Walking into the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, you can see at a glance that the party cards of Mao Zedong, Zhu De and the one-armed general Chen Bo are displayed side by side at the central booth of the first floor hall. His father was a pushcart driver


Entering the Chinese Communist Party History Exhibition Hall (referred to as the Party History Exhibition Hall), you can see at a glance the party certificates of Mao Zedong, Zhu De and the one-armed general Chen Bo displayed side by side on the central booth of the first floor hall.

The booth with the party certificate of Chen Bo is right next to the booths with the party certificate of Mao Zedong and Zhu De. What an honor it is! Why such an honor? When you learn about the legendary story of General Chen Bo and his party certificate, admiration will arise spontaneously.

◆In the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, Chen Bo’s party card is next to the booth with the party cards of Mao Zedong and Zhu De.

Strange experience: Two years after joining the army, he became the party branch secretary of Zhang Guotao and Xu Xiangqian

Chen Bo, whose original name was Chen Hanqing, was born in a poor peasant family on Restaurant Street, Xinxian County, Henan Province. His father was a pushcart driver, and the family of five relied on his father's cart fare to make ends meet. When Chen Bo was 10 years old, his mother died of illness and he owed a debt, making life even more difficult. At the age of 13, he worked as a child laborer in a Xinxian restaurant, surviving on leftovers for three years. Later, he learned tailoring and became a country tailor who fed thousands of families.

In the early spring of 1929, 20-year-old Chen Bo joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in Qiliping, Huang'an County. Because he had worked as a tailor, the organization assigned him to work in the quilt factory of the 1st Army Left Behind of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. On a dark night in July of that year, the party branch of the quilt factory held a branch meeting under a big tree. This is the specific way the Chinese Communist Party holds meetings in secret: under cover of darkness, no lights are allowed, and no show of hands is required to vote, just shouting "I agree" or "disagree." Just after this "black light" meeting, Chen Bo officially joined the Communist Party of China.

Two months later, he became a soldier of the 1st Division and 2nd Regiment of the Red Army in the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area. In the following two years, he was quickly transferred to the position of Secretary of the Staff Office (i.e. staff officer) of the Fourth Red Front Army along the path of squad leader, platoon leader, instructor, and deputy battalion commander. Because he was born in poverty and was brave in combat, the Party branch of the General Staff Office re-elected him as Party branch secretary and party group leader. Zhang Guotao, chairman of the Northwest Revolutionary Military Committee, and Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, all lived in his branch.

The wonder of honor: On the eve of the Long March , he was rated as an outstanding party member and received the party card

In October 1934, the Fourth Red Army was conducting a "six-way siege" against the Sichuan Army. The fighting was quite fierce, and the internal "elimination of counterrevolutionaries" was expanding. , causing the troops to fall into internal and external difficulties. In order to encourage the majority of party members to fight desperately and move forward bravely in the future battle, the party organization of the Fourth Red Army decided to issue party certificates to outstanding party members.

Selection of outstanding party members is a comprehensive review and political assessment by the party of its own children. Every party member must explain his family background, social relations, personal resume, combat performance, advantages and disadvantages, etc. at the branch meeting. After public review, the branch committee approves, and submits to the superior party organization for approval before the party certificate can be issued. certificate.

◆Chen Bo (formerly known as Chen Hanqing) party card.

Chen Bo is the Secretary of the Staff Office (i.e. the Staff Officer) of the Fourth Red Army and concurrently serves as the Secretary of the Party Branch of the Staff Office. Zhang Guotao, chairman of the Northwest Revolutionary Military Committee, Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Fourth Red Front Army, Chen Changhao, general political commissar, and Zeng Zhongsheng, chief of general staff, all lived in this branch. Except for Zhang Guotao, a "special party member" who did not participate in branch life, several other important figures accepted the branch's evaluation as ordinary party members. Xu Xiangqian is also the propaganda committee member of this branch! Although he is the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Front Army, he still answers everyone's questions and listens to criticisms at the branch meeting.

"That scene is so serious!" General Chen Bo sat on the sofa at his home, stretched out his two strong residual legs, and said to the author in a standard Henan Xinxian accent: "Tell me a joke, the branch meeting Someone said to Xu Xiangqian that he wanted to dig his asshole out for swearing, but seriously? Xu Xiangqian smiled slightly and said without saying anything, "I will prove it."Everyone said, why did you curse? Repeat it! Sun Yingwu said, in the autumn of 1931, we besieged the city of Sujiapu in Shangcheng County, Henan Province to provide reinforcements. The enemy sent a plane to rescue them, how arrogant they were! The plane was flying over our heads, and the tiles on the roof shook. Commander Xu ordered, ‘Hit him with a gun, shoot him down, and gouge out his butthole! ’ We only had rifles, and we shot into the sky together. Sure enough, we shot down one and captured the pilot. Later, the commander-in-chief asked him to repair the plane and atone for his sins. After the plane was repaired, we drew a portrait of Lenin on the plane and added a red circle around it. This was the first plane in the history of our military. Later, I used it when building Huang'an . We were afraid that the pilot would cause trouble, so we sent people on board to monitor the situation. We flew the plane over Huang'an County and dropped many leaflets promoting the revolution. The enemies entrenched in the city emerged from the fortifications and cheered. No one expected that a bomb was dropped on the plane. Although it was only one, it was extremely powerful when thrown down at this time. The communist army has planes and drops bombs, which frightens the enemy and makes them want to fight! Huang'an City was quickly captured by our army. While celebrating the victory, I joked with Commander Xu and asked if the butthole should be dug out? He said, ‘No more gouging it out, reward him with a reward! ’ When Sun Yingwu told everyone about this process, everyone laughed non-stop and said they had no objections and agreed to issue a party card to Comrade Xu Xiangqian. "

" What opinions did everyone give when they issued you a party card? "The author asked.

"The most important thing is that after the capture of Huang'an County, I was hungry and thirsty. With the consent of the Chief of Staff, I went into the store and drank a bottle of sherbet . I had no money and failed to pay the bill, which was a violation of discipline. , almost made me a member of the 'eating and drinking committee'. I will never forget it and have been checked several times. When evaluating party members, everyone saw that I had a good family background, a clear history, an active work ethic, and that I didn’t know a few words, so I passed the test. I remember that at that branch meeting, Propaganda Committee member Xu Xiangqian said, ‘Our branch secretary, Comrade Chen Hanqing, was born in poverty, worked actively, and fought bravely, so he agreed to be issued a party card. ’ The Party Affairs Committee of the headquarters reported the materials to the General Political Department of the Front Army, and Director Zhang Qinqiu said: ‘That’s it, I approve it! ’ In this way, three branch committee members and several other party members of our branch, plus special party member Zhang Guotao, were the first batch to receive party cards, accounting for about 60% of the total number of branches. "

After Chen Bo received the party card, he used his tailoring expertise to sew a small leather bag, which he carried close to his body on his belt. It contained the party card and the few copper coins used for party dues.

Dangerous Strangeness: Test Explosion Rolling thunder, his whole body was wounded, and his party certificate was stained with blood. From then on, he embarked on a new journey with one arm and two strong legs.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Bo served as the deputy commander of the Special Task Force of the Taihang Front Headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. It was fierce and frequent, not to mention the hardship of material life, and the lack of replenishment of weapons and ammunition. This was the most worrying thing for everyone. Coincidentally, during the war against Japan, a certain regiment destroyed a reactionary militia group under the Taihang Mountains. They entered the militia's repair shop, which contained several lathes and sand-making equipment. These were "hens" that could lay eggs! The officers and soldiers moved these stupid guys in with great effort. The cave is the origin of the Huangyadong Arsenal , the only arsenal of our army in the Taihang Mountains. Its equipment can produce grenades, but unfortunately it lacks steel.

After receiving approval from his superiors, Chen Bo took a company and the sun set in the west. After climbing the mountain, we headed eastward, got on the railway from Zanhuang to Yuanshi , and unloaded a rail. Then, the people who were covering and carrying the rails worked closely together and quickly retreated along a path. Xiaohe ran all night and carried the rail into the area controlled by our army. He stopped to fill his stomach and continued running back. It took another morning to carry the rail into Huangyadong . It laid the foundation for future ordnance production and provided successful experience for our army to obtain "iron sources". After that, snatching iron from the hands of the Japanese became commonplace for the special agents.

The production situation of Huangyadong Arsenal is booming. In addition to the self-sufficiency of the bombs it produces in the Taihang Mountains, some of them can also be allocated to support Yan'an. At the end of 1940, Chen Bo led a company and sent a batch of bombs to Yan'an from here. By the way Escort Zuo Quan's wife Liu Zhilan, Gong Peng, Ouyang Yi and his wife, and Li Gongpu, an outstanding representative of democrats, to Yan'an. They traveled at night and day, and dealt with the Japanese tactfully. They were on the road for more than three months.

When he returned after completing his mission, the anti-"sweeping" in the Taihang Mountains had just ended. The Huangyadong Arsenal was severely damaged by the enemy. It could not even produce grenades and could only barely produce some rolling thunder.

Rolling Thunder failed due to poor production equipment. How to use it in combat requires accumulating experience in test explosion training.

One day in March 1941, comrades from the former General Secret Service of the Eighth Route Army came to an open land in company units under the warm sunshine. After explaining how to use Rolling Thunder, deputy team leader Chen Bo started to demonstrate. He ordered everyone to retreat 300 meters, and then he picked up a rolling thunder as big as a watermelon alone and walked up the hill.

The regiment leader Ou Zhifu (later served as the deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region) stopped him and said: "This is a new one, it is dangerous, let me do it!"

Chen Bo said: "You are the commander of the regiment, let's talk about it next time!" "

After everyone entered a safe area, Chen Bo walked calmly to the top of the slope alone, squatted down, hid, pressed the thunder, wiped the fire, and with a "boom", the unqualified rolling thunder was about to go off. In an instant, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and Chen Bo fell into a pool of blood. When severe pain woke him up from a coma, he was already lying on the operating table of the Eighth Route Military Hospital in Yangjiao Village, Liao County.

◆ Huangyadong Arsenal’s annual output of weapons and ammunition can equip 16 regiments. During the Anti-Japanese War, 35% of our army's total artillery shell production and 45% of our total rifle production came from here.

After struggling to rescue him, he miraculously survived, but only one arm, one hand and two unbendable legs were left.

When he woke up after the operation, he touched his trousers with his only right hand and found something missing, so he asked anxiously: "Where is the little skin bag?"

The nurse shook her head, indicating that she did not know what she meant.

Chen Bo explained, "It's about the size of a matchbox, and it's on his trouser belt..."

The nurse immediately rummaged through the pile of bloody clothes, and finally found the small leather bag the size of a matchbox, and took out his party card. Only then did I realize that the party card had been stained with blood.

What a glorious mark! From the time he received the party card to the time it was stained with blood, the party card followed him as he climbed snowy mountains and crossed grasslands , and experienced a long and rugged long march. Later, he followed him to fight in Gannan, Ningxia, and Shanxi. How many times during marches and battles, the sweat on the party card was soaked; how many times, the strange cold along the way condensed the sweat on the party card into ice. After crossing the Japanese blockade, many people destroyed their party cards to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy and exposing their identities. Chen Bo always kept them with him. This blood-stained party card once again witnessed this outstanding party member's devotion to the revolutionary cause.

The Miracle of Purgatory: Enduring the unbearable pain of ordinary people, he turned the healing process into an excellent classroom for improving military and cultural qualities.

After being discharged from the hospital, he could no longer go to the tiger's mouth to seize iron with everyone. The painful torture and inconvenience of movement cast a lingering shadow on his magnificent life. Every time he moved a step, he had to use the support of the crutches and the strength of his waist to twist his hips to drive his lower limbs forward alternately in circles like a compass. Even this ability was obtained through hard training during his life in purgatory.

Although he can no longer charge into battle as before, Chen Bo is not discouraged and is determined to do more work for the party. So he took advantage of his recovery period to pick up a pen and study culture.

"The pen is so small that it weighs a thousand pounds, and generations of ancestors could not lift it." He had never been to school, and he couldn't even write his name before joining the army.His original name was Chen Hanqing. At that time, the character "Han" was not simplified and there were many strokes. The trembling pen often wrote it as a black scar. In the second year after joining the army, he served as party branch secretary, developing party members, and the branch secretary must sign. In order to avoid the difficult-to-write "Chinese" character, he changed his name to Chen Bo. This recuperation became an excellent opportunity for him to learn culture. " on protracted war " is not only a political and military textbook, but also a cultural reader. Without his left hand, he used a wooden ruler to flatten the book and still read and wrote. His teachers are nurses and doctors in the hospital. Half a year later, the student "graduated" and became the principal of a honorary military school. From then on, he led more than 30 comrades who were missing arms and legs to practice literature, martial arts, and recuperate from injuries and illnesses in Yuanzaohui, a small mountain village in Neiqiu County, Hebei Province. The sound of singing, the sound of the piano, the sound of reading, and the sound of hacking and stabbing are always reporting to people that they are physically disabled but strong in spirit. In this school, Chen Bo gained experience in self-care and learned to climb mountains, ride horses and shoot with one arm.

In the spring of 1944, as the Japanese attack intensified, the Yuan Zao Hui Invalid Military School in Neiqiu County, Hebei Province was in danger of being swallowed. In order to preserve a group of cadres, the Party Central Committee ordered Chen Bo and three other regiment-level cadres to return to Yan'an to recuperate. Those two have only one leg each, and the three of them together have only two good legs and two residual legs. We have to pass through the enemy's blockade on the road, which is a long way, and there is no troop escort. Wearing military uniforms has a big target, so we have to wear a white towel on our head, disguise ourselves as ordinary people, and wait for opportunities to march day and night. Each person has a donkey to ride on, and the clothes and supplies they carry are no different from ordinary people. The difference is that Chen Bo has Fang's party card on him. If it gets into the hands of the Japanese, it will affect his head. Should we get rid of it? Chen Bo said: "It's not necessary. The injuries on our bodies are the marks of the Eighth Route Army and the Communist Party. It doesn't matter whether we have the party card or not. Let's go with the party card. Let fate decide whether we live or die!"

relied on their wit and Bravely, the three disabled old Red Army soldiers finally returned to Yan'an safely and handed in an answer sheet for their return from hell with practical actions.

Faced with this answer sheet, the old comrades in Yan'an were very shocked. They said: "With so many Japanese soldiers chasing and intercepting them, it is really a miracle that three disabled people with missing arms and legs got through!"

The wonder of perseverance: No Needing others to "serve" him, he traveled all the way to Shenyang and worked alone as "Lin Chong"

Lin Chong, the instructor of the Forbidden Army in "Water Margin", once worked as a warehouse keeper. Chen Bo also had a similar experience of being "Lin Chong" alone.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek used American warships to massively increase troops from the sea to the Northeast in order to seize the fruits of the Anti-Japanese War. This was what Mao Zedong referred to as the "peach picking" faction. The Communist Party's policy is tit-for-tat and does its part. To this end, Yan'an organized a "Cadre Group to Work in the Northeast" headed by Lin Feng, referred to as the "Donggan Group", and headed toward the Northeast without stopping. Chen Bo saw the tense situation in the Northeast, so he applied to the Central Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, requesting to go to the Northeast and join the "Donggan Regiment".

Someone said disapprovingly: "You only have one arm and two broken legs? Don't cause trouble!"

"Cause trouble?" Chen Bo shot his pistol on the table and said, "If I can't take care of myself, I will Just stay in the Palace of Hell and never come back!"

The leader seemed to be deliberately testing him. He pointed at the fierce horse in front of the door and said: "Get on the horse and ride it for a while. If you don't fall off the horse, I will approve you."

Chen Bo. Taking the reins, he pressed the horse's back with his right hand, leaned forward, jumped up, and turned around slightly. The two unbendable legs clamped the horse's back like pliers, and then pressed it down gently. The horse kicked off its hooves and galloped away, returning to its original spot more than ten minutes later...

In this way, the Organization Department of the Central Committee approved his request, making him a special member of the "Dunggan Regiment".

Chen Bo hurriedly rode a donkey from Yan'an to the Tongpu Railway , then got rid of the donkey and climbed onto the coal truck of the Tongpu Railway . Afterwards, he traveled to Shenyang several times, and met the people who arrived earlier. "Dunggan Group" got in touch.

When the Japanese army surrendered, Chen Bo alone took over a military warehouse owned by the Japanese army in accordance with the party's instructions. During those days, he guarded day and night, with bullets loaded and the gun never leaving his body. It is not only fireproof, but also anti-theft, and even more resistant to robbery by the Kuomintang troops. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek used the Northeast Talks between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party as a smoke screen and was still transporting a large number of troops to the Northeast in an attempt to seize the fruits of victory. Our army also urgently mobilized troops and went north to accompany them. When the officers and soldiers of the 359th Brigade who arrived in a hurry were worrying about cotton-padded clothes, guns and ammunition, Chen Bo waved his remaining fist and said humorously: "I am Lin Chong who is guarding the warehouse. I have everything here, come and get it!"

Later, the CCP troops withdrew from Shenyang. During the few days when Chen Bo guarded the warehouse, our officers and soldiers not only received sufficient supplies from the warehouse, but also received great encouragement and spurs from this disabled old Red Army soldier.

The wonder of the fierce battle: After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he also fought the last battle of the Anti-Japanese War

In the history of the Chinese people's Anti-Japanese War, the day when the Japanese army "unconditionally surrendered" was not the end of the Anti-Japanese War. Tonghua The "Second and Third Incident" was the last battle of the Anti-Japanese War. Chen Bo was one of the main generals who crushed the "February 3rd Incident".

At the end of January 1946, our army learned during the investigation of a criminal case that when the Japanese army surrendered, a group of Japanese spies were lurking in the Tonghua area. These die-hards were unwilling to fail and had been waiting for opportunities. They have colluded with more than 20,000 Japanese surrendered personnel and the underground party headquarters of the Kuomintang to prepare for an armed riot late at night on February 3. The code is: 3 lights off and 3 lights on.

◆Chen Bo in office (1946).

After receiving this information, Chen Bo, then chief of staff of the Northeast Military Region's rear command, immediately conducted detailed research and careful deployment with political commissar Wu Jizhi, and made all preparations to deal with the incident.

December 3rd is the eve of the New Year. About dawn, the lights went out three times, and then there were shouts and intensive gunfire. Tens of thousands of gangsters gathered from all corners and launched an attack on the office building of our military agency. Chen Bo sat in his office and commanded the counterattack according to the predetermined plan, taking the initiative in the battle from the beginning. After several hours of fighting, the enemy's arrogance was quickly defeated, forcing them to huddle in the office building of the Tonghua City Public Security Bureau and resist.

The enemy's firepower was very intensive. In order to avoid the cost of blood, Chen Bo transferred the only mortar from the newly formed Tonghua Cannon of our army, and used only 3 shells to destroy the enemy's last stronghold. . After several searches, the commander-in-chief of the rebellion, Japanese Division Commander Fujita, was captured alive.

On New Year's Day this year, Chen Bo, who never liked to keep a diary, actually wrote these few sentences amidst the sound of festive firecrackers: "I didn't expect that after the Japanese surrendered, I fought the last battle of the Anti-Japanese War. . This battle is well fought, and it tells us that we must be more vigilant after victory! "

The wonder of wonders: "Fake party members" were uncovered during the "Cultural Revolution", and a series of stories behind the party cards were "uncovered"

In 1948, Our country established the first railway public security corps, the Northeast Railway Public Security Corps. Chen Bo was the commander of this force. This was the predecessor and prototype of the Chinese People's Public Security Force and even the later armed police force. Chen Bo and his comrades made great contributions to safeguarding railway transportation, supporting the War of Liberation and the Korean War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and escorting Mao Zedong secretly to visit the Soviet Union.

◆One-armed general Chen Bo.

After the liberation of the mainland, Chen Bo was transferred to Beijing and served successively as political commissar of the Logistics Department of the Chinese People's Public Security Forces and political commissar of the Logistics Department of the Second Artillery Force. He was awarded the rank of Major General in 1955, and was awarded the August 1st Medal of 2018, the Medal of Independence and Freedom of 2nd Level, and the Liberation Medal of 2nd Level. In 1988, he was awarded the Red Star Meritorious Medal of Merit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

During the "Cultural Revolution", Chen Bo saw through the endless "big trees" that a toxin was invading the party's body. He said in a political report: "Comrades, please pay attention. "Ah! Those who shout loudly may not be truly loyal. True loyalty only belongs to those who work hard." These words became his "vicious attack" and he was labeled as an "anti-party element" and "a fake." Party members" were imprisoned, criticized, and subjected to mental torture and physical and mental torture.

The daughter Chen Hong and the eldest son Chen Tiesheng defended themselves and said: "Dad is a fake party member? He has a party card!"

The project staff panicked and asked quickly: "Where is the party card?"

Then they pulled out Chen Bo's My wife is Teng Zhansu. She is a "38-type" old party member. When she was 16 years old, she and her classmates Wang Yunxue (who later married Chen Tanqiu, director of the Eighth Route Army Office in Xinjiang) and Wang Meifang set out from Jintan County in southern Jiangsu and traveled thousands of miles to Xi'an, determined to go to Yan'an. There was no bus to Yan'an, so the three girls carried their luggage and walked northward in the wind and snow. The comrades at the Eighth Route Army Office in Xi'an were very moved and managed to get them on the truck. When she arrived in Yan'an, she became a translator in the Intelligence Department of the Central Confidential Bureau. After liberation, he changed his job and served as secretary of the Party Committee of China Beijing Coking Plant.

After Chen Bo was imprisoned, she immediately realized that she would be implicated, and it was inevitable that her home would be ransacked. Preserving her party card became a special battle. She remembered that Chen Bo had sewed his party card into his trousers to pass through enemy-occupied areas, so she was inspired: "Wouldn't it be good if I sewed it into my underwear?"

It was the third day after she hid the party card. Oh my god, she was indeed put into the isolation room of the factory. Throughout the summer, she shoveled coal and pushed coke all day long, and the party card in her underwear was stained with new sweat marks.

◆Chen Bo and his wife Teng Zhansu.

A year later, the Second Artillery Group sent someone to collect the party card. Teng Zhansu took out the party card from the plastic bag that was wrapped again and again, and handed it to the party organization.

This party card is four inches square, with black text on white cloth, spread out flatly. Those patches of sweat stains have already turned the bleached cloth yellow. The blood stains make the yellow look brown. Although it has gone through decades of hard work, the lithographed portraits and tables of Lenin, Stalin, as well as the written text on it are all clearly legible. Although it is simple and unpretentious, it shines like gold. It is also like a mirror, reflecting the bumpy journey of this old Red Army soldier and recording his daring loyalty to the revolutionary cause.

After identification by the parties involved, this is the only party card preserved by the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army to this day. After some internal and external investigations, it was proved that Chen Bo’s history is red and shining, and he is a true Communist Party member. After

was released from isolation, the organization returned his party card to him. Chen Bo took the party card and touched it again and again with trembling hands, like a reunion of comrades and a chance encounter with a close friend. During this conversation about returning the party card, he handed over the 1,200 yuan in salary that had been withheld as party dues. That was a year's salary of a regiment-level cadre at that time!

◆The author of this article, Li Ling (left), dedicated the missile model to General Chen Bo.

He also mentioned the housing issue. He said: "I listen carefully to every criticism. Although many of them are fabricated and slanderous, there is one thing I should pay attention to. It is true that I am divorced from the masses. Housing for the masses has always been very tight. As a political commissar of the Logistics Department, I , I did not solve their difficulties well, but I lived in a courtyard. Although it was assigned by the organization and it did not violate the regulations, but thinking about it calmly, I feel guilty and will never enter that general courtyard again. "Please re-allocate housing to me!"

At that time, there were only three houses in the military compound. The comrades in the management department said: "How can a veteran cadre like you live in such a standard house?" He answered decisively: "As long as you are with the masses, a room is fine!" In this way, he settled in the housing of ordinary cadres.More than ten years later, the living conditions of the masses improved, and so did he, but he still moved into a newly built 16-story tower with ordinary cadres. He lives on the 7th floor and I live on the 5th floor. We share the same elevator, which makes it very convenient for us to communicate.

On December 20, 2006, when General Chen Bo turned 99, he specially invited his drivers and hairdressers, as well as me, the first person to promote his party card, to congratulate him. He did not accept any gifts, only my gift: a missile model designed by Yang Yi, a Second Artillery Painter. Facing this missile model, he excitedly proposed: "Cheers to the strength of our army!"

On December 9, 2009, General Chen Bo passed away at the age of 101 due to ineffective treatment. This is the last person to pass away among the first batch of 13 disabled generals (one arm, one leg, one eye) awarded the title of our army.

◆In June 2010, Chen Bo’s son Chen Tiejun (third from left) and daughter-in-law Wang Hongjun (fourth from left) presented their father Chen Bo’s party card to Hua Ling (second from left) and Peng Hui, deputy director of the Revolutionary Museum in the capital of Hubei, Henan, and Anhui Provinces (fifth from left) and cultural relics conservator Li Jiju (first from left).

At the invitation of General Chen Bo’s funeral office and his family, I presented an elegiac couplet to the memorial venue:

He was stained with blood, his body was disabled, his spirit was strong, he fought thousands of miles, and he made outstanding achievements. His integrity and service to the public can be called a model general whose demeanor will shine on future generations.

horizontal comment: The military flag testifies.

In June 2010, Chen Bo's son Chen Tiesheng and his daughter-in-law Wang Hongjun dedicated their father's party card to the Revolution Museum in the capital of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021, Chen Bo’s party card was moved from the Revolutionary Museum in the capital of the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area to the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China in Beijing. It was displayed side by side with the party cards of Mao Zedong and Zhu De, becoming a treasure trove of the CCP’s red genes. A rare treasure that shines forever.

This article is an original piece of "Party History Broadcasting"

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