If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous

2024/05/1610:17:33 history 1616

As dignified descendants of the great China, who have engraved in their bones the idea of ​​cultivating their families, governing their country, and bringing peace to the world since ancient times, when the Opium War is mentioned 180 years ago, I believe they will beat their chests and sigh with regret. Because this war 180 years ago left an extremely humiliating page in Chinese history.

The Chinese nation, which was originally invincible and invincible, and was well versed in the ways of manipulating the hearts and minds of the people, was also powerfully armed with the unique art of war "Sun Tzu's Art of War". Faced with the small country faction that was originally regarded as a barbarian land How could a foreign team of 5-6,000 people lose?

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that you can’t even figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages, benevolence, and righteousness. They have done it all, and they have used the art of war to perfection;

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

Let’s compare the enemy. They only have 5-6,000 people. It is really unjust to invade China from afar. The most important thing is that discipline is still loose and they like to steal chickens. A ragtag bunch. According to the ancient saying: We, the Greater China, have the right time, location, people and people. There is no reason why the balance of victory should not tilt towards our Greater China. Why did we lose in the end? And it was a complete defeat, ushering in a new era of humiliation that the Chinese nation had never experienced before.

It is said that after this battle, Emperor Daoguang, who could not understand it, suffered from severe depression, crying all day long and feeling haggard. Originally, victory or defeat was a matter of military affairs and was no big deal, but during his term of office, he actually ceded territory to seek peace and suffered such humiliation. Then why did he have the dignity to meet his ancestors? Thinking of this, Emperor Daoguang couldn't bear the psychological burden, so Emperor Daoguang smashed his hand with a stone and started the journey of breaking jars and smashing jars.

Why is it that the war truth that "the right time, right place, right place, and harmony" is equivalent to victory, which has been tested countless times, has no effect at all now?

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

Some people attribute it to the fact that the Qing Dynasty was a foreign race that was not our own race, and the country was not righteous, so God did not bless China. Some people think that the Qing Dynasty restricted people's thoughts too deeply, and promoted literary inquisition and enslaved education, resulting in "thousands of horses sitting in silence to investigate, which is sad." The originally vibrant Chinese nation has become a zombie.

This is actually a huge prejudice against the Qing Dynasty, because the Qing Dynasty is the nation that has learned the best about Chinese culture, especially the importance of monarchy in maintaining a huge territory. The monarchy supported by Confucius and reached its peak (Confucius said: There is only one sun in the sky, so there cannot be two kings in the world). What followed was that the Qing Dynasty had the most stable and largest empire in history. The territory of China has thus created the territory of China today.

Moreover, in this battle, the Qing Dynasty's tight organization, thorough planning, and comprehensive action coordination were perfect. In "The Art of War", the aspects of avoiding the truth and attacking the fictitious, knowing yourself and the enemy (number of people, morale) are all clearly understood. Even if the gods of war Bai Qi and Li Shimin are still alive, it is nothing more than this.

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

Then why did it fail? In other words, what exactly caught us, the Chinese nation, by surprise?

Unfortunately, the Chinese ancestors did not expect the answer: it was the power of science and technology that led to the victory of this war.

As Chairman Mao summed it up incisively: "The Art of War", which was regarded as the secret art of war by the Chinese ancestors, said this when summarizing the magic weapon for victory in war: "War is not a dinner party, it is not a painting or embroidery, but a bloody killing. , if you don’t want to be someone’s victim on the battlefield, you have to put aside those useless “benevolence, righteousness and morality” and use all kinds of sinister and vicious deceptions. This method, Sun Tzu called it It's called 'deception'. "

The operator of the deception is obviously a human being, and the target of the deception is obviously a human being. The criterion for the success of the deception is nothing more than whether the other party's mind is disordered. Therefore, taking "people" as the only object and "human heart" as the only focus formed the only direction of action for ancient Chinese civilization.

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

If we manage people well and gather the hearts of the people, we will be able to achieve peace and prosperity for the country and the people, and be invincible. Therefore, throughout the more than 2,000 years of feudal social history of the Chinese nation, "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world", "Water can carry and overturn a boat", "He who wins the hearts of the people of the world can be the emperor, and whoever wins the hearts of the emperor can be the princes. There are countless such "humanistic" and "idealistic" sayings as "those who win the hearts of princes can only become great officials".

focuses his vision entirely on people, and focuses his statecraft entirely on stabilizing or disturbing people's hearts. Thousands of years of historical inheritance have proven to be extremely correct, but why is it so wrong in modern times? Because technology, which has nothing to do with people and human hearts, is the real ruler of this world.

If people act in accordance with objective laws, science and technology can be used by people and exert hundreds or tens of thousands of times of power that human beings cannot. You have no father or mother, and your scientific and technological power can only be used by his Bole.

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

Because technology is an objective existence that does not depend on people's subjective will. Whether there is a person, whether it is a dignified Confucian master or a well-dressed beggar, it will not change at all. If you impose conscience, propriety, justice and shame on it and make it "express" to you, it will eventually become a laughing stock like Wang Yangming .

Unfortunately, this time science has been used by the West, which our great China has always looked down upon. Scientific pioneers such as Archimedes have been born in the West since ancient times, and then Galileo emerged one after another after 1600. Practical physicists such as and Kepler eventually led to the fathers of mechanics such as Newton and , and completely pushed the Western world into the scientific age.

At this point, many Confucian defenders who are immersed in the "humanist" traditional Chinese culture and cannot extricate themselves will jump up and object: What is wrong with what our ancestors said? The operation of society depends on people, and talents are the masters of this world.

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

Here I just want to give an example to illustrate my point: Why is the power of technology so powerful? Why do people have to bow their heads in front of technology? This is because the role played by technology is incomparable to human power.

For example, the cheetah, the fastest runner in nature, has a top speed of only 100km/h, and can only sustain it for 3 minutes. Looking at today’s cars, there are countless models that can reach 140km; the fastest flying bird is the sharp-tailed swift, which can reach 140km/h. It can reach 352km/h, which is equivalent to 98m/s, while the speed of jet aircraft reaches 828m/s, and the rocket is even more terrifying, reaching a speed of 7900m/s, which can escape the gravity of the earth.

No animals can compare with the power of technology, let alone humans. Therefore, people must be convinced in the face of technology.

If you lose, just lose, but you lose so hard that even if you think about it, you can’t figure it out: We, the great China, are clearly leading hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the emperor, and we are practicing the way of sages and benevolence, and our morality and righteous - DayDayNews

To sum up, in the Opium War 180 years ago, why did our great China, the emperor's army and the army of benevolence and righteousness, lose to a group of chicken-stealing rabble? The reason is clear: technology is really too powerful. In this battle, our Greater China strategy was exhausted, so why was it defeated miserably? Because technology has no king, no father, no father, no mother. In the face of technology, only by respecting objective laws can it be used for me. Don’t even think about arguing with it about etiquette, justice, shame, and moral education. In the end, it will only play the harp to a cow, which only adds to the laughter. .

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