On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the "b

2024/05/2013:39:48 history 1586

is currently undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The international game is fierce. Success comes from seeking power, but defeat comes from seeking success.

In 1945, the situation at home and abroad was also undergoing great changes. The Anti-Japanese War is about to be won, the situation is becoming more and more favorable to me, and many people have seen the "light". On May 31, Mao Zedong made a conclusion report for the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the "brightness", he emphasized that "it is even more important to prepare for difficulties." Listed 17 difficulties and proposed 8 countermeasures. This strategic study and judgment directly determined the fundamental direction of a series of subsequent wars and a series of major decisions after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

Mao Zedong delivered a report at the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Mao Zedong was good at sizing up the situation, strategizing and building momentum, turning disadvantages into advantages, and turning weaknesses into strengths, which is of great historical significance for dealing with the current complex situations at home and abroad.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the . Prepare for a rainy day: "Seventeen Difficulties"

From April 23 to June 11, 1945, the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Yan'an .

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in the Yangjialing Central Auditorium

At that time, the strength of the CCP had greatly developed, from less than 30,000 party members when the Long March joined forces in northern Shaanxi in August 1936, to 1.21 million party members. The Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army have grown to 910,000, the militia has grown to 2.2 million, and the population of the 19 anti-Japanese base areas is close to 100 million. The anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines under the leadership of the Communist Party of China have launched local counterattacks to encircle the central cities and transportation lines occupied by the Japanese army. The international trend is becoming increasingly clear. World War II is coming to an end. Germany and Italy have been defeated, and Japan is at the end of its war effort.

But unlike others who are blindly optimistic, Mao Zedong listed 17 difficulties objectively and rationally:

Article 1: Foreign countries are criticizing

Now British and American newspapers and news agencies are criticizing the Communist Party. The greater our development in the future, the more they will criticize. Vigorous.

Some of them once demonstrated to us, saying: You can't do that, and American public opinion will blame you.

Be prepared to be scolded by foreigners.

At that time: There was a major adjustment in the U.S. policy towards the CCP. On April 2, 1945, Hurley, the U.S. presidential envoy, publicly announced that the U.S. government would only cooperate with the Kuomintang, and supporting Chiang Kai-shek to fight the Communist Party had become the basic policy of the United States. He accused the Communist Party and its army of obstructing the China's reunification, claims to interfere in China's internal affairs by force, and tries its best to discredit the CCP in international public opinion.

Therefore, Mao Zedong said: "Our party's senior cadres should pay special attention to the situation in the United States." "If the Kuomintang is weakened, it will have to rely on the United States. In this way, China may become dominated by the United States, an imperialist country. semi-colonial . With the United States as the main control of the Kuomintang, Britain may have a small foot in this change. This change will be a long-term trouble, and our Communist Party must be well prepared to cope with this change."

The Seventh National Congress also became a historical turning point. The CCP gave up its active policy towards the United States and shifted its diplomatic focus to uniting with the Soviet Union.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Zhu De on the rostrum of the Seventh Congress

Now: The main axis of the century-old changes is still the growth and decline of China and the United States. It lasted for a long time and was by no means the result of three or five years. The United States and the West control the world's mainstream public opinion and blackmail China in all aspects without any bottom line. When the COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, they cursed China for blocking news; when Wuhan closed the city, they cursed China for having no human rights; for "dynamic clearing", they cursed China's blockade for causing secondary disasters. Hong Kong’s national security law was scolded; Xinjiang cotton was scolded; hosting the Winter Olympics was scolded; not taking sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict was scolded. As China becomes stronger and stronger, the scolding it will receive will become more and more severe. We must have a clear understanding, mental preparation, self-determination and the ability to withstand pressure.

Article 2: The domestic curse

is a big curse, not a small curse. They (Kuomintang) will mobilize everyone to curse, such as sabotaging the war of resistance, endangering the country, murder and arson, communism and sharing wives, inhumanity, etc.

As long as there are countless curse words in the world, we should be prepared to endure them.

At that time: The Kuomintang occupied major cities, controlled major newspapers and magazines, and called the Communist Party "politically correct." Under false smear propaganda, many citizens feared and opposed the Communist Party.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

Mao Zedong and Zhu De on the rostrum of the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Now: Public intellectuals and haters of the Kuomintang collude with US and Western NGOs, willing to be lackeys of foreign capital, taking advantage of China's internal weak links and events, accurately choosing the timing of attack, setting the pace, and stirring up trouble. For example, "Women in Iron Chains", "Tangshan BBQ Restaurant", "Dandong Chongka", etc. have caused the greatest division among the public.

Article 3: Be prepared to let them take over a few large areas of the base.

I am not talking about a few small areas, nor do I mean to occupy them all, but a few large areas are occupied by them. They want to fight a civil war and "recover the lost ground."

During the ten-year civil war, they once occupied several large pieces of our territory, and this time we are prepared to have them occupy several more large areas.

At that time: In June 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched a civil war. In the first four months, the Kuomintang troops occupied 153 cities above the liberated areas and counties, including Zhangjiakou , Heze , Huaiyin , Chengde , Andong (today's Dandong ) were the central cities in these liberated areas; the People's Liberation Army recovered or newly occupied 48 counties. In comparison, the People's Liberation Army lost 105 cities above county level, including large tracts of land and most transportation lines in the liberated areas. The war gradually pushed to the center of the liberated areas, and the People's Liberation Army's military and financial resources were reduced.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

In June 1946, Chiang Kai-shek launched a full-scale civil war

On October 11, 1946, on the day he occupied Zhangjiakou, Chiang Kai-shek announced that he would convene a "National Congress" on November 12 to formulate a "Constitution" and pave the way for him to become president. On November 15, Chiang Kai-shek ignored the opposition of the Chinese Communist Party, democratic parties and the people of the country and convened a "National Congress" to formulate a dictatorial "Constitution", completely blocking the door to peace negotiations. He also secretly ordered Hu Zongnan, the commander-in-chief of the 1st Theater Command, to launch a surprise attack on Yan'an, the seat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

By April 1947, 46 counties had been abandoned in the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Liberated Areas, accounting for more than one-third of the 120 counties in the region. The population of the liberated areas had decreased by more than six to seven million, and the Taihang , Taiyue All 35 regions including Hebei, southern Hebei, Hebei, Shandong and Henan, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu were involved in the war. 90% of the area in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region was burned, killed, and looted by the enemy. 3.6 million acres of land were barren, 500,000 acres of young crops were destroyed, and the annual crop output dropped from 549 million jins to 270 million jins. The original population of the Shandong Liberated Areas was more than 31 million, but after the enemy's attack, the population shrank to 22 million, a reduction of nearly 1/3.

Now: "Taiwan independence" separatist forces use foreign self-respect to seek "independence" for provocation. The Taiwan issue is the biggest tinderbox between China and the United States. Anti-China forces outside the country collude and condone Xinjiang independence, Tibetan independence, Hong Kong independence, etc., with frequent secret actions. The separatist forces are persistent in their evil intentions, and the task of complete national reunification is arduous.

Article 4: Tens of thousands of troops were wiped out by them

In 1941, the Central Committee sent a telegram to all Central Bureaus and Central Branch Bureaus, saying that we must base our estimates on the most difficult basis. There are two possibilities. We must base our estimates on the worst possible scenario. Possibility to base our policy on.

At that time we had 500,000 troops, 250,000 of whom were ready to be destroyed, and another 250,000. What is this 250,000? It turns out that 500,000 is an outstretched palm, and this 250,000 is a clenched fist. Although it has shrunk, it has become stronger.

Our army now has almost 1 million, and we still need to develop it. When Chiang Kai-shek attacks us in the future, we may have 1.5 million, and he will kill one-third of it, and there will be another 1 million. If he kills half, we will still have 750,000. .

If we are not prepared and do not anticipate such difficulties, we will not be able to deal with them when they arise. But with this kind of preparation, we will be able to handle things easily.

At that time: During the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek always adhered to the line of "passive resistance to Japan and active anti-communism". In 1940, 1941, and 1943, he launched three anti-communist upsurges, launched the "Southern Anhui Incident", and repeatedly launched large-scale armed attacks against the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines.

After launching the civil war, the Kuomintang launched a large-scale attack on the liberated areas in the Central Plains, starting from the siege. In the first four months, the People's Liberation Army suffered a total of 120,000 casualties and prisoners, including about 90,000 wounded, and prisoners accounted for about 3% of the total losses. In March 1947, Mao Zedong put forward the famous strategic policy of "Save the land and lose the people, and both the people and the land will be lost; Save the people and lose the land, and both the people and the land will survive." Our army took the initiative to withdraw from Yan'an.Peng Dehuai led the Northwest People's Liberation Army to compete with Hu Zongnan's more than 200,000 troops on the battlefield in northern Shaanxi with more than 20,000 troops.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

In 1947, Mao Zedong moved to northern Shaanxi.

Mao Zedong prepared for the worst. The army might lose 1/3 or even half.

Now: In the event of a local or major war, the country and its people must be mentally and materially prepared to withstand the loss of territory, army, population, and resources, be mentally and materially prepared to be trapped in a long-term war, and be united, perseverant, and resistant. The will to win in the end.

This is an important factor in success or failure, and it is also a lesson that Chinese people must learn.

Article 5: The puppet army welcomes Chiang Kai-shek

The puppet army suddenly changed its identity, hoisted the flag of Chiang Kai-shek, welcomed Chiang Kai-shek, welcomed Yan Xishan, which made it very difficult for us to handle.

The places where the Japanese evacuated were immediately occupied before we could make it in time.

We must have this kind of mental preparation.

At that time: After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the soldiers and civilians in the liberated areas to stay in place and not to take unauthorized actions against the Japanese and puppet troops. He also ordered the Japanese and puppet troops to be responsible for maintaining local security and resisting the surrender of the CCP troops. On the one hand, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Japanese troops not to surrender to any other armed force and could even use force to resist; on the other hand, he ordered the Japanese and puppet troops to maintain order in the area.

Before the Japanese army formally surrendered, on August 12, 1945, Chiang Kai-shek appointed the traitor Zhou Fohai as the commander-in-chief of the Shanghai Military Commission's operations, responsible for public security in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Ordered Liao Yaoxiang to "recruit the puppet army Liu Qi's army stationed in Nanjing and give it the title of commander of the 'bandit suppression' in the southeastern region of Gyeonggi to fight against the CCP army."

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

The great traitor Zhou Fohai

After the Japanese surrender, the Kuomintang army failed to take over Nanjing in time, and the people still had to be checked by the Japanese military police. Until the end of 1945, "a large number of Japanese troops remained armed and were used by the Kuomintang government to garrison areas that the government troops could not reach." "Strongholds along the North China Railway", Beijing-Shanghai Railway , and Wuhu defense were all still under the responsibility of the Japanese army for a period after the war. The war criminal Okamura Neiji was hired by Chiang Kai-shek as a secret military adviser after the war.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

Japanese war criminal Okamura Ningji

Chiang Kai-shek retained a large number of war criminals and Japanese prisoners, and established the Third Research Group of the Ministry of National Defense. By June 1946, the estimated number of Japanese retained and requisitioned people was more than 47,000. The people lamented, "Have we won?"

Now: Be wary of the leading parties such as the public, the refined, the Japanese, the compradors, the traitors, the Hong Kong elements, and the Taiwanese poisoners. Be wary of the United States and the West smearing and vilifying communism, carrying out ideological and cultural infiltration, and destroying the beliefs of the Chinese people. Nixon once said: "As the generations pass down, we will begin to see the process of peaceful evolution take root in Eastern Group."

Article 6: The outbreak of civil war

We must use various methods to stop it civil war. Since the war of resistance for eight years, our policy has been to prevent Chiang Kai-shek from surrendering and from "suppressing communism".

Our policy will continue like this, so that he will not dare to launch a civil war lightly, but we must prepare him to launch a civil war.

At that time: Just as Mao Zedong predicted, Chiang Kai-shek tore up the Armistice Agreement between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the CPPCC Resolution on June 26, 1946, and launched an all-out attack on the liberated areas. Chiang Kai-shek believed that the Kuomintang army had more than 4 million troops, with the powerful military and financial backing of the United States. It controlled 3/4 of the country's land and had completed offensive preparations; the People's Liberation Army only had more than 1 million troops, and the liberated area was less than 1/4 of the country's territory. 4. Far from being an opponent of the Kuomintang, it claimed that "the civil unrest will be suppressed within three months."

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

The Kuomintang army fully equipped with American equipment

The United States will use the remaining combat materials in the Asia-Pacific region during World War II, 1,150 combat aircraft, 471 ships, 67,000 vehicles of various types, and a large number of tanks, artillery, and a total value of more than 2 billion US dollars. Ammunition, etc., were subleased to the Chiang Kai-shek government at a low price and without calculation. In December 1946, the Truman administration issued a statement stating: "The accurate strength of the U.S. military stationed in China is 113,000." 60 ships of the U.S. 7th Fleet were stationed in the Huangpu River.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

The U.S. military helped Chiang Kai-shek transport troops

When discussing the development prospects of the party after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War during the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1945, Mao Zedong said: "From the perspective of our party and the future prospects of the Chinese revolution, the Northeast is particularly important. If we put All existing base areas have been lost, and as long as we have the Northeast, the Chinese revolution will have a solid foundation. Of course, if other base areas are not lost, and we have the Northeast, the foundation of the Chinese revolution will be even more solid.”

The Anti-Japanese War. After the victory, Mao Zedong quickly mobilized 20,000 cadres and 110,000 troops to seize the Northeast. A total of 77 Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members were elected by the Seventh National Congress, of which 20 were sent to work in the Northeast. Facts have proved that this strategic decision played an extremely important role in the victory of the Liberation War.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

The Northeastern Army launched a winter offensive in 1947

Now: The situation in the Taiwan Strait is in turmoil. The United States and the West plan to create a "second Ukraine ", and Taiwan has become a "powder keg" of global danger. With the launch of the Fujian ship, the actual strength of the People's Navy has once again achieved a major improvement. The naming of the new generation aircraft carrier Fujian shows mainland China's firm determination and belief in regaining Taiwan and achieving cross-strait reunification.

Article 7: Without Scobie, China will become Greece (i.e. foreign interference)

We must use various methods to avoid this situation. If it happens, we will adopt a reasonable, beneficial and measured policy of struggle.

No matter whether Scobie comes or Chiang Kai-shek comes, we will adopt the principle of self-defense that is reasonable, advantageous and restrained.

We must keep in mind the principle of not firing the first shot. It may not necessarily be beneficial in a period of time, but it is very beneficial in the long run. Of course, when the time comes to fight, we must resolutely, thoroughly, cleanly and eliminate them all.

Some people talk about how to fight on two fronts.

They want to fight on two fronts. What can we do? I have to prepare this move.

We feel like we are in prison now. The Japanese are guarding the front door and Chiang Kai-shek is guarding the back door.

At that time: Mao Zedong judged that "it is better to be more serious about China's Scobie" and emphasized the adherence to the three principles of "Laoziism", " Jin Wengong ism" and "Confuciusism" (i.e. "not to be the first for the world", " policy), and adopted specific measures such as issuing warnings to the United States, exposing criticism in newspapers and periodicals, temporarily suspending cooperation with the United States, and consolidating its strength through self-reliance.

Mao Zedong required the entire party to be fully ideologically prepared and "adopt a reasonable, beneficial and measured policy of struggle." Sure enough, the United States provided a large number of weapons to the Kuomintang, dispatched a large number of military advisers, and actively helped Chiang Kai-shek attack the liberated areas.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

At the 1943 Cairo Conference, Chiang Kai-shek and his wife met with Roosevelt and Churchill

Now: May 2022 Biden visited Japan and openly stated that the United States will use "military intervention" to "protect" Taiwan. "This is our commitment." The United States Mainland China will not be allowed to "reunify" Taiwan by force. The United States and Japan always seek to use the "Taiwan card" to contain China's development.

Article 8: "Do not recognize Poland " (metaphorically we cannot be recognized)

Now we are a middle finger, if you don't admit it, in the future it will be a big finger, and you won't admit it, then it will be a fist or two During the fist fight, let’s see if you admit it?

You won’t admit it in 1990, and you won’t admit it in 100 years. But in the future, you will have to admit it in 101 years.

Because our policies are correct, we have won the support of people across the country.

At that time: The United States adopted a policy of "containment and isolation" against New China, which included political disapproval, military threats, and economic embargo. And tried every means to prevent other countries from establishing diplomatic relations with New China. The entire Western world did not recognize New China for a long time.

It was not until 23 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, when Nixon visited China in February 1972, that Sino-US relations began to normalize. Seven years later, China and the United States officially established diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. It was only 30 years after the founding of New China that it was recognized and respected by the United States based on its strength.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

On February 21, 1972, Mao Zedong met with Nixon

Now: The United States has established a political, military and economic framework for the China's "small circle" is trying to decouple from China in the industrial chain and technology chain and lock China in.

Article 9: Run away and scatter tens of thousands of party members

In the future, if the situation is bad and Chiang Kai-shek and Scobie attack from both sides and shoot everywhere, some party members will turn back and walk away, run away, and disperse.

Some of the pessimistic and disappointed party members ran away, and some were crushed to disperse. That's it. We are prepared to disperse 1/3, or more.

At that time: Under the test of extremely difficult conditions, some people with impure motives, weak will, and bad conduct will inevitably be exposed, and the fake revolutionaries will inevitably be eliminated. All that remains is "true gold is not afraid of fire."

now: Peace lasts for a long time. Once an emergency, difficult or dangerous situation occurs, or even an extreme state such as war, beware of pessimism and surrender among the weak-willed.

Article 10: Pessimism and fatigue appear within the party

The Chinese revolution is a long-term one. It has been 24 years since 1921 but it has not yet won. If it continues, many party members and troops will have to be sacrificed.

Problems of pessimism and fatigue will arise within the party. We must make it clear not only to our congress, the Central Committee, and the Central Bureau, but also to the leading organs such as district party committees and prefectural committees.

In the past, there was a tradition in our party, which was to ignore difficulties and always say that the enemy will always collapse. We will win a great victory and are 100% Bolsheviks!

Now we must have full confidence in anticipating the bright future, and we must also have full confidence in Estimate the darkness and fully estimate all aspects.

Then: At the end of World War II, the United States' international reputation reached its peak. At that time, there were both fears and pro-American thoughts among the military and civilians. After the outbreak of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the Party Central Committee successively carried out "three vision" education among the volunteer army and the people.

On October 26, 1950, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued an instruction on current affairs propaganda nationwide: “The people across the country should have a consistent understanding and stance towards U.S. imperialism, resolutely eliminate pro-U.S. reactionary ideas and erroneous psychology of fear of the U.S., and generally develop a negative attitude toward U.S. imperialism. The attitude of hatred, contempt, and contempt of the United States.”

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

On April 22, 1951, in the Battle of Imjin River, the Volunteer Army “killed” the British ace Gloucester Battalion.

On November 5, " People's Daily" published "How to Understand the United States." ”, pointed out: Hatred means hating the United States, exposing the fact of its invasion of China, and recognizing its aggressive nature; contempt means despising the United States, recognizing that the U.S. government is a tool of the rule of a few big capitalists, that the United States is decadent imperialism, and the reactionary degenerate of the world. The stronghold of the United States; contempt means contempt for the United States. If you recognize its paper tiger face, it can be defeated.

inspires the military and civilians to establish confidence and determination to win.

now: is a century-old change, and the game between China and the United States is a long-term process. The United States strives to expand military alliances to seek absolute security, coerces other countries to choose sides and creates camp confrontation, and ignores the rights and interests of other countries and practices self-centeredness. Especially when the Sino-US trade war broke out in 2018, some domestic thoughts and opinions that worshiped and flattered the United States emerged, and some even within the system took the initiative to speak ill of China. In particular, some public opinion advocates for surrender believe that China's national strength is not strong and not as good as the United States. Instead of fighting, it is better to surrender as early as possible, as surrendering early will cause the least damage. Shaking people's hearts and dismantling fighting spirit is extremely harmful.

Facts have proved that after the baptism of the trade war, China has become more courageous and stronger with the war. The economy has continued to grow, and the national mentality has become rational, peaceful and more confident. However, the United States has experienced domestic inflation and has to consider canceling some of its policies against China. Tariff increase policy.

Article 11: Natural disasters are prevalent, and Chidi Qianli

has recently received reports that many places in North and Central China are suffering from drought.Natural disasters are a bad thing, but they contain good elements. If you don't encounter that bad thing, you won't learn how to deal with it. Therefore, hardships can make our career successful.

We need to talk about saving, starting from the central government.

The Communist Party has the ability to find a way out of this situation!

Many places in North and Central China must prepare for this.

At that time: The Japanese army's "mopping up" and the Kuomintang's economic blockade, coupled with natural disasters, pests and other factors, made the anti-Japanese base areas extremely difficult financially and economically. Mao Zedong called on the military and civilians to take matters into their own hands to ensure adequate food and clothing, and launched a large-scale production movement. The troops fought in wartime and farmed in their spare time.

From 1940 to 1944, the 359th Brigade led by Wang Zhen increased the agricultural production planting area a hundred times (2,450 acres to 261,000 acres), and the harvested grain increased from 200 shi to 37,000 shi, achieving 100% self-sufficiency in meat, rapeseed and grain. 200% self-sufficient. Natural disasters, sieges, and blockades not only did not starve the soldiers and civilians in the base area, but instead created the spirit of hard work among the soldiers and civilians in Yan'an.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

During the Anti-Japanese War, the 359th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army opened up wasteland for production in Nanniwan.

Now: The world food crisis and energy crisis have intensified. In June 2022, the United Nations released a report stating that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused high prices for food, energy and fertilizers. The food price index is currently close to a record high, 20.8% higher than the same period last year; energy prices are expected to rise by 50% year-on-year; and fertilizer prices are rising. 100%; sea freight prices are three times what they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. The world is facing the most serious cost of living crisis in the 21st century.

Article 12: Economic Difficulties

The economy is difficult when there are natural disasters, and it is also difficult when there are no natural disasters, so we must vigorously study economic work.

We once put forward this slogan - learn to do economic work within two or three years, hold the leader responsible, do it yourself, and overcome difficulties.

At that time: In the first year of the Liberation War, the people's army grew from 1.27 million to nearly 2 million. Together with the former migrant workers, it placed a huge burden on the liberated areas, which relied on agricultural support for their finances and had a population of less than 100 million. In 1947, the agricultural tax collection accounted for 27.33% of crop output in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, 22.5% in the Shandong Liberated Area, and 14.9% in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region.

Mao Zedong decided to turn strategic defense into strategic offense and lead the war to the areas controlled by the Kuomintang. On July 10, 1947, Mao Zedong requested that "our army will gradually shift to the offensive" and "the general intention is to lead the war to the Kuomintang area so that our inner lines can get a breathing space for the benefit of the long term."

According to the deployment of the central government, Liu and Deng's army The Taiyue Corps of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army advanced into western Henan in late August; the main force of the East China Field Army entered the Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu plains in late September; East China The Field Army's Inner Line Corps (renamed the Shandong Corps in March 1948) launched an offensive against the enemies in the Jiaodong area in early October; the Northwest Field Army shifted to counterattack in late August. Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Field Army launched an offensive against the enemies in the northern section of the Ping-Han Line in early September; Northeast Field Army began to launch a large-scale autumn offensive in the Changchun, Jilin, Siping areas and the Beining Line Jinxi to Yi County area. The People's Liberation War shifted from strategic defense to strategic offensive, achieving the strategic goal proposed by Mao Zedong to "use the main force to fight on the outer lines and lead the war to the Kuomintang areas."

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

On August 27, 1947, Liu and Deng’s armies marched into the Dabie Mountains

Now: The new coronavirus epidemic and the Ukraine crisis have intertwined and superimposed impacts, leading to chaos in the global industrial and supply chains, commodity prices continuing to rise, and the international monetary and financial system becoming more fragile , casting a shadow over the development of all countries, with emerging market countries and developing countries bearing the brunt. The US raises interest rates and shrinks its balance sheet to harvest the world.

Article 13: The enemy’s forces are concentrated in North China

Some comrades asked: What should we do if the Japanese army withdraws from South China and Central China and withdraws all its troops to North China? Now Japanese fascists are fighting for every inch of land, and it seems that they will not withdraw. of.

But we have to think about the worst. Even if all the Japanese troops in the Yangtze River Basin withdraw to North China, will we be in mourning? The situation of China's war of resistance is that Japan will be overthrown next year, and it will not be rampant for long.

The enemies are concentrated in North China, and they have put forward the conditions for peaceful compromise and made peace with Britain and the United States. What if this happens?

We are ready to think of various ways to deal with it. Everyone thinks of these methods, and the central government also thinks of them.

At that time: At that time, Japan's defeat was certain, but Mao Zedong considered whether Japan would choose to compromise alone with the United States, Britain and other countries, and then concentrate its forces in North China to deal with the Communist Party. It embodies the bottom-line thinking of a great man.

now: Japan is a slave country of the United States, clamoring for help on the Taiwan issue.

Article 14: The Kuomintang carried out an assassination conspiracy to assassinate our responsible comrades

This has happened in history, so we must be prepared just in case.

At that time: Chiang Kai-shek's regime had gangster genes, was inextricably linked to gangs, and often engaged in political assassinations. It must be guarded against and guarded against.

Now: Taiwanese media clamored that the extended-range "Xiongfeng-3" can cover the coastal areas of Guangdong and Zhejiang.

Article 15: Differences of opinion occur in the party’s leading organs

Don’t think that differences of opinion will not occur. Once the above difficulties arise and many situations arise, differences of opinion within the party may arise, with incessant discussions, disagreements, dissatisfaction, etc.

If we are prepared, there may be fewer differences. If we are not prepared, there may be more differences.

At that time: After the Yan'an Rectification Movement in 1942, the party's ideological unity was unprecedented. However, Mao Zedong did not forget the serious consequences of line disputes in the party's history, and always maintained a clear consciousness, emphasizing "unity to the end" and "uniting the whole party and uniting all possible forces at home and abroad."

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

During the Yan'an Rectification Movement, Mao Zedong gave a lecture to the students of Northern Shaanxi Public School

Now: Since the 18th National Congress, significant progress has been made in comprehensively purifying the political ecology within the party, and the establishment of gangs, forming parties for private gain, forming cliques, and cultivating personal power have been achieved The fundamental elimination has greatly boosted the morale of the party, the people, and the military. The fight against corruption is also the most effective and popular.

Article 16: The international proletariat will not assist us for a long time

The Chinese revolution is long-term. Due to various circumstances, the international proletariat has not had time to help us. They did not expect that our difficulties would come so early. Even if you know it, there is nothing you can do about it. Water far away cannot save the fire nearby.

We have to do international liaison work and diplomatic work, and we very much hope that the international proletariat and the great Soviet Union will help us. But what should we do if there is no assistance due to various circumstances?

We should continue as we did in the past, where the whole party unites and is independent and overcomes difficulties. This is our policy.

At that time: During the Anti-Japanese War, the CCP has always been based on "independence and self-reliance". It is not only a development experience, but also a spirit of struggle. It is a tenacity that "dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky" and is reborn from desperation. An ultimate magic weapon.

now: As our country develops and grows, the independence and autonomy of development have become increasingly prominent. In particular, it is urgent to break through the "stuck" key core technologies, give full play to the advantages of the new national system, accelerate the realization of scientific and technological self-reliance, and firmly grasp the lifeblood of the country. Only in your own hands can you become truly powerful.

Article 17: Other unexpected things

Many things are unexpected, but we must think of them. Especially our senior responsible cadres must have this kind of mental preparation and be prepared to deal with extremely difficult and extremely adverse situations. .

We all need to think about these thoroughly.

The 17 difficulties mentioned by Mao Zedong left a deep impression on the representatives of the Seventh National Congress. Some representatives said: "Chairman Mao's idea of ​​considering the worst for the best future is his consistent thought. It is very inspiring to people. At any time, it is very important to do a good job in all kinds of work. of."

These 17 difficulties are all focused on coping with "major events". They include both international factors and domestic factors; both external factors and internal factors; both material factors and spiritual factors. Talking about difficulties is by no means pessimistic about the future. Disappointment, prepare for the most difficult and worst situation in order to strive for the best results and strive for victory.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the

On March 25, 1949, the Xijiao Airport organized the People's Liberation Army to enter the city for a military parade.

On May 31, Mao Zedong delivered a conclusion report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He analyzed the international situation, domestic situation and several ideological policies within the party from a strategic perspective. While affirming the . Planning: "Eight Countermeasures"

Mao Zedong went on to talk. There are eight reasons for "must win", which are full of dialectics.

First, we will suffer a temporary loss and eventually win.

We will win in the end. Marxists must firmly believe in this.

Second, failure here will lead to victory there. Victory

The east is not bright and the west is bright. When the south is dark, there is the north. We always have a way.

Third, some people run away, and some people come.

Wavering elements among party members run away in times of difficulty. Just run away. Run, let’s have a farewell party.

Some people ran away today, and some people who are not afraid of difficulties will come again tomorrow. We said that many people will come.

Fourth, some people are dead and some are alive.

We have to prepare some people to sacrifice, but there are always people alive.

For such a big party and such a big nation, what should we be afraid of?

Fifth, if the economy is difficult, learn to do economic work.

The leader should take responsibility and develop production by himself. Overcome difficulties.

Sixth, to overcome natural disasters, Taihang has experience

The Communist Party can catch locusts, and these experiences are very good.

Seventh, when disputes occur within the party, this is also a lesson for us, so that we can get training.

A big dispute is. A big exercise.

It takes countless beatings to make steel from raw iron.

Eighth, learn to be self-reliant without international assistance.

We must learn to be self-reliant and be prepared to be without assistance.

Now is a big test for the Chinese Communist Party, testing us. Are you mature or capable?

These eight items all coexist with difficulties, or are forced out by difficulties. It seems to be saying "must win", but it is actually talking about how to strengthen confidence, which direction to work towards, and how to find solutions.

Many of the 17 difficulties that Mao Zedong specially reminded the whole party later appeared, and some appeared partially. The eight reasons for victory also allowed the whole party to make strategic adjustments and response preparations in advance, without being panicked, helpless, or "fighting an unprepared battle." When the "major events" came, Mao Zedong maintained a sense of urgency and planned the future with a forward-looking strategic vision, thereby firmly grasping the initiative to lead the Chinese revolution and the party's self-construction, and inspiring the determination of the military and civilians to strive for strength and overcome difficulties. and courage.

Now that the century-old changes are accelerating, Mao Zedong's thinking and working methods in dealing with "major events" still have valuable enlightenment.

(pictures from the Internet, copyright belongs to the original author)

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