Sometimes, I really don’t understand the thinking of those designers. Today I’m going to take stock of those weird designs! 1. Bus handrails! Bus handrails are mainly used to facilitate the passengers to hold on when standing in the carriage. The armrests hang evenly on the cross

Sometimes, I really don’t understand the thinking of designers. Today, let’s take stock of those weird designs!

1.Bus handrails!

Bus handrails are mainly used to facilitate the passengers to hold on while standing in the carriage. The armrests hang evenly on the crossbar armrests and hang down naturally, making it convenient for passengers to stand and support!

But have you ever seen this handrail model of a human hand? If I had to hold him for half an hour, I would probably have trouble sleeping at night!

2. Weird doors in public toilets!

Public toilets are designed to be convenient for people to use when traveling. As we all know, public toilets are usually connected together, and the doors are the ones where you can see the insteps. But what we see here is not just the insteps!

3. Weird pants color!

The color matching of clothing, if matched well, will instantly increase your overall image and charm, making you the most shining one on the street. But with the color of these pants, would you dare to wear them? Anyway, I didn’t dare, otherwise others would think I peed.

4. Magical distance!

We all hang a cardboard box next to the toilet for our own convenience. But I don’t know which master designed this work. You can imagine what it would be like when you stick your butt out to get some tissue paper. It’s exciting just thinking about it!

5. The slide leading to the sky!

Slide is one of every child's favorite projects. Slides are usually found in parks and shopping malls. But have you ever seen one on the roof? When this slide slides down, it means it really goes down!

6. A chair that can only be used in winter!

There are some convenient chairs in the streets and alleys now. When you are tired from shopping, you can find a chair to rest, brag, and talk about what you saw today or what you bought today. But the chair below can only be used to sit on in winter. Don’t sit on it in summer!

7. A bed that can only be slept on sideways!

When sleeping, some people like to sleep on their backs, while others like to sleep on their sides. If you like to sleep on your sides, then you have good news.

8. Wonderful cigarette holder!

Most people like to smoke filtered cigarettes. Some people also like to buy a cigarette holder and put cigarettes on it to smoke. This cigarette holder is powerful enough. I would probably get lung cancer if I took one puff.

9. A great tool for walking your dog on rainy days!

Nowadays, many people have pets at home, and they take them out for a walk every day, but what should you do if it rains? Put a raincoat on the dog, the dog doesn’t like it very much. So...this artifact came.

10.Toilet sign!

There are signs on the toilets to distinguish men and women, but what do the signs on this toilet mean? I didn't understand it after thinking for a long time.

What other weird designs have you seen in your life? Welcome to leave a message and discuss in the comment area!