In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, eulogize the party's great achievements, promote the spirit of patriotism, inspire children to love the party and the motherland, help promote the study of party history for young childre

To celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, eulogize the party’s great achievements, promote the spirit of patriotism, inspire children to love the party and the motherland, help promote the study of party history for young children, inherit red culture, and let children feel the importance of being in the party The joy of growing up happily under the sun can train children's painting skills. The Guangshan Volunteer Federation of Guangshui City carried out the civilized practice activity of "Children's Heart Welcomes July 1st to the Party" at the Shengli Street Community Children's Service Station.

During the activity, the volunteer teacher asked the children: "When was the Communist Party of China established? How did New China come? How did the good life come?" The children actively raised their hands to speak after hearing the questions. "The Communist Party of China was founded on July 1, 1921. This year is the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China; New China was obtained with the blood of thousands of revolutionary martyrs; a good life is the result of the hard work of generations of ancestors. Come." Under the guidance of the teacher, the children learned about the origin and related knowledge of Party Founding Day through pictures and videos, knew what the motherland was like in the past, saw the changes in the motherland, and remembered the founding of the Communist Party of China. time.

The flag of the Communist Party of China is red with a golden red pattern of the party emblem. The red color symbolizes revolution, and the yellow hammer and sickle represent the labor tools of workers and farmers. It symbolizes that the Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class and represents the fundamental interests of the working class and the broad masses of the people. Through the teacher's explanation, the children understood the connotation and significance of the party flag, and felt the sacredness of the party flag by touching it.

Through the touching red stories, the children learned about the heroes in the red stories, learned about the history full of war and smoke, and learned to cherish the happy life now.

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, without the Communist Party, there would be no New China,..." By singing red songs and dancing red dances, today's happiness was sung, so that the young hearts could bury the love for the motherland, the courage to struggle, and the gratitude and dedication. seed.

uses hand-written newspapers to guide children to express their love for the party and the country with words and brushes, express their deep blessings and respect for the party and the motherland, and let the red seeds be rooted in the hearts of the children.

"Through study, I have further understood the glorious history of the Chinese Communist Party's unremitting struggle over the past century. I feel very proud! In the future, together with my classmates, I will remember the red history, inherit the red gene, and keep listening to the party, knowing the party's kindness, and Firm determination to follow the party," Ho Chi Minh said excitedly.

Through the implementation of the civilized practice activity of "Childlike Heart Welcomes July 1st to the Party", it is not only a kind of cultural education for children, but also a kind of inheritance of the red spirit. Not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind, we correctly guide the children to know the history of the Party, be grateful for the Party's gratitude, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and cultivate their love for the Communist Party of China. The glorious image of the party has been created in the hearts of the children, the cohesion and centripetal force of the party organization have been further enhanced, and the children have further understood the warmth of the party and the greatness of the motherland. Plant a red seedling that loves and protects the Party in the young hearts of the children, so that the red gene can be passed on from generation to generation, and the flowers of the motherland can thrive in the sunshine of the new era.

(Cheng Kaijun)