Pictured is the performance scene. On the evening of June 28, the "First Guardian of the Party Constitution - Zhang Renya" Zhenhai District Party History Learning and Education Original Large-scale Red Drama Party Class Activity officially kicked off at the Zhenhai Grand Theater.

The picture shows the performance scene.

On the evening of June 28, the "First Party Constitution Guardian - Zhang Renya " Zhenhai District Party History Learning and Education Original Large-scale Red Drama Party Class Activity officially kicked off at the Zhenhai Grand Theater. People from all walks of life in Zhenhai District More than 500 people, including party members from units directly under the town (street) and district, watched the performance. The event is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the District Committee and the Organization Department of the District Committee, and hosted by the District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau.

's red drama "Zhang Renya" is the country's first large-scale red-themed drama describing the "Guardian of the Party Constitution". The play tells the true story of Zhang Renya, a Ningbo-born communist fighter and "Guardian of the Party Constitution", and his father, Zhang Jueqian, who protected precious materials such as the first Party Constitution of the Communist Party of China. It uses Ningbo's unique "red resources" to ", showing the faith, loyalty and mission of the Communists.

After the April 12th counter-revolutionary coup, Shanghai was shrouded in white terror. Zhang Renya (formerly known as Zhang Jingquan) took precious documents and materials from the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China back to his hometown of Ningbo from Shanghai, regardless of his own safety, and entrusted the materials to Lost his father Zhang Jueqian. Zhang Jueqian made a decision that shocked the world - he built a tomb for his living son, wrapped the materials including the first party constitution of the Communist Party of China in oil paper, and kept it in the tomb, waiting for his son's return... ...

The whole show is about two hours. During this period, members of the Ningbo Repertory Theater narrated stories and led the audience to relive Ningbo’s red history, bringing emotional resonance and ideological enlightenment to everyone.

"Through this event, party members have a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of party history, and further promote the study and education of party history in Zhenhai District to go deep into the masses, the grassroots, and the hearts of the people. At the same time, it encourages party members in the new era to not forget their original aspirations and keep their mission in mind. The spirit should be integrated into work and life,” said the relevant person in charge of the District Culture, Broadcasting, Tourism and Sports Bureau.

(Source: Website of the People’s Government of Zhenhai District, Ningbo City) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper 3469887933#qq.com to reply within 24 hours. 】