When it comes to Chinese architects, we have to mention Mr. Liang Sicheng. The first time I got to know Mr. Liang Sicheng was when he saw the manuscript on the structure of ancient Chinese buildings that Mr. Liang Sicheng drew during his study on the Internet.

When it comes to Chinese architects, we have to say Mr. Liang Sicheng. The first time I learned about Mr. Liang Sicheng was when I saw on the Internet the manuscripts about the structure of ancient Chinese buildings that Mr. Liang Sicheng drew during his study. At that time, the author was shocked by Mr. Liang Sicheng's clear ideas and beautiful and neat manuscripts.

The Mr. Liang Sicheng that most people know is basically Liang Sicheng as an architect. Few people know about his rough emotional journey. Regarding his emotional life, what most people know is his marriage to Lin Huiyin , but few people know that he later married his next wife Lin Zhu.

Mr. Liang Sicheng, who was getting married once, told his good friend before his death: ten years of marriage were all about precautions. In the end, he said something from the bottom of his heart, and this last word made Lin Su collapse and cry bitterly.

Mr. Liang Sicheng's second wife - Lin Zhu

Regarding the love and marriage between Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, most people feel that they are a match made in heaven. One is the most famous architect and a highly respected professor at the time, and the other is the most famous architect and respected professor at the time. The other is a famous talented woman in the Republic of China. It seems natural that the two of them should be together.

However, before Lin Huiyin passed away, Lin Zhu was already involved with Liang Sicheng's family, and Lin Zhu was one of Liang Sicheng's students at the time.

Although age and status cannot be obstacles in the face of love and marriage, as long as it is legal and reasonable, nothing can be an excuse to avoid marriage and love. But having said that, reality often slaps us hard.

After all, Liang Sicheng at that time was not only a famous architect, but also Lin Zhu’s teacher. Although there are many marriages between teachers and students in history, many people still have grudges when these things really happen around us.

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Lin Zhu was already married before marrying Liang Sicheng. However, because her husband encountered some difficulties in reality, Lin Zhu decided to leave her husband. and took the children to Liang Sicheng's side. In the end, the desperate husband chose to commit suicide.

No matter what the cause of the matter or the fundamental influencing factors, what people can see is that Lin Zhu abandoned her husband when he was in a difficult time, and chose the most famous architect at the time, . On the surface, all this seemed It's Lin Zhu who is greedy for fame and fortune.

For these reasons, Liang Sicheng and Lin Zhu were under tremendous pressure when they were together. No matter family or friends, they were not optimistic about this relationship and marriage. was even the best friend with Mr. Liang Sicheng at the time. Because of Liang Sicheng's move, he chose not to have any contact with Liang Sicheng from now on.

A defensive marriage

After Lin Zhu first married Liang Sicheng, everything seemed to be as people thought. Lin Zhu suddenly became the new wife of a famous architect, and her life at that time was on the surface a glorious one. Yes, whether she is going out shopping or staying at home, she lives the life of a rich lady who keeps her feet clean and is served by her servants. But, is the real situation really what people imagine?

In fact, after marrying Liang Sicheng, Lin Zhu seemed to have inherited Liang Sicheng's previous role and became a good wife and mother. The reason why talks about Liang Sicheng in this way is because in his marriage to Lin Huiyin, Liang Sicheng actually played the role of a wife.

Because although Lin Huiyin was a lady and a famous talented woman during the Republic of China, Lin Huiyin knew nothing about household chores such as firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, etc. There is no way in . There must be one person in the marriage who takes on these things.

Therefore, after Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin got married, Liang Sicheng was responsible for all these trivial matters. Later, because Lin Huiyin was seriously ill, Liang Sicheng even took on all the trivial matters in life, whether it was taking care of Lin Huiyin's illness, or daily cooking, housework, etc., Liang Sicheng was doing all of it.

After Lin Zhu married Twice City, all these things became Lin Zhu's. She not only has to take care of her elderly husband, but also serve Lin Huiyin's old mother. All the housework that Liang Sicheng had undertaken before has now become Lin Zhu's burden.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is the wealthy wife of a famous architect, but only she knows the sadness in this. What's more disappointing to Lin Su is that her own husband is always on guard against him.

Even though he and Lin Zhu had been married for a very long time, Liang Sicheng would not let Lin Zhu touch the very precious things at home. For example, the most precious money, etc., Liang Sicheng never gave it to Lin Zhu, but Give all these things to your mother-in-law.

Unfortunate marriage

What is even more ridiculous is that for a long time after they got married, Lin Zhu was at work because someone framed her for embezzling public funds. When she was inspecting it, someone needed to stand up and testify for Lin Zhu.

Of course, the most reliable person at this time is definitely her husband, but to Lin Zhu’s disappointment, Liang Sicheng not only did not support her, but also told Lin Zhu that if Lin Zhu really embezzled national property, then their marriage would also be ruined. That's it.

In fact, what we are talking about today is only a small part of this unfortunate marriage. In daily life, Lin Zhu not only has to serve Liang Sicheng and his family, but also suffers from family and family members in the process. Outsiders pointed their fingers and rolled their eyes endlessly.

Even though she has done so much and devoted her youth and the rest of her life to this family, she still cannot get the understanding and tolerance of others. Even her favorite husband cannot support her in public.

In fact, after getting married, Lin Zhu was just a servant in the family. Be it her husband, her husband's children, or Lin Huiyin's mother, none of these people gave her enough support and support. respect.


Until Liang Sicheng was about to die, he said eight words to his good friend: All these years, thanks to Lin Zhu. After hearing this sentence, Lin Zhu couldn't help crying. Although it was only eight short words, only Lin Zhu knew the bitterness and grievances contained in it.

What was Liang Sicheng’s intention when he said these words before he died? We don’t know, maybe it’s pity for Lin Zhu, maybe it’s his guilt and regret for his previous indifference and lack of support for his wife, but it’s all too late, and the grievances Lin Zhu has experienced It is impossible to reshuffle the cards and let her live a wonderful life again. The

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