God’s reply: I just want to have breakfast, my brother’s eyes are straight! Hahaha, it’s so beautiful. God’s reply: Some people always say that they are not doing well, but they gain a lot of weight when they step on the scale.

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God's reply: Just have breakfast, my brother's eyes are straight! Hahaha, it’s so beautiful.

God’s reply: Some people always say that they are not doing well, but they gain a lot of weight when they step on the scale.

[Sand sculpture question] I saw a girl squatting on the ground crying at the station. How should I comfort her?

divine commentary and a weird question every day.

Commentary, what is going on? Why do the verification codes issued by the Agricultural Bank of China become like this?

[Shadow problem] Take out the most powerful photos on your mobile phones to defeat me.

Divine comment, Is there any way to quickly separate red beans and mung beans?

Do you have a dog at home?

Funny picture 1: What a girl wants from a boy vs. her own conditions...

Divine comment, I did this when I was a child Yes, they should all be married.

, deep love!

A silly question: What are the eight most humble words in the world? Can you type them in to see which ones they are?

Nonsense question: Guys, I feel like I’m in love, but how should I use WeChat?

Nonsense question: Buy less! It gives me a fucking headache!

Shameless question: Dear friends, this may be my tenth failed blind date at the age of 20, maybe I am an orphan! Suddenly I really want to sing "Meeting" by Stefanie Sun

Shameless question: Why don't you buy insurance? My family grows pears on ten acres of land. Yesterday's heavy rain and strong wind knocked down many pears. Because I bought natural disaster insurance, I went to apply for insurance. The insuranceman said: It only counts if all the pears on the tree are smashed.

Comments: The clothes I bought online are so hard to describe after I come back.

Divine comment, from now on, there will be a handsome boy waiting here every day in this supermarket.