for heroes, and God's will is selfless." In the past fourteen years, stories about heroes have spread all over the country. Whether on the battlefield or wherever needed, heroes always think of others, even if they dedicate their own lives. Life is not hesitant. Although they have passed away, the spirit of heroes lives on forever and is worth learning from.

Soldiers are great. It is their spirit of selfless dedication that wins the respect and love of the whole society. The heroic spirit will last forever! !