Mr. Abe: I am deeply shocked that you were shot. I was thinking, whose grandma’s shooting skills are so accurate? I am deeply sorry that you could not survive. I am thinking, is this the best arrangement?

2024/06/1912:53:33 history 1443

Mr. Abe: I am deeply shocked that you were shot. I was thinking, whose grandma’s shooting skills are so accurate? I am deeply sorry that you could not survive. I am thinking, is this the best arrangement? - DayDayNews

Mr. Abe :

I am deeply shocked that you were shot. I was thinking, whose grandma’s shooting skills are so accurate?

I'm deeply sorry that you couldn't make it through. I'm thinking, is this the best arrangement?

I don’t want to think about it anymore. Anyway, you are gone. Just like the strings being played, the sound stopped suddenly and shocked the world.

As a Chinese student who has read the history of the Anti-Japanese War and a person who has shared the oxygen of the same world with you, after being entangled in the contradiction between human nature and morality, I decided to give you a ride.

You are an excellent politician.

Regarding this, from the moment you were hit and fell to the ground, your excellence was reflected in the reactions of countries around the world.

As a "third generation official", you have inherited your grandma's legacy. With the ambition of revitalizing the Empire of Japan, you have stood at the pinnacle of Japanese power three times.

How would you say you are new to politics? Say you are waiting to see which direction the wind blows, or play hard to get? In short, as the first Prime Minister, you ended the trip hastily and in a hurry.

Some people think that you are not used to standing on the highest stage for the first time, others think that you lack political experience, and still others think that you are not interested in power.

However, the world has no insight into you, who has an extremely rich inner world. What you are thinking about is the great talent and strategy of rejuvenating the country. What you are looking at is the three thousand miles of great peace and mountains. What you are planning in the future is Japan's future "great nation".

One year has passed by in a hurry, and the king has returned in a hurry.

The second term starts, and the one who returns is the real you.

In your first Prime Ministerial trip, you chose China as the first stop after departure. Your mask of "double-faced politician" caused many Chinese people to naively misjudge that your trip to China was an "ice-breaking trip" for Sino-Japanese relations. "Countless kind-hearted people are full of expectations for how the Japanese government under your leadership will develop Sino-Japanese relations.

Unfortunately, they know too little about your background, your character, and your methods.

As the grandson of a militarist murderer, militarist ideas have been rooted in your bones since your childhood. As you said yourself, "I have long regarded my grandpa as a role model in politics."

Under the guidance of the example of militarism, will you set out in the direction that the Chinese people expect?

If that's the case, it's really a fantasy.

Therefore, in the first phase of the Prime Minister’s trip, you fired a false shot, leaving many Chinese people with countless imaginary illusions, and then held unrealistic illusions.

After your second journey as Prime Minister began, you quickly threw away your top hat and took off your dress, revealing your unique militaristic muscles.

You rush to the Japanese ancestral hall to worship ghosts.

Along the way, you kept saying to the staff around you, "I regret not visiting the shrine during my first term as prime minister. I must make up for it in the future." You kept your word, and in the following years, as long as it happened to be a sacrificial day, you would either offer sacrifices in person or send ghost gifts, and you would do it year after year.

Returning from the ancestral hall, you listened to a report from the Japanese militarists on the defense of Diaoyu Islands.

You say fiercely, fight China to the end!

You ordered the deployment of the most advanced fleet and strike weapons on Ryukyu Island, and you mobilized the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to fight China to the end.

At this time, some Chinese people woke up: It turns out that you are not a good person.

Next, you have done several things to make the Chinese government and Chinese people vigilant.

The first one is to promote constitutional amendment and loosen the restrictions on the Japanese military.

According to the current Article 9 of the "Japanese Constitution" implemented in 1947, Japan is not allowed to have an army and gives up "the right to wage war", hence the name "Peace Constitution". This is not only a prerequisite for Japan's return to the international community after the war, but also one of the cornerstones of lasting peace in East Asia. However, in 2016, you pushed for the implementation of the new security law to lift the ban on the "right of collective self-defense" and broke the ban on sending troops overseas since 1945. You largely ignored the pacifist constitution and completely pierced this window. You just need to repair it. One step closer.

According to Japanese Constitution , the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are used to protect themselves when invaded and cannot take the initiative. The clauses restricting Japan's hands and feet make you anxious and restless, and you want to smash the shackles and shackles that restrain your hands and feet.

Amending the constitution is your dream, and it is also the dream of militarism.

And realizing this dream seems to be destined to fall on you.

You start gearing up, designing routines, and setting off towards the goal in your heart.

You lobby the Congress with your "silent tongue", visit members of Congress, and fool around in the streets, hoping that your desire to amend the constitution will resonate in Japan.

Your crazy actions have alerted the world, especially China and South Korea, which have been deeply affected by militarism. However, you have no intention of restraining at all, and you still go your own way and go straight to your goal.

Although you did not succeed before you died, you have removed the obstacles to amending the constitution and taken an extremely critical and important step.

The second thing is to kneel down and lick the United States and win over the surrounding areas to contain China.

After your second job, you are catching up with the United States' return to Asia and designing to contain China's development.

Do you think that the opportunity for Japan to become the master has come? As long as the United States decides to contain and suppress China, you can pick up the slack later.

The United States, located on the other side of the Pacific, needs a vanguard and agent in Asia to contain China, and Japan is the most suitable and willing role.

From then on, Japan was like a wild dog that smelled of bones, and you followed the American horse with all your might. Your all-round, adaptable "double-faced face" and your excellent wall-riding performance amazed the world.

At that time, Trump won and had not yet taken office. You seemed to see a glimmer of light coming from the cracks in the close relations between major powers, so you hurriedly took a special plane to visit your home in person, leaving the Trump family a bit young. Excited, the Trump family has been chatting with you all afternoon.

Your "preconceived" political tactics and your prowess as a follower left a deep impression on Trump. Until the moment you fell down at 11:00 on July 8, Trump would never forget it.

After Trump came to power, you led Japan to act according to his face and acted as the thug for the United States to control China.

You not only kill people with a borrowed knife and contain China through the hands of the United States, but you also cook yourself and make "big dishes" for China that are difficult to swallow. You have visited China's neighboring countries many times to win them over to contain China and contain China.

To be honest, when you were on stage, especially after you started your second term as prime minister, and when you stepped down, you did a lot of things to compete with the Chinese government and the Chinese people.

You cooperate with the United States to win over neighboring countries to intimidate China and contain China. What you do is seen by the Chinese people.

To be honest, you are an excellent politician for Japan.

But to the Chinese people, you are a "causing problem".

China is a kind-hearted country that always thinks the best of people in everything.

At that time, the Chinese people believed that it was not easy for you to be on stage, and they understood that sometimes your body was your own, but your thoughts were not your own objective reality. I also understand that the rivers and lakes are dangerous, with undercurrents everywhere, and that officialdom often plays a role other than yourself, so I will forgive you.

If we say that when you were on stage, the Chinese people could somewhat understand you, but what they didn’t expect was that you showed a clearer face after you stepped down from the altar of prime minister.

Do you know how important Taiwan is to us?

But you regard it as child's play and talk nonsense, saying, "If there is something wrong in Taiwan, there is something wrong with Japan." The whole world was shocked by this: Abe, what on earth do you want to do?

Later, you repeatedly stood up for Taiwan independence on the Taiwan issue, giving them the illusion that you were encouraging their fight for "Taiwan independence", which made many Chinese people in Taiwan unable to find the direction.

Abe, I don’t know what you are thinking. Do you want to show the United States that you are the only agent of the United States to contain China, or are you secretly preparing for your "return to the world"?

Not only that, you also pushed for the ownership of the Diaoyu Islands to be included in textbooks; you publicly denied that the people at the Yasukuni Shrine were not war criminals; you were also planning to visit Lee Teng-hui, etc. There are various signs that you are no longer a friend of the Chinese people. What you have done What he did was a complete performance by a crazy militarist.

Do you know what the attitude of the Chinese people was after you fell down on July 8? Most of the happy people are


Chinese people have always been kind to others. Why is there such an unconventional expression on this matter?

It all started when your grandfathers invaded China.

In 1937, your ancestors broke open the door of China and spread the flames of war to the land of China, bringing serious disasters to the poor and weak China.

The heinous crimes committed by your grandfather and his ilk against China are too numerous to list: comfort women, the Nanjing Massacre, July 31, gas warfare, each word that hurts the heart and lungs, each and every life that was brutally murdered.

——On September 16, 1932, 3,000 compatriots in Pingdingshan Village, Fushun, Liaoning Province were brutally murdered and the entire village was wiped out.

——From 1937 to 1945, the 731 unit brutally used living people for human experiments, and countless Chinese were tortured to death by the Japanese. ‍

——On December 13, 1937, a bloody massacre was carried out throughout Nanjing for more than 40 days, killing more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and captured soldiers.

- From 1940 to 1945, bacterial warfare in the Zhejiang and Jiangxi regions caused an infectious disease pandemic in Quzhou for eight consecutive years. More than 300,000 people suffered from infectious diseases and more than 50,000 people died.

——In 1942, Unit 731 and its affiliated Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply carried out bacterial attacks on the Yunnan-Myanmar international transportation line. Various types of bacterial warfare directly killed 200,000 western Yunnan people in our country.

——On May 1, 1942, the Japanese army carried out an iron wall siege and raids, and more than 50,000 people were killed or arrested.

——In 1943, the Japanese army took advantage of the heavy rain to carry out bacteriological warfare against Shandong and Luxi, and released the cholera virus, killing 427,000 Chinese people.

- On May 9, 1943, the factory cellar massacre was carried out, second only to the Nanjing Massacre. In three days, a small town was wiped out by the Japanese invaders, killing more than 30,000 Chinese soldiers and civilians, and raping thousands of women.

The above tragedies are all well-documented and history cannot be forgotten.


Your grandma, Kishi Nobusuke , whose hands are stained with the blood of the Chinese people, is seizing land in the Northeast, planting opium, and manufacturing drugs, allowing opium to overrun China's land and poison the Chinese people. Your grandma used it again. This money is used to fund Unit 731, help set up human laboratories, engage in germ warfare, and harm the Chinese people.

Those living lives are all our ancestors, our ancestors!

Your grandfathers burned, killed, looted, and raped women on the land of China. They committed all kinds of evil and were full of evil: they used living people as targets to practice assassination, stuck the butts of rifles into women's private parts, and beat babies to death...

All of these, As their descendants, can we always forget? How dare you forget?

You are Nobusuke Kishi’s grandson.

After you came to power, you not only failed to reflect on the history of the invasion of China and the heinous crimes committed by Japanese militarism against the Chinese people, but instead tried your best to beautify and deny that history. Not only that, you have been trying to amend the constitution in an attempt to make the Japanese militaristic Isism has resurrected and is causing harm to the world again.

Mr. Abe, tell me, a country that has been bullied and humiliated by your ancestors for 14 years, a country that has a blood feud with you that is like killing your father and humiliating your mother, a country that rose up in resistance and you killed 21 million people, today, in How should the Chinese people feel on such a day that sends you to the West?

Abe, tell me, today, you, the grandson of Nobusuke Kishi, the executioner who is stained with the blood of the Chinese people, you, the Japanese militarist who inherited the bloodline of a murderer and tried to reignite the war to harm China, and you, the anti-China politician who has been stubbornly resisting China. , today I send you to the West. How should the Chinese people express their feelings and what is the normal reaction?

Yes, China has always been a country that values ​​"harmony is most important", a country that values ​​"opening a new page in history", and a country that values ​​choosing to forgive and tolerate the mistakes of others. However, history and reality have repeatedly Proof: Being close to venomous snakes again and again is not due to the viciousness of the venomous snakes, but to people's ignorance, because what you get by being close to venomous snakes is not the snake's flinching, but the head-on attack of more venom sprays.

Although history has gone far away, the enemy has not gone far.

History and reality have repeatedly proved a truth that is easily overlooked -

A feud needs to be remembered from generation to generation!

Hatred also needs to be passed on, because the enemy has been passing it on!

We choose to forget hatred, which is not only disrespectful to our ancestors, but also extremely irresponsible to our descendants. Because, after the enemy passed on the hatred, the enemy's descendants have picked up the murderous sword and are approaching us and our descendants step by step!

Mr. Abe, today is the day you bid farewell to the world. In other words, this world no longer belongs to you. From now on, you are a legend that is about to go away, a fleeting shadow in the lineup of Japanese militarism.

I know that every Chinese knows that there will be a war between China and Japan.

It’s not that we are belligerent, but that you have been persistent in your attempts to make a comeback.

Two days after you died, Japan has taken another big step forward on the road to amending the constitution. You have opened the magic box of constitutional amendment, and your successor is heading for doom.

"The end of Japanese militarism is a cliff. History has proven it once, does it need to be proven a second time?"

You are done playing, the world belongs to us. I have applied for the military academy, ready to sharpen my sword to kill the Japanese pirates, ready to avenge my ancestors, ready to kill all the disabled and sinful people!

I originally thought that one day in the future, I might be able to fight with the troops you led on the battlefield. Although you were already in your dying years by then, I didn't expect that God would take you away so neatly.

Sorry, my knife is ready to kill thieves!

Oh, by the way, on your way to Xitian, send a message to Lee Teng-hui and tell him that Taiwan is coming home soon, so let Lee Teng-hui kick his legs!

I also sent a message to your grandma, telling him that just before you went to him, the Chinese aircraft carrier fleet circled Japan three times. If he can't sleep, get up and see how China made the fourth circle.

Let’s go, Abe, I wish you a bad death!

Let’s go, Abe, may you never be reincarnated!

(This article is reproduced from the headline account "Huashan Qiongjian". I really like it. If you are not discouraged, please inform the editor and it will be deleted)

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