The towering trees must have their roots, and the water in the mountains must have their sources. A country cannot be without history, a territory cannot be without aspirations, and a family cannot be without pedigree. Compiling history can reveal the past and present, revising a

The towering trees must have their roots, and the water in the mountains must have their sources. A country cannot be without history, a territory cannot be without aspirations, and a family cannot be without pedigree. Compiling history can reveal the past and present, revising annals can reveal evolution, and revising genealogies can identify lineage. If water has a source, it will flow continuously; if trees have roots, they will have luxuriant branches and leaves; and if people have ancestors, their descendants will multiply and live endlessly. The compilation of genealogy is of far-reaching significance. It not only promotes the virtues of ancestors and inherits the legacy, but also inherits the past and inherits the legacy from generation to generation. This is the purpose of this compilation of the Chen family tree of Yuyitang.

The ancestors of the previous generation worked hard, worked hard, and strived for self-improvement. They made great contributions to the family, the Chen family, and society. They created a lot of material wealth and spiritual wealth, and also left many family traditions and rules for future generations. By revising genealogy, we can organize, standardize and improve these contents so that they can be passed down from generation to generation for future generations to follow and learn from. This is the historical mission of our generation; compiling genealogy and tracing back to their origins can also clarify the origins of our ancestors. At the same time, write down your name and share it with your ancestors through the ages, so that future generations will know about your ancestors, so that the family affection can be passed down from generation to generation; compiling the genealogy will also allow future generations to know the lineage, generation, recognize the virtuous, identify elders and young, and inherit. Promise virtues, build family business, encourage children and grandchildren to study wisely, start businesses and innovate, and love family and country. What a great contribution!

The Chen family has a long history. The surname Chen began to exist in 478 BC. It is said that after King Wu of Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty, he posthumously named the descendants of the previous sage kings. Emperor Shun's descendant Gui Man, King Wu named him Marquis of Chen, with the posthumous title " Chen Hu Gong ", he was called Hu Gongman , and his descendants were named Chen. Hu Gongman is the original ancestor of the Chen family. Chen Shigong is the ancestor of the Yingchuan lineage. His courtesy name is Zhonggong. He is the 23rd descendant of Hu Gongman. The Yingchuan Chen family has entered a period of prosperity and development since Chen Shigong. Yingchuan County, now Changge County, Henan Province, is the territory of the Chen surname. Most Chen surnames around the world come from Yingchuan Yanpai . Since its development, Chen's has grown into a towering tree with deep roots and luxuriant branches. After 2,500 years of reproduction, the Chen surname is now the fifth most common surname in the country, accounting for approximately 4.53% of the country's Han population. (There are 19 surnames accounting for more than 1% of the country's population). In the southern region, the surname Chen is known as "the most common surname in Jiangnan", especially in the three provinces of Guangdong, Fujian and Taiwan, where the surname Chen accounts for more than 10% of the province's population. Gaoyou The Chen family currently has a population of more than 52,000, accounting for 6.16% of the city's population, making it the third most common surname in the city.

This branch of the Chen family, the leader of the world, Yu Yitang, originally had a pedigree, but was later burned down due to social unrest. It is said that in the early days of the founding of the Ming Dynasty by Zhu Yuanzhang, our ancestors migrated from Changmen, Suzhou to Beixiang, Gaoyou, Jiangbei. They planted grass on waste stalls as signs, enclosed wasteland, planted crops, and fished for a living. This was known in history as the "Hongwu Drive" Disperse". It is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation to trace one's origins and seek one's roots. Feeling the kindness of the ancestors, inheriting the glory of the family, compiling the genealogy, and being respected by the people. Under the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, all surnames across the country are organizing revisions to . This is a measure to promote national culture and promote national unity. The compilation of genealogy is to respect the ancestors, follow the ancestral system, Zhaomu to maintain stability, correct mistakes and innovate, and integrate the clan into harmony. Compiling history and compiling genealogies has always been regarded as a major event by the tribe and the people of the country.

"A gentleman is known for his righteousness, and a villain is known for his benefit." In the process of compiling the family tree, all the clan members received enthusiastic support and generous funding, and actively provided relevant information and materials. The staff involved in the compilation of the family tree went from house to house day and night, regardless of remuneration, and worked selflessly. These tasks are all unpaid labor without any compensation, and their dedication will be praised by the clan members. The clan members work together and work tirelessly, contributing money when they have money, talents when they have talent, and efforts when they are strong, which fully embodies the traditional virtues of the Chen family of harmony, loyalty, diligence, kindness, and selfless dedication. The Chen family tree of Yuyitang has finally been completed. It will surely play an important role in tracing the roots and preserving the roots, increasing knowledge and educating people, connecting the past and the future, and connecting flesh and blood.

Zhihai, a descendant of the Chen family, washes his hands, burns incense and pays respects to books

The auspicious New Year's Day of 2021

Author Chen Zhihai (left) takes a group photo with Chen Guixiang (right), chief editor of Yu Yitang's "Chen Family Tree"