A Hundred Years of Party History Reading Everyday|April 7

2021/04/0722:52:56 history 1167

important discussion

April 7th and 8th, 1944

Ren Bishi gave a titled "Estimation of Last Year's Border Area Financial Work and This Year's Border Area Finance and Trade Finance" at the meeting of senior officials of the Northwest Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China The speech of "The Basic Policy of Policy" mainly talked about four issues.

Regarding the characteristics of the current stage of economic development in the border area, the speech pointed out: the border area has gradually departed from external dependence and transitioned to complete self-reliance; on the basis of private ownership, it has gradually moved from a scattered individual economy to a road of cooperation, which has become a kind of comparison. A planned and organized economy. This new new democratic economic form does not eliminate private ownership, but only restricts exploitation and rewards labor; the fruits of labor increase production are still owned by individuals, so that the private economy can develop more rationally. Therefore, we can use the method of labor competition, Fully promote the production enthusiasm of laborers and the vitality of social economy.

Regarding the basic policy of financial trade and fiscal policy, the speech pointed out: For the current fiscal and financial fluctuations, in addition to adjusting policies and straightening out the relationship, the most urgent task is to make further efforts to produce, which is to ensure domestic and foreign trade. Balance, stabilize finance, improve the credibility of the side currency, and stabilize the material foundation of finance. The struggle on the economic front is complicated, just like commanding operations. If you can’t judge the situation correctly and use policies flexibly, you may suffer defeat. The complexity of financial work is also reflected in the fact that every economic measure and policy decision will directly affect the stability of the people’s lives and the government’s fiscal revenue; once the economic measures are mistaken, they can be very fast. The land has incurred great harm and losses. Therefore, the task of learning how to do business and doing a good job in trade was put forward in front of the Border Region Party. It should be noted that commercial trade has a history of thousands of years of development, and it has accumulated a very rich and complex knowledge, which is by no means a layman who can immediately master it.

Regarding a comprehensive understanding of the importance of economic construction, he pointed out in his speech: The purpose of the revolution is construction. In order to enable the people to live a truly civilized material and spiritual life, all political parties that can only destroy but are not good at building will not be able to achieve ultimate success and will inevitably fail.If we Communists only know how to use war and violence to overthrow the old system and rule, and are not good at building a new, well-fed, happy society, then we will not win, and we must also fail. The party committees of the base areas must be determined to appoint some responsible cadres who can truly control policies and have good party spirit, and let them participate in the work of trade, financial, and financial institutions. This is not only to solve the current problems, but also to make them specialize in trade, To develop in finance, finance, and management of enterprises, and train professionals to become our nation-building professionals. This is a serious task that has been put forward before our whole party.

Earlier, Mao Zedong revised Ren Bishi's speech on April 3. After the speech "The establishment of a new social system is to adapt to the development of productive forces, it is for economic development, and only when the economy develops can the new social system gain a solid foundation", add: and It is also because of the long-term nature of the Chinese revolution. On the one hand, for the needs of the material supply of the revolution and warfare, on the other hand, for the needs of the people, they must be engaged in economic construction. It should not and cannot be waited for all enemies to be flattened. After that, construction work was carried out. In addition to the vastness of China, if the people of the whole country are convinced of the correctness of the road we have pointed out and support us, and to participate in the revolutionary struggle, we need to show them an example of construction in order to achieve it. After the speech "After this high-level cadre meeting, it should be possible for the whole party to understand the importance of trade, finance, and finance work", add: Recognizing that trade, finance, and finance organize all economic life If important links are separated from them, or the wrong policy is adopted against them, all economic life will stagnate or be hindered. This speech is included in "Selected Works of Ren Bishi".

April 7, 1955

Liu Shaoqi wrote to Zhang Nanxian, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, emphasizing the importance of supervision. The letter pointed out: If good cadres do not have regular supervision, they may go bad. Therefore, all state organ workers should be supervised. In addition to the supervision of the broad masses of people, it is also necessary to strengthen supervision and procuratorial organs at all levels, and conscientiously implement state supervision. This letter is included in the second volume of "Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi".

April 7, 1957

When Liu Shaoqi listened to a report on commerce and taxation by Wei Jinfei, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province,The talk pointed out: The free market is good for us, it can expose our shortcomings, supplement the shortcomings of state-owned businesses, and make it convenient for the people. Socialist planning can only work on large projects. Where we cannot plan, the free market can exploit loopholes. This allows us to discover problems and gradually make planning work more thoughtful. The opening of the free market can make economic life better organized, and the planned economy can be more complete and diversified. Taxation is not a matter of simply collecting a few money. First, it is about production, and secondly, it is about regulating people's lives. To be studied by a discerning person, it must be considered in many ways, and one-sidedness will go wrong. On the 27th of this month, he delivered a speech at a meeting of party members and cadres held by the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, further discussing the issue of the free market. The speech pointed out: In order to make the socialist economy both planned, diverse and flexible, it is necessary to make use of the free market. On the one hand, the free market can supplement the current deficiencies of our socialist economy; on the other hand, it can help us develop economic diversity and flexibility. The speech also emphasized that increasing the autonomy of localities and enterprises and increasing the freedom of individual economic activities is also an institutional issue. Localities, enterprises, and individuals must have the freedom of a certain range of economic activities. Without this freedom, there can be no diversity and flexibility in the socialist economy. The speech on the 27th is included in the second volume of "Selected Works of Liu Shaoqi".

April 7, 1990

When Deng Xiaoping met with Thailand's Chia Tai Group Chairman Xie Guomin, he pointed out that China can only achieve socialism and achieve common prosperity in order to stabilize and develop. He pointed out: We are focusing our efforts on the four modernizations, focusing on the revitalization of the Chinese nation. Without the four modernizations, China would not have its proper place in the world. The four modernizations we have pursued are the four socialist modernizations. Only socialism can have cohesion, solve everyone's difficulties, avoid polarization, and gradually realize common prosperity. If only 10 million people in China are rich and more than one billion people are still poor, how can the problem of stability be solved? We allow for differences. If we practice egalitarianism as we did in the past, we cannot develop the economy. However, when the economy develops to a certain level, common prosperity must be achieved. What we want is common prosperity, so that society can be stable. Only with social stability can the economy develop. Now, the coastal areas have developed first, and when they have developed to a certain extent, we must pay attention to the development of the inland areas.Otherwise, the society will not be stable. The situation in China is very special. Even if 51% of the people get rich first, 49%, or more than 600 million people, are still in poverty and there will be no stability. China's capitalism will not work. Only by promoting socialism and achieving common prosperity can society be stable and develop. One meaning of socialism is common prosperity. The four perseverances and reform and opening up are interdependent. Without the four persistences, there would be no stability, and reform and opening up would be empty. Socialism also allows all forms of ownership to exist. Part of this talk is titled "Revitalizing the Chinese Nation" and included in the third volume of "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping".

April 7, 2013

At the opening ceremony of the 2013 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, Xi Jinping emphasized that common development is an important foundation for sustainable development. We should firmly establish a sense of community with a shared future, follow the trend of the times, grasp the right direction, persist in helping each other in the same boat, and promote the development of Asia and the world to a new level.

He pointed out that mankind has only one earth, and all countries live in one world. We should firmly establish a sense of community with a shared future and promote the common development of Asia and the world. First, have the courage to change and innovate to provide inexhaustible impetus for the promotion of common development. Everything in the world never changes. We must abandon outdated old concepts, break through the old frames that restrict development, increase the transformation of economic development mode, adjust economic structure, pay more attention to improving people's livelihood, steadily advance the reform of the international economic and financial system, and improve the global governance mechanism. Asia must bravely make the tide of the times. Second, work together to maintain peace and provide security for the promotion of common development. Peace is the eternal expectation of the people. Peace is like air and sunlight, benefiting without noticing it, losing it is hard to survive. no peace, no development. Countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should be the defenders and promoters of peace. They cannot build a platform here and dismantle the platform there. Instead, they should complement each other and connect with each other. The international community should advocate the concepts of comprehensive security, common security, and cooperative security, so that our global village will become a big stage for common development, not a competition arena, let alone mess up a region or the world for its own sake. Third, focus on promoting cooperation and provide effective ways to promote common development. "A single flower does not mean spring, and a hundred flowers bloom in spring to fill the garden." Countries should exchange information about what is needed.Complementary advantages, take into account the reasonable concerns of other countries when pursuing their own interests, and promote the common development of all countries in the pursuit of their own development. It is necessary to strengthen South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue, and promote the balanced development of developing and developed countries. Fourth, persist in openness and inclusiveness, and provide broad space for the promotion of common development. The right of all countries to independently choose their social systems and development paths should be respected, and the diversity of the world and the differences between countries should be transformed into development vitality and impetus. We must uphold the spirit of openness and promote regional cooperation. Asian cooperation is open, and Asia should welcome countries outside the region to play a constructive role in the stability and development of the region. At the same time, countries outside the region should also respect the diversity of Asia and the established cooperative traditions, and form a good momentum of positive interaction between Asian development and the development of other regions and go hand in hand.

Review of Party History


April 7 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Instructions on Large-scale Afforestation in the Country."


April 7 "People's Daily" published a long newsletter "Leadership Model-Kong Fansen", and published an editorial titled "Learning from Comrade Kong Fansen". On the 14th, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee issued a notice on the development of learning activities from Kong Fansen.

historical moments

A Hundred Years of Party History Reading Everyday|April 7 - DayDayNews

The picture shows the former site of the Revolutionary Committee of Yudu County. In April 1929, Mao Zedong Yudu presided over an enlarged meeting of the Front Committee of the Fourth Red Army.

Source: The website of the Central Party History and Literature Research Institute


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