During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea in 1952, General Nie Fengzhi, then commander of the China-North Korea Joint Air Force, sent a female pilot to bomb the official residence of Syngman Rhee, the leader of the reactionary government of South Korea, in Seoul, fri

During the 1952 War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, General Nie Fengzhi, then commander of the China-North Korea Joint Air Force, sent a female pilot to bomb the official residence of Syngman Rhee, the head of the reactionary government of South Korea, in Seoul. Scared for some reason. After the news of

came out, it quickly caused a sensation all over the world. But what no one expected was that Nie Fengzhi was suddenly demoted after returning to China. What's going on?

It stands to reason that Nie Fengzhi has made extraordinary achievements and should be praised by the Volunteer Army Command and Beijing.

But in the end, the situation was exactly the opposite. Not only did Nie Fengzhi not receive any praise, but he was demoted after returning to China. When marching and fighting, meritorious service must be rewarded. Why can't it work here with Nie Fengzhi? What is the unknown secret in this?

Picture | General Nie Fengzhi

Nie Fengzhi is the most capable general under General Xu Shiyou. He has great military exploits, wisdom and courage. is ranked high in the entire ninth column, and even in the entire Huaye.

But the strange thing is that every time Nie Fengzhi fought a great victory on the front line and returned triumphantly, when the heads of the East China Secretariat met to discuss Nie Fengzhi's problems and rewarded him for his merits, there would always be someone at a critical moment who suddenly Jump out and say "fatal" words :

"Don't give too much to Nie Fengzhi, he is Zhang Guotao's man..."

Picture | Zhang Guotao

Whenever I hear such negative remarks, Commander of the East China Field Army Chen Yi, boss , will always stand up and defend Nie Fengzhi at the first time:

"What are you talking about? What do you mean that Nie Fengzhi is Zhang Guotao's person? Zhang Guotao's incident has been over for more than ten years, and his mistakes have been made Being characterized, it is because of his arrogance, and he alone should be responsible.

There are tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in the Fourth Front Army. They are innocent. Why do you always want to get involved? "

Picture | Boss Chen Yi

Chen Yi has always been involved. They all have a smile and a harmless and friendly appearance, but when he gets angry, his face tightens, and his eyes suddenly widen, which looks very scary. As for the tone of his words, of course it is inaudible:

"What was Nie Fengzhi's original position in the Fourth Front Army? He was just a regimental commander. Above him were Xu Shiyou and Chen Zaidao. These people were all commanders who were highly regarded by Zhang Guotao. Moreover, Comrade Xu Xiangqian was also the commander-in-chief of the Fourth Front Army at that time.

These powerful people have not been implicated in any way, so why do you always make things difficult for Nie Fengzhi? Is it because it is easy to bully Zhang Guotao? "

Picture | Boss Chen Yi

Nie Fengzhi was very moved by Boss Chen Yi's forthrightness. However, even with Boss Chen's endorsement, it was difficult to stop some thoughtful people from spreading rumors, which made Nie Fengzhi feel extremely annoyed.

However, Although some people in the East China Field Army actually said this and that to Nie Fengzhi, Nie Fengzhi had boss Chen Yi, Commander Su Yu and political commissar Tan Zhenlin to uphold justice, and merit would be rewarded. Therefore, Nie Fengzhi's promotion path was very smooth, and he did not suffer any Influence.

Picture | Marshal Chen Yi

After the founding of New China in 1949, Nie Fengzhi was ordered to be transferred to East China Military and Political University Director of Education, and Commander of the Air Force of the East China Military Region. He was very experienced in air force training.

So in 1952, Nie Fengzhi was ordered by Chairman Mao to be transferred to the Korean front line in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and served as the commander of the China-North Korea Joint Air Force.

This is also the first time that Nie Fengzhi has left his old army. Without the protection of Boss Chen Yi and Commander Su Yu, the "shadow of Zhang Guotao" has returned to him.

Every time he commanded the Volunteer Air Force to take off and win a battle with the U.S. Air Force, Nie Fengzhi would hear someone say: "Commander Nie Fengzhi is really good, but... he is Zhang Guotao's man, what a pity."

Picture | Mao Chairman

Whenever this happens, Nie Fengzhi feels embarrassed. He has never belonged to anyone. He is Chairman Mao's soldier. He just wants to fight every battle with all his strength under the leadership of the party and the country and strive to make the people of the country live a good life. That's all.

But why does Zhang Guotao’s shadow always follow him? Nie Fengzhi couldn't understand.

Picture | General Nie Fengzhi

On this day, Nie Fengzhi arranged for Comrade Wang Lian, deputy commander of the Volunteer Army Air Force, to select the pilots to carry out the bombing mission of Seoul, and then called the Military Commission Air Force Commander Headquarters for instructions.

But I don’t know why, the phone number at the Military Commission Air Force Command Headquarters was always busy that day, and I couldn’t get through several calls in a row.

The war was imminent, and Nie Fengzhi was so anxious that he stamped his feet in anger. He always felt that he was being targeted and believed that Zhang Guotao's shadow also affected the Air Force.

Picture | Lieutenant General Nie Fengzhi

After finally getting through the phone, Nie Fengzhi was filled with anger and could no longer suppress it. In his anger, Nie Fengzhi did not consider any consequences at all, and directly said to the other party in a sarcastic tone:

"Okay, It's really hard to find you as the deputy commander. Why, you've only been the deputy commander for a few days and you've already put on such a big show? Others can do anything to you, but I, Nie Fengzhi, beg you to answer the phone. How difficult is it? "

"Commander Nie, don't be so resentful, just listen to me and explain to you..."

But Nie Fengzhi didn't give him a chance to speak. He raised his voice several times and roared: " Let me tell you, I, Nie Fengzhi, am not looking for you today because of personal matters, but for official matters. I want to report to you on a very important national event.

The war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea is a top priority now. I know you have opinions about me, Nie Fengzhi. , but even if you have a huge opinion against me and it involves national security, you can't abandon public service for personal reasons. How can you deal with it this way? "

Picture | General Nie Fengzhi

Nie Fengzhi complained a lot on the phone, and he was very worried. The depression of the day seemed to disappear in an instant, and the whole person felt extremely happy.

Then he ran to personally meet with the female pilot selected by Wang Lian, deputy commander of the Volunteer Army Air Force, to discuss the bombing of Seoul.

The next day, the victory of World War I was an earth-shattering success. The official residence of Syngman Rhee, the leader of the reactionary South Korean government in Seoul, was blown to pieces. The news spread, which not only shocked the entire Korean Peninsula, but even the country was shocked after receiving the battle report from the front line. I was stunned, what a great feat this was.

Picture | Volunteer aircraft perform missions

However, Nie Fengzhi only cared about his own pleasure in order to use his words for a while, but he did not think about the negative consequences of his words.

Therefore, when Nie Fengzhi hung up the phone, the headquarters of the domestic Air Force Military Commission immediately exploded. Some people said: "Nie Fengzhi is arrogant and does not know how high the sky is. How can it be so unreasonable?"

Some people also said: "Nie Fengzhi is now He is proud of himself and does not take the head of the Military Commission seriously. "

Some people even said: "Nie Fengzhi falsely claimed military exploits on the Korean front. The Volunteer Air Force did not shoot down so many planes. Otherwise, the Americans would have been beaten long ago. It’s time to rush to a ceasefire and peace talks. People like this must be severely punished."

Picture | Nie Fengzhi's young photos

Rumors from the Central Military Commission's Air Force Command Headquarters quickly reached the ears of Air Force Commander General Liu Yalou. Someone suggested: "Should Nie Fengzhi be removed from his post first, and then brought back for interrogation and criticism? . "

But this suggestion was directly rejected by Liu Yalou without even thinking about it. Although he had never fought side by side with Nie Fengzhi, he knew Nie Fengzhi's temper very well:

"Commander Nie Fengzhi is not the arrogant person you say. , a person who does not respect the head of the Military Commission. He complained to the deputy commander of the Air Force just because he was too anxious and said something he shouldn't have said in a moment of urgency.

But he is not a bad person. He is not as serious as you say. Why should he treat his comrades on the line? "

Picture | Air Force Commander Liu Yalou

When he said this, Liu Yalou's face tightened, he looked around and said seriously: "What time is it now? North Korea is still fighting. Commander Nie Fengzhi is still fighting on the front line. He He must not be distracted when fighting against the U.S. Air Force, known as the "Skymaster".

Bombing Syngman Rhee’s official residence in Seoul, what a great feat this is? Even if he is wrong, we have to wait until the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is completely over before discussing it. It is inappropriate to deal with this matter now.

Otherwise it will cause turmoil in the morale of the military and lead to mistakes in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. You will personally go to Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou to explain, and this is not a major violation of principles in the first place. Do you understand? "

Picture | Air Force General Liu Yalou

Liu Yalou has a hot temper, nicknamed "Lei Gongye", and is very popular in the People's Liberation Army Air Force Command Headquarters. Even Chairman Mao once specially approved: From now on, Liu Yalou will handle matters in the Air Force by himself. I won't interfere.

The main purpose of Liu Yalou's initiative to excuse Nie Fengzhi is to stop the matter and stop it from fermenting. When it slowly cools down, the major issue can be reduced to a minor one. In the end, Nie Fengzhi will be punished with a small amount of punishment. Just give him a warning.

What Liu Yalou never expected was that Nie Fengzhi’s angrily reprimanding the Air Force Deputy Commander did not gradually become indifferent as time went by. On the contrary, as time went by, everyone’s dissatisfaction with Nie Fengzhi actually grew. It is becoming more and more intense, and has even reached the level of semi-publicity.

Picture | Air Force General Liu Yalou

There are rumors everywhere in the Central Military Commission: "Nie Fengzhi is arrogant and domineering, and he dares to openly contradict his superiors. He is simply audacious." "

Some people even speculated maliciously: "Nie Fengzhi falsely reported military exploits in North Korea. Now he doesn't focus on commanding operations at all. He sings and dances all day long in North Korea, either playing poker or holding various dance parties. "

Such rumors intensified and spread to Nanjing, Shanghai and other places. Many of Nie Fengzhi's old comrades in the East China Field Army were gradually confused by these rumors and had great doubts about Nie Fengzhi's character:

" It seems that Lao Nie's revolutionary thoughts were not firm enough, and he was knocked down so easily by the sugar-coated bullets of the bourgeois reactionaries. He is a typical negative example. He was once such a good person, how did he become like this now? "

Picture | Nie Fengzhi and his wife He Ming take a photo

"Negative news" about Nie Fengzhi has spread all over the city, but Nie Fengzhi's wife, Comrade He Ming, has been kept in the dark and knows nothing.

Until one day, East China A family member of a veteran cadre of the Field Army couldn't bear it any longer, so he revealed a little bit of the news to He Ming, but he didn't say it explicitly. He just said: "Your husband Nie Fengzhi has encountered a little trouble now. Go and have a look.""

He Ming was confused, and of course he had to ask for details. After He Ming took the trouble to ask, the family member of the veteran cadre hesitantly told some of the rumors he had heard.

After hearing this, He Ming also Don't be angry, She and her husband have been through thick and thin for decades, and there is no better wife than a husband.

She knows very well what kind of person Nie Fengzhi is.

In He Ming's view, her husband Nie Fengzhi is an old Red Army and party member who has been tested by the revolution. How could it be what they said?

Picture | Nie Fengzhi’s family taking a group photo

But as the old saying goes, if you tell a lie a thousand times, it becomes the truth. The rumors about Nie Fengzhi are spreading more and more fiercely. , He Ming couldn't help but feel a little worried, so he personally went to Sidaogou at the junction of Northeast China and North Korea.

After observing in the dark for a long time, he finally felt relieved: "Old Nie has not changed, and Nie Fengzhi is still the same. That Nie Fengzhi. "

Nie Fengzhi's daily schedule is very regular. He gets up at 4 a.m. to wash up and inspect the tunnels and traffic trenches. Then he goes to the headquarters wrapped in a coat and stays there all day long until 11 o'clock in the night. Accompanied by the security guard, he returned to his residence.

Sometimes he was so tired that he didn't even bother to eat dinner. He fell on the bed and snored, which made He Ming feel very distressed and reminded him of the misunderstanding of him in China. The tears couldn't stop flowing down.

Picture | Nie Fengzhi and his wife He Ming took a photo

One night, Nie Fengzhi took a few bites of rice and went to bed to fall asleep. Comrade Lu Weigen, the combat staff, came to deliver documents, but He Ming stopped him. Down:

"Commander Xiao Lu, let me ask you something. I don't know what the situation is like on the Korean front. Is Lao Nie busy with work now? "

Lu Weigan glanced at He Ming in surprise, as if he didn't understand why she would ask such a question: "Sister He, now American planes come to us on time almost every day to report, sometimes even in one day. several times.

As soon as the intelligence arrives, Commander Nie will immediately organize everyone and hold a special meeting. He will also listen to the opinions of the Soviet expert advisory group from time to time, and then write an order and issue it to the entire army.

When a pilot flies a fighter plane into the sky to fight, Commander Nie has to run on the ground with his legs broken. He is like a top all day long, spinning continuously without his feet touching the ground. Do you think he is busy? "

Picture | Nie Fengzhi's young photos

When talking about this, Comrade Lu Weigan, the combat staff, suddenly started talking and burst into tears: "Sister He, let me tell you the truth. The pilots come back from the mission and eat well. It was good to go to bed, but Commander Nie couldn't rest at all.

He also needs to review the films brought back by the pilots one by one to understand the situation, and then summarize them into written materials, and personally make detailed reports to the Central Military Commission Air Force Command Headquarters and the head of the Central Military Commission. "

" I don't know, and I don't understand how the rumors about Commander Nie spread. Is it true that he is a mediocre person who does not make people jealous? "

Pictures | Nie Fengzhi's young photos

Lu Weigan said to He Ming distressedly: "Sister He, I want to report a situation to you. Commander Nie sometimes eats lunch, and while eating, the eyelids of his eyes become thin. A fight begins.

Then his eyes were glued together, he snored when he tilted his head, and the rice bowl slipped from his hand and fell to the ground and broke.

He is too tired. Ever since he came to North Korea and served as the commander of the China-North Korea Joint Air Force, he has never had a full meal or a good night's sleep. Everyone feels sorry for him. "

He Ming listened word by word, her heart stung, her nose sore, she gritted her teeth to hold back the tears, and then she felt extremely aggrieved and told Lu Weigen all the rumors she had heard about Nie Fengzhi in Nanjing. .

Picture | Nie Fengzhi and Xu Shiyou took a photo

Lu Weigen seemed to have heard similar rumors, so his expression was as usual, and he could not see any joy or anger at all. Instead, he comforted He Ming softly: "Sister He, please don't be angry. Commander Nie has heard these words often. "

Lu Weigen sighed: "Sister He, who doesn't say anything in front of others, and who doesn't say anything behind their backs? They want to say it. Just say go. Anyway, it is enough for those of us who are close to know what kind of person Commander Nie is. I believe time will prove everything."

He Ming felt in his heart when he heard Lu Weigen's high praise for his husband. I was very relieved. After staying on the front line for a while, I returned to Nanjing alone.

Picture | General Nie Fengzhi

And it was also that because Nie Fengzhi complained on the phone to the head of the Military Commission Air Force Command Headquarters, he commanded the bombing of the official residence of Syngman Rhee, the leader of the reactionary government of South Korea, in Seoul, and made himself immortal. Wonderful work.

However, after the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea ended, and after returning home in triumph, he was demoted one level, from commander to deputy commander.