In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid.

2021/08/3119:21:03 history 350

June 30, 1943 , Eighth Route Army investigation work meeting was held in Dazhao Village, Xinhai County , and the meeting was organized by Deputy Commander of the Military Region 3 hosted the meeting. After dinner in the evening, Huang Hua asked the guards to borrow two kerosene lamps from his fellow villagers so that the meeting could continue. But shortly after the guards left, rushed in with more than a dozen people wearing quilts, and shot at the venue. Huang Hua was shot dead on the spot, as well as Lu Chengdao, Chief of Staff of the Military Command, and the Surgery Division of the Political Department. The five long waiters also sacrificed .

This incident was an obvious assassination with a bad impact. Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan, the then commanders of the 115th Division of and , immediately reported the incident to the central government. Chairman Mao was furious when he learned about it, and demanded that the military region and the military region party committee immediately find out the truth of the matter, find out the murderer, and punish severely. After some investigation, finally found the person who took the lead in the assassination. It turned out to be Feng Guankui, the captain of the pistol team of the Hebei-Lubian Military Region, and the chief envoy was the military commander and Xing Renfu . The identity of the two murderers was indeed. It was a surprise.

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

Why did Xing Renfu murder his compatriots? What are the unknown stories behind this? Let’s take a look at today’s small discussion. Before the topic started, the new friends were forgotten to pay attention to it, which is convenient for reviewing the content of the past issue, but also does not miss the exciting content in the future.

Impure motives,Join our party

Xing Renfu was born in a family in Jiuxian Township, Yanshan County, Hebei Province. In that old feudal society, Xing Renfu's father was a bandit. Under the influence of his father, Xing Renfu was also raised since childhood. Ruthless style of doing things, unscrupulous . After graduating from high school, Xing Renfu went to the army of the warlord Ma Hongkui . With a clever mind, he soon served as a company staff officer in the army. During this period, he also accumulated a certain amount of military experience.

However, in the warlord's army at that time, the relationship was more important. Because Xing Renfu had no background, it would be difficult for him to advance his career. For this reason, Xing Renfu was also depressed, and soon left Ma Hongkui's army to find another job.

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

In 1937, the " July 7th Incident " broke out, , and the nationwide anti-Japanese upsurge was set off. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called on the people of the whole country to unite the war. Communists in various places responded positively and established local armed forces one after another, determined to fight the Japanese invaders to death. Under this circumstance, Xing Renfu, who was at home with , also joined the Communist Party of China . It is not difficult to see from here that Xing Renfu chose to join the Communist Party not because of his lofty ideals, but a speculative behavior in the environment at the time and a means of realizing his own interests.

After joining the Communist Party, under the introduction of Ma Zhenhua, Xing Renfu participated in the "North China People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress and the North China People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Association" .Because Xing Renfu had some military experience before, he was quickly elected as the chairman of the Military Committee of the National Salvation Congress and began to lead the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army. In 1937 , the National Salvation Army was reorganized into the "National Revolutionary Army Rangers Corps 31st Guerrilla Detachment", also under the command of Xing Renfu .

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

Thirty-one teams are active in Yanshan County. There are many Japanese and puppet troops around here, as well as many Kuomintang troops and landlord bandits. The situation is complicated. Thirty-one teams can be said to survive in the encirclement of the enemy, but that's it. Under the leadership of Xing Renfu, the thirty-one teams still fought many victories .

January 1938 , under the leadership of Xing Renfu, thirty-one teams launched an attack on Yanshan city, using internal and external echoing methods, the troop feints outside, the real elite troops They pretended to be ordinary people and mixed into the city in advance, and eventually joined forces inside and outside, annihilated hundreds of Japanese and puppet troops, and seized a lot of weapons and equipment.

In February of the following year, Xing Renfu led his troops to launch an attack on Wudi County , annihilating hundreds of puppet troops and capturing the puppet magistrate. Afterwards, they took advantage of the victories to chase and regained Qingyun County and Leling County successively. During the period of , under the leadership of Xing Renfu, he indeed won a lot of places and made certain achievements. It also made the 31 teams famous, and many aspiring young people wanted to join the 31 teams. The size of the troops also expanded rapidly, reaching more than 3,000 people .

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

With these achievements, Xing Renfu was promoted to . The 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army taught the 6th brigade commander ,Later, he was appointed as commander of the Jilu Border Region Military Region . These positions can show how much the organization attaches great importance to Xing Renfu. At that time, there were six teaching brigades, and the remaining five brigades were all the titles of Major General, Lieutenant General, and Admiral.

As the brigade commander of the sixth brigade, Xing Renfu, if there is no other difference in the middle, presumably will be awarded the title of lieutenant general or even admiral during the award ceremony in 1955. However, Xing Renfu did not choose the sunny avenue in front of him, but ran in the opposite direction and walked towards the abyss step by step.

Abuse of power and run counter to the organization

Xing Renfu, who has a certain position, is beginning to decay in his daily style and does not have the most basic consciousness of being a party member. Xing Renfu originally had a wife and three children. But then Xing Renfu fell in love with a female member of the propaganda team Song Kuiling . She often asked Song Kuiling to play in her own residence in the name of work, and eventually even ignored discipline and regarded Song Kuiling as her little wife.

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

Not only that, in 1942, because of the continuous suppression of the Japanese invaders' anti-Japanese base areas, our army has entered an extremely difficult stage. In order to better tide over the difficulties, the central government called on all military and civilians to "grit their teeth." The army and civilians also responded to the call to keep everything simple in food, clothing, housing and transportation. Even the leaders of the military region set an example and lived frugally . In this case, Xing Renfu ignored the orders of his superiors and led a life of extravagance and waste.

He arranged for workers to build houses and fortifications in a place called Wangzidao on the seashore of Xinhai County, and wanted to build his own comfort zone here.When the large army was frugal, Xing Renfu arranged for the workers to go through the winter and spring and build a for himself, "rear base ", and then moved in with his little wife and had fun all day long. , And turned a deaf ear to the severe situation surrounding the War of Resistance against Japan.

Not only that, in order to satisfy the enjoyment of my life, I have sent people to Tianjin many times to risk their lives to purchase luxury goods for myself to please my little wife. took advantage of his position and embezzled ’s 37,000 yuan of public funds and ’s 700,000 jin of discounted food . must know how many soldiers and people can be saved when these food and money were particularly difficult, but they were all squandered by Xing Renfu and his party .

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

Xing Renfu simply regards the border area as his own kingdom, where he is the king and hegemony, and even prevents his superiors from intervening . For Xing Renfu's approach, the superiors also made some interference. The Red Army and backbone troops were successively sent to 31 teams to carry out ideological and political work.

However, this caused Xing Renfu’s dissatisfaction. He believed that the organization’s approach was to encroach on his own strength, so he used it as a hindrance and arranged for personnel to slander and spread rumors against the Red Army and the backbone of the army . In the end, after discussion, the superiors decided to send Huang Hua to the Jilu border area as the deputy commander.

Huang Hua once participated in the 25,000-mile Long March with the Red Army. He has rich work experience, outstanding abilities, and is a good cadre with good style. Life is also diligent and thrifty,Because Huang Hua's body has not been very good, according to the organization's regulations, he is allowed to eat "health food", but Huang Hua has never eaten it from beginning to end. Instead, he chooses the same food as the fighters. Huang Hua often warned the soldiers to always pay attention to the suffering of the common people.

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

In the most difficult period of the War of Resistance, soldiers spent less than a dime and five cents on food per day. Even so, Huang Hua took the lead in saving a little bit to help the people. Huang Hua possesses the qualities and style that a communist should have, which forms a huge contrast with Xing Renfu's extravagant and enjoyable manners .

Huang Hua came to the Jilu Border Military Region according to the organization’s arrangements, and immediately began work. focused on the reorganization of the team and the education of military discipline, and soon established a high level among the troops and the masses. Prestige. But this also caused Xing Renfu's dissatisfaction. believes that this is Huang Hua's dispersing his rights.

So he often spread some of Huang Hua’s negative remarks in front of the soldiers, constantly instigating the relationship between Huang Hua and local officials, and once formed a confrontational situation. I want to take this opportunity to chase Huang Hua and others away in Jilu. The Border Military District establishes its own absolute power .

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

Although Xing Renfu has repeatedly made mistakes, based on Xing Renfu's previous achievements, has never given up on Xing Renfu in the organization. In 1943, also arranged for Xing Renfu to go to Yan'an Party School to study. As a result, , the position of Xing Renfu Military Region Commander was handed over to Huang Hua to temporarily replace .

Sensitive Xing Renfu thinks that the reason why the organization makes such arrangements must be Huang Hua behind the scenes. He also repeatedly declined the instructions from his superiors, looking for various excuses to postpone the time to go to Yan'an. As everyone knows, the cruel Xing Renfu is planning a huge conspiracy at this time.

single-handedly planned the tragedy, arrested and executed

In 1943, Xing Renfu called his close friends Yang Jinghou, Liu Yongsheng and others to Wangzi Island for a meeting. At the meeting, Xing Renfu said: Seize my power and I’m not here, and your situation will be even more ugly by then. And all this is because Huang Hua is behind the scenes. We might as well kill him directly. Without him, we will be the same as before.” So Xing Renfu’s Instructed, the group began to plan to assassinate Huang Hua. Xing Renfu also personally found Feng Guankui of the Military Region Pistol Team and told him to kill Huang Hua himself during the meeting.

Feng Guankui used to be a bandit before. Later, because he was hunted down by his enemies, he went to the border area and went to the Eighth Route Army. From this point of view, perhaps Xing Renfu had no good intentions in taking in Feng Guankui.

July 1943 , the border district decided to hold a meeting on the next plan and deployment. In order not to expose the goal, after everyone discussed it, it would eventually be a small village not far from the party committee and the military district. That is, Da Zhaocun was used as the meeting place.Xing Renfu found reasons to avoid attending the meeting, and behind his back instructed Feng Guankui to take a group of people to the meeting site, so there was the scene described at the beginning, killing or wounding many people attending the meeting.

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

After the plan succeeded, Feng Guankui quickly fled the scene with people. When the guards arrived, and the sky was dark, he did not catch up with Feng Guankui in the end, making him escape. Later, under the instructions of the 115th Division, notices for the arrest of Feng Guankui were posted in various areas, explaining the heinous crimes committed by Feng Guankui, and mobilized the soldiers and civilians of the border area to work together to arrest the gangster.

After Xing Renfu knew that Huang Hua was assassinated, he also pretended to express his sadness and grief, and ordered the relevant departments to cooperate with the work to capture the murderer as soon as possible and avenge Huang Hua. In fact, in Xing Renfu's heart, don't mention how happy he is, thinking that he can go back to the days of covering the sky in the border area again .

In fact, in the army, many people know it well. The feud between Xing Renfu and Huang Hua has been around for a long time. Feng Guankui was pulled out by Xing Renfu with one hand. Under Xing Renfu's protection, he would behave unscrupulously. Now that Feng Guankui kills Huang Hua, it is hard not to think that the master behind this is Xing Renfu.

More than ten days have passed, and there has been no news of Feng Guankui, and the case has been delayed. But at this moment, the 115th Division Radio received a telegram signed by Feng Dingping, head of the independent regiment of the Jilu Border Military Region. The telegram said: Xing Renfu called him to Wangzi Island and told him that Huanghua had been squeezing places. The cadre was then killed by himself. And let himself and him lead the team to defect to the Japanese or the Kuomintang .

Feng Dingping is a strong-willed person. He was not tempted by Xing Renfu's high-sounding words. He pretended to agree, and then reported the matter to the division. Because the radio stations of the Jilu Border Military Region were all under the control of Xing Renfu, Feng Dingping had to rush to the Qinghe Military Region next door overnight and sent such a telegram.

In 1943, the commander of the military region rebelled, and five high-ranking officials died. Chairman Mao was furious: blood must be paid. - DayDayNews

Lin Biao and Luo Ronghuan, who knew the truth, were shocked.Realizing the seriousness of the incident, he ordered Xing Renfu to be stabilized, and then a meeting was held to discuss the plan to arrest Xing Renfu. In the end, Xing Renfu was led to Wang Wen of the Xing family in the name of a meeting, but because of the whistleblowing of his cronies, Xing Renfu fled back to Wangzi Island. After returning to the island, Xing Renfu stated that he was determined to be a traitor, and also tortured Fu Binghan and Li Xiangxuan under house arrest, .

Xing Renfu, who was finally ruined, took refuge in the Japanese in 1943. became a traitor. During this period, he betrayed countless information from our side and caused serious losses to our army. Until the Japanese surrender, Xing Renfu turned into a member of the Kuomintang and continued to oppose our army . But in the end, in the war of liberation , our army won, and the shameless man who should have been arrested long ago was arrested and brought to justice.

September 7, 1950 , Xing Renfu was sentenced to death . From the commander of the Military Region of the Eighth Route Army to the big traitor, Xing Renfu took the blame for himself. The organization gave him the opportunity to change, but he didn't cherish it, did not repent, and ended up being shot. It is really hateful!

This issue is over here, welcome to leave a message to discuss, friends who like this video can pay attention to it, thank you for watching, see you next time.


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