Most of the memories of history are of high-level politicians and famous figures, especially heads of state, who were vigorous and vigorous when they were in office, but no one cared about them after they stepped down. Just like the former head of state of the Soviet Union, Mikha

The history of

is like this, we are all passers-by. Most of the memories of history are of high-level politicians and famous figures, especially heads of state, who were vigorous and vigorous when they were in office, but no one cared about them after they stepped down. Just like the former head of state of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, who is now 92 years old, he has tried his best to make his presence known, but no more people will pay attention to him. However, some heads of state who stepped down occasionally attracted attention, mainly because they exposed some inside information.

On June 25, 2022, Kyrgyzstan the first president Akayev appeared. This professor-level president was originally forgotten, but this time he appeared and was interviewed by Deutsche Welle. However, he revealed something that once again attracted attention from the outside world. Akayev said: was ousted by the American NGO "Freedom House".

1, Insider

Akayev was the first president of Kyrgyzstan and served as president for more than 10 years. However, he did not expect to be ousted from power due to the "color revolution" in 2005, and then ran away to Russia to become a professor.

Akayev has been in power in Kyrgyzstan for more than 15 years. As the founding president of Kyrgyzstan, Akayev has won the support of the people in power. He is a very benevolent head of state, but it is this kind of kindness and weakness that has brought him so much trouble. with fatal consequences.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, some franchised countries quickly entered the Western market-oriented economy. Most of the franchised countries encountered difficulties, and some even experienced economic collapse. Western countries took the opportunity to enter these countries and wanted to transform these countries on the grounds of "democracy, freedom, and human rights."

Some non-governmental organizations from the United States and Western countries have entered the former Soviet Union countries under various banners such as environmental protection, human rights, religion, etc. Some countries can strictly control them, but Kyrgyzstan was careless and did not arouse vigilance. Akayev does not know that behind these NGOs are Western governments, and it is with funding from Western countries that NGOs can operate. The purpose is to infiltrate the target country and take the opportunity to disrupt the target country.

Central Asia originally had no history of statehood, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the five Central Asian countries had to become independent. After the independence of the five countries, they gave opportunities to non-governmental organizations in the United States and Western countries. These non-governmental organizations continued to enter Central Asia and penetrated into some countries.

After more than 10 years of infiltration, NGOs wanted to launch a coup in Uzbekistan but failed. So they turned to Kyrgyzstan. In the eyes of Western forces, Kyrgyzstan is the weakest country in Central Asia and has lax internal management.

Akayev said: " I made a big mistake when I allowed 'Freedom House' to open printing plants in our country and gave them too much freedom. 'Freedom House' printed many newspapers, and there were Millions of copies are printed for free. The newspapers they print are full of rumors and slander me and my family."

"Other neighboring countries do not allow such printing plants, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan ban the opposition. The publication was printed in Kyrgyzstan. Once, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev called me and said: You are a democrat, you can just promote democracy in your own country, why do you involve me in your country's printing house? Everyone started criticizing me! Uzbek President Karimov also said similar things to me. "

According to information, "Freedom House" is a US non-governmental organization headquartered in Washington, which releases the so-called "... The "World Freedom Report" analyzes the rights and freedoms of nearly 200 countries around the world. From 1991 to 2000, Kyrgyzstan was rated as a "partly free" country by Freedom House. In the last five years of Akayev's rule, Kyrgyzstan was actually transferred to an "illiberal country."

Under the control of Freedom House, a large number of rumors about Akayev appeared. Riots broke out in Kyrgyzstan against Akayev. Akayev did not dare to use force to solve the problem and eventually ran away.

Akayev was the first president to be overthrown by the "Color Revolution" in Central Asia. He ran to Russia and engaged in his old job, becoming an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a researcher at the Institute of Complex Systems Mathematics of Moscow State University.In the next 16 years, he never returned to his hometown. In August last year, Akayev returned to China to cooperate with the investigation due to the Kumtor gold mine case in Kyrgyzstan.

2, reason

Why did it take 17 years for Akayev to reveal the inside story of how the American NGO "Freedom House" overthrew him?

Actually, just look at the timing and you will know that Akayev is actually Russian now. He has a good relationship with Putin . Now that Russia and Ukraine are in conflict and Russia is sanctioned by the United States and the West, Russia will of course try many ways to fight back against the United States.

Although Akayev is now a has-been head of state, he is also a Russian professor and academician and has stayed away from politics. But when the "color revolution" occurred in Kyrgyzstan, there were indeed many inside stories that were not revealed. Akayev stepped forward to reveal this inside story, which was actually cooperating with Putin to fight back against the United States. By revealing the inside story,

allowed the world to see clearly the activities of American non-governmental organizations to subvert a country. After Akayev revealed the inside story of the "Freedom House" in the United States, those Soviet Union countries that had experienced "color revolutions" would see clearly the United States' activities to subvert the regime of other countries.

In addition to Kyrgyzstan, there are many Soviet Union countries where "color revolutions" occurred, such as Georgia , Ukraine , Belarus . The black hands behind the "color revolutions" in these countries include the United States. Saakashvili, who came to power in the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, was supported by the United States. Yushchenko, who came to power in the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, was "U.S. Son-in-law", his wife also serves in the U.S. State Department. In 2020, the "color revolution" in Belarus, although unsuccessful, was carried out by the United States behind the scenes in Eastern European countries.

There are various signs that the United States continues to launch "color revolutions" in the Soviet Union countries in order to overthrow some pro-Russian forces and support some pro-American regimes. The purpose is to further shrink Russia's sphere of influence and dismember Russia.

At that time, Russia was also in a period of bringing order out of chaos. After Putin first came to power, he still hoped to integrate into the West. However, Putin saw that the United States continued to launch "color revolutions" in the Soviet Union countries and realized the danger, so Putin's strategy began to change.

3, Reflection

Akayev revealed the inside story behind the US "Freedom House"'s manipulation of the riots in Kyrgyzstan. We must also be highly vigilant. American non-governmental organizations exist all over the world, including in China. Don’t think that these NGOs are really “non-governmental” and no one cares about them. They are all controlled by the United States. Some NGOs are backed by Soros and other large plutocrats, but they still work for the US government.

Therefore, it is imperative to prevent domestic NGOs and increase their cleanup and monitoring. According to data, some non-governmental organizations in my country actually do some shameful things behind the scenes. Don’t think that they sincerely serve China’s environmental protection and other public welfare undertakings.

Western non-governmental organizations were involved in the Hong Kong riots. Some Americans were behind the scenes to control the Hong Kong riots, and some even directly participated in the riots. You can see how serious the United States has penetrated Hong Kong. If it is not cleaned up in time, some Americans and the West are behind the scenes. NGOs can cause trouble at any time.

The most terrifying thing is the localization of Western NGOs. In recent years, some Chinese people have been active in some NGOs. These people are Chinese employees recruited by Western NGOs. They are active in various fields in China and are funded by the West.

Some Western NGOs are very deceptive, and some have entered China to steal Chinese military intelligence in the name of public welfare. Some use various channels to collect "black materials" that smear China, while others directly instigate some Chinese people to work for them, waiting for opportunities to start riots.

Many people believe that the United States has only launched "color revolutions" against the Soviet Union and Arab countries in recent years, and has not attacked China. In fact, the United States has been planning to attack China, and the Hong Kong riots are a "color revolution." There is no chance of realization in mainland China, but there are many signs that have already been controlled by our relevant departments.

Kanke wrote an article some time ago, "Countless cases illustrate that whoever is not vigilant about the 'color revolution' will suffer disaster." "Color revolutions" have various methods, but non-governmental organizations play a vital role in "color revolutions". To guard against "color revolutions", we must guard against non-governmental organizations. The

picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

In the next 16 years, he never returned to his hometown. In August last year, Akayev returned to China to cooperate with the investigation due to the Kumtor gold mine case in Kyrgyzstan.

2, reason

Why did it take 17 years for Akayev to reveal the inside story of how the American NGO "Freedom House" overthrew him?

Actually, just look at the timing and you will know that Akayev is actually Russian now. He has a good relationship with Putin . Now that Russia and Ukraine are in conflict and Russia is sanctioned by the United States and the West, Russia will of course try many ways to fight back against the United States.

Although Akayev is now a has-been head of state, he is also a Russian professor and academician and has stayed away from politics. But when the "color revolution" occurred in Kyrgyzstan, there were indeed many inside stories that were not revealed. Akayev stepped forward to reveal this inside story, which was actually cooperating with Putin to fight back against the United States. By revealing the inside story,

allowed the world to see clearly the activities of American non-governmental organizations to subvert a country. After Akayev revealed the inside story of the "Freedom House" in the United States, those Soviet Union countries that had experienced "color revolutions" would see clearly the United States' activities to subvert the regime of other countries.

In addition to Kyrgyzstan, there are many Soviet Union countries where "color revolutions" occurred, such as Georgia , Ukraine , Belarus . The black hands behind the "color revolutions" in these countries include the United States. Saakashvili, who came to power in the "Rose Revolution" in Georgia, was supported by the United States. Yushchenko, who came to power in the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, was "U.S. Son-in-law", his wife also serves in the U.S. State Department. In 2020, the "color revolution" in Belarus, although unsuccessful, was carried out by the United States behind the scenes in Eastern European countries.

There are various signs that the United States continues to launch "color revolutions" in the Soviet Union countries in order to overthrow some pro-Russian forces and support some pro-American regimes. The purpose is to further shrink Russia's sphere of influence and dismember Russia.

At that time, Russia was also in a period of bringing order out of chaos. After Putin first came to power, he still hoped to integrate into the West. However, Putin saw that the United States continued to launch "color revolutions" in the Soviet Union countries and realized the danger, so Putin's strategy began to change.

3, Reflection

Akayev revealed the inside story behind the US "Freedom House"'s manipulation of the riots in Kyrgyzstan. We must also be highly vigilant. American non-governmental organizations exist all over the world, including in China. Don’t think that these NGOs are really “non-governmental” and no one cares about them. They are all controlled by the United States. Some NGOs are backed by Soros and other large plutocrats, but they still work for the US government.

Therefore, it is imperative to prevent domestic NGOs and increase their cleanup and monitoring. According to data, some non-governmental organizations in my country actually do some shameful things behind the scenes. Don’t think that they sincerely serve China’s environmental protection and other public welfare undertakings.

Western non-governmental organizations were involved in the Hong Kong riots. Some Americans were behind the scenes to control the Hong Kong riots, and some even directly participated in the riots. You can see how serious the United States has penetrated Hong Kong. If it is not cleaned up in time, some Americans and the West are behind the scenes. NGOs can cause trouble at any time.

The most terrifying thing is the localization of Western NGOs. In recent years, some Chinese people have been active in some NGOs. These people are Chinese employees recruited by Western NGOs. They are active in various fields in China and are funded by the West.

Some Western NGOs are very deceptive, and some have entered China to steal Chinese military intelligence in the name of public welfare. Some use various channels to collect "black materials" that smear China, while others directly instigate some Chinese people to work for them, waiting for opportunities to start riots.

Many people believe that the United States has only launched "color revolutions" against the Soviet Union and Arab countries in recent years, and has not attacked China. In fact, the United States has been planning to attack China, and the Hong Kong riots are a "color revolution." There is no chance of realization in mainland China, but there are many signs that have already been controlled by our relevant departments.

Kanke wrote an article some time ago, "Countless cases illustrate that whoever is not vigilant about the 'color revolution' will suffer disaster." "Color revolutions" have various methods, but non-governmental organizations play a vital role in "color revolutions". To guard against "color revolutions", we must guard against non-governmental organizations. The

picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.