It is the college entrance examination season again, and there will always be some disputes, especially the uneven difficulty of college entrance examination papers among provinces. The reason is mainly because the population, test papers, and educational resources of each provin

It is the college entrance examination season again, and there will always be some disputes, especially the uneven difficulty of college entrance examination papers among provinces. The reason is mainly because the population, test papers, and educational resources of each province are different, which leads to corresponding differences in the college entrance examination scores and test difficulty of candidates in each province. This is why disputes over regional differences in the college entrance examination have arisen.

In fact, in the ancient imperial examinations, there was also a phenomenon of large differences in the scores of candidates from different regions. Unlike today, which uses provinces as a comparison, in ancient times, most of the comparisons were made between the scores of candidates from the north and the south.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian established the imperial examination system for selecting talents, marking the beginning of the imperial examination system in ancient China. Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty Yang Guang founded the Jinshi subject in 605 AD. At that time, the imperial examination system was only in its infancy, and there was no single subject for the number one scholar.

In December 622 AD, Tang Gaozu Li Yuan inherited and improved the imperial examination talent selection system handed down from Sui Dynasty . Since the founding of the Tang , the first number one scholar produced was Sun Fuga. He also became the first number one scholar in the history of China's imperial examinations.

In the early Tang Dynasty , the imperial examination level of candidates in the south was slightly lower than that of candidates in the north. The number one scholar, Sun Fujia, is an authentic northerner. He comes from the old city of Hebei Province.

And according to some statistics, nearly 90% of the top picks in Tang Dynasty came from the north. Among the number of people who have won Jinshi, there are far more northerners than southerners.

However, from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, especially among the imperial examination champions after Song Renzong, 21 of the 30 top candidates were from the south, accounting for 70%.

There are currently 9,630 Jinshis in the Northern Song Dynasty who can be checked nationwide, of which 9,164 are from the south, accounting for 95% of the total.

By the Southern Song Dynasty , the education and culture in the south were constantly developing. After the north lost half of its country, there were very few people who could take the imperial examination. Therefore, during this period, the education in the south completely surpassed that of the north. .

The different levels of scientific research between the north and the south caused conflicts that focused on the North-South Ranking Case that occurred in 1397 AD during the reign of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the examination in February of that year, the examiners, led by the 85-year-old scholar Liu Sanwu, selected 451 tribute scholars, all of whom were candidates from the south. All candidates from the north failed.

This greatly aroused the dissatisfaction of the northern candidates, who believed that the examiner was deliberately favoring the southern candidates. They united to knock down the imperial list and jointly filed a lawsuit against the examiner Liu Sanwu and other examiners for practicing favoritism.

In the capital city of Nanjing, large and small struggles broke out between southerners and northerners, and even armed fights occurred, causing casualties.

So Zhu Yuanzhang found Liu Sanwu, the examiner of this exam, and hoped that he could change the exam results to balance the number of candidates from the north and the south. But Liu Sanwu insisted that there was no problem with his grading. He believed that the quality of candidates from the north was indeed inferior to those from the south, and he refused to modify the results.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very angry and found an excuse to form a clique to protect the candidates and exiled Liu Sanwu. At the same time, he also executed a group of examiners. In June of the same year, he reorganized an exam and personally invigilated the exam. This time, all 61 Jinshi he admitted were from the north. Therefore, there are two scientific examinations this year, the spring list and the summer list, as well as the south list and and north list .

This incident also contributed to the creation of the North-South paper division system, which rigidly stipulates the admission ratio between the North and the South. Six out of ten students will be admitted into the South paper and four out of ten will be admitted into the North paper. Later, in order to take care of remote areas such as Sichuan and Gansu, another intermediate examination was added, so that candidates from all regions would have the opportunity to pass the Jinshi. From

to in the Qing Dynasty and in the Qing Dynasty, this system of north and south rolls was still used.So, what is the reason for the difference in imperial examination results between the north and the south?

From the Qin Dynasty to the Western Jin , the national capitals of each dynasty were set up in the north. The northern Central Plains region was the political, economic and cultural center of the country. During this period, the south was regarded as a barbarian land, barbaric and backward, without any trace. There is no education at all.

However, after the Yongjia Rebellion in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Wu chaos broke out in China , and the north fell into successive wars. Emperor Yuan of Jin Dynasty crossed the river to avoid the chaos. At that time, a large number of Jin gentry, scholar-bureaucrats and common people went south and established the Eastern Jin Dynasty in Nanjing. , historically known as " Yiguan Nandu ". The Eastern Jin Dynasty achieved its first large-scale development in the south.

But with the unification of Sui and Tang , the north once again became the political center of the country. Therefore, before the Tang Dynasty, the level of the princes in the north was higher than that of the south.

However, the Anshi Rebellion broke this situation, and wars continued in the north. The vassal towns were separated into . The Anshi Rebellion plunged the Tang Dynasty into chaos, especially in the north, while the south achieved stable development under the protection and isolation of the Yangtze River's natural barrier.

Peace and stability are the foundation and guarantee for the development of culture. Especially in the Song Dynasty period, the economic center gradually moved to the south. It can be said that it was basically completely transferred to the south. This allowed the southern region to invest more funds and energy in In education, Jiangsu and Zhejiang have also become synonymous with prosperity.

Because of this, the imperial examination results in the south far exceeded those in the north, occupying an absolute advantage.