It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former "First Lady" of Taiwan, China, Chiang Fangliang passed away her life on December 15, 2004. She She has been low-key all her life, si

2024/06/3018:08:33 history 1040

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone loses. As the former "First Lady" of Taiwan, Chiang Fangliang completed her journey on December 15, 2004. Throughout her life, she had been very low-key, silently enduring the misfortune brought about by her transnational marriage with Chiang Ching-kuo , and all of this came from Chiang Ching-kuo's philandering.

Who is Chiang Ching-kuo? As the eldest son of Chiang Kai-shek , he was not loyal to his marriage, and could even be said to be romantic. His wife Jiang Fangliang left home for him to have children, and she has been working silently behind his back. However, he turned out to be for the Yingying Yanyan outside. , I even had the idea of ​​divorcing my wife, which was really irritating.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

"Flash marriage and divorce" with first love

Speaking of Jiang Ching-kuo, he had many new and old loves in his life. Before meeting Jiang Fangliang, who had been with him the longest, he had a short relationship, which was his first love. von Furneng .

In 1926, 16-year-old Jiang Jingguo was studying at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow. He met Feng Yuxiang’s 15-year-old daughter Feng Funeng and fell in love. It didn’t take long for the two to get married. Maybe everyone thought it was too much. It was sloppy, but in Moscow at that time, getting married was actually a very simple matter.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

Chiang Ching-kuo and Feng Furneng do not need to register their marriage, as long as they are in love and live together, and the two are progressing so fast, in Sun Yat-sen University where older men are single, especially for Chiang Ching-kuo For such a humble man, it can be regarded as a miracle.

After the two of them got together, their life was pretty good, simple and happy. However, their marriage did not last long and was broken by domestic events.

In 1927, the "April 12" coup broke out. The news soon spread to the Soviet Union. Chinese students at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow immediately held a meeting to denounce Chiang Kai-shek's betrayal of the revolution. The angry Chiang Ching-kuo criticized Chiang Kai-shek as a "traitor" on the podium. ","Murderer".

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

Soon after, Chiang Ching-kuo published an open letter to Chiang Kai-shek in the Soviet " Newspaper " stating: From now on, he is the enemy of the Chinese working class. In the past, he was my father and a good friend of the revolution. He went to the enemy's camp, and now he is my enemy.

After the "April 12" coup, the Soviet authorities began to adopt a retaliatory policy and expelled a large number of Chinese students from the country. Soon, almost all Kuomintang students were expelled and repatriated to the country.

Although Chiang Ching-kuo had issued an open letter severing the father-son relationship with Chiang Kai-shek, the Soviet authorities did not intend to let Chiang Ching-kuo return to the country and rejected his application to return to the country several times. The Soviet side believed that "if Chiang Ching-kuo returns to the country, he will definitely become Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand man. "And Chiang Ching-kuo also became the so-called "hostage."

Feng Furneng is Feng Yuxiang's eldest daughter, her Russian name is "Nizhidanova", she is a beautiful girl, but her interest in politics is far less than that of Chiang Ching-kuo, and she rarely participates in social activities , Therefore, many of Chiang Ching-kuo's radical friends believed that Feng Furneng was not worthy of being his wife.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

The relationship between Feng Yuxiang and the Soviet Communist Party was very good. In 1926, Feng Yuxiang was defeated by the coalition forces of Zhang Zuolin and Wu Peifu. He also went to the Soviet Union for "inspection" for three months, and was warmly welcomed by Chinese students studying in the Soviet Union.

After the "April 12" coup, Feng Yuxiang announced his cooperation with Chiang Kai-shek in June 1927 and severed relations with the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party immediately requested Feng Funeng to draw a clear line with Feng Yuxiang through the Communist Party branch of Moscow Central University.

But faced with this situation, between her lover Jiang Jingguo and her father Feng Yuxiang, after a difficult ideological struggle, she finally chose her father.

Feng Furneng asked to return to China and tried to influence Chiang Ching-kuo to go with her. Chiang Ching-kuo refused. After this incident, Chiang Ching-kuo also wrote a confession to the Party Committee of Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow in July 1927, announcing that he would sever ties with Feng Furneng's relationship as husband and wife, the two have since parted ways.

On May 25, 1928, the Feng brothers and sisters were finally allowed to return to China. After that, Chiang Ching-kuo and Feng Funeng never saw each other again for the rest of their lives.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

The acquaintance and acquaintance with his first wife

Chiang Ching-kuo went to study in the Soviet Union at the end of 1925. However, after China and the Soviet Union turned evil, Chiang Ching-kuo was taken as a hostage by Stalin and sent to Siberia, Russia for reform.

During this period, Chiang Ching-kuo won the trust of his peers and the Soviet authorities through means. He was sent to the Ural Heavy Machinery Factory as a technician, and later became the deputy director. It was also here that he met the woman who accompanied him throughout his life. , Jiang Fangliang.

Jiang Fangliang’s original name in Russian is Fenna Ipatieva Vahaleva, and Jiang Jingguo is also called Nikolai.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

One night when Chiang Ching-kuo was serving as the chief of heavy machinery, he was walking back to his dormitory from the factory. When he walked to the small woods next to the factory, he happened to meet a strong man harassing a female worker and wanted to do something to her. Something bad happened.

After Jiang Jingguo saw it, he immediately rushed out, but the man didn't take him seriously at all. Instead, he yelled at him to get out and stop meddling. Jiang Jingguo was very angry and started fighting with the man. He knocked the big man down, and the big man quickly got up and ran away. Only then did the girl come back to her senses and was very grateful to him.

The two also became acquainted with each other. After talking, Jiang Jingguo also learned that the girl's name was Fenna. She was a girl who had just graduated from a technical school and was assigned to work in their factory. Jiang Jingguo's timely appearance this time also made Fenna have a crush on him. The young and beautiful Fenna also attracted more attention from Jiang Jingguo, and the two naturally came together.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

After that, every time she met Jiang Jingguo attending a class at the factory technical school, Fenner would immediately run over to listen to the class and sit in the most conspicuous position. Later, Fenner even took the initiative to invite Jiang Jingguo to dance and said to him during the dance. He expressed his love.

Of course, Fenner expressed her love to Chiang Ching-kuo during his critical moment. She never wanted to be China's "First Lady", let alone expected that she could become China's "First Lady".

In March 1935, the cross-border love affair between Chiang Ching-kuo and Fenna finally came to fruition. They came together after many obstacles and entered the palace of marriage. The wedding was very grand. Fenner walked slowly to the wedding in a beautiful dress. Jiang Jingguo, who was wearing a suit, bowed to each other and vowed to love each other forever and grow old together.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

Regarding the development of this foreign love affair, Chiang Ching-kuo mentioned it lightly in "My Days in the Soviet Union" : "In the years when I was at the Ural Heavy Machinery Factory, Fenna was my only friend, and also My subordinate, she understands my situation best. Whenever I encounter difficulties, she will always express sympathy and help. In March 1935, we finally got married..."

In the eyes of their matchmaker Maria: Fen in her youth Not only is Fina very beautiful, but she also has a particularly elegant and charming way of walking. The couple often goes to the beach to swim. "Nicola listens to Fenna very much, and he is very satisfied with what she does."

is just that. Such Jiang Jingguo made Fenner mistakenly think that she had met her destined happiness, but she did not expect that this was just the beginning of suffering. After getting married, Jiang Jingguo began to gradually reveal his true nature after returning to China, making Fenner step by step from a cheerful little girl to a A person who can only swallow his anger.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

In December 1935, Fenna gave birth to their eldest son Jiang Xiaowen, and a few years later they gave birth to their daughter Jiang Xiaozhang. After returning to China, they gave birth to Jiang Xiaowu in 1945 and 1948 respectively. and Jiang Xiaoyong , the essays, chapters, martial arts and courage of three men and one woman were all given by the "old president" Chiang Kai-shek.

When the first child was born, Chiang Ching-kuo's soul of "alone as a stranger in a foreign land" was greatly comforted.

After the Xi'an Incident later, Chiang Ching-kuo was very anxious and wanted to return to China many times, but his applications to return were rejected. At the same time, his qualifications as a candidate Communist Party member were also cancelled, and all his positions were revoked. My life suddenly changed dramatically.After

, Fenna shouldered the burden of life for her husband. At this time, Jiang Jingguo was also facing a psychological test. Because of his decline in status and position, his friends also left him. There was only one person who stayed with him from beginning to end. Finna.

Even during the most difficult 6 months, Fenner still persisted and supported a family of three with her meager income. At the same time, she comforted her husband Jiang Jingguo and accompanied him through the most difficult period. a period of time.

But even with Fenner's efforts, after returning to China, Jiang Jingguo completely forgot about it. He only had eyes for himself. At the same time, he also violated the vows they made when they got married.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

Ungrateful, change of heart, indulgent and sensual

In April 1937, Fenna's life began to change. She stayed away from her hometown and returned to China with Jiang Jingguo, who named her Jiang Fangliang.

At this time, the roles of the two people also changed. Jiang Fangliang was in a foreign country, while Jiang Jingguo returned to his motherland. Before, Jiang Jingguo could only rely on Jiang Fangliang, but in China, Jiang Fangliang had to rely on Jiang Jingguo everywhere.

After Jiang Fangliang gave birth to a pair of children for him, Xiaowen and Xiaozhang, it coincided with the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. Chiang Ching-kuo was ordered by his father, Chiang Kai-shek, to serve as the administrative commissioner of southern Jiangxi and Gansu. Chiang Ching-kuo moved his family to Jiangxi.

Under the protection of Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Ching-kuo obtained an official position and suddenly became arrogant. The previously repressed desires and lustful subconscious in his heart were gradually exposed.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

During the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War, Jiang Jingguo’s whereabouts were difficult to trace. As a foreigner, Jiang Fangliang had no clue of her husband’s whereabouts. Jiang Jingguo also believed that Jiang Fangliang had no way to deal with him, so he began to act unscrupulously and vent himself in various ways.

Chapter Yaruo is from Jiangxi. She was sent to Nanchang private Baoling Girls' Middle School founded by the American church. Because of her pleasant appearance, versatile talents, and academic excellence, she suddenly became recognized as a school beauty.

After the two met for the first time, Jiang Jingguo left a good impression on Zhang Yaruo, and Zhang Yaruo himself was also very diligent, participating in various rescue teams and other services. Moreover, Zhang Yaruo also had special accomplishments in Chinese dramas and often performed in popular plays. , and even more fascinated by Jiang Jingguo.

After participating in the training of the Three Youth League, Zhang Yaruo began to admire Chiang Ching-kuo more and more. Over time, as the two came into more and more contact, their relationship developed rapidly.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

After returning to the office, Chiang Ching-kuo assigned Zhang Ya-ruo to work in the secretary's office and became Chiang Ching-kuo's secretary. The two spent the whole day together, and Zhang Ya-ruo became Chiang Ching-kuo's confidante.

At that time, Zhang Yaruo lived in an old house near Jiangdong Temple in Ganzhou. Jiang Jingguo would go to see her every now and then and have meals together in the room. Their extramarital affair became a tacit secret of the Commissioner's Office .

Jiang Jingguo was so shameless that he even asked Zhang Yaruo to serve as Jiang Fangliang's Chinese teacher to tutor her in Chinese and Chinese. However, the loyal, honest and simple Jiang Fangliang was kept in the dark by the two of them.

At this time, Jiang Jingguo had completely forgotten the days he and his wife had sworn to each other, and the days they had spent together relying on each other for warmth. All he could think about was Zhang Yaruo, and he even made up lies one after another to deceive Jiang Fangliang and sacrifice his wife's efforts. Putting it all behind him, his affair with his secretary Zhang Yaruo was his biggest betrayal to his wife.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

Zhang Yaruo was clearly Jiang Fangliang's Chinese "enlightenment teacher", but in fact she was her "love rival". Jiang Jingguo was so ungrateful that he used "cheating" to repay Jiang Fangliang's kindness in rescuing him in the past.

Not long after, the news reached Chongqing. Chiang Kai-shek was very dissatisfied with his son's extramarital affair and wanted Jiang Jingguo to break up with Zhang Yaruo. Under the pressure of Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Chingguo superficially agreed, but after returning to Gannan he was still inseparable from Zhang Yaruo. He didn't listen at all to his advice.

Chiang Ching-kuo even had the idea of ​​​​divorcing Jiang Fangliang, but was suppressed by Chiang Kai-shek.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

At the end of 1940, Zhang Yaruo was pregnant. Jiang Jingguo secretly arranged for her to go to Guilin to wait for childbirth. It was announced that Zhang Yaruo was married to a Guangxi University student, while he secretly found a way to visit. When he knew that she was about to give birth, Jiang Jingguo even more He tried every means to take care of her.

On May 2, 1941, Zhang Yaruo gave birth to a pair of twin baby boys in Guilin Hospital. Since they were premature babies that were more than six months old, Zhang Yaruo gave the brothers the nicknames Da Mao and Xiao Mao. Later, the two children were Named Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhang Xiaoci.

After that, Jiang Jingguo ran to Guilin even more frequently. Whenever he had time, he went to see Zhang Yaruo and his twin sons. But he also knew that under the current circumstances, he had no way to give them any status, even if they were The two communicated via telegram, and Zhang Yaruo also used a pseudonym.

However, paper cannot cover up the fire, and things will be exposed one day. News of Zhang Yaruo giving birth in Guilin gradually spread. Chiang Kai-shek was very unhappy when he heard about it, so he decided to transfer Chiang Ching-kuo back to Chongqing, and Zhang Yaruo's life also began to take a turn for the worse. At the end.

In August 1942, Zhang Yaruo, who was staying in Guilin, suddenly suffered from headache chest tightness , vomiting and diarrhea. After being sent to the provincial hospital overnight for treatment, his condition initially improved, but he suddenly died of blood poisoning in the middle of the night.

When the news of Yaruo's death came, Jiang Jingguo was so sad that his eyes were swollen from crying. In order to cover up, he even asked someone to buy a pair of black glasses to wear. After that, he was very depressed, knowing that it was him. It harmed Zhang Yaruo.

But no one knew whether his affection was true or not, and how long it would last. After that, Jiang Jingguo began to intensify his behavior and betrayed Jiang Fangliang one after another, putting her in an extremely embarrassing situation.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

His lustful heart remains unchanged and he wants to divorce.

In addition to Zhang Yaruo, Jiang Jingguo also has many new and old loves, but there is also someone he can’t get. She is Ding Lanbao, a little girl with a good voice. , people are also very beautiful.

In order to facilitate the performance, she changed her name to Gu Zhengqiu. At that time, she was studying at Shanghai Drama School . She changed her name to Gu Zhengqiu for her first performance. Because of her beautiful appearance and moving voice, she won many people at once love.

After graduating from drama school, in order to promote Peking Opera, Gu Zhengqiu formed his own troupe and went out to perform.

In November 1948, upon invitation, the Gu Zhengqiu Troupe performed at the Yongle Theater in Taipei. However, with her appearance, she suddenly became popular. Originally, she planned to return to Shanghai directly after the show, but in fact, she heard the news that now The situation was turbulent and the only choice was to stay at Yongle Theater and continue performing.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

At this time, Chiang Ching-kuo and his father Chiang Kai-shek were also in Taiwan. Gu Zhengqiu's Beijing opera became a target of Jiang Jingguo's attention. Soon, he was attracted by Gu Zhengqiu's plays and would regularly go to the theater to watch her performances.

Later, through drama, Jiang Jingguo gradually became obsessed with Gu Zhengqiu on the stage instead of the drama she performed. Every time after the drama ended, Jiang Jingguo would approach Gu Zhengqiu in the name of entertaining the troupe with a feast.

Among the people who pursued Gu Zhengqiu at that time, there were many powerful people. Some people directly gave her a luxury house in order to pursue her, but Gu Zhengqiu didn't take it seriously at all. After every performance, he came out from the backstage. , and ran directly to Ren Xianqun who had driven early and was waiting.

What Jiang Jingguo didn't expect was that later on, the Gu Zhengqiu he pursued turned out to be Ren Xianqun's woman. At that time, Jiang Jingguo and Ren Xianqun both had families, and they both planned to divorce for Gu Zhengqiu.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

However, Chiang Ching-kuo's marriage was blocked by Chiang Kai-shek, and Ren Xianqun successfully divorced his first wife and married Gu Zhengqiu. However, Ren Xianqun's path was not easy either. He was sentenced to death just after he married Gu Zhengqiu. After five years in prison, the new life the two had just prepared fell apart.

At this time, Gu Zhengqiu also resolutely gave up his career, bid farewell to the stage completely, and waited for Ren Xianqun to be released from prison. During those days, in addition to visiting Ren Xianqun in prison on time and delivering him meals, Gu Zhengqiu spent his quiet time alone. Living life, I don’t say a word or watch a play all day long.

The difficult five years were finally over, and Ren Xianqun was released, but at this time he no longer had an official position, so he and Gu Zhengqiu came to Jinshan Farm, an isolated place far away from Taipei, where there were even electric lights. No.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

They found a common hobby and began to devote themselves to growing strawberries , making strawberry jam , and selling them overseas. The two of them lived a very ordinary life. At this time, although Chiang Ching-kuo still coveted something, the two of them People's feelings were so deep that he could no longer get involved, so he gradually forgot about Gu Zhengqiu.

On January 13, 1988, Chiang Ching-kuo passed away due to illness in Taipei, ending his absurd life.

He has been wandering for most of his life and has come to an end. Although he kept calling the name of Zhang Yaruo, the mother of his two twins, when he was seriously ill in his later years, he felt guilty for his old love and flesh and blood, but what he wanted most was Sorry, it’s actually Jiang Fangliang.

A wife who studied hard for him, adapted to different cultures, and spoke more authentic Chinese than them until the last moment. She did not seek fame, wealth, or power. She devoted her life completely to her Chinese husband and children. For Chiang Ching-kuo’s actions She may have known what he was doing, but she had been enduring it silently, just to be able to stay with him and the children.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

In 1978, when Chiang Ching-kuo became the leader of Taiwan, Chiang Fangliang became the "First Lady" of Taiwan from the wife of the deputy factory director. However, in life, Chiang Fangliang has always maintained a low profile.

She rarely appears in the media, and Taiwanese people are very unfamiliar with her. She is no different from an ordinary housewife who has no complaints. When her husband often works overtime or goes on business trips, she is responsible for taking care of everything at home. Although there is a servant, But she often washes the curtains herself.

After Chiang Ching-kuo's death, her three sons also gradually left her, and various blows tortured her. In 1989, her eldest son Xiaowen, who had been bedridden for many years due to diabetes, suffered from throat cancer Passed away. In 1991, his second son Xiaowu, suffering from pancreatitis , died suddenly. In the severe cold of December 1996, Jiang Xiaoyong said goodbye to Jiang Fangliang again in the ward.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

After her husband and three sons passed away one after another, the servant "Sister A Bao" who had been with her for decades and who was as close as a sister also left her and returned to the mainland to settle down. Her only daughter Jiang Xiaozhang stayed there for many years. U.S.

She became a lonely old man, and eventually died of illness in Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 2004. So far, she had been silently supporting a marriage in name only for decades, and dedicated her life to her family and children. , and this comes to an end.

It is not easy for foreign lovers to come together. In this huge gamble, there will always be someone who wins and someone who loses. As the former

Source of literature:

"The woman Chiang Ching-kuo could never pursue in his life": People's Daily Online

"Chiang Ching-kuo's Marriage with a Russian Orphan: Knocking Down the Man to Save the Beauty": China News Network

"Chiang Ching-kuo's Mysterious Underground Love: Extramarital Affair in Return of Jiang Fangliang's Rescue "The favor": China News Network

"The mystery surrounding the death of Chiang Ching-kuo's lover Zhang Yaruo made Chiang Kai-shek unhappy": China News Network

"The father-son relationship with Chiang Kai-shek was severed and he was still detained by the Soviet Union": People's Daily Online

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