Nowadays, facing the increasingly severe cross-strait situation, many people have asked, what should we do if the Taiwan authorities are still unwilling to negotiate with us and use peaceful means to liberate Taiwan?

When New China was founded, due to historical reasons, Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan have not returned to the embrace of the motherland. Western countries even wanted to strangle this new regime in the cradle.

However, with our unremitting efforts, we finally overcame many difficulties and recovered the territories of Hong Kong and Macau that originally belonged to us.

However, due to various reasons, Taiwan has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

There is no doubt that Taiwan belongs to my country's unshakable territory. However, due to the intervention of the United States and the influence of past historical issues, Taiwan's reunification is still a very thorny issue.

Nowadays, we are facing an increasingly severe cross-strait situation. Many people have asked, what should we do if the Taiwan authorities are still unwilling to negotiate with us and use peaceful means to liberate Taiwan?

In fact, Deng Xiaoping had already given the answer to this question as early as the last century.

Deng Xiaoping

After the founding of New China, while facing the pressure of external blockade, our country also began to work on solving problems left over from history.

Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, the three places that have not yet returned to the embrace of the motherland, have always affected everyone's hearts. At this time, the United States is determined to strangle our country's new political power.

Although the United States has not succeeded in this purpose, they have always been willing to intervene in the Taiwan issue. The biggest difference between the Taiwan issue and Hong Kong and Macau is that has no time limit on solving the Taiwan issue, and there is no foreign government as a negotiating opponent.

In other words, it should be entirely up to our country to decide how to solve it and when to solve it. After all, this is undoubtedly our country's internal affairs.

But at this time, the United States is still evil and has always wanted to curb our country's development.

Although the United States has not succeeded in this purpose, they have always been willing to intervene in the Taiwan issue, causing the Taiwan issue to remain unresolved.

During the Korean War , the United States continued to intervene in the Taiwan issue, resulting in a situation where there was no communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

During the Kinmen Artillery Battle in 1958, the United States' actions gave both sides of the Taiwan Strait a new understanding of the Taiwan issue. Chairman Mao said: If reunification can be achieved, they can live in their own way, and there will be no fish in the water. It's regional, and Mao'ergai's fish won't work in other places.

However, due to the intervention of the United States, cross-strait relations have become increasingly tense.

In 1963, Premier Zhou Enlai summarized the mainland's policy towards Taiwan. Generally speaking, it can be summarized as ", one outline and four objectives ".

The concept of "one outline and four objectives" is summarized as ", one country, two systems, ", which has had a very significant impact.

In the following decades, due to Taiwan issues, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were cut off for decades. Although the mainland has been making continuous efforts for Taiwan's return, due to Chiang Kai-shek 's insistence, countless people People who have gone to Taiwan have homes and cannot return, and they can only face their hometown across the sea.

It can be said that completing the great cause of the reunification of the motherland is what the public hopes and the people want, and it is the common aspiration of Taiwan compatriots and hundreds of millions of people at home.

Therefore, after Deng Xiaoping took over this matter, he was very determined towards the national policy of reunifying the motherland.

After the 1970s, with the changes in the relationship between China and the United States, the Taiwan issue also began to undergo subtle changes.

In 1972, after President Nixon visited China, China and the United States issued the " Joint Communique" in Shanghai. The communiqué clearly stated that Taiwan is a province of China, and the liberation of Taiwan is entirely China's internal affair and does not concern any country or country. No matter what the issue is, all US armed forces must be withdrawn from Taiwan! China strictly prohibits any act to split the motherland.

The United States has publicly stated that it has no objection to this.

However, the United States, which has officially recognized that Taiwan belongs to China, does not intend to give up. Some American radicals still intend to intervene in Taiwan affairs and want to gain the upper hand in the process of establishing ties between China and the United States.

In 1973, after realizing the intentions of the United States, Chairman Mao left Deng Xiaoping with Premier Zhou early and asked Deng Xiaoping to be responsible for assisting Premier Zhou in promoting Sino-US relations and solving the Taiwan issue.

Deng Xiaoping's methods were far more resolute than imagined. When faced with the vague and unclear position of the United States, Deng Xiaoping very firmly announced China's position at home and abroad: the Taiwan issue will be resolved sooner or later, no matter what method it is used. , everything needs to be solved, but the time may be a little earlier or a little later.

Nixon visited China

Afterwards, the United States even boldly proposed that it wanted to turn the U.S. Embassy established in Taiwan into a liaison office. In response to this behavior of the United States, Deng Xiaoping pointedly pointed out: "This is actually a liaison office. This disguised situation is something we cannot consider and cannot accept. To normalize Sino-US relations, the United States needs to withdraw from Taiwan. We cannot accept any other method

Deng Xiaoping’s! The words were resonant and made many countries aware of my country's determination on the Taiwan issue.

While the relations between China and the United States are gradually advancing, the two sides have once again reached a deadlock on the Taiwan issue.

After Carter was elected as the 39th President of the United States in 1977, in order to establish a good relationship with our country, he made a public speech shortly after taking office: " I will use the Shanghai Communiqué as a guide to establish friendly ties with China. We will The goal of the policy is to normalize relations between the two countries.

However, not long after these words were spoken, Carter sent Vance, a very tough hawk representative of the United States, to visit China with Carter’s son.

Before arriving in China, Vance drafted a negotiating outline on the Taiwan issue in advance.

Among them, Vance proposed a total of three very controversial treaties: 1. The United States will maintain unofficial relations with Taiwan, including providing Taiwan with "carefully selected defense weapons"; 2. Oppose the abolition of the "mutual defense" between the United States and Taiwan. Treaty"; 3. China must give up using force to regain Taiwan.

These ideas of Vance have completely violated China's basic principles on the Taiwan issue, but Vance is full of confidence. He believes that our country will definitely accept this proposal in order to have a good relationship with the United States.

As soon as he met Foreign Minister Huang Hua, Vance stated categorically that our country could neither issue a statement denying the US statement nor allow it to issue any statement on liberating Taiwan by force.

my country's Foreign Minister Huang Hua immediately and righteously rejected Vance's request. He said that if the Taiwan issue cannot be resolved, the normalization of relations between China and the United States will be postponed indefinitely.

After suffering a loss from Huang Hua, Vance still did not give up his idea.

html On August 24, Deng Xiaoping specially hosted a banquet to entertain this guest from a foreign country. Although it was the first time for Vance to meet Deng Xiaoping, he had already heard about Deng Xiaoping’s vigorous and resolute actions elsewhere. He knew that this was definitely not a Good person to talk to.

Therefore, in order to prevent the conversation between the two from reaching an impasse, Vance first expressed his best wishes for the relationship between the two countries and had a detailed conversation with Deng Xiaoping about the future development of the two countries. Just as the two were talking about the rise, Vance Suddenly the conversation changed and the topic was brought to the Taiwan issue.

He told Deng Xiaoping the outline he had prepared earlier in a very "tactful" way. Although his tone sounded very polite, Deng Xiaoping's expression became visibly serious.

After listening to Vance's speech, Deng Xiaoping was not in a hurry to speak. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a slow drag: "The Taiwan issue has always been between our two countries. Question, your behavior is not promoting the Shanghai Communique, but retreating. In our opinion, your suggestion to stay in Taiwan is to establish an embassy without a logo!

He stopped and stared at Wan closely. Si, Vance also broke out in a cold sweat at this time, only to hear Deng Xiaoping say loudly: " We will never agree! "

Deng Xiaoping and Chairman Mao were together

Vance knew that Deng Xiaoping was "difficult to deal with", but he did not Thinking that Deng Xiaoping would speak so directly, he originally wanted to continue "consultations" with Deng Xiaoping on this issue, but he did not expect that Deng Xiaoping would not give him a chance to speak at all. After

elaborated on my country's position on the Taiwan issue, Vance was completely frozen at the negotiating table, and his original confidence was gone.

After finally staying in China for two days, Vance had to return to the United States very frustrated.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the central government once again put the reunification of the motherland on the agenda. The difference is that in order to achieve this goal, our country began to try to adopt a brand-new method to promote the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. This method is "one country, two systems" ".

Although the central government did not explicitly propose the idea of ​​"one country, two systems" at this time, it is enough to see from the content of the meeting that the important content has already given preliminary expression to this idea.

After the reform and opening up of New China, as more and more foreign companies settled in China to set up factories, the relationship between China and the United States increasingly needs a normalized development.

In 1979, Deng Xiaoping personally visited the United States and met with President Carter of the United States. He once again emphasized China's position to Carter and asked them to stop continuing to "manipulate" on the Taiwan issue.

Deng Xiaoping visited the United States

In the same year, China and the United States established diplomatic relations. The United States announced that it would sever ties with the Taiwan authorities and withdraw from Taiwan in order to achieve normal exchanges between China and the United States.

After entering the 1980s, the Taiwan issue became more and more intense.

In 1981, when Deng Xiaoping met with celebrities from Hong Kong and Taiwan, he once again emphasized the central government's policy and attitude towards Taiwan and emphasized the system of "one country, two systems".

But at this time, Taiwan was in the middle of the situation, but could not see the situation clearly, and insisted on disagreeing with the reunification of the two sides. Taiwan's behavior chilled the hearts of central leaders and countless compatriots. After all, seeking national independence and reunification has always been the goal. The pursuit of all Chinese people is that if cross-strait reunification cannot be achieved, Taiwan will be taken away by others again at some point.

However, in the face of Taiwan's unwillingness to accept negotiations, Deng Xiaoping also explained this: " If the Taiwan issue cannot be solved through peaceful means, we must not give up using non-peaceful means to unify Taiwan. Of course we must remember one thing , We cannot use force easily. This is a strategic consideration. "

After Deng Xiaoping proposed the concept of one country, two systems, he once said: "The way to solve the Taiwan issue is like two hands. The right hand is to strive for a peaceful solution. Being tied up, can’t we even use our left hand?”

Therefore, when Deng Xiaoping met with the Democratic Senator Jackson of the United States in 1983, he mentioned the “nine principles and policies” proposed by our country and the basic national policy of “one country, two systems”.

Our country has always attached great importance to the peaceful settlement of the Taiwan issue. After all, war is too laborious and wastes money, and will also arouse public opinion in the international community.

Therefore, our government has always been cautious when dealing with war issues.

"If it cannot be resolved peacefully, but reaches the point where it must be resolved by force, it will be very detrimental to all parties."

Therefore, force must not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

From Deng Xiaoping’s talks in the last century, we can draw this conclusion: peacefully resolving the Taiwan issue is always our first choice, but because of the complex world situation, the United States has always been eyeing Taiwan and wants to gradually infiltrate it through unfair means. to the Asia-Pacific region, so if the Taiwan issue remains unresolved, force can be used if conditions permit. However, when and how to use force are issues that need to be comprehensively considered.

Deng Xiaoping realized very early that if he wanted to firmly hold the initiative in his own hands, he had to improve his overall strength. Therefore, after the North China Exercise in 1981, Deng Xiaoping put the development of the country's military first. in a very important position.

But unfortunately, it was not until Deng Xiaoping passed away that he could see this day.

This incident also became Deng Xiaoping’s lifelong regret.