Britain was once an old colonial country, and was known as the Empire on which the sun never sets. Later, the world situation changed, and Britain no longer had its former glory.

Britain was once an old colonial country. It was once known as the Empire on which the sun never sets. Later, the world situation changed, and Britain no longer had its former glory. Many colonies under have also returned to the arms of their original owners, such as our Hong Kong. After the 99-year lease expired, Britain agreed to return Hong Kong to China.

In addition to Hong Kong, India, which was originally a British colony, also got rid of British control. In this context, one place has experienced a particularly special experience, and that is Falklands . There are only a few thousand people in Falklands, but it is still in the hands of the British. Why are the British unwilling to return the Falklands to Argentina ?

The past of Falklands

The full name of Falklands is " Malvinas Islands ". Falklands is located in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is not an isolated island, but an archipelago. It consists of 346 islands and reefs, covering an area of ​​11,800 square kilometers and a population of only 3,000 people.

Ma Island was actually an isolated island in the world that no one remembered at the very beginning. However, with the opening of new routes to , , Western colonists began to frantically explore all corners of the earth in order to plunder the origins and markets of raw materials. Of course, they did not miss this lonely island.

At that time, when a British captain was sailing, his route went astray, and by some strange combination of circumstances, he came to this small island. The captain discovered that there were no traces of human life on this unnamed island. He believed that the person who discovered the island had the right to name it. He was extremely proud to name it after British Minister of the Navy Falkland. this strait.

For this lonely island, what does it matter who discovered it? It is still only accompanied by the waves and seagulls . Because there are no rich resources on the Falklands, and no one wants to do business with these cunning British people. The British captain's enthusiasm for the Falklands also dissipated because of the barrenness of the Falklands. They were just the first human passers-by on this island. After briefly recording, they embarked on their journey again.

The tranquility of the Falklands was also broken by the arrival of the British. Later, the French also came to this barren land. At that time, many areas of the world were occupied by colonial countries. Therefore, the French had no time to care about the resources on the Maldives and took the time to establish a colony here. The name Malvinas Islands also comes from the French.

The British were naturally very unhappy when they saw that the land they once held was returned to the French, whom they hated so much. The French were really smart, knowing that they were no match in terms of military strength, so they simply sold the Falklands to the Spaniards , allowing Spain and the United Kingdom to compete with each other. Later, Spain did defeat the British and defended their control of the Falklands.

At that time, Argentina was a Spanish colony, and the distance between Argentina and the Falklands was relatively close. Spain, as the sovereign state, was beyond its reach, and control of the Falklands naturally fell to Argentina. Until Argentina became independent, the Falklands were still under Argentina's control.

The British still remembered the hatred of the Falklands, and vented this hatred on Argentina. The British occupied the Falklands by force. Argentina's military was no match and could only condemn the British in words. And this is the historical origin of the embarrassing situation in which the United Kingdom now occupies the Falklands and Argentina has always claimed that the sovereignty of the Falklands belongs to itself.

Three reasons

Let’s go back to the question we asked at the beginning. The United Kingdom returned Hong Kong to China, so why can’t the United Kingdom return the Falklands to Argentina? We summarize three reasons below.

One is the impact of the international environment . on the Hong Kong issue. China has always adhered to the principle of peaceful resolution, and has constructively proposed the policy of , one country, two systems, in response to the economic development models of Hong Kong and mainland China. Give Hong Kong sufficient autonomy.

prevents Hong Kong from affecting its own economic development rhythm due to its return to China. In this case, the UK will have nothing to say. The people of Hong Kong, mainland China and people all over the world strongly support the return of Hong Kong to China.

However, the issue of Argentina’s sovereignty over the Falklands is not very clear. As we have said before, it was British navigators who first landed on the Falklands. Later, Argentina gained control of the Falklands because of its original old master, Spain.

So the subsequent disputes between Argentina and the United Kingdom over the Falklands were naturally justified by public opinion and mother-in-law said mother-in-law was justified. Later, Argentina also took the initiative to launch the Falklands War. In this war, Argentina was defeated and there was an uproar at home and abroad. As a result, the international community no longer favors Argentina.

Also, it depends on the attitude of different countries. China has always been very resolute on the Hong Kong issue. We in China have truly risen from the suffering step by step. We have experienced too much suffering in . In the process of being beaten, we Chinese people reflect on ourselves and become stronger, so that we can protect ourselves and express our opinions confidently and calmly in the world.

Therefore, we Chinese do not just sit on the table with the British to negotiate. We use our own hard power to prove our determination to regain Hong Kong. But Argentina failed miserably in the fight against the United Kingdom, so this also made the United Kingdom understand their strength. Later, Argentina was afraid of being beaten, and its attitude towards the Falklands was not so firm. Then Britain will not return the Falklands to Argentina.

The third reason is because of interests. Let’s look at China and the UK first. The UK returned Hong Kong to China, but the economic exchanges between the UK and China also deepened. China is the most populous country in the world, and its natural market is also very broad. For the UK, although they lost direct control over Hong Kong, they gained more markets, which was a very good cooperation.

There is no such deep economic cooperation between the UK and Argentina, and the Argentine market is not particularly attractive. Therefore, the UK is unwilling to return the Falklands to Argentina because Argentina has not given the UK more benefits that they want. Then it is naturally impossible for them to give up the colonies they obtained to others.


So in general, although the international situation is changing, the most fundamental thing is that the economic foundation of determines the superstructure . If the country is not strong enough, no matter how reasonable your words are, you will not have a real say. The

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