"Zizhi Tongjian" Han Dynasty, Emperor Xiaoxian, 13th year of Jian'an, 208 AD. Quan bought wine for the generals, Gan Ning went down to the table and kowtowed, exchanged blood and tears, and spoke of old favors for Quan.

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" Zi Zhi Tong Jian " Han Dynasty, Emperor Xiaoxian, the 13th year of Jian'an, 208 AD

Quan first wrote two letters, hoping to write a poem by Shengzu and Su Fei. Quan buys wine for the generals, Gan Ning goes down to the table and kowtows, exchanges of blood and tears, saying that Quan Yanfei recalls old kindness.

"It is better not to fly, because the body has been damaged in the ravine, and it is not fatal to the subordinates. The crime of flying now is to be killed by the barbarians, so I specially beg the leader from the general."

Quan felt what he said, and said: "Now it is for the king to set it. What if I leave?"

Ning said: "If you want to avoid the disaster of separation and receive the grace of rebirth, why should you die? .


Sun Quan pre-ordered two wooden boxes, intending to contain the heads of Huang Zu and Su Fei. Sun Quan served wine to the generals to celebrate their achievements. Gan Ning stepped down from his seat and kowtowed to Sun Quan until blood and tears flowed down together, expressing gratitude to Sun Quan for the kindness Su Fei had shown him.

Gan Ning said: "If it weren't for Su Fei, I would have died in the wilderness and would no longer be able to serve under your men. Now, Su Fei's crime should have been beheaded. I beg the general to spare his life."

Sun Quan listened. He was very moved by Gan Ning's words and asked: "What if I let him go for you now and he runs away?"

Gan Ning said: "Su Fei can be saved from the danger of death. Thanks to your great kindness in rebirth, drive him away." He can't leave, so how can he plan to escape! If he does escape, I, Gan Ning, will put his head in the wooden box instead." Sun Quan then ordered Su Fei to be pardoned.


1. Material background

This article is about Liu Biao and Huang Zu did not use Gan Ning. Gan Ning used his long-term understanding of Jingzhou in Jingzhou , plus Sun Quan’s camp plans to capture Yizhou in the future. With special strategic value, he successfully defected to Sun Quan.

and was recommended by Zhou Yu, Lu Meng and other Eastern Wu hawks. Therefore, he was favored by Sun Quan. Ning used his knowledge of Jingzhou to lead the attack on Jingzhou.

To attack Jingzhou from Soochow up the Yangtze River, we must first go along the Jiujiang and Huangshi lines, pass through Dabie Mountain and Mufu Mountain, and break through Huang Zu who was entrenched in Wuhan (ancient Jiangxia), the east gate of Jingzhou.

Jingzhou is in the upstream of Wu County . The people of Jingchu have been ferocious since ancient times and there are many talented swordsmen. If the navy from the important town of Wuhan can sneak down the river to attack Soochow, they can reach the foot of Jiankang City within two days.

Huang Zu's existence was like the Sword of Damocles hanging on his forehead to Sun Quan, which made the kings and ministers of Soochow unable to eat well and sleep restlessly.

This is not the first offensive launched by the Jiangdong regime against Huang Zu. Sun Ce and Huang Zu fought the Battle of Shaxian. Sun Ce's army won a great victory and captured Huang Zu's wife, children, 6,000 warships, and beheaded him. Twenty thousand;

After Sun Quan ascended the throne, he launched another attack on Huang Zu. When Wu Guotai died of illness, Soochow lost the "Queen Mother", and internal undercurrents surged. Sun Quan had no choice but to end it hastily. Gan Ning shot Ling Cao, and then This is the battle.

Zhang Zhao was sitting at that time, and Nan (Gan Ning) said: "Now Wu is doing business, if the army is successful, it may lead to chaos."

Immediately after Sun Quan settled down internally, he took the new people to Dongwu to learn about Huang Zu. Gan Ning, who was aware of the internal situation, once again embarked on a journey to attack Huang Zu.

This time was the last time. Huang Zu was beheaded by the formation, captured Xiakou City (today's Hanyang area), and controlled some important places in Jiangxia County . From then on, Sun Quan finally tightened the Jingzhou navy and moved down the river. Attack the passages around Nanjing.

From now on, Sun Quan no longer has to worry about it. In the middle of the night, he was sleeping with Yuan Shu's daughter in his arms when he suddenly heard that the Jingzhou Navy troops were approaching the city and he sat up in a dying illness.

The soldiers then took advantage of the victory, advanced by land and water, attacked the city, attacked it with all their might, and massacred the city. Zu stood up and walked away, chasing and killing them, and captured tens of thousands of their men and women.

With the capture of Xiakou City, Sun Quan's camp beheaded Huang Zu and captured Su Fei alive, so there is a record of Gan Ning interceding for Su Fei in the materials.

As for Liu Biao, with Huang Zu's death in battle, Liu Biao lost part of the control of Jiangxia County, and at the same time lost the initiative to attack the Soochow regime with the army at any time.

The next Jiangxia governor in Jingzhou should have failed to seize the throne. Zhuge Liang advised him to follow Liu Qi who Chong'er went out to seek refuge.

2. About Su Fei

Su Fei was the governor-general of Huang Zu’s subordinates, and Gan Ning was the general of Sun Quan’s subordinates. When Sun Quan captured Xiakou, why did Gan Ning plead for Su Fei?

Everyone knows that Gan Ning originally took eight hundred guests who escaped from Yizhou and stayed under Huang Zu for three years. He always wanted to defect to Soochow, but he had no chance.

It was Su Fei who spoke favorably for Gan Ning and got a minor official position from Huang Zu as the county magistrate of Zhu County. Zhu County is now Zhu City, Xinzhou District, Wuhan.

Zhu City (Zhu County) is on the outskirts of Wuhan (Jiangxia) and north of the Yangtze River, so Gan Ning had the opportunity to leave Huang Zu and defect to Sun Quan.

It can be said that Gan Ning's change of family was planned by Su Fei. That's why Gan Ning worked hard to plead for Su Fei after he was arrested.

"Three Kingdoms·Wu Shu" Fei said: "I want Baizi to be the chief of Zhu, so I went there. Who will be transferred to Linban?" Ning said: "I am very lucky." Fei Baizu was in Tingning County. Those who recruit deceased guests and follow them righteously can gain hundreds of people.

There is a problem here. From the data, Sun Quan captured Xiakou City and prepared boxes to contain the heads of Huang Zu and Su Fei. In other words, until Huang Zu failed, Su Fei was the second leader of the Huang Zu Group. .

So the question is, how did Su Fei manage Gan Ning to defect to Wu on the one hand, and how did he still gain Huang Zu's trust and serve as the second leader of the organization on the other hand?

Su Fei worked for Gan Ning to invest in Wu. Shi's kindness objectively saved his life after Huang Zu failed. In a sense, Su Fei's operation was a typical example of using the power of a leader to benefit himself. to do things, and not to be suspected by the leadership, and still hold important positions.

I think that the most critical entry points are the following two points:

1. To avoid harm for the leader

Why do I say that Su Fei persuaded Huang Zu to appoint Gan Ning as the magistrate of Zhu County to avoid harm for Huang Zu? If Huang Zu did not appoint Gan Ning as the magistrate of Zhu County, what would be the harm?

There is a background here. We wrote in the previous article:

Gan Ning was used as a general in the first battle when Sun Quan attacked Huang Zu. He helped Huang Zu get rid of his pursuers by shooting Ling Cao, which made Huang Zu lucky. Save a life.

There is no greater contribution than the savior. Gan Ning was the one who saved Huang Zu's life, but because Huang Zu was not used by his leader Liu Biao, he himself also did not use Huang Zu, and those who were not used by the leader also abandoned him. This is very reasonable.

But there is a problem here that cannot be avoided. Gan Ning has made great contributions. The most important thing in the army is strict rewards and punishments. If Huang Zu does not reward Gan Ning for his contribution, then who will be willing to risk his own life to rescue Huang Zu in the future?

Therefore, Gan Ning had to reward him for his meritorious service. Not rewarding Gan Ning was actually a disguised form of persuading the generals to ignore Huang Zu’s death. This was related to Huang Zu’s life safety, so I said Su Fei used this It makes sense to persuade Huang Zu to avoid harm for Huang Zu.

2. Seeking profit for the leader

Faced with the persuasion of his second-in-command Su Fei, Huang Zu wanted to follow the example of the leader and follow the lead of Liu Biao in not using Gan Ning, but on the other hand, he had to use Gan Ning because of his great achievements. In fact, Huang Zu Zu had another option, which was to reward Gan Ning generously with property but not power.

But why did Huang Zu appoint Gan Ning as the county magistrate of Zhu County and move Gan Ning to the north of the Yangtze River to facilitate Gan Ning's escape?

I thought this was where Su Fei cleverly used the power of leadership to gain opportunities for himself.

Pay attention to a phenomenon. Gan Ning fled from Yizhou to Jingzhou, and then from Nanyang to Jiangxia. He escaped with a team. The size of this team was 800 people.

But "Three Kingdoms Wu Shu" said:

Fei said: "I want Bai Zi to be the chief of Zhu, so I went there. Who will be transferred to Linban?" Ning said: "I am very lucky." Fei Baizu was in Tingning County. Those who recruit deceased guests and follow them righteously can gain hundreds of people.

Gan Ning recruited fleeing retainers and local people who were willing to follow Gan Ning and defect to Soochow when he was the magistrate of Zhu County. The number reached several hundred people, and then they defected to Soochow.

According to the context, why did Gan Ning’s previous guests flee and join Gan Ning? This also means that Gan Ning gave up his original Eight Hundred Steps in order to become the magistrate of Zhu County. When he took office, most of these people did not follow Gan Ning to take office, but stayed in Huang Zu's military camp.

Then the problem is very clear. From Huang Zu's perspective, Su Fei actually moved Gan Ning to the position of county magistrate of Zhu County on the north bank of the Yangtze River under the banner of seeking benefits for Huang Zu.

Huang Zu wanted to lure Gan Ning away from the mountain, then break up Gan Ning's troops and organize them into his own army. Huang Zu wanted to annex Gan Ning's troops, but Gan Ning wanted to break away from Huang first. Zu defected to Sun Quan's plan.

Su Fei actually acted as a broker between Huang Zu and Gan Ning. On the one hand, he told Huang Zu that Gan Ning had made great contributions and not giving him an appointment would chill the hearts of his brothers. It would be better to take the opportunity to send him to Gan Ning. He transferred far away and then annexed his eight hundred pieces in the army.

On the other hand, Su Fei suggested that Huang Zu appoint Gan Ning as the county magistrate. Su Fei had discussed it with Gan Ning in advance. Gan Ning himself also agreed to give up Bu Qu and gradually recruit Bu Qu after taking up a local post. After fleeing and returning, they joined Sun Quan together.

Fei said: "I want Baizi to be the chief of Zhu, so I went there. Who will be able to change the pill in Linban?" Ning said: "I am very lucky." Fei Baizu was from Tingning County. Those who recruit deceased guests and follow them righteously can gain hundreds of people.

Judging from historical records, Gan Ning originally had 800 Yizhou tribes. After becoming the county magistrate, the subordinates who escaped from Huang Zu and went to Gan Ning, plus the Yi Cong recruited in Zhu County, totaled only a few hundred people. From this It can be seen that some of the original Ganning tribes were annexed by Huang Zu.

This is the reason why Su Fei was not suspected by Huang Zu after he finished Gan Ning's affairs. Huang Zu always thought that Su Fei was planning to annex Gan Ning's troops from his own point of view, and at the same time, he also prevented Gan Ning from taking credit. Ren Ren chilled people's hearts.

When Huang Zu heard Su Fei's idea, he felt confident and saved. It was perfect. In the end, the plan run by Su Fei to annex the Ganning Ministry was not very effective during the actual operation, but in the end it was somewhat effective. It also annexed hundreds of Ganning people, and the project results were still there.

Huang Zu had no idea that Su Fei had colluded with Gan Ning in order to create a way out, so in Huang Zu's eyes, at most, this matter could only be regarded as the unsatisfactory performance of Su Fei's operation of the project, rather than calculation and betrayal. .

Looking back at the whole incident of Gan Ning's defection to Wu, it was actually Su Fei and Gan Ning working together to plot against Huang Zu. What Su Fei showed was Huang Zu's trust and what sounded like a perfect plan; while what Gan Ning came up with was Eight Hundred Steps.

Under the trustful Su Fei's analysis, Huang Zu took a nap and let Gan Ning run away with a wave of his hand. He may not know until his death that it was Su Fei who wanted to leave a note for the future. The road sold him. I just thought that the project to annex Gan Ning Buqu was not done well.

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