Marshall's bodyguard was very arrogant and wanted to fight China's invincibles, but was "killed" by this person soon

2020/03/3006:30:05 history 2800

Copywriting planning and production: Yuan Zaiyu; Copywriting: Wallflower

In December 1945, in order to coordinate the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the United States sent General George Cartwright Marshall to visit China. Accompanying Marshall is American boxing champion Tom Newham.

Marshall's bodyguard was very arrogant and wanted to fight China's invincibles, but was

Newham is arrogant and domineering, so he threatened to hit all martial arts masters in China when he got off the plane. And he really defeated many Chinese boxers who came to challenge him in a few days. Now, Newham has become more rampant, publicly saying that Chinese martial arts is not worth mentioning, and despise Chinese martial arts practitioners.

Chang Kaishen felt embarrassed for a while. In order to prove the power of Chinese martial arts, he decided to send his martial arts instructor, Major General Lu Zijian, to destroy this Yankee's power. So Chang Kaishen and Marshall made an appointment to let Lu Zijian and Newham compete.

Marshall's bodyguard was very arrogant and wanted to fight China's invincibles, but was

Who is Lu Zijian?

Born in 1893, Lu Zijian, along with Huo Yuanjia and Du Xinwu, was named "the three great martial arts knights in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China." He was born in Yichang, Hubei Province. His grandfather was Lu Zhengde, the Qing Army Wuchang General Soldier who had let Shi Dakai away. His family practiced martial arts for generations.

When he was nine years old, Lu Zijian strangled the giant python to death by himself, showing an amazing martial arts talent. Later, his family sent him to martial arts masters Li Guocao, Xu Benshan and others to practice martial arts, so he learned a good martial arts since childhood.

After growing up, Lu Zijian studied Chinese medicine in Hubei National Medical School, and later forged a deep friendship with Huo Yuanjia.

In 1920, Lv Zijian won the championship in Nanjing Yuhuatai martial arts competition in one fell swoop and became famous.

In 1924, the Yangtze River shipping tycoon Lu Zuofu, in order to retake the Yangtze River shipping controlled by foreigners, implored Lu Zijian and the Japanese samurai Hideo Mitsui to make a judgment. Lv Zijian only used a few tricks to kill Mitsui and preserved the Chinese's right to operate the Yangtze River Channel. He was called "the hero of the Yangtze River."

In 1937, Lv Zijian escaped from Nanjing and came to Chongqing. He was appreciated by Chang Kaishen and appointed as a martial arts instructor with the rank of major general.

Marshall's bodyguard was very arrogant and wanted to fight China's invincibles, but was

Since then, Lv Zijian has stayed with Chang Kaishen and is responsible for protecting the safety of the head of state.

The day of the game came soon. Lu Zijian, who was in his fifties, jumped into the ring vigorously. Newham looked like a thin half-old man, and his mouth raised. He estimated that the old man could hit him at most, and he could break Lu Zijian's bones into pieces.

The muscular Newham soon launched an attack, slamming his punching-bag-sized fist at Lu Zijian. Lu Zijian was caught off guard, was hit in the shoulder, and stepped back. Newham rushed forward and kicked Lu Zijian's chin, but Lu Zijian quickly caught it. Lu Zijian grabbed Newham's leg and snapped at his knees. Newham gave a scream, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Newham was furious for a while, and began to punch Lv Zijian quickly, his entire face and neck were flushed, and the veins were violent, completely messing with the rules. When you came to me for a few rounds, Lu Zijian gradually saw the flaws. The moment Newham threw a punch, his armpit leaked out, and Lu Zijian seized the opportunity to hit the key, and Newham immediately fell to the ground in pain, screaming again and again. The audience watching applauded, and Admiral Marshall's face turned pale for a while.

Marshall's bodyguard was very arrogant and wanted to fight China's invincibles, but was

Within a few days, the newspaper published the death of American boxing legend Tom Newham. After being knocked down, Newham was injured too badly. After lying on the bed for a few days, he saw God.

Because he killed the Americans, Lu Zijian naturally offended General Marshall. In order to calm the anger of the Americans, Chang Kaishen had to reprimand Lu Zijian, and then downgraded his rank by three consecutive ranks to major.

After Chongqing was liberated, Lu Zijian chose to stay on the mainland. After the reform and opening up, Lu Zijian became a member of the Chongqing Municipal Political Consultative Conference, won the martial arts competition twice at the age of 90, founded the martial arts gym and the medical gym, and published some books on martial arts and health preservation.

Marshall's bodyguard was very arrogant and wanted to fight China's invincibles, but was

20In October 2012, Mr. Lu Zijian passed away suddenly, and he was 118 years old, who focused on self-cultivation. With a sincere heart to serve the country, he practiced martial arts since childhood in order to serve the country, and later rushed to save the country.

When American boxing champion Newham insulted Chinese martial arts, Lu Zijian stepped forward and won the contest, saving face for the country; when foreigners wanted to seize the Yangtze River shipping, he defeated the Japanese samurai Hideo Mitsui, who was a man A true patriot. It has an excellent reputation among the people. Thousands of people came to attend his funeral when he died.

It can be said that Mr. Lu Zijian is a legend.

Reference material: Lv Zijian's 2008 article "My motherland is prosperous and strong is my greatest wish"

Kicked through the Japanese martial arts hall and crossed the third century. The Yangtze River heroes are gone-Chongqing Hualong

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