Ge Wuzhi: Looking at the issue of carbon emissions from a historical perspective

The world factory in history-"neglected" carbon emissions

The emergence of the world factory was accompanied by the industrial revolution.

The first industrial revolution occurred in Britain in the 18th century, marked by the widespread use of steam engines, and coal became the most important energy source. The steam engine directly provides the power for industry, and coal is the direct energy source for the steam engine.

In just a few decades, the Industrial Revolution made Britain from a backward agricultural country to the world's most advanced capitalist industrial power, becoming the "world factory" and dominating the world for half a century.

However, the British burned a lot of coal in industrial production, which caused serious environmental degradation. In addition to providing continuous power for the industry, the combustion of coal also continuously releases a large amount of carbon dioxide gas. At the same time, the sulfur element mixed in the coal will generate harmful gases after combustion, causing serious environmental pollution.

The industrial revolution later spread to Germany, France and other countries on the European continent, the United States on the American continent, and later Japan in Asia. With the arrival of the second industrial revolution of electrical age, these emerging industrial countries have seized the opportunity to become industrial powers and compete for the world market.

Although the second industrial revolution is called the electrical age, the power needed by industry is ultimately provided by the combustion of fossil fuels. This not only released a large amount of carbon dioxide gas, but also caused serious environmental pollution incidents. Some environmental pollution incidents in the 20th century are good examples.

However, serious environmental pollution incidents only occur as by-products of fossil fuel combustion! Since the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels does not directly harm people and the environment, people at that time did not pay much attention to the issue of carbon dioxide gas emissions.

Later, with the development of the Internet and globalization, 's third industrial revolution arrived,We seized the opportunity, and in just a few decades, we completed the road that the developed countries took more than 100 years to complete, and became a well-deserved world factory.

Achievement is great, but the effort is also great. Not only did we put in the efforts of several generations, we also consumed huge resources and caused serious damage to the environment... and this is the pain we must endure as the world's factory, and this is the test we must endure when we move towards greatness.

In the name of carbon-the unkind "carbon shackles"

To reduce carbon emissions, for the sake of mankind, this is a loud and justice-filled slogan. However, under such slogans are small calculations made privately by developed countries. They are not so much thinking for the whole of mankind as they are thinking about their own interests. When we were about to surpass them, they panicked a little.

So, in the name of carbon, come on stage!

But in the previous section, we know that the development of developed countries is all the way carbon dioxide is advancing! The coal and oil they burned in industrial development ended up in our atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide.

Let's put aside the carbon dioxide that has been emitted for the time being. Let's just say that of the carbon dioxide emitted by the world's factories, how much of the carbon dioxide we emit as the world's factories is a pot for the developed countries?

Many industries with high pollution, high energy consumption and high emissions have been transferred to economically backward developing countries. Developed countries enjoy high-quality goods produced by developing countries relying on high-emissions and cheap labor, while accusing them of excessive carbon dioxide emissions. This really smells like eating a full meal and beating the cook!

If they are really for all mankind, they should share those technologies that can reduce carbon emissions, even if they charge a certain fee to developing countries, it is reasonable. But they didn't do it. They have more advanced technology, but they don't sell it when developing countries give money!

If technologies that are conducive to reducing carbon emissions are shared with developing countries, this will not only reduce carbon emissions, but also receive a portion of the benefits from developing countries. This should be a win-win situation. But developed countries have not done so.

So why are they so keen on carbon emissions now? Because they have seen that our peaceful rise is breaking their original world order-developed countries are leading the world.When they discovered that our rise was unstoppable, they began to feel fear and all kinds of stumbling.

Among them, carbon emissions are such a malicious loss. They want to use this "carbon shackle" to restrain our rapid development!

Independent and self-improvement-technology, talents and education

90% of those who travel a hundred miles.

Our economy has undergone rapid development. It seems that the size of the economy is about to surpass the first economic power, but in fact, the real battle has just begun. When our economy began to get rid of crude development and turn to higher-quality development, we found that more restrictive factors began to increase.

These constraints are not only from within us, but also from outside of us.

Take the topic of the lithography machine that was very hot some time ago. We can't buy this thing with money. Of course, there are some obstructions from external forces. Of course, this is a superficial reason, and we can see it at a glance. But our own internal constraints also play an important role, such as some of our ideas.

In the early period of reform and opening up, in order to quickly gain access to our market, Western developed countries transferred to us some technologies that they had eliminated but were still very advanced in our view at the time. This gave us a kind of " The idea of ​​“buying is worse than making”. Indeed, the things you buy are more advanced than the ones made by yourself, who would buy them?

But we didn't know at the time that there was actually a conspiracy of developed countries—technology dependence. When this kind of technological dependence occurs, we completely lose our bargaining power in the entire world market, and we become a fat sheep at the mercy of others. The later fact was that the things we couldn't make were sold at sky-high prices, and once we could make them ourselves, they would immediately "jump off the building and sell them for a big sale."

I remember that Ren Zhengfei said: I am used to building bridges, roads, and houses. I just need to spend money on it. If this chip doesn’t make money, I have to smash mathematicians, physicists, and chemists. China To be steadfast in mathematics, physics, chemistry, neurology, brain science,All aspects work hard to change, we may stand up in this world.

Such words can only be said by an industrialist like Ren Lao, because he has a deep pain and knows the real weakness of our Chinese manufacturing.

Throughout China's modern history of humiliation, the painful lesson has led us to a well-known saying: Behind you are to be beaten!

What is behind? Is it economical? Are we beaten because we are poor? On the contrary, we are beaten precisely because we are rich. Think about our Great Qing Dynasty. Back then, it had a huge economic volume far surpassing that of the United Kingdom, but it was still rubbed against the ground in a fancy way by this small Western country at that time. Even the small East Asian countries that have been ravaged by all kinds of people like us have also risen up, and then come to beat the Qing Dynasty.

Why? Because our technology is backward.

Technology is power. This is not only productivity, but also a deterrent! Because science and technology are used in the economy as productivity, and used in the military as deterrence!

What is the development of science and technology? Talents, all kinds of talents who master high technology, and the more the better.

How can there be such talents? Education, work hard for education.

Only self-reliance can be self-reliant!
