On November 30, 2018, a "criminal" named Jin Zhehong staggered out of a prison in Jilin. This was the first time in 23 years that he breathed the fresh air outside. During his 23 years in prison, he experienced a lot, from suspended execution to acquittal. These years shortened h

On November 30, 2018, a "criminal" named Jin Zhehong staggered out of a prison in Jilin. This was the first time in 23 years that he breathed the fresh air outside.

During his 23 years in prison, he experienced a lot, from death penalty suspended execution to acquittal. These years shortened half his life. During the period of

, his mother fainted and died because of the sentence imposed on him by the relevant departments. Later, she passed away because of the lack of medicine. His wife also remarried.

On September 6 of the following year, he received a compensation of 4.68 million yuan as compensation for the injustice he had done over the past 23 years.

Youth scenery

This man named Jin Zhehong was born in 1968. His father was a hero in the war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, and he himself is a Korean person.

Because of his father, Jin Zhehong had a dream of being a soldier since he was a child. He wanted to wear a military uniform and gallop on the battlefield like his father.

Their family has a total of 6 children. He and his twin brothers are the fifth and sixth eldest children in the family. Because there are so many people in the family, life is very difficult.

However, this family has a deep relationship, and there has never been a fight between brothers, so even if their family is not well off, they still enjoy the happiness of being accompanied by their family.

Jin Zhehong is the most unique child in the family. He is praised in the streets because he is outgoing, well-spoken, and has a good singing voice.

He has had a spirit of helping others since he was a child. No matter who in the village encounters any difficulties, he will always come forward to help.

When he grew up, he really realized his original wish. He joined the army. He cherished the military uniform very much and regarded it as a treasure.

He has an outgoing and cheerful personality and is very friendly to his compatriots. When he was in the army, his comrades treated this "big brother" with great respect and love.

Several years of military life passed quickly, and he began a different world in his life. He and his wife opened a small restaurant in the village.

The restaurant was located at an intersection in their village. In order to seek good luck, he gave his restaurant a nice name "Lu Jishun".

Jin Zhehong just stayed by his mother's side without leaving his hometown, and lived a comfortable and happy life. And his mother also comes to the restaurant every day to help.

Jin Zhehong and his wife have a son together. The son is cute and well-behaved. They are both immersed in this happiness. However, the son is getting older and the family expenses are also increasing day by day.

In order to support their family's expenses, the couple bought a motorcycle from an old friend, so that they could work as a laborer when they had free time.

If they can live such a stable life like this, they may be very happy, but God will always give surprises.

Life Reversal

In 1995, 27-year-old Jin Zhehong encountered the biggest sharp turn in his life. This time he turned around and headed for a swamp and a land of thorns.

A female body unexpectedly appeared near Jin Zhehong's house. At that time, the case was almost classified as a cold case. The police received the news and rushed to the scene immediately.

In order to better solve the case, the police at the time visited surrounding villagers. At that time, they had the most powerful intelligence. They suspected that the woman's death was related to the owner of a black motorcycle.

Because Jin Hongzhe’s house is not far from where the body is hidden, and their family happens to have a black motorcycle. Therefore, the police focused on several people as suspects, including Jin Zhehong.

That day, Jin Zhehong, who was busy in the back kitchen of the restaurant, saw many "uninvited guests" coming to his home. Those people were wearing police uniforms.

When the police came to arrest him, they told him that they were going to the police station for questioning, and then they were going to take him away. His wife grabbed Jin Zhehong.

Jin Zhehong gently put down his wife's hand and comforted her, saying that he was just asking questions and would be back later. It's just that he doesn't know that he won't be able to come back later, not even in a few more years.

Jin Zhehong did meet the deceased, and they did have a quarrel on the day of the incident. It was precisely because of this that he was seen by the villagers and later learned by the police, which made his suspicion even greater.

There wasn’t much work in the restaurant that day, so he rode his motorcycle to solicit customers. Among the customers he wanted to attract that day was the victimized woman.

At first, the woman had a quarrel with him over the fare issue, but in the end the fare issue was not resolved properly and was left alone.

The woman didn't get into his car at all, and she left in anger afterwards. There was only so much he knew about the deceased.

As for how she was killed, Jin Zhehong had no idea what happened. In this way, he didn't take this matter seriously at all, and came to the interrogation room with this mentality.

Once in prison, the whole family suffered.

And this memory in the interrogation room was recalled by the elderly Jin Zhehong who left the prison 23 years later. He remembered that at that time, he entered the police station and never came out.

explained it over and over again, but they didn't believe themselves. They believed that they were the criminals.

Jin Zhehong was scared because he was facing more than just interrogation. He didn't dare to look back and vaguely told what happened at that time.

A rope was hung up high. Neither feet could touch the ground, and both arms were stretched very painfully. He remembered crying, begging.

It's just that his explanation didn't make the other party believe him at all. He was kept hanging. He finally couldn't stand the torture, so he admitted it.

Finally, the case was finally closed, and the police were very satisfied with the result. The verdict given to Jin Zhehong was even more poignant.

Jin Zhehong was the planner and executor of this murder. Jin Zhehong, who was riding a motorcycle to solicit tourists, became interested in the woman and raped her first and then killed her. A few big characters, each one heart-breaking.

But when he learned about his verdict, Jin Zhehong stood still. He is a former soldier, how could he choose to slander himself in the face of such pressure?

He had no choice but to go and sign the case, but he temporarily changed his name without the consent of his parents. He called it "Jin fights injustice."

The "dakou" in the middle is like the word "zhe", which is stacked with "zhekou". Faced with such review results, the two women in Jin Zhehong's family fainted and fell to the ground.

One is his married wife, and the other is his elderly mother. They knew that Jin Zhehong was wrongly accused because their family had been together on the day the woman was killed.

Because the day when the woman was killed happened to be an extremely important day for their family, because the next day was the death anniversary of Jin Zhehong's father.

It is the custom of the Korean people to place tributes in front of the deceased the night before the death anniversary of the deceased. This is the custom of the Korean people and is a comfort to the deceased.

It was around one o'clock the next morning when they returned home. The sound of motorcycles rang around the village, and the villagers could naturally hear it.

At first, some villagers saw a woman sitting on the back seat of Jin Zhehong's motorcycle. That person was actually his wife and could not be the victimized woman at all.

Just when he learned the results of the interrogation, Jin Zhehong realized that he had made a big mistake. He should not admit it because he had an elderly mother, a young child, and a married wife at home.

was sentenced to with a suspended death sentence Therefore, the case of losing his mother

was soon accepted in court. On that day, his family members rushed to the scene one after another. Seeing that his family members came to the court to accompany him, he felt particularly confident.

Jin Zhehong, who wanted to retract his confession in court, finally gained backbone and a clear head. He explained to the judge what happened that night.

They were going to pay homage to their father, and the victim woman did not even get on her motorcycle because they had not negotiated a price.

And if he really didn't pull her away, then what happened later would naturally have nothing to do with him. It was just his words that were unfounded, and he couldn't produce any evidence to prove his innocence.

And the police have obtained his confession of admitting the murder. This is irrefutable evidence. In the face of evidence, all judges must enforce it in accordance with the law.

Although many people were willing to believe him, he was still sentenced to death with a suspended execution. Such a verdict caused Jin Zhehong's mother, who was originally exhausted both mentally and physically, to faint on the spot.

After some rescue efforts, Jin Mu was finally saved. However, her son was sentenced to prison. How could she really feel relieved?

From then on, she could not afford to fall ill and lay on the hospital bed, waiting for her son to return safely. It was just that she waited and waited, one month, two months...

Her complexion became worse and worse, and she even began to skip meals. Just after Jin Zhehong was sentenced, Jin Zhehong completely lost his mother in less than half a year.

Among the six children in the family, Jin’s mother loved Jin Zhehong the most. At her funeral, his favorite "Dahong" could not make it to the funeral.

Just when she was looking back, there were tears in her eyes. She hoped that her soul could return to her hometown after her death, but she couldn't let go, and she couldn't let go of her children here.

She requested that her ashes be scattered in the Yalu River , which is the border between North Korea and China. She missed her homeland and her children in the world.

All the elders in the family have gone. Jin Zhehong was a child praised by everyone in the village, but his reputation was ruined overnight.

It seems that all the scolding and contempt in the village are directed at the Jin family, and no one wants to associate with them, but they know very well that "Big Red" has been wronged.

Since then, the brothers and sisters in the family have been running around for this suffering brother, and they have been selling favors everywhere, but with little effect.

When there was really no other way, they rented a van, knelt down at the door of the court, and blocked the door so that no one could get in or out.

learned about the perseverance of this family, and the person in charge of Jin Zhehong's case came out to "comfort" them. He told them that he would investigate carefully.

All members went into battle to save "Big Red"

Let them stop blocking this place and affecting the appearance of the city. The Jin family was so simple that they actually believed what he said and went home obediently, waiting for the news.

still doesn’t know that they are just sent out as “beggars”. It was not until 1997 that the relevant departments in Jilin were finally ready to reiterate the case.

However, the knife of fate stabbed their throats again, and the result of the retrial was that the original version was maintained. Kim Cheol-hong, who is sitting in jail, wants to give up his appeal.

But there are still "young" children at home and a wife who is "suffering and waiting". Everyone is running for him, how can he give up?

During that time, he appealed and reiterated the case more than once, but the result was always the same. He was sent away again and again like a beggar.

He felt bitter in his heart. He didn't know why God would do this to him. He didn't know how many years he hadn't sang.

In prison, on that wall, he wrote a song, that song was called "Every Time", and the sentences in it were about his most fragile heart.

Later, he learned that his wife had been running for him for so many years. He was the one who felt ashamed of his wife. Looking at his old wife, he was heartbroken.

During that visit to the prison, he comforted his wife and told her to remarry. After hearing such words, his wife finally couldn't stand it any longer and told him that she hadn't given up yet and he wouldn't allow it either.

But Jin Zhehong was determined to let his wife remarry. He said that this was his biggest and last wish in this life, and he hoped that his wife would agree.

Later, his wife listened to his words, but she was not happy. She had no feelings for that person. She could remarry just for her husband's peace of mind.

Finally in 2014, this matter finally came to another fork in the road. One of Jin Zhehong’s classmates found a lawyer.

Over the years, not only his family, but also his loyal buddies and friends have been furious about him. His classmates brought lawyers to visit Jin Zhehong. After

lawyer learned everything, he was very moved. He decided to save Jin Zhehong, so he had to try to collect the most evidence in the shortest time.

They learned that the only confession that constituted Jin Zhehong's crime was the confession without any witnesses or evidence, so they asked the media to report the matter.

Once the newspaper was published, it caused a sensation in the city. People who had been helped by Jin Zhehong came forward to vouch for him, and many "strangers" also participated.

realized the importance of this case, and the relevant departments finally began to investigate the case. Four years later, the Jin Zhehong case was considered to have many doubts and insufficient evidence.

Clear his grievances and return home to honor his parents

So this was not enough to constitute his crime. On November 30, 2018, which was the 23rd year of Jin Zhehong’s imprisonment, he was sent home.

When he was 27 years old, he entered prison and came out as a 50-year-old middle-aged man. These years have been wasted and time has been wasted.

He rushed to his parents' cemetery as soon as possible. His son, who missed his father eagerly, rushed to his father immediately. His father was tired from walking, so he carried his father on his back.

In front of the grave of Jin's father and Jin's mother, he told his parents the news of his release, hoping that his parents' spirits in heaven could be comforted.

His comrades took care of him, but they never expected that the tough guy who could drink a thousand cups could now only drink plain water. But after so many years, it was rare for them to finally meet each other.

On September 6, 2019, the relevant departments in Jilin compensated Jin Zhehong 4.68 million yuan, but Jin Zhehong was not very happy because he lost his mother and his wife because of this incident.

Life is full of life. I hope that Jin Zhehong can spend the rest of his life well from now on, because he is still in the world, and there must be something worthy of him in the world.