"Epic Tiantianjian", the top ten peak series of the national server, continues to bring excitement to the brothers. The top ten peak Asuras of the national server, how do their equipment match? Xiuer will explain it to you in detail!

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"Epic Tiantianjian", the top ten peak series of the national server, continues to bring excitement to the brothers, the top ten peak Asuras of the national server, how do their equipment match? Xiuer will explain it to you in detail! (ps: Which profession do you want to see the top 10 peaks of? Please leave a message in the comment area. Currently, "Red Eyes, Sword Soul, Devil May Cry" has been completed) #DNF 14th Anniversary #

The top 10 peaks of the national server Asura

country The top 10 Asuras in the server, in order of reputation value, are: Hyprion in the first place, Sao Hao in the second place, Faith in the third place, Krito in the fourth place, Muji in the fifth place, Big Head in the sixth place, and Kai in the seventh place. , eighth place Xigua, ninth place Azhi, tenth place Dongdong". Among them, 3 people chose "abnormal induced current" and 7 people chose "direct injury current".

7 people chose direct injury current

ranked No. The seven peak Asuras of "2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10" chose the direct injury route. Their equipment combination is as follows:

Armor selection : End-of-sight shoulder pads, shadow streamer battle Robe (6 people choose)/Ent Elf custom top (1 person chooses), jade undead leggings, MP belt, MP shoes

Jewelry selection : Repeater (5 people choose)/Free self-binding (2 people choose). ), Heart of the Realm Necklace (selected by 5 people)/Combo Necklace (selected by 2 people), Double Tone Interaction Ring

Special Choice : Deka Left Slot (selected by 6 people)/Green Faced Shura (selected by 1 person). , Source of Pulse Earrings (selected by 5 people)/Colorless Ice Crystal Earrings (selected by 2 people), Soul Beads of Countercurrent.

Weapon selection : All of them chose the Devouring Original Standard Tai Sword.

3 people chose Abnormal Sense Current

. The three masters of "1, 5, and 9" follow the abnormal electromagnetic style. Their equipment matching is as follows:

Armor : Same as the straight damage style, combo shoulders, shadow clothes, fashion pants, MP waist, MP shoes .

Jewelry : Life Force Leather Wristband Electric Bracelet, Heart of the Realm Necklace (2 people choose)/Angry Combo Necklace (1 person chooses), Two-tone Interplay Ring (2 people choose)/Electrical Ring (1 person chooses).

Special : Deka Left Slot (2 people choose)/Green Faced Shura (1 person chooses), Source of Pulse Earrings, Mini Battery Pack (2 people choose)/Countercurrent Spirit Bead (1 person chooses).

weapon : There is no doubt that they all choose to swallow the original standard sword.

Mo Yulang’s outfit choice

Finally, let’s take a look at the equipment combination of Asura professional god Mo Yulang, and maybe you can get some inspiration:

Armor : Change to 7 shoulder pads, reverse ending myth top, jade undead legs A. MP genius waist, MP genius shoes.

Jewelry : Repeater MP bracelet, Heart of the Realm gold coin necklace, dual-tone CD ring.

Special : 7 green-faced Shura, source of pulse earrings, mini battery pack.

weapon : Swallow the original standard sword.


After the remake, the Asura profession’s damage and skill forms have become that of a phantom god. Although it was weakened twice in the level 110 version, it still remains as a phantom god. In terms of equipment matching, it uses “sensing current” and "Direct damage flow" is the main one. Choose actions that induce current. Be sure to remember to hit combos to speed up the settlement of damage. The three combinations mentioned above are all considered very strong for Asura.

I am a player show. I wish the warriors to keep shining in the abyss, keep winning gold medals in team fights, and see customized epics every day.

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