Editor's note: In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education

2024/05/2007:55:32 history 1934
Editor's note: In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education - DayDayNews

Editor's note: In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education, and better Use the party's major achievements and historical experience of the party's century-old struggle to increase wisdom, enhance unity, increase confidence, and enhance fighting spirit, inspire people to work together with one heart and one mind, work hard, forge ahead on a new journey, build a new era of achievements, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results. Convened, the Theoretical Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department organized the writing of the 2022 popular theoretical reading "A Centenary Party Face to Face". Today, let us study the first section of Chapter 13 of "The Centennial Party Face to Face" - "Coming from the depths of history."

Editor's note: In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education - DayDayNews

Thoughts on history, memories of the century. 100 years ago, because of the Communist Party of China, the road to rejuvenation of the Chinese nation was full of meaning and rapid progress. Since then, the heroic chapter of "I have written history for a hundred years" has begun; 100 years later, because of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese dragon has soared. The road is full of energy, riding the wind, and magnificently showing the ambition and pride of "90,000 miles soaring into the sky". The century-old party has gone through thousands of sails, but it is still a young man in glory. Behind him is the hope of the ancestors, and in front is the hope entrusted by the nation. With its feet on the land of the motherland, it is unstoppable on the road to rejuvenation.

Our journey is like the stars and the sea, and under our feet there is no limit to the traveler. Living at the cusp of history, witnessing the great and prosperous times, more than 95 million Chinese Communists are high-spirited and striving to be the first, more than 1.4 billion Chinese people are forge ahead and full of vitality, and more than 9.6 million square kilometers of China's hot land is full of vitality and prosperity, accumulating thousands of miles of progress. , The majestic power of the return of thousands of valleys, the rolling torrent of national rejuvenation breaks through the cliffs, seizes the passes, and rushes towards the other side of victory with overwhelming potential.

Coming from the depths of history

History is like a long tunnel of time and space. It comes from the past, reflects the present, and rushes to the future. It is an "encyclopedia" of the knowledge, experience and wisdom of the past, and it is a nation, A country’s unique cultural memory and spiritual cornerstone. Marx said: "The traditions of all the dead ancestors are like nightmares entangled in the minds of living people." The connection of history cannot be severed, and people always move forward on the basis of inheriting their predecessors. Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, there is no exception.

Chinese history continues without interruption and continues to this day. The more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, the 100 years of the Communist Party of China, and the 10 years of the new era. These landmark historical moments have shaped a nation with long traditions and vitality, and tempered a nation that has experienced vicissitudes but remains youthful. The great party has created a great country that is rising rapidly but is also stable and far-reaching. It outlines the "big historical view" of contemporary Chinese people and forges the strong confidence that our party, this country, and this nation have the most reason to be confident about.

’s deep historical confidence comes from the history of Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years. The Chinese nation is the nation with the deepest historical memory in the world, and it is also the nation that attaches the greatest importance to written history. The various historical and cultural classics we have handed down are vast, and their richness and completeness are unmatched by any nation or country. Many things that happened more than 2,000 years ago can be accurate to a certain day or even a certain time. I am afraid that only the Chinese nation can do this. Such far-reaching and profound historical accumulation has nourished the rich and profound inner world of the people on this land, formed a historical identity with a strong sense of pride and a high sense of belonging, and nurtured the spiritual power of contemporary Chinese people to continuously create the future in history. .

[Today's Historical Records]

Promote the normalization and long-term implementation of party history study and education

In March 2022, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Regularization and Long-term Effectiveness of Party History Study and Education", requiring all regions and departments to further promote and deepen Study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, and better use the party’s major achievements and historical experience of the party’s century-long struggle to increase wisdom, enhance unity, increase confidence, Strengthen fighting spirit, more firmly and consciously keep in mind the original intention and mission, create a new development situation, and achieve good results on the new road to exams.

’s profound historical confidence comes from the 100-year struggle history of the Communist Party of China. The long history of the Chinese nation has generally been on a continuous rise, but it has also seen ups and downs and twists and turns. In the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has experienced historical stages of ups and downs for the nation and the country. From falling to the bottom, to gradually climbing up, and then to making great strides, it is the Chinese nation that has become more and more courageous despite suffering all kinds of hardships for thousands of years. condensed history. From this great history of struggle and rejuvenation, we can read the responsibility and responsibility of the Communist Party of China to the nation and the country, and the continuation and glory of civilization and history by the Chinese nation. Such a stirring and magnificent extraordinary history has strengthened the people's sincere trust and support for the Communist Party of China, and strengthened their firm confidence and identification with the Chinese nation.

’s deep historical confidence comes from the great process of the new era in the past 10 years. The critical points of historical development are often only a few steps. The 10 years of the new era are a period of great national rejuvenation, national development and progress, and people's living standards are greatly improved. The millennium dream of a moderately prosperous society has become a reality, the problem of absolute poverty has been historically solved in China, the anti-corruption struggle has achieved an overwhelming victory and has been comprehensively consolidated, and environmental pollution has been fundamentally curbed... To accomplish these great feats in such a short period of time is not only a great success for the Chinese nation. , the Communist Party of China has decisive significance in the history, and is worthy of a special mention in the history of the development of human society. The Chinese people living in this era are so proud and glorious to have the privilege of witnessing and participating in the creation of great history.

[Today’s Historical Records]

Dalian, Liaoning Province presents a “Party History Banquet” “on the cloud”

Dalian City, Liaoning Province, innovatively launches an online teaching applet for party history learning and education by activating red resources such as the city’s ideological education base for party members and revolutionary sites and relics "Red Map". Party members and the masses can visit more than 20 red positions in one stop at the touch of a finger, visit places where important party history events occurred, watch party history exhibitions, and check in and take photos online, making learning more interactive, interesting and participatory.

"If you are confident that you will live two hundred years, you will be like the water hitting three thousand miles." The Chinese nation has experienced thousands of years and the Chinese Communist Party has traveled through the centuries. It has come from the distant ancient road of time, carrying with it the deep self-confidence and splendid culture of its long history. With a high degree of self-awareness, on the big stage of world civilization development in the 21st century, China will surely perform a magnificent and unparalleled splendor.

Editor | Xia Ming

Copyright | Zhang Lanzhi

Source | Jiangsu Party History

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