Visit the abandoned ghost city, more than 60,000 natives were slaughtered, and the blood-stained diamond city will be obliterated by quicksand

Outside the house, an old tree has long since died. The dead branches of have become the only indicator in the desert. The weeds have already dried up, and under the hot sun, not even a fly can be seen.

Inside the house, the colorful wallpaper peeled off from the wall, and the outer wall exposed the naked "skeleton" under the erosion of wind and sand. Half of the bedroom door fell, creaking under the power of the wind, and it seemed that it might fall down at any time.

In the room full of fireworks in the past, the billowing yellow sand has almost disappeared to the roof...

There is no one under the sun

Desolation and decay has become this abandoned "ghost city" "", but who would have thought that this town in southern Africa, which is about to be obliterated, was once extremely prosperous. It was a world-renowned diamond production base, created hundreds of millions of fortunes, and witnessed the "birth of the rich". ".

This is the "ghost town" Kermansk of Namibia . Let us walk into that dusty history together.

One night in 1908, a Namibian railway worker was shoveling railroad tracks. Under the dim night, he suddenly found some stones faintly glowing, so he told his employer about his discovery. Before long, the identities of those special stones were confirmed, and they contained rich diamond resources.

But unfortunately, the young man who found the diamond did not get a penny reward. Perhaps this is the sin of capital.

The news spread quickly, and a large number of prospectors poured in, greedily digging for the treasure that would make them rich overnight: diamonds.

The small town also gained fame and rose rapidly. According to statistics, the annual diamond output of the town was as high as 1 million carats, accounting for 11.7% of the world's total diamond output.

in the barren African desert area,Kermansk seems to have become a "well of luxury", from which a steady stream of wealth emerges, and desire breeds.

As a result, people used railroad tracks to transport water, opened bakeries, post offices, opera houses, and even ice rinks... The people who rejoiced every night were immersed in the madness of wealth.

But a tragic disaster also came to the local people along with the ruler's inflated desire.

At that time, Namibia was one of the German colonies in southwestern Africa. In order to seize greater control of wealth, the rulers began to delimit mining areas and drive away the indigenous people from the land.

In order to survive, the displaced tribesmen had to be hired as laborers for the diamond mines, working day and night to mine, but often ran out of food, and were forced to live in small temporary tents similar to military camps. .

In addition, ordinary people are also prohibited from entering the mining area, and those who resist will be severely suppressed.

The atrocities of the colonial rulers caused strong dissatisfaction among the local people. They began to resist, but the resistance brought more brutal revenge. A massacre of indigenous people in Africa kicked off. According to statistics, there were more than 60,000 people. The indigenous people died in that tragic catastrophe.

Crazed mining around the clock, the local diamond mine resources were quickly exhausted. In 1928, the larger "diamond field" in southern South Africa was discovered, indicating that this small town stained with the blood of indigenous people was about to end its glamorous and tragic mission.

The people in the town left in droves, abandoning their former homeland, and rushing to another dream place that can satisfy their crazy wealth.

In a blink of an eye, in 1956, Kermansk was completely reduced to a bleak glimpse in the desert, with no human traces. The dunes climbed over the railroad tracks and broke through the gates of Kermansk, which had become a "ghost city."

rebirth,Means death

In 2002, a local private tourism company saw a business opportunity and obtained the Kermansk franchise. A large number of tourists poured into this former diamond city, and the ruins covered by yellow sand seemed to be renewed. Going back to the time when people were full of voices in the past.

Collapsed walls, broken windows, decayed drawers... The dusty memories are opened, and the past things are unsealed again.

People are nostalgic. For thousands of years, they have always had a soft spot for those broken cities or collapsed and buried buildings, as if standing in front of a deserted ghost city for a "ruin gaze", you can piece together the freshness of the past Memories.

But we are too arrogant and underestimate the power of time.

Life is only a few decades, and wind and sand are eternal. They will eventually replace human beings and reoccupy this land that belongs to nature.

Kermansk will always become history, a bloody memory of a generation.
