In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev

2024/05/1118:50:33 history 1461

html Suiling in 16 months, the pines and cypresses are lush, and the bright sun reflects the red of the party flag. In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day event with the theme of “Pursuing Red Memory and Inheriting the Red Spirit”. All party members and police officers Walk, re-learn, and re-understand the route of the Anti-Japanese War, review the history of the Anti-Japanese War, and accept the baptism of the red spirit.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In the black land of Suiling, the heroic Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces witnessed many anti-Japanese war heroes and classic battles during the 14 arduous years. The Luohuandianzi Breakout Battle was one of them. In the Luoquandianzi Breakout Memorial Hall, party members and police officers listened to Li Jiyuan, Ma Zhanshan, and Han Jialin's breakout experience in Luoquandianzi and the stories and battle deeds of the local people's support for the Anti-Japanese War. They felt that the revolutionary martyrs were not afraid of powerful enemies and fought to the death in the hot land of Suiling. The revolutionary spirit of feeling at home, daring to endure hardship, and rising to difficulties. The display panels and pictures in the memorial hall depict the great steel wall built by the revolutionary martyrs who fought and shed blood and sacrificed their lives during the Chinese nation's journey to resist foreign humiliation.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

Luoquandianzi Breakout Memorial Hall

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

At the Baimashi Anti-Japanese Alliance site, party members and police officers watched the relief wall of the Western Expedition and the Alliance, and listened to the red story of the Anti-Union Army's Western Expedition to fight against aggression and save the nation. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's charter..." Facing the bright red party flag, under the oath taken by Mo Xiangqi, secretary of the party group and prosecutor general, all personnel raised their right hands high and held a joint ceremony The solemn oath to join the party was impassioned and inspiring. The loud oath echoed and at the same time strongly shocked the hearts of everyone present. Next to the Baima Stone , all party members, officers and police sang the song "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China" loudly to remember the martyrs and praise the party's kindness.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

"The front of the chest is warm when the fire roasts it, and the back is cold when the wind blows." This is a line from the famous Anti-Japanese War song "The Camping Song" and a true portrayal of the hard life of the Anti-Japanese Army soldiers. At the site of the Daqingguan Anti-Union secret camp, party members and police officers followed the blood-stained footsteps of the anti-Union heroes and crossed the boundaries of time and space to recall the scenes of their lives and battles. From watchtowers and headquarters to gun depots, clothing factories, and secret camp hospitals, every inch of land on the mountains, every green leaf in the jungle, and every stream in the mountains tells the stories of heroes. It shows the traces of the turbulent years of the Anti-Japanese War. At the Daqingguan Political and Military School, the party members and police officers who participated in this theme party day gnawed steamed buns , chewed wild vegetable dumplings, ate pickles, and drank stream water. They personally experienced the hardships of the Anti-Japanese Army's Western Expedition. Sweet remember the hard times. Along the way from the Daqingguan Anti-Japanese War site, everyone feels even more proud of the heroes in their hometown and cherishes today’s hard-won happiness.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the procuratorate and police officers, and carry forward the revolutionary spirit, on June 30, the Suiling County People’s Procuratorate launched a Party Day ev - DayDayNews

After the baptism of mosquito bites and fly bites, everyone believes that the spirit of the Northeast Anti-League should become an endless belief, inspiring party members, officers and police to inherit the glorious legacy of the revolutionary martyrs and draw strong spiritual power. Prosecutorial officers and police officers must shoulder their responsibilities and missions and work hard to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! This event was both a profound red journey and a vivid on-the-ground party lesson. Party members and police officers all expressed that they should vigorously promote and practice the anti-alliance spirit in their work, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist Party members, and commemorate the The martyrs' patriotic enthusiasm was transformed into procuratorial work, and they welcomed the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

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