How did Concubine Yang Gui die and why did she say she must die?

2020/04/1615:12:09 history 2768

As everyone knows, Yang Yuhuan is the imperial concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty and one of the four greatest beauties in China. The love story between her and Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty has been passed down through the ages. The literati of the past have either praised or criticized them. There is no agreement. Poe, why is it?

Yang Guifei was originally the concubine of Tang Xuanzong's son Li Hao. Later, she was favored by Tang Xuanzong. Through a series of operations that made her a monk, she was finally accepted as a noble concubine. Concubine Yang Gui is beautiful, proficient in melody, and good at singing and dancing. Tang Xuanzong's love for her is like a surging river, so it goes without saying.

How did Concubine Yang Gui die and why did she say she must die? - DayDayNews

The old saying goes: "One person gains the Tao, the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven." After Concubine Yang was favored, the Yang family began to gain power. All three sisters of Concubine Yang went to the palace to be favored, and all her brothers were favored. Given to high-ranking officials, the seven aunts and eight aunts are all involved, and the Yang clan is becoming increasingly prominent. Yang Guozhong, a distant cousin of Concubine Yang, was an abominable spoiler since childhood. After Concubine Yang was spoiled, he followed him into the palace. He was very good at flattering, arranging officials and forming parties. In a few years, he was very popular. , Joined the army from a young age and was promoted to prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.

Yang Guozhong was an out-and-out treacherous courtier. Tang Xuanzong was busy having fun, and his power was concentrated in Yang Guozhong's hands. He was incapable of ethics and incompetence, causing chaos in the political affairs, causing people's resentment.

In 755, Hu Ren An Lushan used the pretext of attacking Yang Guozhong as an excuse to rebel. The Anshi Rebellion broke out and an unprecedented war began to sweep northern China. The rebels departed from Beijing and went all the way south, passing through the most prosperous Yellow River valley at that time, burning, killing, looting, and marching towards the capital of Chang'an. The Tang army retreated steadily, and soon the barrier fell to Tongguan. Tang Xuanzong finally panicked. Tang Xuanzong, who was more than seventy years old, had long lost the wise martial arts he had when he was young. The first thing he thought of was to protect his old life.

How did Concubine Yang Gui die and why did she say she must die? - DayDayNews

At dawn on June 13, 756, Tang Xuanzong took the imperial concubine, relatives and relatives of the emperor, and others, protected by the Forbidden Army, evacuated Chang'an and fled to Shu. At Maweipo, which is more than 50 kilometers away from Chang'an, the soldiers of the Sixth Army were hungry and exhausted. In addition to the hot weather, the soldiers were resentful, and they all knew that the emperor obviously wanted to leave behind. In spite of the fact that Chang'an City left Chang'an to the rebels, the results of the wife and children in the family can be imagined.

The mood of the soldiers of the Sixth Army gradually became angry and resentful. In addition, Yang Guozhong did all the bad things on weekdays, which has already caused anger and resentment. The disaster of Anshi was caused by him, so the angry soldiers rushed to kill Yang Guozhong and killed Yang Guozhong. It dismembered and put the head on the spear to show the public. The mutiny had already begun. The soldiers were red-eyed and began to develop in an uncontrollable direction. Then Yang Guozhong's son and Yang Guifei's two sisters were killed, Yu Shi doctor Wei Fangjin was also killed, and Wei Jiansu, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, was killed. Beaten up.

How did Concubine Yang Gui die and why did she say she must die? - DayDayNews

After doing this, the Imperial Army was still not reconciled. They all knew that Yang Guozhong was arranged by Concubine Yang, and that Concubine Yang's patrons were arrogant and indulgent. Someone had seen her upset, so the Imperial Army forced Tang. Xuanzong killed Concubine Yang to completely eliminate Yang’s “thieves”. Tang Xuanzong was forced to be helpless. At the age of seventy-two, he was already old-fashioned. In order to protect himself, he had to order her to be strangled to death. Yuhuan fragrantly disappeared, and the soul flew away. Under this situation, all the soldiers felt relieved and moved on.

Actually, in this situation, almost all emperors will make the same decision. Concubine Yang must die, otherwise the army will be uneasy and morale will be hard to improve. Maybe his life will not be guaranteed. From a basic point of view, the tragic war in the country has nothing to do with this person, and someone needs to be the one to take the blame, so the "disaster for the country" Yang Guifei did her part.

How did Concubine Yang Gui die and why did she say she must die? - DayDayNews

Many people read the story of Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei, and felt that their love was as poignant and intoxicating as an eternal swan song. In fact, most of them are words of beauty, and the difference between the two is more than 30 Years old, and Li Longji is a well-known romantic emperor. After possessing Concubine Yang, he continues to send flowers and birds to enrich the harem by collecting folk beauties. He is not satisfied with only Concubine Yang.

Yang Guifei’s death was not accidental. After Yang Guifei was favored, she did not be as respectful and virtuous as her predecessor, the Queen, but instead expanded the Yang family's power. Although the prime minister was more of an oversight by Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, he belonged to the Yang clan.Arouse the anger of the public, make a cocoon and bind oneself, harm others and self. Moreover, in the Tang Dynasty, it was quite normal for swords and soldiers to fight in the palace. Just like Princess Anle and Princess Taiping, a woman who was in power for a while also died in court struggles.

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