Many people who didn't understand the reason thought someone was setting off fireworks and looked for the source of the sound. However, what they didn't know was that the sound was actually the sound of explosives exploding.


In the early morning of , the sixth day of the first lunar month of in 2004, the cold wind was biting, everything was silent, and there were few people around.

At this moment, "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" three deafening sounds sounded in succession. Many people who didn't understand the reason thought someone was setting off fireworks and looked for the source of the sound. However, what they didn't know was that the sound was actually the sound of explosives exploding. The explosion location was in Lianhu District, Xi'an City.

After the incident, the police rushed to the scene quickly. Fortunately, no one lost their life. After this, the Xi'an Municipal Public Security Bureau quickly set up a task force to investigate the explosion. Ren Qiang, one of the victims of

, was interviewed by the police. According to him, he saw a beautiful gift box outside his house on the day of the incident. Because he was the only one with this gift box in front of his house, he took it home. But who would have thought that there was actually an explosive inside?

After listening to Ren Qiang's words, the police realized that this was probably revenge of an enemy, so they asked Ren Qiang if he had ever made enemies with anyone. Ren Qiang subconsciously wanted to say no, but then his expression changed. As if he remembered something, he shouted a name: "Gao Delong!"

"It must be Gao Delong!" Ren Qiang said with certainty.

1. Gao Delong

"Old Gao is so pitiful!" This is what Gao Delong's neighbors always say when they mention him. Gao Delong, now 52 years old, is an unemployed vagrant. He likes to play mahjong at nearby mahjong parlors. He will play mahjong all day long. After playing mahjong, he will go to a nearby canteen to buy wine and go home. If he wins money, he Will buy a few more bottles.

After returning home, Gao Delong will first check on his wife. Gao Delong's wife is a little mentally disturbed. If she is in good condition today, he will drink all the wine he brings home. If his wife is sick, he will take care of her first and then drink alone until he does not know where he is tonight. Year.

While other families were full of laughter and laughter, only the Gaudelon family was dull and seemed so out of place. However, a long time ago, Gaudelon and his family were not like this.

A long time ago, Gao Delong was the manager of Xi'an Metal Materials Company. His wife did not have any mental illness. He also had two children. His family was well off and he lived a happy life. At that time, everyone who met Gaudelon could feel his high spirits.

However, just overnight, Gao Delong suddenly disappeared from people's eyes. When he reappeared, he became a jobless vagrant who loved to play mahjong and drank all day long. He no longer appears in front of people, but once he appears in front of people, he looks crazy, muttering to himself: "Obviously, have you seen that my son is so clever!"

From the past, he had a happy family, The high-spirited Gao Delong turned into the decadent Gao Delong with a broken family. No one could look at it without saying a word of regret. The reason why Gao Delong became like this is because of his son Gao Ming, who unfortunately passed away long ago.

2. Happy to have a son

On November 17, 1981, Gao Delong's son was born. He looked at the little baby and was very happy in his heart. But because of this child, the Gaudelon family's living standard also dropped rapidly.

Why? It turned out that Gao Delong had a daughter long ago. This child was the second child, and at that time, extra births were not allowed. As long as you have more than one child, you will have to pay a fine, especially for dual-income families, the fine will be even higher. The Gao Delong family is a dual-income family.

Gao Delong was the manager of Xi'an Metal Materials Company at the time, and his wife Yu Fengying was a driver. They were all high-paid people in that era.

It’s not that Gao Delong didn’t know that he would be fined for having more children, but Gao Delong had always had a wish in his heart, that is, he could have both children. So Gao Delong decided to have another child with his wife, knowing that he would be fined for having another child.

Gao Delong thought about it. Although he would be fined for having more children, he believed that with his own ability, he would not be unable to support his family. After all, he had become a manager step by step from a small employee through his own efforts. Gao Delong believes that as long as he works harder, he will be able to let his family live a good life.

A few months later, Gaudelon's son was born. After the child was born, the Gaudelon family also paid a price. Gaudelon's salary suddenly changed from 80 yuan to 50 yuan, and he also had to pay a 10% fine, so there was not much money left.

If this money is only used by one person, it may be enough, but if it has to support the livelihood of a family, it is obviously not enough. The life of Gao Delong and his family suddenly became tight. To make matters worse, Gao Delong was later reported, lost his job, and his family's income plummeted.

The family's life has also changed from poverty to difficulty. A plate of food has to be kept for several days. But even so, Gao Delong has never regretted having another child. He has always maintained an optimistic attitude, thinking that if there is no job, he can go out to look for it. He has hands and feet. As long as he works hard, can he still starve to death?

Gao Delong held his newborn child with a smile on his face: "Daddy's little baby, with daddy here, the future life will be bright. From now on, you will be called Gao Ming, how about it?" He just finished speaking. , the child in his arms giggled, and Gao Delong said to his wife in surprise: "Ying, look at the baby smiling!"

turned around and kissed his son again, and said happily: "The baby also agrees, right? From now on, you will be called Gao Ming! " Yu Fengying looked at the excited Gao Delong and shook her head helplessly but happily.

Miraculously, after the son's name was decided, the lives of the Gaudelon family suddenly improved. When Gao Delong was struggling to find a job, his old club came to find him.

The old boss couldn't bear that a capable person like Gao Delong could leave the company, so he told Gao Delong that as long as he came back, the manager's position would be reserved for him. However, because of his supernatural incident, he could not be allowed to come to the head office and could only arrange for him to work outside the head office. service company work outside.

Gao Delong was very grateful that his old club still missed him, so he returned to his old club without hesitation. Gao Delong worked very hard and began to sell steel there, making a lot of money for the company, and Gao Delong became more and more valued. Slowly, Gao Delong's life got better day by day, even better than before. This made him couldn't help but hug Gao Ming and say happily: " Obviously, you are really daddy's little lucky star!"

Gao Delong loves him very much. Gao Ming is like a priceless treasure to him.

3. The son died young

From the time Gao Ming could remember, he knew that he lived in a happy family. His father, mother and sisters all loved him very much, especially his father, who pampered him even more. As long as it was what he wanted, His father can give it to him.

In Gao Ming’s memory, there are two most impressive things.

First, , he likes to collect stamps. After his father found out, he supported his hobby 100%. With his father's support, Gao Ming collected many precious stamps, but the only thing missing was the 1980 zodiac chicken stamp.

Gao Ming didn't want his father to know about this. He knew that once his father knew about it, he would definitely take the trouble to help him get it. Although Gao Ming was deeply loved by his family, he was not raised as a "dandy". Seeing his family's devotion to him, he was very moved and did not want them to worry about everything.

Although Gao Ming always wanted to hide it , but Gao Delong still noticed that his son was worried about something. Gao Delong made some insinuations and finally found out that his son had not collected zodiac chicken stamps.

So Gao Delong went around to find out where the 1980 chicken stamps could be found. Soon, a man told Gaudelon that he had a collection. Gao Delong was so happy when he heard this that he bought the chicken stamp from the man with a few hundred yuan and a watch.

A few hundred yuan was not a small amount of money in the last century, but Gao Delong didn't care. He happily gave the stamp to Gao Ming. Gao Ming was very touched when he received the stamp, but upon closer inspection, it was from 1992, not 1980. Gao Ming realized that his father had been deceived.

After Gao Delong found out, he slapped his head suddenly and said apologetically: "Oh, I made a mistake." Gao Ming looked at him helplessly and said, "Dad, please don't spend money on me in the future."

In fact, Gao Ming didn't care whether the stamp was real or fake, because whether it was real or fake, it was a sign of his father's love for him; what he cared about was that his father was always cheated on him, and he felt sorry.

Secondly, , his father gave him a bicycle. After giving his son a fake stamp, Gaudelon decided to compensate his son. After Gao Ming learned about it, he quickly stopped it, but Gao Delong did not change his mind. One day after get off work, Gaudron passed by a bicycle shop and found a very beautiful high-end bicycle inside.

At just one glance, Gaudron felt that this bicycle was a perfect match for his son, so he bought it as a gift to his son without hesitation. After Gao Ming saw the bicycle, he felt very helpless: "Dad, I told you not to spend money indiscriminately." Gao Delong grinned: "How can it be called spending money indiscriminately if I spend money on my son? Mingming, try it soon."

Gao Ming had to sit down After getting on the bike and trying it out, Gao Delong applauded happily and said with a smile: "This bike is perfect for my son. It would be great to ride it to school!" For Gao Ming, this bike was a bit high-profile, but he couldn't bear to refuse his father. I love it so much that I ride this bike to school.

At this time, neither Gao Delong nor Gao Ming knew that this bicycle would be the beginning of all misfortunes.

Gao Ming rode a new bicycle to school for several days in a row, which attracted a lot of envy. Everyone lamented that his family was so kind to him that they were willing to buy him such a high-end bicycle.

If there is envy, there will naturally be jealousy. In Gao Ming's class, there is a student named Wang Xing. He is very jealous of Gao Ming. Every time he sees Gao Ming, who has no worries about food and clothing, the fire of jealousy in his heart will burn brightly. But now, Gao Ming came to the school on a high-end bicycle that was not available in the whole school. Wang Xing was so jealous that his eyes were red. He immediately decided to give Gao Ming some color in the "Aizha Shi" (Shaanxi dialect, meaning to put on airs).

So Wang Xing found a few gangsters and asked them to teach them a lesson after school. On the evening of November 4, 1998, Gao Ming was preparing to go home on his bicycle. At this time, several people suddenly came out and surrounded Gao Ming, some holding bricks in their hands, and some holding chain locks.

Gao Ming held back his fear, tightened his grip on the handlebars and asked, "Who are you and what do you want to do?" One of them said with a grin, "Gao Ming, right? You're very strong." He pushed. Gao Ming pushed Gao Ming to the ground, and then several people beat him violently with bricks and other items in their hands.

Gao Ming was unable to resist and could only let these gangsters beat him severely. He felt that all the bones in his body were about to break. After a while, the gangsters stopped moving. A yellow man kicked Gao Ming and warned him to be more careful in the future, and finally rode Gao Ming's bicycle away.

Gao Ming slowly got up from the ground and limped home despite the pain. As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, Gao Ming couldn't bear it and fell in front of the door. At this time, Gao Delong saw that his son had not returned home yet, so he hurriedly prepared to go out to find someone. As soon as he opened the door, he found Gao Ming who had passed out. He was so frightened that he only gave some hasty instructions to his wife and daughter, and then came to the hospital with his son in his arms.

The doctor at the hospital checked the wound and knew that it should have been caused by a fight. He had treated too many such people. The doctor felt contempt for these little bastards who always got into fights if they didn't learn how to behave! With this preconceived idea, the doctor did not check carefully. He only told Gao Delong that it was fine, just apply some medicine and rest for a few days.

But his son had fainted, how could he be okay? Gao Delong wanted to ask again, but at this moment Gao Ming slowly woke up. When Gao Delong saw his son waking up, his heart was with his son. He asked worriedly, "Mingming, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?" Gao Ming shook his head and whispered, "Dad, I'm fine, it's just my legs." It hurts a little." Gao Delong looked at his son's scratched leg with distress and said, "Let's apply some medicine and it will be fine soon." After saying that, Gao Delong wanted the doctor to take a closer look, but the doctor only said. It's okay, just apply some medicine. Helpless, Gao Delong had no choice but to buy some medicine and take his son home. That night, Gao Ming went to bed early, but the next day, Gao Ming still didn't get up. When Gao Delong entered the room, he saw Gao Ming holding his head with a painful expression.

"Mingming, Mingming what's wrong with you?" Gao Delong asked in panic. "Dad, I have a headache." Gao Ming replied weakly. Without saying a word, Gao Delong immediately took his son to the hospital.

After the doctor checked, he shook his head. Seeing the doctor's expression, Gao Delong grabbed the doctor's hand and said anxiously: "Doctor, please save my son."

The doctor said: "It's too late. If he was sent here earlier, he could still be cured." Upon hearing this, Gao Delong said angrily: "Why is it too late? I brought my son for a checkup yesterday. It was the doctor from your hospital who said he was fine!" But soon, Gao Delong begged again: "Doctor, please save him, I beg you. ."

Anyway, the hospital just performed surgery on Gao Ming, but after that Gao Ming fell into a coma. On November 15, 10 days after the coma, Gao Ming stopped breathing.

4. Revenge for his son

After hearing the news of his son's death, Gao Delong collapsed. His wife was also greatly hit by his son's death and became a little nervous. Gao Ming's sister also shed tears all day long. The happy family was instantly collapsed in between.

In this family, the only person who was still holding on for breath was Gao Delong. He told himself that he could not fall down and that those who killed his son must be sent to prison.

Soon, several gangsters who beat up Gao Ming on the street that day: Dai Lei, Wang Qi, Chang Haibin, Cheng Gang, Li Bin, Ren Qiang, and Wang Xing, who instigated the beating, were all arrested and brought to justice.

Subsequently, the court sentenced Dai Lei, Li Bin, and Chang Haibin to fixed-term imprisonment of 14, 8 years, and 5 years respectively for intentional injury. Cheng Gang and Ren Qiang were sentenced to 3 years each.

Liu Qi was not sentenced because he was not of legal age yet, but was sent to work-study school . As for Wang Xing, who made everything happen, he was only fined 3,000 yuan because he did not participate in the beating.

This verdict made Gao Delong very upset. It was a human life, but in the end no one paid for it. Everyone lived well, only his son was lying in the cold coffin. But the verdict has been handed down, and he can't change it.

From then on, Gao Delong's strong breath disappeared. He started drinking all day long and had no intention of caring about work or family. In those days, the fire of hatred in Gao Delong's heart became more and more intense. He reviewed the whole thing again and believed that the hospital could not escape responsibility. If they had taken their responsibility seriously, his son would not have died in the end. Gaudelon decided to take revenge.

By chance, Gao Delong discovered that there was a seller of explosives in Tongguan County, so he came up with the idea of ​​using explosives to blow up his "enemy". After many twists and turns, Gaudron finally got the explosives. By studying various books, he learned how to disguise the explosives.

On the evening of January 23, 2001, Gao Delong brought two explosive devices to the emergency department of the outpatient building of the hospital. After detonating the explosives he carried, he fled the scene. After the explosion occurred in the emergency department, the destructive force of the explosion shattered more than 300 glass doors and windows in the outpatient building. Fortunately, no one was killed, but seven people were injured.

This incident caused a great sensation, and the police arrested prisoners everywhere. However, because the hospital was crowded and the area was too large, there was no obvious evidence. In the end, the bombing case was ignored and the hospital was late. Dumb loss.

After bombing the hospital, Gao Delong suddenly felt that everything in the world was no longer worthy of his memory, so he decided to become a monk, eat fasting, chant Buddha's name, and end the mortal world.

Soon after, Gao Delong came to the Xi'an temple, found the highly respected master in the temple, and told him that he wanted to become a monk. However, the master could see at a glance that Gao Delong had deep obsessions in his heart and was not suitable to be a monk, so he rejected his request.

Gao Delong did not give up and went to a certain temple in Baoji , but the master of this temple also refused to accept him. As a result, Gao Delong became a monk, so he simply stayed in the temple to teach and practice. His master looked at it, sighed, and let Gao Delong stay. 's life in the temple is very simple. He does some chores and listens to Buddhist scriptures every day. Gao Delong stayed in the temple for two years.

Two years later, Gao Delong returned to secular life and left the Buddhist temple. He felt that after two years of cultivation, he could face the past with a normal mind, but the facts slapped him in the face.

As soon as he got home and took some familiar items, Gao Delong thought of his son who had left. Especially during the holidays and New Years, his mood became heavier and heavier.

One New Year's Eve, Gao Delong saw other people's homes celebrating the New Year happily, but his own home was deserted. The more he thought about it, the worse his mood became, so he went out alone.

Just on the road, Gao Delong met Ren Qiang, who had hurt his son at that time. Since Gao Delong also attended the court hearing, Ren Qiang also knew Gao Delong. For a moment, both Gao Delong and Ren Qiang were stunned.

Ren Qiang was the first to come to his senses. There was no trace of apology on his face. Instead, he scolded Gao Delong fiercely and ran away while scolding him.

Gao Delong felt that the long-lost hatred in his heart reappeared. How much he wanted to hear Ren Qiang say an apology or a word of comfort. Even if it was just one sentence, it would be a kind of comfort for the loss of his son, but he didn't. Not only did he not He also insulted himself.

After that, Gao Delong has been observing the people who killed his son. As a result, each of them either built a new house or bought a new car. Looking back on his own, his family was ruined. The more Gao Delong thought about it, the angrier he became, and he decided to repeat his old tricks and make explosives to blow up these people.

Gao Delong obtained explosives, detonators and other things through his friends, and then in a small store selling explosion-proof equipment, as a gold mine owner, he coaxed people to sell him 12 delayers.

After everything was ready, Gao Delong quickly made the bomb and packaged it in a beautiful gift box. Later, Gao Delong bought a homemade revolver from an idler for three to four thousand yuan.

In 2004, on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Gao Delong sent bombs to the doorsteps of his enemies one by one. He deliberately placed a few more bombs on the two houses he hated the most.

According to Gaudron's assumption, these people would definitely take the "gift box" home. Sure enough, they all took it home, but one family recognized the bomb inside, and they quickly called the police.

After the police arrived at the scene, they immediately began to dismantle bombs and conduct investigations on surrounding residents. Soon, a few more bombs were found, but those that were too late to find exploded. Fortunately, no one was home when the explosion occurred.

After the bomb was defused, the police began to investigate. They called the victim for questioning, and the scene at the beginning of the article happened. After the police listened to the victim's words, they immediately listed "Gao Delong" as one of the suspects and began to investigate him.

5. Price

When the police were investigating and chasing Gao Delong, Gao Delong was holding the revolver in front of the door of No. 44 Middle School where his son was killed, preparing to commit suicide. The pistol made a loud noise, and a puff of smoke came out, but it only hurt his skin a little.

Gao Delong detonated the explosive device tied to his body again. However, whether it was because the explosive had expired or was affected by moisture, he connected the electric detonator 4 times but failed to detonate it.Is this because my son won’t let me die? After thinking about it, Gao Delong suddenly knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

The police quickly found Gao Delong and took him back to the police station. By this time, Gao Delong had calmed down and he explained everything he had done.

The police took Gao Delong to identify the crime scene

Due to the serious circumstances of the explosion, Gao Delong was eventually sentenced to death. Listening to the verdict, Gaudron remained expressionless while sitting in the dock. For him at this time, death was the best outcome. On January 14, 2005, the shooting was carried out, and Gao Delong finally got what he wanted.


As a father, Gao Delong is worthy of his dead son, and his experience is also sympathetic, but this cannot be a reason for a person to commit a crime.

Let’s talk about those gangsters. If they sincerely repent, even though Gao Delong will still be sad because of the loss of his son, he will have comfort in his heart and one day he will be able to get out of the shadows.

However, those people did not give Gao Delong this chance, which eventually led to Gao Delong's death. only hopes that more people can be kind-hearted. Only kindness can make more kind-hearted people emerge in this world.