[Party History Classroom] Today in Party History·October 9

2021/10/0918:41:25 history 2637
[Party History Classroom] Today in Party History·October 9 - DayDayNews

According to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Party History Study and Education Mobilization Conference on February 20, 2021, the People’s Court of Pingyin County responded quickly and created the “Party History Classroom” WeChat topic push column for the majority of party members, cadres and cadres. The police officers of the whole hospital provide party history learning resources.

October 9th

On October 9, 1936, the Red Army's response unit and the Red Fourth Army joined forces in Huining, Gansu. The picture shows the gate of Huining County.

[Party History Classroom] Today in Party History·October 9 - DayDayNews


  • October 9th, the Red One and the Red Fourth Front Army assembled in Huining, Gansu. On the 22nd, the Red One and Red Second Front Army joined forces in Jiangtaipu (now Xiji, Ningxia), Longde, Gansu. At this point, the three main forces of the Red Army successfully joined forces. The Long March is a great feat in human history. It is a great expedition for ideals and beliefs, testing the truth, awakening the people, and opening up new ground. The victory of the Long March is the key to turning the crisis into peace in the Chinese revolution. The Long March has created the great Long March spirit, which is to put the fundamental interests of the people and the Chinese nation above all else, strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the revolution, and firmly believe that the just cause will inevitably win; in order to save the country and the people, we are not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles. The spirit of not hesitating to make all sacrifices; adhere to the spirit of independence, seeking truth from facts, and proceeding from reality; the spirit of taking into account the overall situation, strict discipline, and close unity; closely relying on the people, relying on the people for life and death, sharing in adversity, and struggling hard.


  • The first meeting of the First National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held on October 9. The meeting elected Mao Zedong as the chairman of the first National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.


  • October 9-11 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held.The plenum passed the "Recommendations on Formulating the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development." It is pointed out that the people's living standards have generally reached a well-off level, and starting from the new century, they will enter a new development stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating the advancement of socialist modernization.


  • October 9-12 The Third Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held. The Plenary Session passed the "Decision on Several Major Issues in Promoting Rural Reform and Development" to give farmers more adequate and guaranteed land contracting management rights. The existing land contracting relationship should remain stable and lasting unchanged.


  • October 9 The completion ceremony of Huayang Lighthouse and Chigua Lighthouse was held at Huayang Reef, South China Sea, filling the gap of civil navigation and navigation facilities in my country’s Nansha waters. Since then, the Zhubi Lighthouse, Yongshu Lighthouse and Meiji Lighthouse have been built and put into use one after another, safeguarding my country's South China Sea sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

Source: People's Daily Online Party History Channel

Editor: Meng Qianqian


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