The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w

2024/05/2601:21:33 history 1898

I am Tangdi, a history buff. Welcome everyone to [follow] me and let’s talk about the past and the present together, and discuss the general trend of the world. A gentleman lives his life just to learn and make friends!

The CCP has always been an important force active on the Chinese political stage. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP.

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

U.S. diplomats in China can only obtain some scattered information about the CCP indirectly through intelligence from the Soviet Union or reports from foreign missionaries, and have seriously underestimated the importance of the CCP.

1, why is snow ?

The first person to break this "ice of knowledge" was the American journalist Edgar Snow. He came to China after graduating from the Department of Journalism at the University of Missouri in 1928 and served as the assistant editor and acting editor-in-chief of the influential Miller Review in China, as well as the China correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. .

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

He witnessed Japan's invasion of China, saw the tragic scene of starving people in rural areas of China during successive years of famine, felt the patriotic enthusiasm of Chinese students, and turned to speak loudly for China's destiny; while the Nanjing government's non-resistance policy , officials The greed, corruption, inefficiency, and luxurious life of the upper class prompted Snow to turn his observation perspective to a broader social and political field, convinced that only comprehensive change is the way out for China.

All these aroused his strong interest in the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army . In his own words:

"In fact, among all the countries in the world, I am afraid that there is no bigger mystery and more confusion than the situation in Red China." "

What kind of people is the Chinese Communist Party? What is the basic dispute between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party? What does China's Soviet look like? What force maintains it? How many troops does the Red Army have? What are the military and political prospects for the Chinese communist movement? He is sensitively aware that these issues "are the only news worth covering in China."

In the spring of 1936, the opportunity finally came. Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, inspired by the CCP's anti-Japanese and national salvation policy, agreed to stop the civil war and jointly resist Japan. The two sides reached an agreement, and the border between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was loosened for the first time, making it possible to enter and exit the red zone .

After learning the news, Snow decided to seize the opportunity he had been waiting for. He proposed a plan to secretly enter the red zone for interviews to the New York "Sun" and the London "Daily Herald", and received enthusiastic support from the two newspapers. Random House in the United States also requested a manuscript from him.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

In April 1936, Snow made a special trip to Shanghai to express his desire to visit the Soviet Area.

2, no coincidence,

are no coincidence, and the Chinese Communist Party also has this intention. At the enlarged meeting of the Politburo in December 1935 (i.e., the Wayaobao Meeting), the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formally formulated the strategy of the National United Front against Japan. The conference analyzed the changes in East Asia's international relations caused by Japan's invasion of China and believed that this "brought the internal contradictions of imperialism to an unprecedented level of tension." The United States and Japan were "incompatible with each other, and the Pacific War was the inevitable result." .

Based on this understanding, the conference abandoned the slogan "Down with all imperialism" used during the Second Civil Revolutionary War, formulated a foreign policy that treats fascist aggressive countries and democratic countries differently, and prepared to "defeat all imperialism and Japanese imperialism" Its lackeys and traitors negotiate with the opposing countries, parties, and even individuals to make necessary reconciliations, compromises, establish diplomatic relations, conclude alliance treaties, etc."

The establishment of the anti-Japanese united front policy made it possible for the CCP to carry out diplomacy with the United States.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

Just before Snow's visit, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai sent a secret message to Soong Ching Ling from northern Shaanxi, asking her to find a foreign reporter and a doctor who were fair and upright and had no connection with the Communist International to visit the Soviet area to break the Kuomintang's conspiracy. The news blackout exposed the Chinese Communist Party's domestic and foreign policies to the world, striving to let the world understand the Chinese Communist Party's anti-Japanese propositions, and help the Soviet area and the Red Army improve extremely difficult medical and health services.

Snow is just such a suitable candidate.

3, Snow's itinerary

From early July to mid-October 1936, Snow visited the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region for 92 days, passing through more than 10 counties and towns, and traveling more than a thousand miles. He met with the leaders of the Communist Party of China Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and important generals of the Red Army, and had many long talks with them.

Mao Zedong talked with him for more than a dozen days and nights, introduced to him the revolutionary history of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and his own growth experience, and elaborated on the domestic and foreign policies of the Communist Party of China.

In summary, it mainly involves the following important issues:

(1) Anti-Japanese National United Front.

Mao Zedong pointed out that "the fundamental problem of the Chinese people today is to resist Japanese imperialism", and further expressed that the Chinese Communist Party is willing to stop the civil war and establish a national anti-Japanese united front to resist Japanese invaders.

(2) Outlook on the future Sino-Japanese war.

Mao Zedong expressed his firm belief in defeating the Japanese invaders by relying on people's war. He analyzed that China is a very big country, and as long as there is an inch of land that is not under the bayonet of the invaders, it cannot be said to have been conquered. Moreover, throughout the war, Japan continued to fight fierce rearguard battles. In addition, China's economic development is unbalanced, which is also beneficial to Japan's highly concentrated economy. He was full of confidence in the victory of the Anti-Japanese War .

(3) Expectations for the international community.

Mao Zedong clearly pointed out that Japanese imperialism is not only the enemy of China, but also the enemy of the people of all countries in the world who demand peace, especially the enemies of the countries with interests in the Pacific, namely the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union and other countries. Therefore, These countries should form a united front against Japan. The Chinese Communist Party hopes that friendly countries will at least refrain from helping Japanese imperialism and adopt a neutral stance.

(4) The foreign policy of the Chinese Communist Party.

Mao Zedong said: If other imperialist countries do not act like Japan, and if China defeats Japan, it means that China has established its independence, and "the main problem of imperialism will be solved." Regarding friendly countries, China is willing to peacefully negotiate mutually beneficial treaties, and the Communists do not advocate taking measures that may put China at an international disadvantage in the anti-Japanese struggle. Looking forward to the post-war situation, he said, "When China truly gains independence, legitimate foreign trade interests will have more opportunities than before."

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

These conversations by Mao Zedong profoundly clarified the CCP's scientific analysis of the current situation and expressed its sincere desire to establish a united front against Japan at home and abroad.

In addition, during his interviews in northern Shaanxi, Snow also met with various local people and learned extensively about the construction of the Red Army and the industrial and agricultural production, finance, education and social living conditions in the Soviet area.

What he saw was a vibrant new China:

The land reform and cooperative movement adopted by the CCP in rural areas won widespread support from farmers; the CCP also carried out extensive democratic political power construction and education popularization in rural areas, and knowledge The elements were willing to share knowledge with the people, and a broader concept of social life began to slowly penetrate into the depths of peasant consciousness; the economy of the Soviet area was maintained in the harsh war environment, and no famine occurred; industrial production was carried out in an orderly manner; both workers and Red Army soldiers , all have self-esteem, confidence and health.

In contrast to the lifeless scene in the Kuomintang-controlled areas, Snow found the hope of China's future in the Soviet areas.

4, The influence of "Red Star Shines on China"

At the end of October, Snow returned to Peking .

In early November, in order to debunk the rumors spread by the Kuomintang that he had been shot, he introduced his experiences in the Soviet area and showed the photos he took in the Soviet area at a press conference held by the US Embassy.

For a time, Snow's trip to the northwest Soviet area became an explosive news.

On November 14, the Miller Review took the lead in publishing the conversation between Mao Zedong and Snow on the United Front and the famous photo of Mao Zedong wearing an octagonal hat taken by Snow.

Subsequently, newspapers such as "Saturday Evening Post", "America" ​​magazine, "Asia", "New Republic", "Pacific Affairs" in the United States and the British "Daily Herald" successively published dozens of Snow's articles. Even New York's most conservative newspaper, The Sun, published Snow's report.

The most representative thing is that the American "Life" Illustrated and "Time" magazine purchased 75 of his photos of the Soviet area for a record price of 1,000 US dollars and published them, and the founder of these two magazines Henry Lu is strongly pro-Chiang.

In July 1937, Snow completed his monograph "Red Star Shining on China" (old translation of "The Journey to the West") which records his trip to the Soviet area. It was published by Gollancz Publishing House in the UK in October.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

In this book, Snow includes the autobiography of the life experiences of leaders of the Chinese Communist Party such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, introduces the revolutionary process and policy propositions of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and faithfully describes what he saw in the Soviet Area. smell.

The book immediately caused a sensation when it came out. The first edition sold more than 100,000 copies in the first few weeks and was printed five times in the first year.

The sales volume of reprints of this book by Random House in the United States ranks first among non-fiction works about Far East .

Soon after, the book was translated into more than a dozen languages ​​and published in French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese. The subject of "Red China" aroused interest from all over the world, and Snow's writings were well received. Like the tide. The publishing and academic circles in the United States have commented that "Snow's discovery and description of the Chinese Communist Party is as world-shaking as Columbus's discovery of the Americas."

The famous writer Laziman said:

""Red Star Shining on China" reported to the world for the first time the Chinese Red Army the heroic Long March, and for the first time portrayed famous figures of the Communist Party, and for the first time described their lifestyle, beliefs and purposes. ".

American scholar Fairbank pointed out:

"Red Star Shines on China" "reports on an independent fighting force far away from Western countries on the eve of the disaster of war that the world faces."

Historian Kenneth Shoemaker said:

"Probably the most important reason why Snow's book is convincing is the reliability of its sources."

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

The famous journalist Salisbury recalled :

"It makes us turn our attention to China and the Far East. Now we suddenly see that China does not necessarily become a victim of Japanese aggression. She may have a new future. This is not only recognized by American journalists and American diplomats , and was also noticed by most of the American public. "

"Red Star Shines on China" also influenced American policymakers to some extent.

After reading this book, Secretary of the Interior Ickes immediately recommended it to President Roosevelt . Roosevelt later became a "Snow fan."

After Snow returned to the United States, he met with Snow three times to learn about the situation of the Chinese Communist Party and its Eighth Route Army, New Fourth Army and the anti-Japanese base areas.

The Nanjing National Government was undoubtedly very angry about Snow's report.

In addition to expressing dissatisfaction with Johnson, the U.S. Ambassador to China, Li Dijun, director of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nationalist Government, also wrote to Snow in early February 1937, threatening that the government would take measures if he continued to send similar telegrams. measure.

Snow was mentally prepared for this and was unmoved. He believes that an American journalist has the right to reveal the truth of what he has witnessed.Taking into account the situation at the time and the reactions from all parties, the Kuomintang had nothing to do with Snow.

Snow's trip to the northwest and "Red Star Shines on China" are of extremely important significance to the exchanges between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

It broke the nine-year news blockade imposed by the Kuomintang on the CCP, and provided American readers with detailed and reliable information about the CCP for the first time, providing a valuable reference for the U.S. government in formulating future policies toward China.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

It is also one of the results of the CCP’s active people-to-people diplomacy with the United States. It allows the CCP leaders to show their achievements to the world for the first time, promote their own ideas, shape the CCP’s new image, and win the American people’s support for their cause. of support and compassion. The success of Snow's northwest trip created a huge sensation.

Moreover, in the spring of 1937, the Kuomintang's blockade of Yan'an was lifted at least in name. This relatively relaxed political situation encouraged many people to go to the holy land of the Chinese revolution to find out. Among them are not only curious foreigners, but also hundreds of Chinese intellectuals, university professors and students. Against this background, many American journalists, writers and scholars visited the Soviet areas in Northwest, North and Central China.

(1) Smedley

The famous American female journalist Smedley is one of them.

She has a strong political background, and her difficult childhood experience gradually made her grow into a great warrior fighting for social justice. She sympathized with and actively supported the cause of the Chinese Communists. Not only did she spread the situation of the Jiangxi Soviet Area under the leadership of the CCP to foreign countries for the first time, but she also assisted Soong Ching Ling in establishing the Alliance for the Defense of Human Rights. She used her communicative skills and reporter status to unite many progressive Chinese and foreign people. , and also secretly protected many revolutionaries.

In 1936, she witnessed the Xi'an Incident that shocked the world, and wrote a large number of reports and analysis articles; and at the invitation of Zhang Xueliang, she conducted a 40-minute English broadcast every day to report to the outside world the actual political situation in Xi'an after the incident, and tried to Clarifying the widely circulated rumors that Chiang Kai-shek was killed and Xi'an was taken over by the Red Army "caused considerable commotion" in Nanjing, Shanghai and other places.

In mid-January 1937, she visited the Northwest Soviet Area.

Smedley said at the welcome meeting held for her that the American people understand the Chinese people and their struggle against the Japanese invaders, and said enthusiastically:

"You are not alone, and your struggle is just." , you are part of the world's great anti-fascist movement."

Next, she spent a few weeks interviewing Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai and others, and became particularly interested in Zhu De's legendary life experience, so she determined to help Zhu De. I wrote a biography and collected a lot of materials.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

In addition, Smedley also organized international medical and pharmaceutical assistance, invited the Indian medical team to aid China, helped expand the newly built Lu Xun cave library in Yan'an, launched the rodent campaign, and preached the importance of hygiene.

After the outbreak of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, Smedley traveled to various places with the Eighth Route Army. He wrote a large number of articles to introduce the situation of China's Anti-Japanese War. He also compiled diary letters from the Xi'an Incident to the beginning of 1938 and wrote "China is Fighting Back - A American Women in the Eighth Route Army.”

This book reflects the anti-Japanese situation in North China and praises the heroic achievements of the Eighth Route Army. It was published by Pioneer Press in the United States in 1938. On January 9, 1938, Smedley returned to Hankou and introduced the Eighth Route Army's activities in northern Shaanxi to Ambassador Johnson and the U.S. military attachés stationed in China. He also met with John Davis and Frank Dorn. , Stilwell, Chennault, and others (these people later became important figures influencing US policy towards China) established contacts.

At this time, the U.S. Embassy was interested in contacting the Chinese Communist Party, and Smedley became an ideal intermediary.

Since then, she has devoted herself to raising funds for the Red Cross Society of China, publicizing the plight of Chinese wounded soldiers and their heroic deeds, and interviewing anti-Japanese troops in the vast war zones between Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, and Henan. In May 1941, Smedley returned to the United States and began her speaking and writing career, and the theme was the Chinese Revolution. Her argument is that China's Anti-Japanese War was beneficial to the United States, and the Communist Party's army truly resisted Japan, established a democratic regime in the base area, and implemented progressive policies. These remarks had a beneficial influence on American public opinion.

(2) Helen Snow

Smedley also actively promoted other foreign journalists to visit Yan'an.

From February to September 1937, despite the obstruction by the Kuomintang, a group of American journalists crossed the blockade and visited Yan'an. Among them was Snow's wife, Helen Snow, whose pen name was Nim Wells.

Helen Snow stayed in the Soviet area for more than four months, eating and living with the Red Army and conducting extensive interviews.

She was surprised by the Red Army's discipline, morale, equipment, first-class training, political consciousness, leadership art, and sound democratic life. She believed that they were "the happiest people in China" and "human beings who were born in China and grew up in China." Best specimen".

She realized that the CCP was able to organize the people not by providing them with material things, but mainly by relying on close spiritual power.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

She also interviewed CCP leaders and asked questions about the nature of Chinese society and revolution, the historical stage and prospects of the Chinese revolution, and the progress of the negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Luo Fu, Zhou Enlai and others all accepted her interview. Mao Zedong also once again elaborated on the CCP's ten-point program to resist Japan and save the nation.

Later, she wrote what she saw and heard in the Soviet area as "The Inside Story of Red China" (old translation of "Continued Journey to the West"), which was published by Doubleday Press in New York in 1939.

Compared with Snow's "The Journey to the West", "The Journey to the West" pays more attention to the lives and life experiences of ordinary people and cadres in the Soviet area. In addition, Helen Snow also focuses on women's lives. This perspective examines the marriage and family concepts of Communists, the Red Army, and women in the Soviet areas, introduces the relationship between women and revolution, and provides valuable material for the outside world to have a more comprehensive understanding of life in the Soviet areas.

At the end of the book, Helen Snow compared China one year after the all-out war of resistance to an "awakening giant." She concluded:

Under the current situation, as long as China loses no opportunity to mobilize the people, it is possible Defeat Japan on its own, but if the great powers do not assist China and if China's current government is still unable to arm and organize the people, China will inevitably be led by a left-wing government that advocates reform. Doing so may cause a revolution.

The CCP has always been an important force active in China's political arena. However, in the 1930s, the U.S. government lacked a basic understanding of the CCP. In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched a large-scale purge of the party, massacred communists, and began a ten-year civil w - DayDayNews

She also advised that Britain, the United States, and France need not worry that such a basically democratic revolutionary government will endanger their interests. On the contrary, if China gets rid of its long-standing abuses and builds a healthy society and economy, it will greatly promote world trade and economic exchanges. The legitimate economic interests of all parties will not suffer losses, but will benefit.

(End of text)

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