In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w

2024/06/2911:41:32 game 1822

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft , the types of equipment available to players are limited, which also results in very high prices for equipment bundles in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing weapons can be sold in the auction house. The price is very high, and in the WLK test server that has been opened, there have also been cases of high prices for bundled weapons.

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w - DayDayNews

A player who participated in the test dropped Eivor's Troll Sword while completing a mission on the Icecrown map. The item level of this weapon is level 200, and its attributes are also very good at the beginning of the version. Then he shouted on the world channel, thinking that no one would want it, but in just a few minutes, multiple stalkers contacted the player and planned to buy this weapon.

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w - DayDayNews

found that so many stalkers wanted this weapon, the player grouped all the stalkers together and started the auction. The starting bidding price at the beginning was 1,000 gold coins. I thought that this weapon would only fetch about 10,000 gold coins at most. However, after some bidding, it directly reached 10,000 gold coins and was pocketed by a double-egg knife thief. After

80 level 1080-level weapons were photographed and sold for 100,000 gold coins, many Paigu people began to get ready to earn their first pot of gold by installing weapons in the early stages of WLK. However, when Fat Brother checked out the level 80 tying props, he found that it was not that easy to earn gold coins through tying props.

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w - DayDayNews

1, although I got 10,000 gold coins in the WLK test server with the weapon attached, you should know that this is a test server. Players in foreign servers can copy the TBC version of gold coins directly to the test server, and after the test is over, the files will be deleted and sold for 1,000. There is no essential difference between gold coins and 10W gold coins.

2, the WLK version has many attached weapons, but they are all one-handed swords. It seems that physics professions will rise in the WLK version, but the value of one-handed swords is very low.

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w - DayDayNews

Violent War After getting the Titan's Grip talent, I will no longer consider using a one-handed sword. Ice DK is not that strong in the early stage. The only one who can use a one-handed sword is the Rogue. However, the Rogue is at the early stage of level 80. You will also basically choose the damage talent.

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w - DayDayNews

3, in addition to the one-handed sword, there are also some accessories and spare parts in the binding props. The demand for these equipment should be relatively large, such as physics-based rings. However, the drop rate of these equipment is very low, and the drops are completely rare. If you deliberately try to get them, you may not be able to get them for a long time.

4, the difficulty of the initial copy of WLK version is not high. The five heroes already drop 200-level purple equipment, and they can be used universally at level 76. The difficulty of NAXX is not too high. It is very convenient for players to obtain equipment in the early stage. Yes, there is no need to buy these binding props at high prices.

In the early stage of the classic version of World of Warcraft, the types of equipment available to players were limited, which also resulted in the prices of equipment bundles being very high in the early stage of the version. For example, level 60 cloths and level 70 throwing w - DayDayNews

Under the influence of the game mechanism, the difficulty for players in the WLK version to obtain equipment is not as high as expected. Not only is the number of five-player versions higher than the TBC version, but the group version also has two difficulties. Coupled with branded equipment and treasure house draws, it is basically There is no need to buy these tying props, so it is very difficult to get the first pot of gold through tying props, not to mention whether they can be dropped is still unknown.

Judging from the game mode of the WLK version, this is not a version suitable for Paigu people to survive. Players also need to change their game ideas and focus more on experiencing the game.

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