Facing Kaohsiung, known as the "Green Camp", the Kuomintang people changed their previous "fear of war" and geared up to "fight" to win the mayor of Kaohsiung.

2024/05/2619:19:32 history 1539

Text | Chen Jingsheng Studio Li Buyan

Facing Kaohsiung , which is known as the "Green Camp Base Camp", the Kuomintang people have changed from their previous "fear of war" and are gearing up to win the mayor of Kaohsiung. "war". Finally, Ke Zhien, CEO of the KMT think tank, was nominated to run for mayor of Kaohsiung, and other people in the party expressed their blessings. However, not long after Ke Zhien was nominated, overwhelming attacks from the Green Camp followed!

Green Camp launched a "bombing" attack on Ke Zhien. It not only ridiculed her as a so-called "visitor from afar" but also tried to label her as "Korean Yu No. 2" and "idiot". Recently, the Green Camp's "cyber army" has been out again, using Ke Zhien's property purchases in the United States and her thesis to attack her. This round of attacks can be called "all-round and multi-angle", and they are really using all possible means.

Facing Kaohsiung, known as the

On July 1, a netizen who went by the pseudonym "Weng Darui" and claimed to be a professor living in the United States openly attacked Ke Zhien on social media platforms. He accused Ke Zhien of "self-plagiarism", "submitting one manuscript twice" and involving "academic misconduct". As soon as this article on was published, it aroused heated discussion on the island, and the Green Camp "Internet Army" also exaggerated it. The media resources of the Blue Camp and the Green Camp are inherently unequal, which cannot stop the Green Camp’s “cyber army” from overwhelmingly smearing China. And if such rumors spread widely, it would be easy for uninformed people on the island to believe them to be true.

Facing Kaohsiung, known as the

Therefore, the Kuomintang did not make too many "useless efforts" in public opinion, but directly filed a lawsuit against "Ondari", the source of the rumors. On July 4, the Kuomintang entrusted lawyer Du Jiaju to go to the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office to ring the bell and formally file a complaint against "Ong Darui". The Kuomintang pointed out that "Ondari" has a long history of misdeeds and a criminal record. He has always questioned other people's academic achievements and has been sued in court before. However, he never revealed his real name or the school where he worked, and he did not dare to let the outside world inspect his thesis. All walks of life believe that he is a "dark green flanker" and an online academic thug of the green camp, and his true identity is most likely a Taiwanese professor surnamed Chen. The Kuomintang emphasized: For such a person who has no credibility and persuasiveness and spreads rumors for no reason, the prosecutor should pursue criminal prosecution. Netizens on the island expressed their support one after another, saying that "it is worthy of praise to bring order to the chaos."

Ke Zhien herself also issued a statement. She firmly denied the accusation of "academic misconduct" and emphasized that "academic ethics cannot be challenged and human dignity cannot be discredited." In addition, Ke Zhien also expressed his deep hatred for the bullying of the Green Camp "cyber army" based on his personal experience, and prepared to discuss anti-bullying in his first political opinion. Ke Zhien also shouted to Green Camp, "If it is a dispute between gentlemen, I will stay with you to the end; if it is a despicable method, I will never compromise and will definitely file a lawsuit."

Facing Kaohsiung, known as the

It is worth noting that although the Kuomintang has filed a lawsuit against the rumor mongers, winning without filing a lawsuit is another matter. In Taiwan, which is under the rule of the Democratic Progressive Party, the courts have been controlled by the Taiwan authorities and have become Taiwan's "three major pests" along with rats and cockroaches.

However, some netizens on the island pointed out that winning or not suing is not the point, the purpose is to expose the "flanking cockroaches" with pseudonyms to the sun!

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